Exemple #1
void X86ContextDump(Object *self, FILE *f)
	X86Context *context = asX86Context(self);
	char state_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

	/* Title */
	fprintf(f, "------------\n");
	fprintf(f, "Context %d\n", context->pid);
	fprintf(f, "------------\n\n");

	str_map_flags(&x86_context_state_map, context->state, state_str, sizeof state_str);
	fprintf(f, "State = %s\n", state_str);
	if (!context->parent)
		fprintf(f, "Parent = None\n");
		fprintf(f, "Parent = %d\n", context->parent->pid);
	fprintf(f, "Heap break: 0x%x\n", context->mem->heap_break);

	/* Bit masks */
	fprintf(f, "BlockedSignalMask = 0x%llx ", context->signal_mask_table->blocked);
	x86_sigset_dump(context->signal_mask_table->blocked, f);
	fprintf(f, "\nPendingSignalMask = 0x%llx ", context->signal_mask_table->pending);
	x86_sigset_dump(context->signal_mask_table->pending, f);
	fprintf(f, "\nAffinity = ");
	bit_map_dump(context->affinity, 0, x86_cpu_num_cores * x86_cpu_num_threads, f);
	fprintf(f, "\n");

	/* End */
	fprintf(f, "\n\n");
Exemple #2
/* Load sections from an ELF file */
void X86ContextLoadELFSections(X86Context *self, struct elf_file_t *elf_file)
	struct mem_t *mem = self->mem;
	struct x86_loader_t *loader = self->loader;

	struct elf_section_t *section;
	int i;

	enum mem_access_t perm;
	char flags_str[200];

	x86_loader_debug("\nLoading ELF sections\n");
	loader->bottom = 0xffffffff;
	for (i = 0; i < list_count(elf_file->section_list); i++)
		section = list_get(elf_file->section_list, i);

		perm = mem_access_init | mem_access_read;
		str_map_flags(&elf_section_flags_map, section->header->sh_flags,
				flags_str, sizeof(flags_str));
		x86_loader_debug("  section %d: name='%s', offset=0x%x, "
				"addr=0x%x, size=%u, flags=%s\n",
				i, section->name, section->header->sh_offset,
				section->header->sh_addr, section->header->sh_size, flags_str);

		/* Process section */
		if (section->header->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)
			/* Permissions */
			if (section->header->sh_flags & SHF_WRITE)
				perm |= mem_access_write;
			if (section->header->sh_flags & SHF_EXECINSTR)
				perm |= mem_access_exec;

			/* Load section */
			mem_map(mem, section->header->sh_addr, section->header->sh_size, perm);
			mem->heap_break = MAX(mem->heap_break, section->header->sh_addr
				+ section->header->sh_size);
			loader->bottom = MIN(loader->bottom, section->header->sh_addr);

			/* If section type is SHT_NOBITS (sh_type=8), initialize to 0.
			 * Otherwise, copy section contents from ELF file. */
			if (section->header->sh_type == 8)
				void *ptr;

				ptr = xcalloc(1, section->header->sh_size);
				mem_access(mem, section->header->sh_addr,
						ptr, mem_access_init);
			} else {
				mem_access(mem, section->header->sh_addr,
						section->buffer.ptr, mem_access_init);
static int mips_sys_mmap_impl(struct mips_ctx_t *ctx)
	struct mips_regs_t *regs = ctx->regs;
	struct mem_t *mem = ctx->mem;

//	unsigned int args_ptr;
	unsigned int addr;
	unsigned int len;

	int prot;
	int flags;
	int offset;
	int guest_fd;

	char prot_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
	char flags_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

	/* This system call takes the arguments from memory, at the address
	 * pointed by 'ebx'. */
	addr = regs->regs_R[4];
	len = regs->regs_R[5];
	prot = regs->regs_R[6];
	flags = regs->regs_R[7];
//	mem_read(mem, args_ptr, 4, &addr);
//	mem_read(mem, args_ptr + 4, 4, &len);
//	mem_read(mem, args_ptr + 8, 4, &prot);
//	mem_read(mem, args_ptr + 12, 4, &flags);
	mem_read(mem, regs->regs_R[29] + 16, 4, &guest_fd);
	mem_read(mem, regs->regs_R[29] + 20, 4, &offset);

//	mips_sys_debug("  args_ptr=0x%x\n", args_ptr);
	mips_sys_debug("  addr=0x%x, len=%u, prot=0x%x, flags=0x%x, "
		"guest_fd=%d, offset=0x%x\n",
		addr, len, prot, flags, guest_fd, offset);
	str_map_flags(&sys_mmap_prot_map, prot, prot_str, sizeof prot_str);
	str_map_flags(&sys_mmap_flags_map, flags, flags_str, sizeof flags_str);
	mips_sys_debug("  prot=%s, flags=%s\n", prot_str, flags_str);

	/* Call */
	return mips_sys_mmap(ctx, addr, len, prot, flags, guest_fd, offset);
Exemple #4
static void X86ContextUpdateState(X86Context *self, X86ContextState state)
	X86Emu *emu = self->emu;

