Exemple #1
Get the list of WAL files ready to be pushed according to PostgreSQL
static StringList *
archivePushReadyList(const String *walPath)

    ASSERT(walPath != NULL);

    StringList *result = NULL;

        result = strLstNew();

        // Read the ready files from the archive_status directory
        StringList *readyListRaw = strLstSort(
                storagePg(), strNewFmt("%s/" PG_PATH_ARCHIVE_STATUS, strPtr(walPath)),
                .expression = STRDEF("\\" STATUS_EXT_READY "$"), .errorOnMissing = true),

        for (unsigned int readyIdx = 0; readyIdx < strLstSize(readyListRaw); readyIdx++)
                strSubN(strLstGet(readyListRaw, readyIdx), 0, strSize(strLstGet(readyListRaw, readyIdx)) - STATUS_EXT_READY_SIZE));

        strLstMove(result, MEM_CONTEXT_OLD());

Exemple #2
Determine which WAL files need to be pushed to the archive when in async mode

This is the heart of the "look ahead" functionality in async archiving.  Any files in the out directory that do not end in ok are
removed and any ok files that do not have a corresponding ready file in archive_status (meaning it has been acknowledged by
PostgreSQL) are removed.  Then all ready files that do not have a corresponding ok file (meaning it has already been processed) are
returned for processing.
static StringList *
archivePushProcessList(const String *walPath)

    ASSERT(walPath != NULL);

    StringList *result = NULL;

        // Create the spool out path if it does not already exist
        storagePathCreateNP(storageSpoolWrite(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_OUT_STR);

        // Read the status files from the spool directory, then remove any files that do not end in ok and create a list of the
        // ok files for further processing
        StringList *statusList = strLstSort(
            storageListP(storageSpool(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_OUT_STR, .errorOnMissing = true), sortOrderAsc);

        StringList *okList = strLstNew();

        for (unsigned int statusIdx = 0; statusIdx < strLstSize(statusList); statusIdx++)
            const String *statusFile = strLstGet(statusList, statusIdx);

            if (strEndsWithZ(statusFile, STATUS_EXT_OK))
                strLstAdd(okList, strSubN(statusFile, 0, strSize(statusFile) - STATUS_EXT_OK_SIZE));
                    storageSpoolWrite(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_OUT "/%s", strPtr(statusFile)), .errorOnMissing = true);

        // Read the ready files from the archive_status directory
        StringList *readyList = archivePushReadyList(walPath);

        // Remove ok files that are not in the ready list
        StringList *okRemoveList = strLstMergeAnti(okList, readyList);

        for (unsigned int okRemoveIdx = 0; okRemoveIdx < strLstSize(okRemoveList); okRemoveIdx++)
                strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_OUT "/%s" STATUS_EXT_OK, strPtr(strLstGet(okRemoveList, okRemoveIdx))),
                .errorOnMissing = true);

        // Return all ready files that are not in the ok list
        result = strLstMove(strLstMergeAnti(readyList, okList), MEM_CONTEXT_OLD());

Exemple #3
Determine if the WAL process list has become large enough to drop
static bool
archivePushDrop(const String *walPath, const StringList *const processList)

    const uint64_t queueMax = cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchivePushQueueMax);
    uint64_t queueSize = 0;
    bool result = false;

    for (unsigned int processIdx = 0; processIdx < strLstSize(processList); processIdx++)
        queueSize += storageInfoNP(
            storagePg(), strNewFmt("%s/%s", strPtr(walPath), strPtr(strLstGet(processList, processIdx)))).size;

        if (queueSize > queueMax)
            result = true;

Exemple #4
Build list of parameters to use for perl main
String *

    // Add command arguments to pass to main
    String *commandParam = strNew("");

    for (unsigned int paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < strLstSize(cfgCommandParam()); paramIdx++)
        strCatFmt(commandParam, ",'%s'", strPtr(strLstGet(cfgCommandParam(), paramIdx)));

    // Construct Perl main call
    String *mainCall = strNewFmt(
        "($iResult, $bErrorC, $strMessage) = " PGBACKREST_MAIN "('%s'%s)", cfgCommandName(cfgCommand()), strPtr(commandParam));

Exemple #5
Clean the queue and prepare a list of WAL segments that the async process should get
static StringList *
queueNeed(const String *walSegment, bool found, uint64_t queueSize, size_t walSegmentSize, unsigned int pgVersion)
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(STRING, walSegment);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(BOOL, found);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(UINT64, queueSize);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(SIZE, walSegmentSize);
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(UINT, pgVersion);

