Exemple #1
/* Parse and insert methods from methods string */
void parse_methods_string(char *str) {
        char *method, *tmp, *i;
        int num_methods = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG

        if (strlen(str) == 0)
                LOG_DIE("Empty methods string provided");

        /* Make a temporary copy of the string so we don't modify the original */
        if ((tmp = malloc(strlen(str) + 1)) == NULL)
                LOG_DIE("Cannot allocate memory for methods string buffer");
        strcpy(tmp, str);

        for (i = tmp; (method = strtok(i, ",")); i = NULL) {
                method = str_strip_whitespace(method);
                method = str_tolower(method);

                if (strlen(method) == 0) continue;
                if (insert_method(method)) num_methods++;


        if (num_methods == 0)
                LOG_DIE("No valid methods found in string");

Exemple #2
/* Parse and insert output fields from format string */
void parse_format_string(char *str) {
        char *name, *tmp, *i;
        int num_nodes = 0;
        size_t len;

#ifdef DEBUG

        len = strlen(str);
        if (len == 0)
                LOG_DIE("Empty format string provided");

        /* Make a temporary copy of the string so we don't modify the original */
        if ((tmp = str_duplicate(str)) == NULL)
                LOG_DIE("Cannot allocate memory for format string buffer");

        for (i = tmp; (name = strtok(i, ",")); i = NULL) {
                /* Normalize input field text */
                name = str_strip_whitespace(name);
                name = str_tolower(name);
                len = strlen(name);

                if (len == 0) continue;
                if (insert_field(name, len)) num_nodes++;


        if (num_nodes == 0)
                LOG_DIE("No valid fields found in format string");

#ifdef DEBUG
        int j, num_buckets = 0, num_chain, max_chain = 0;
        FORMAT_NODE *node;

        for (j = 0; j < HASHSIZE; j++) {
                if (fields[j]) num_buckets++;

                num_chain = 0;
                for (node = fields[j]; node != NULL; node = node->next) num_chain++;
                if (num_chain > max_chain) max_chain = num_chain;

        PRINT("Hash buckets:       %d", HASHSIZE);
        PRINT("Nodes inserted:     %d", num_nodes);
        PRINT("Buckets in use:     %d", num_buckets);
        PRINT("Hash collisions:    %d", num_nodes - num_buckets);
        PRINT("Longest hash chain: %d", max_chain);