	X86ContextState status_diff;
	char state_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

	/* Remove contexts from the following lists:
	 *   running, suspended, zombie */
	if (DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_MEMBER(emu, running, self))
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE(emu, running, self);
	if (DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_MEMBER(emu, suspended, self))
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE(emu, suspended, self);
	if (DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_MEMBER(emu, zombie, self))
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE(emu, zombie, self);
	if (DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_MEMBER(emu, finished, self))
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE(emu, finished, self);
	/* If the difference between the old and new state lies in other
	 * states other than 'x86_ctx_specmode', a reschedule is marked. */
	status_diff = self->state ^ state;
	if (status_diff & ~X86ContextSpecMode)
		emu->schedule_signal = 1;
	/* Update state */
	self->state = state;
	if (self->state & X86ContextFinished)
		self->state = X86ContextFinished
				| (state & X86ContextAlloc)
				| (state & X86ContextMapped);
	if (self->state & X86ContextZombie)
		self->state = X86ContextZombie
				| (state & X86ContextAlloc)
				| (state & X86ContextMapped);
	if (!(self->state & X86ContextSuspended) &&
		!(self->state & X86ContextFinished) &&
		!(self->state & X86ContextZombie) &&
		!(self->state & X86ContextLocked))
		self->state |= X86ContextRunning;
		self->state &= ~X86ContextRunning;
	/* Insert context into the corresponding lists. */
	if (self->state & X86ContextRunning)
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(emu, running, self);
	if (self->state & X86ContextZombie)
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(emu, zombie, self);
	if (self->state & X86ContextFinished)
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(emu, finished, self);
	if (self->state & X86ContextSuspended)
		DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(emu, suspended, self);
	/* Dump new state (ignore 'x86_ctx_specmode' state, it's too frequent) */
	if (debug_status(x86_context_debug_category) && (status_diff & ~X86ContextSpecMode))
		str_map_flags(&x86_context_state_map, self->state, state_str, sizeof state_str);
		X86ContextDebug("inst %lld: ctx %d changed state to %s\n",
			asEmu(emu)->instructions, self->pid, state_str);

	/* Start/stop x86 timer depending on whether there are any contexts
	 * currently running. */
	if (emu->running_list_count)
static int mips_sys_open_impl(struct mips_ctx_t *ctx)
	struct mips_regs_t *regs = ctx->regs;
	struct mem_t *mem = ctx->mem;

	struct mips_file_desc_t *desc;

	unsigned int file_name_ptr;

	int flags;
	int mode;
	int length;

	char file_name[MAX_PATH_SIZE];
	char full_path[MAX_PATH_SIZE];
	char temp_path[MAX_PATH_SIZE];
	char flags_str[MAX_STRING_SIZE];

	int host_fd;

	/* Arguments */
	file_name_ptr = regs->regs_R[4];
	flags = regs->regs_R[5];
	mode = regs->regs_R[6];
	length = mem_read_string(mem, file_name_ptr, sizeof file_name, file_name);
	if (length >= MAX_PATH_SIZE)
		fatal("syscall open: maximum path length exceeded");
	mips_ctx_loader_get_full_path(ctx, file_name, full_path, sizeof full_path);
	mips_sys_debug("  filename='%s' flags=0x%x, mode=0x%x\n",
		file_name, flags, mode);
	mips_sys_debug("  fullpath='%s'\n", full_path);
	str_map_flags(&mips_sys_open_flags_map, flags, flags_str, sizeof flags_str);
	mips_sys_debug("  flags=%s\n", flags_str);

	/* Virtual files */
	if (!strncmp(full_path, "/proc/", 6))
		/* File /proc/self/maps */
		if (!strcmp(full_path, "/proc/self/maps"))
			/* Create temporary file and open it. */
			mips_ctx_gen_proc_self_maps(ctx, temp_path);
			host_fd = open(temp_path, flags, mode);
			assert(host_fd > 0);

			/* Add file descriptor table entry. */
			desc = mips_file_desc_table_entry_new(ctx->file_desc_table, mips_file_desc_virtual, host_fd, temp_path, flags);
			mips_sys_debug("    host file '%s' opened: guest_fd=%d, host_fd=%d\n",
				temp_path, desc->guest_fd, desc->host_fd);
			return desc->guest_fd;

		/* Unhandled virtual file. Let the application read the contents of the host
		 * version of the file as if it was a regular file. */
		mips_sys_debug("    warning: unhandled virtual file\n");

	/* Regular file. */
	host_fd = open(full_path, flags, mode);
	if (host_fd == -1)
		return -errno;

	/* File opened, create a new file descriptor. */
	desc = mips_file_desc_table_entry_new(ctx->file_desc_table,
		mips_file_desc_regular, host_fd, full_path, flags);
	mips_sys_debug("    file descriptor opened: guest_fd=%d, host_fd=%d\n",
		desc->guest_fd, desc->host_fd);

	/* Return guest descriptor index */
	return desc->guest_fd;