    ASSERT(walSegment != NULL);

    StringList *result = strLstNew();

        // Determine the first WAL segment for the async process to get.  If the WAL segment requested by
        // PostgreSQL was not found then use that.  If the segment was found but the queue is not full then
        // start with the next segment.
        const String *walSegmentFirst =
            found ? walSegmentNext(walSegment, walSegmentSize, pgVersion) : walSegment;

        // Determine how many WAL segments should be in the queue.  The queue total must be at least 2 or it doesn't make sense to
        // have async turned on at all.
        unsigned int walSegmentQueueTotal = (unsigned int)(queueSize / walSegmentSize);

        if (walSegmentQueueTotal < 2)
            walSegmentQueueTotal = 2;

        // Build the ideal queue -- the WAL segments we want in the queue after the async process has run
        StringList *idealQueue = walSegmentRange(walSegmentFirst, walSegmentSize, pgVersion, walSegmentQueueTotal);

        // Get the list of files actually in the queue
        StringList *actualQueue = strLstSort(
            storageListP(storageSpool(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR, .errorOnMissing = true), sortOrderAsc);

        // Only preserve files that match the ideal queue. error/ok files are deleted so the async process can try again.
        RegExp *regExpPreserve = regExpNew(strNewFmt("^(%s)$", strPtr(strLstJoin(idealQueue, "|"))));

        // Build a list of WAL segments that are being kept so we can later make a list of what is needed
        StringList *keepQueue = strLstNew();

        for (unsigned int actualQueueIdx = 0; actualQueueIdx < strLstSize(actualQueue); actualQueueIdx++)
            // Get file from actual queue
            const String *file = strLstGet(actualQueue, actualQueueIdx);

            // Does this match a file we want to preserve?
            if (regExpMatch(regExpPreserve, file))
                strLstAdd(keepQueue, file);

            // Else delete it
                storageRemoveNP(storageSpoolWrite(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(file)));

        // Generate a list of the WAL that are needed by removing kept WAL from the ideal queue
        for (unsigned int idealQueueIdx = 0; idealQueueIdx < strLstSize(idealQueue); idealQueueIdx++)
            if (!strLstExists(keepQueue, strLstGet(idealQueue, idealQueueIdx)))
                strLstAdd(result, strLstGet(idealQueue, idealQueueIdx));

Exemple #6
Get an archive file from the repository (WAL segment, history file, etc.)

    // Set the result assuming the archive file will not be found
    int result = 1;

        // Check the parameters
        const StringList *commandParam = cfgCommandParam();

        if (strLstSize(commandParam) != 2)
            if (strLstSize(commandParam) == 0)
                THROW(ParamRequiredError, "WAL segment to get required");

            if (strLstSize(commandParam) == 1)
                THROW(ParamRequiredError, "path to copy WAL segment required");

            THROW(ParamInvalidError, "extra parameters found");

        // Get the segment name
        String *walSegment = strBase(strLstGet(commandParam, 0));

        // Destination is wherever we were told to move the WAL segment
        const String *walDestination =
            walPath(strLstGet(commandParam, 1), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath), STR(cfgCommandName(cfgCommand())));

        // Async get can only be performed on WAL segments, history or other files must use synchronous mode
        if (cfgOptionBool(cfgOptArchiveAsync) && walIsSegment(walSegment))
            bool found = false;                                         // Has the WAL segment been found yet?
            bool queueFull = false;                                     // Is the queue half or more full?
            bool forked = false;                                        // Has the async process been forked yet?
            bool confessOnError = false;                                // Should we confess errors?

            // Loop and wait for the WAL segment to be pushed
            Wait *wait = waitNew((TimeMSec)(cfgOptionDbl(cfgOptArchiveTimeout) * MSEC_PER_SEC));

                // Check for errors or missing files.  For archive-get ok indicates that the process succeeded but there is no WAL
                // file to download.
                if (archiveAsyncStatus(archiveModeGet, walSegment, confessOnError))
                        strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s" STATUS_EXT_OK, strPtr(walSegment)), .errorOnMissing = true);

                // Check if the WAL segment is already in the queue
                found = storageExistsNP(storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(walSegment)));

                // If found then move the WAL segment to the destination directory
                if (found)
                    // Source is the WAL segment in the spool queue
                    StorageFileRead *source = storageNewReadNP(
                        storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(walSegment)));

