static StringList uclConstructOptList(String name, StringList given) { StringList res; String flag; String tmp; Bool sep; flag = cfgLookupString(name, uclOptions); tmp = strConcat(name, "-sep"); sep = cfgLookupBoolean(tmp, uclOptions); strFree(tmp); res = listNil(String); while (given) { if (sep) { res = listCons(String)(flag, res); res = listCons(String)(car(given), res); } else { tmp = strConcat(flag, car(given)); res = listCons(String)(tmp, res); } given = cdr(given); } return listNReverse(String)(res); }
String strNConcat(String s1, String s2) { String s3 = strConcat(s1, s2); strFree(s1); return s3; }
static String uclGetKeyName(String s) { String r = strCopy(s); String mode, std; String tmp; mode = uclIsCompileOnly ? "cc-" : "link-"; std = uclStdc ? "std-" : ""; tmp = r; r = strConcat(mode, r); strFree(tmp); tmp = r; r = strConcat(std, r); strFree(tmp); return r; }
static void openStreams() { LPSTR outFile = strConcat(tmpDir, AXLOUT); LPSTR inFile = strConcat(tmpDir, AXLIN); LPSTR errFile = strConcat(tmpDir, AXLERR); win32out = fopen(outFile, "w+"); win32in = fopen(inFile, "r"); win32err = fopen(errFile, "w"); if (!win32out || !win32err) FatalAppExit(0, "Cannot open output streams..."); osSetStreams(win32in, win32out, win32err); stoFree(outFile); stoFree(inFile); stoFree(errFile); }
local void wglQuit() { LPSTR outFile = strConcat(tmpDir, AXLOUT); compGLoopFinish(fn, finfo); /* Clean output file */ fclose(win32out); unlink(outFile); win32out = fopen(outFile, "w"); stoFree(outFile); winaxlExit(0); }
AbSyn abqParseLinesAsSeq(StringList lines) { SrcLineList sll = listNil(SrcLine); while (lines != listNil(String)) { char *p = car(lines); lines = cdr(lines); int indent; while (*p == ' ') { p++; indent++; } String tmp = strConcat(p, "\n"); SrcLine line = slineNew(sposNone, indent, tmp); strFree(tmp); sll = listCons(SrcLine)(line, sll); } return abqParseSrcLines(listNReverse(SrcLine)(sll)); }
local void wglShowOutput(int editBox) { LPSTR outFile = strConcat(tmpDir, AXLOUT); char buf [BUF_SIZE + 1]; pfcAppendText(editBox, "\r\r\n"); fseek(win32out, 0L, SEEK_SET); while (TRUE) { fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, win32out); if (feof(win32out)) break; /* <---- */ if (buf[0] != 0) buf[pfcStrLen(buf) - 1] = 0; /* Remove 0x0A character */ pfcAppendText(editBox, buf); pfcAppendText(editBox, "\r\r\n"); } fclose(win32out); win32out = fopen(outFile, "w+"); fseek(win32out, 0L, SEEK_SET); stoFree(outFile); }
static StringList uclExpandLibs(StringList path0, StringList libs, String ext) { StringList res = listNil(String); while (libs != listNil(String)) { String basename = car(libs); StringList path = path0; basename = strConcat("lib", basename); while (path != listNil(String)) { FileName name = fnameNew(car(path), basename, ext); if (fileIsOpenable(name, osIoRdMode)) { res = listCons(String)(fnameUnparse(name), res); break; } path = cdr(path); } if (path == listNil(String)) printf("Warning: %s not found\n", basename); strFree(basename); libs = cdr(libs); } return listNReverse(String)(res); }
private int intercloudGW_create(struct occi_category * optr, void * vptr, struct rest_request * rptr) { struct occi_kind_node * nptr; struct intercloudGW * pptr; char sendstr[1024]; char strtmp[1024]; char srcdir[1024]; char * response = NULL; char * token; listcc categoryAtr; PyObject *pName=NULL, *pModule=NULL, *pDict=NULL, *pFunc=NULL,*result=NULL; PyThreadState* pythr=NULL; if (!( nptr = vptr )) return(0); else if (!( pptr = nptr->contents )) return(0); if(!(pptr->name)) strcpy(sendstr," "); else if(pptr->name[0]=='\0') strcpy(sendstr," "); else strcpy(sendstr,pptr->name); if(!(pptr->node)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->node[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->node,','); if(!(pptr->account)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->account[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->account,','); if(!(pptr->price)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->price[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->price,','); if(!(pptr->state)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->state[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->state,','); // python interface sprintf(srcdir,"%s/pyaccords/pysrc",PYPATH); pythr = Py_NewInterpreter(); python_path(srcdir); pName = PyString_FromString("intercloudGW"); if(pName == NULL) printf("erro: in intercloudGW no such file name\n"); else pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); if(pModule == NULL) printf("error: failed to load intercloudGW module\n"); else pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); if(pDict == NULL) printf("error: failed to load dict name in intercloudGW module\n"); else pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict,"create"); if(pFunc == NULL) printf("error: failed to load create function in intercloudGW module\n"); else result=PyObject_CallFunction(pFunc,"s",sendstr); if(result) response=allocate_string(PyString_AsString( result )); Py_DECREF(pModule); Py_DECREF(pName); Py_EndInterpreter(pythr); resetListe(&categoryAtr); token= strtok(response,","); for(; token != NULL ;) { addBacke(&categoryAtr,token); token=strtok(NULL, ","); } elemm *pelem = categoryAtr.first; if(pelem){ pptr->name = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->node = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->account = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->price = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->state = pelem->value; } return 1; }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int restart_ec2_instance( struct amazonEc2 * pptr ) { struct ec2_subscription * subptr = (struct ec2_subscription *) 0; int status = 0; char srcdir[1024]; char * response; char * token; char sendstr[1024]=" "; char strtmp[1024]=" "; listcc categoryAtr; PyObject *pName=NULL, *pModule=NULL, *pDict=NULL, *pFunc=NULL,*result=NULL; PyThreadState* pythr=NULL; /* ------------------------ */ /* prepare the subscription */ /* ------------------------ */ if (!( pptr )) return(118); else if (!(subptr = use_ec2_configuration( get_default_agent(),default_tls(),pptr->profile ))) return(118); if(!(strValid(pptr->id))) strcpy(sendstr," "); else strcpy(sendstr,pptr->id); if(!(strValid(pptr->name))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->name,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->flavor))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->flavor,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->image))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->image,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->original))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->original,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->profile))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->profile,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->node))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->node,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->price))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->price,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->account))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->account,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->number))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->number,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->rootpass))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->rootpass,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->reference))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