                    // A move will be attempted but if the spool queue and the WAL path are on different file systems then a copy
                    // will be performed instead.
                    // It looks scary that we are disabling syncs and atomicity (in case we need to copy intead of move) but this
                    // is safe because if the system crashes Postgres will not try to reuse a restored WAL segment but will instead
                    // request it again using the restore_command. In the case of a move this hardly matters since path syncs are
                    // cheap but if a copy is required we could save a lot of writes.
                    StorageFileWrite *destination = storageNewWriteP(
                        storageLocalWrite(), walDestination, .noCreatePath = true, .noSyncFile = true, .noSyncPath = true,
                        .noAtomic = true);

                    // Move (or copy if required) the file
                    storageMoveNP(storageSpoolWrite(), source, destination);

                    // Return success
                    result = 0;

                    // Get a list of WAL segments left in the queue
                    StringList *queue = storageListP(
                        storageSpool(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR, .expression = WAL_SEGMENT_REGEXP_STR);

                    if (strLstSize(queue) > 0)
                        // Get size of the WAL segment
                        uint64_t walSegmentSize = storageInfoNP(storageLocal(), walDestination).size;

                        // Use WAL segment size to estimate queue size and determine if the async process should be launched
                        queueFull = strLstSize(queue) * walSegmentSize > cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchiveGetQueueMax) / 2;

                // If the WAL segment has not already been found then start the async process to get it.  There's no point in
                // forking the async process off more than once so track that as well.  Use an archive lock to prevent forking if
                // the async process was launched by another process.
                if (!forked && (!found || !queueFull)  &&
                    lockAcquire(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptLockPath), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza), cfgLockType(), 0, false))
                    // Get control info
                    PgControl pgControl = pgControlFromFile(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath));

                    // Create the queue
                    storagePathCreateNP(storageSpoolWrite(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR);

                    // The async process should not output on the console at all
                    KeyValue *optionReplace = kvNew();

                    kvPut(optionReplace, VARSTR(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE_STR), VARSTRDEF("off"));
                    kvPut(optionReplace, VARSTR(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_STDERR_STR), VARSTRDEF("off"));

                    // Generate command options
                    StringList *commandExec = cfgExecParam(cfgCmdArchiveGetAsync, optionReplace);
                    strLstInsert(commandExec, 0, cfgExe());

                    // Clean the current queue using the list of WAL that we ideally want in the queue.  queueNeed()
                    // will return the list of WAL needed to fill the queue and this will be passed to the async process.
                    const StringList *queue = queueNeed(
                        walSegment, found, cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchiveGetQueueMax), pgControl.walSegmentSize,

                    for (unsigned int queueIdx = 0; queueIdx < strLstSize(queue); queueIdx++)
                        strLstAdd(commandExec, strLstGet(queue, queueIdx));

                    // Release the lock so the child process can acquire it

                    // Fork off the async process
                    if (forkSafe() == 0)
                        // Disable logging and close log file

                        // Detach from parent process

                        // Execute the binary.  This statement will not return if it is successful.
                            execvp(strPtr(cfgExe()), (char ** const)strLstPtr(commandExec)) == -1,
                            ExecuteError, "unable to execute '" CFGCMD_ARCHIVE_GET_ASYNC "'");

                    // Mark the async process as forked so it doesn't get forked again.  A single run of the async process should be
                    // enough to do the job, running it again won't help anything.
                    forked = true;

                // Exit loop if WAL was found
                if (found)

                // Now that the async process has been launched, confess any errors that are found
                confessOnError = true;
            while (waitMore(wait));
        // Else perform synchronous get
Exemple #7
Test Run

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strNew(), strNewBuf(), strNewN(), strEmpty(), strPtr(), strSize(), and strFree()"))
        // We don't want this struct to grow since there are generally a lot of strings, so make sure it doesn't grow without us
        // knowing about it
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(sizeof(StringConst), TEST_64BIT() ? 16 : 12, "check StringConst struct size");

        // Test the size macro
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(CHECK_SIZE(555), "valid size");
        TEST_ERROR(CHECK_SIZE(STRING_SIZE_MAX + 1), AssertError, "string size must be <= 1073741824 bytes");

        String *string = strNew("static string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(string), "static string", "new with static string");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strSize(string), 13, "check size");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEmpty(string), false, "is not empty");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strlen(strPtr(string)), 13, "check size with strlen()");
        TEST_RESULT_CHAR(strPtr(string)[2], 'a', "check character");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(strFree(string), "free string");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strNewN("testmorestring", 4)), "test", "new string with size limit");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Buffer *buffer = bufNew(8);
        memcpy(bufPtr(buffer), "12345678", 8);
        bufUsedSet(buffer, 8);

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strNewBuf(buffer)), "12345678", "new string from buffer");

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        string = strNewFmt("formatted %s %04d", "string", 1);
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(string), "formatted string 0001", "new with formatted string");
        TEST_RESULT_PTR(strPtr(NULL), NULL, "null string pointer");

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(strFree(string), "free string");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(strFree(NULL), "free null string");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("STRING_STATIC()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(TEST_STRING), "a very interesting string!", "check static string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSubN(TEST_STRING, 0, 6)), "a very", "read-only strSub() works");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strBase() and strPath()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strBase(STRDEF(""))), "", "empty string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strBase(STRDEF("/"))), "", "/ only");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strBase(STRDEF("/file"))), "file", "root file");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strBase(STRDEF("/dir1/dir2/file"))), "file", "subdirectory file");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strPath(STRDEF(""))), "", "empty string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strPath(STRDEF("/"))), "/", "/ only");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strPath(STRDEF("/file"))), "/", "root path");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strPath(STRDEF("/dir1/dir2/file"))), "/dir1/dir2", "subdirectory file");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strCat(), strCatChr(), and strCatFmt()"))
        String *string = strNew("XXXX");
        String *string2 = strNew("ZZZZ");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strCat(string, "YYYY")), "XXXXYYYY", "cat string");
        TEST_RESULT_SIZE(string->extra, 4, "check extra");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strCatFmt(string, "%05d", 777)), "XXXXYYYY00777", "cat formatted string");
        TEST_RESULT_SIZE(string->extra, 6, "check extra");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strCatChr(string, '!')), "XXXXYYYY00777!", "cat chr");
        TEST_RESULT_SIZE(string->extra, 5, "check extra");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(string2), "ZZZZ", "check unaltered string");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strDup()"))
        const String *string = STRDEF("duplicated string");
        String *stringDup = strDup(string);
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(stringDup), strPtr(string), "duplicated strings match");

        TEST_RESULT_PTR(strDup(NULL), NULL, "duplicate null string");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strBeginsWith() and strBeginsWithZ()"))
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strBeginsWith(STRDEF(""), STRDEF("aaa")), false, "empty string");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strBeginsWith(STRDEF("astring"), STRDEF("")), true, "empty begins with");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strBeginsWithZ(STRDEF("astring"), "astr"), true, "partial begins with");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strBeginsWithZ(STRDEF("astring"), "astring"), true, "equal strings");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strEndsWith() and strEndsWithZ()"))
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEndsWith(STRDEF(""), STRDEF(".doc")), false, "empty string");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEndsWith(STRDEF("astring"), STRDEF("")), true, "empty ends with");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEndsWithZ(STRDEF("astring"), "ing"), true, "partial ends with");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEndsWithZ(STRDEF("astring"), "astring"), true, "equal strings");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strEq(), strEqZ(), strCmp(), strCmpZ()"))
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEq(STRDEF("equalstring"), STRDEF("equalstring")), true, "strings equal");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEq(STRDEF("astring"), STRDEF("anotherstring")), false, "strings not equal");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEq(STRDEF("astring"), STRDEF("bstring")), false, "equal length strings not equal");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(strCmp(STRDEF("equalstring"), STRDEF("equalstring")), 0, "strings equal");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strCmp(STRDEF("a"), STRDEF("b")), -1, "a < b");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strCmp(STRDEF("b"), STRDEF("a")), 1, "b > a");