->reference,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->network))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->network,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->access))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->access,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->accessip))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->accessip,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->keypair))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->keypair,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->placementgroup))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->placementgroup,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->publicaddr))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->publicaddr,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->privateaddr))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->privateaddr,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->firewall))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->firewall,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->group))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->group,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->zone))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->zone,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->hostname))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->hostname,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->workload))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->workload,','); if(!(strValid(pptr->agent))){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->agent,','); sprintf(strtmp,"%d",pptr->when); if(strValid(strcmp)) strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); else strConcat(sendstr," ",','); sprintf(strtmp,"%d",pptr->state); if(strValid(strtmp)) strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); else strConcat(sendstr," ",','); // python interface sprintf(srcdir,"%s/pyaccords/pysrc",PYPATH); pythr = Py_NewInterpreter(); python_path(srcdir); pName = PyString_FromString("amazonEc2Act"); if(pName == NULL) printf("erro: in no such file name\n"); else pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); if(pModule == NULL) printf("error: failed to load amazonEc2Act module\n"); else pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); if(pDict == NULL) printf("error: failed to load dict name in amazonEc2Act module\n"); else pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict,"restart"); if(pFunc == NULL) printf("error: failed to load start function in amazonEc2Act module\n"); else result=PyObject_CallFunction(pFunc,"ssss",subptr->accesskey,subptr->secretkey,subptr->zone,sendstr); if (!result || PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); return (0); } response=allocate_string(PyString_AsString( result )); Py_DECREF(pModule); Py_DECREF(pName); Py_EndInterpreter(pythr); resetListe(&categoryAtr); token= strtok(response,","); for(; token != NULL ;) { addBacke(&categoryAtr,token); token=strtok(NULL, ","); } elemm *pelem = categoryAtr.first; if(pelem){ pptr->id = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->name = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->flavor = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->image = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->original = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->profile = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->node = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->price = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->account = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->number = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->rootpass = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->reference = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->network = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->access = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->accessip = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->keypair = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->placementgroup = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->publicaddr = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->privateaddr = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->firewall = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->group = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->zone = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->hostname = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->workload = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->agent = pelem->value; pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->when = atoi(pelem->value); pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ pptr->state = atoi(pelem->value); } return status; }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct rest_response * start_intercloudGW( struct occi_category * optr, struct rest_client * cptr, struct rest_request * rptr, struct rest_response * aptr, void * vptr ) { struct intercloudGW * pptr; char sendstr[1024]=" "; char strtmp[1024]=" "; int status; char message[1024]; char srcdir[1024]; char * response = NULL; char * token; FILE * exp_file; listcc restResponse; PyObject *pName=NULL, *pModule=NULL, *pDict=NULL, *pFunc=NULL,*result=NULL; PyThreadState* pythr=NULL; if (!( pptr = vptr )) return( rest_html_response( aptr, 404, "Invalid Action" ) ); else{ if(!(pptr->name))strcpy(sendstr," "); else if(pptr->name[0]=='\0') strcpy(sendstr," "); else strcpy(sendstr,pptr->name); if(!(pptr->node)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->node[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->node,','); if(!(pptr->account)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->account[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->account,','); if(!(pptr->price)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->price[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->price,','); if(!(pptr->state)){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else if(pptr->state[0]=='\0'){ strcpy(strtmp," "); strConcat(sendstr,strtmp,','); } else strConcat(sendstr,pptr->state,','); // python interface sprintf(srcdir,"%s/pyaccords/pysrc",PYPATH); pythr = Py_NewInterpreter(); python_path(srcdir); pName = PyString_FromString("intercloudGWAct"); if(pName == NULL) printf("erro: in intercloudGWAct no such file name\n"); else pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); if(pModule == NULL) printf("error: failed to load intercloudGWAct module\n"); else pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule); if(pDict == NULL) printf("error: failed to load dict name in intercloudGW module\n"); else pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict,"start"); if(pFunc == NULL) printf("error: failed to load start function in intercloudGW module\n"); else result=PyObject_CallFunction(pFunc,"s",sendstr); if(result) response=allocate_string(PyString_AsString( result )); Py_DECREF(pModule); Py_DECREF(pName); Py_EndInterpreter(pythr); resetListe(&restResponse); token= strtok(response,","); for(; token != NULL ;) { addBacke(&restResponse,token); token=strtok(NULL, ","); } elemm *pelem = restResponse.first; if(pelem){ status = atoi(pelem->value); pelem = pelem->next; } if(pelem){ strcpy(message, pelem->value); pelem = pelem->next; } return( rest_html_response( aptr, status, message ) ); } }
Doc docMerge(Doc doc1, Doc doc2) { return docNewFrString(strConcat(docString(doc1), docString(doc2))); }