        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEqZ(STRDEF("equalstring"), "equalstring"), true, "strings equal");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEqZ(STRDEF("astring"), "anotherstring"), false, "strings not equal");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(strEqZ(STRDEF("astring"), "bstring"), false, "equal length strings not equal");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(strCmpZ(STRDEF("equalstring"), "equalstring"), 0, "strings equal");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strCmpZ(STRDEF("a"), "b"), -1, "a < b");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strCmpZ(STRDEF("b"), "a"), 1, "b > a");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strFirstUpper(), strFirstLower(), strUpper(), strLower()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strFirstUpper(strNew(""))), "", "empty first upper");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strFirstUpper(strNew("aaa"))), "Aaa", "first upper");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strFirstUpper(strNew("Aaa"))), "Aaa", "first already upper");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strFirstLower(strNew(""))), "", "empty first lower");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strFirstLower(strNew("AAA"))), "aAA", "first lower");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strFirstLower(strNew("aAA"))), "aAA", "first already lower");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strLower(strNew("K123aBc"))), "k123abc", "all lower");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strLower(strNew("k123abc"))), "k123abc", "already lower");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strLower(strNew("C"))), "c", "char lower");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strLower(strNew(""))), "", "empty lower");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strUpper(strNew("K123aBc"))), "K123ABC", "all upper");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strUpper(strNew("K123ABC"))), "K123ABC", "already upper");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strUpper(strNew("c"))), "C", "char upper");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strUpper(strNew(""))), "", "empty upper");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strQuote()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strQuote(STRDEF("abcd"), STRDEF("'"))), "'abcd'", "quote string");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strReplaceChr()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strReplaceChr(strNew("ABCD"), 'B', 'R')), "ARCD", "replace chr");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strSub() and strSubN()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSub(STRDEF("ABCD"), 2)), "CD", "sub string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSubN(STRDEF("ABCD"), 1, 2)), "BC", "sub string with length");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strTrim()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew(""))), "", "trim empty");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew("X"))), "X", "no trim (one char)");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew("no-trim"))), "no-trim", "no trim (string)");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew(" \t\r\n"))), "", "all whitespace");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew(" \tbegin-only"))), "begin-only", "trim begin");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew("end-only\t "))), "end-only", "trim end");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew("\n\rboth\r\n"))), "both", "trim both");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrim(strNew("begin \r\n\tend"))), "begin \r\n\tend", "ignore whitespace in middle");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strChr() and strTrunc()"))
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strChr(STRDEF("abcd"), 'c'), 2, "c found");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strChr(STRDEF("abcd"), 'C'), -1, "capital C not found");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strChr(STRDEF("abcd"), 'i'), -1, "i not found");
        TEST_RESULT_INT(strChr(STRDEF(""), 'x'), -1, "empty string - x not found");

        String *val = strNew("abcdef");
            strTrunc(val, (int)(strSize(val) + 1)), AssertError,
            "assertion 'idx >= 0 && (size_t)idx <= this->size' failed");
        TEST_ERROR(strTrunc(val, -1), AssertError, "assertion 'idx >= 0 && (size_t)idx <= this->size' failed");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrunc(val, strChr(val, 'd'))), "abc", "simple string truncated");
        strCat(val, "\r\n to end");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrunc(val, strChr(val, 'n'))), "abc\r\n to e", "complex string truncated");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrunc(val, strChr(val, 'a'))), "", "complete string truncated - empty string");

        TEST_RESULT_INT(strSize(val), 0, "0 size");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strTrunc(val, 0)), "", "test coverage of empty string - no error thrown for index 0");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strToLog() and strObjToLog()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strToLog(STRDEF("test"))), "{\"test\"}", "format string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strToLog(NULL)), "null", "format null string");

        char buffer[256];
        TEST_RESULT_UINT(strObjToLog(NULL, (StrObjToLogFormat)strToLog, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), 4, "format null string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(buffer, "null", "check null string");

        TEST_RESULT_UINT(strObjToLog(STRDEF("teststr"), (StrObjToLogFormat)strToLog, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), 11, "format string");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(buffer, "{\"teststr\"}", "check string");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strSizeFormat()"))
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(0)), "0B", "zero bytes");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(1023)), "1023B", "1023 bytes");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(1024)), "1KB", "1 KB");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(2200)), "2.1KB", "2.1 KB");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(1048576)), "1MB", "1 MB");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(20162900)), "19.2MB", "19.2 MB");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(1073741824)), "1GB", "1 GB");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(1073741824 + 107374183)), "1.1GB", "1.1 GB");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strSizeFormat(UINT64_MAX)), "17179869183GB", "uint64 max");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("strLstNew(), strLstAdd*(), strLstGet(), strLstMove(), strLstSize(), and strLstFree()"))
        // Add strings to the list
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        StringList *list = NULL;

            list = strLstNew();

            for (int listIdx = 0; listIdx <= LIST_INITIAL_SIZE; listIdx++)
                if (listIdx == 0)
                    TEST_RESULT_PTR(strLstAdd(list, NULL), list, "add null item");
                    TEST_RESULT_PTR(strLstAdd(list, strNewFmt("STR%02d", listIdx)), list, "add item %d", listIdx);

            strLstMove(list, MEM_CONTEXT_OLD());

        TEST_RESULT_INT(strLstSize(list), 9, "list size");

        // Read them back and check values
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for (unsigned int listIdx = 0; listIdx < strLstSize(list); listIdx++)
            if (listIdx == 0)
                TEST_RESULT_PTR(strLstGet(list, listIdx), NULL, "check null item");
                TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(strLstGet(list, listIdx)), strPtr(strNewFmt("STR%02u", listIdx)), "check item %u", listIdx);

        TEST_RESULT_VOID(strLstFree(list), "free string list");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(strLstFree(NULL), "free null string list");
Exemple #8
Begin the command
cmdBegin(bool logOption)
        FUNCTION_LOG_PARAM(BOOL, logOption);

    ASSERT(cfgCommand() != cfgCmdNone);

    // This is fairly expensive log message to generate so skip it if it won't be output
    if (logWill(cfgLogLevelDefault()))
            // Basic info on command start
            String *info = strNewFmt("%s command begin", cfgCommandName(cfgCommand()));

            if (logOption)
                strCatFmt(info, " %s:", PROJECT_VERSION);

                // Add command parameters if they exist
                const StringList *commandParamList = cfgCommandParam();

                if (strLstSize(commandParamList) != 0)
                    strCatFmt(info, " [");

                    for (unsigned int commandParamIdx = 0; commandParamIdx < strLstSize(commandParamList); commandParamIdx++)
                        const String *commandParam = strLstGet(commandParamList, commandParamIdx);

                        if (commandParamIdx != 0)
                            strCatFmt(info, ", ");

                        if (strchr(strPtr(commandParam), ' ') != NULL)
                            commandParam = strNewFmt("\"%s\"", strPtr(commandParam));

                        strCat(info, strPtr(commandParam));

                    strCatFmt(info, "]");

                // Loop though options and add the ones that are interesting
                for (ConfigOption optionId = 0; optionId < CFG_OPTION_TOTAL; optionId++)
                    // Skip the option if it is not valid
                    if (!cfgOptionValid(optionId))

                    // If option was negated
                    if (cfgOptionNegate(optionId))
                        strCatFmt(info, " --no-%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                    // If option was reset
                    else if (cfgOptionReset(optionId))
                        strCatFmt(info, " --reset-%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                    // Else set and not default
                    else if (cfgOptionSource(optionId) != cfgSourceDefault && cfgOptionTest(optionId))
                        ConfigDefineOption optionDefId = cfgOptionDefIdFromId(optionId);

                        // Don't show redacted options
                        if (cfgDefOptionSecure(optionDefId))
                            strCatFmt(info, " --%s=<redacted>", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                        // Output boolean option
                        else if (cfgDefOptionType(optionDefId) == cfgDefOptTypeBoolean)
                            strCatFmt(info, " --%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));
                        // Output other options
                            StringList *valueList = NULL;

                            // Generate the values of hash options
                            if (cfgDefOptionType(optionDefId) == cfgDefOptTypeHash)
                                valueList = strLstNew();

                                const KeyValue *optionKv = cfgOptionKv(optionId);
                                const VariantList *keyList = kvKeyList(optionKv);

                                for (unsigned int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < varLstSize(keyList); keyIdx++)
                                            "%s=%s", strPtr(varStr(varLstGet(keyList, keyIdx))),
                                                strPtr(varStrForce(kvGet(optionKv, varLstGet(keyList, keyIdx))))));
                            // Generate values for list options
                            else if (cfgDefOptionType(optionDefId) == cfgDefOptTypeList)
                                valueList = strLstNewVarLst(cfgOptionLst(optionId));
                            // Else only one value
                                valueList = strLstNew();
                                strLstAdd(valueList, varStrForce(cfgOption(optionId)));

                            // Output options and values
                            for (unsigned int valueListIdx = 0; valueListIdx < strLstSize(valueList); valueListIdx++)
                                const String *value = strLstGet(valueList, valueListIdx);

                                strCatFmt(info, " --%s", cfgOptionName(optionId));

                                if (strchr(strPtr(value), ' ') != NULL)
                                    value = strNewFmt("\"%s\"", strPtr(value));

                                strCatFmt(info, "=%s", strPtr(value));

            LOG(cfgLogLevelDefault(), 0, strPtr(info));
