// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool MTCompose::sendMessage(QString body, QString fromNymId, QString toNymId, QString atServerID, QString subject)
    if (fromNymId.isEmpty())
        qDebug() << "Cannot send a message from an empty nym id, aborting.";
        return false;
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    if (toNymId.isEmpty())
        qDebug() << "Cannot send a message to an empty nym id, aborting.";
        return false;
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    if (subject.isEmpty())
        subject = tr("From the desktop client. (Empty subject.)");
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    if (body.isEmpty())
        body = tr("From the desktop client. (Empty message body.)");
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_serverId  (atServerID.toStdString());
    std::string str_fromNymId (fromNymId.toStdString());
    std::string str_toNymId   (toNymId.toStdString());
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    qDebug() << QString("Initiating sendMessage:\n Server:'%1'\n FromNym:'%2'\n ToNym:'%3'\n Subject:'%4'\n Body:'%5'").
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    QString contents = tr("%1: %2\n\n%3").arg(tr("Subject")).arg(subject).arg(body);
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    OT_ME madeEasy;

    std::string strResponse;
        MTSpinner theSpinner;

        strResponse = madeEasy.send_user_msg(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_toNymId, contents.toStdString());

    int32_t nReturnVal = madeEasy.VerifyMessageSuccess(strResponse);

    if (1 != nReturnVal)
        qDebug() << "send_message: Failed.";

        Moneychanger::HasUsageCredits(this, str_serverId, str_fromNymId);

        return false;

    qDebug() << "Success in send_message!";
    m_bSent = true;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    return m_bSent;
Exemple #2
bool MTSendDlg::sendChequeLowLevel(int64_t amount, QString toNymId, QString fromAcctId, QString note, bool isInvoice)
    QString nsChequeType = isInvoice ? QString("invoice") : QString("cheque");
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    if (toNymId.size() == 0)
        qDebug() << QString("Cannot send %1 to an empty nym id, aborting.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    if (fromAcctId.size() == 0)
        qDebug() << QString("Cannot send %1 from a non-existent account id, aborting.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    if (amount <= 0)
        qDebug() << QString("Why send 0 (or less) units? Aborting send %1.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    // Note: in the case of cheques we don't have to see if the amount exceeds the
    // account balance here, since the money doesn't come out of the account until
    // the cheque is deposited by the recipient. Technically you could write a bad
    // cheque. Also, your balance will not change right away either -- not until the
    // recipient deposits the cheque.
    // Also of course, in the case of invoices, your account balance is irrelevant
    // since an invoice can only increase your balance, not decrease it.
    if (note.isEmpty())
        note = tr("From the Qt systray app.");
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_toNymId   (toNymId   .toStdString());
    std::string str_fromAcctId(fromAcctId.toStdString());
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_fromNymId(OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_NymID   (str_fromAcctId));
    std::string str_serverId (OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_ServerID(str_fromAcctId));
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    int64_t SignedAmount = amount;
    int64_t trueAmount   = isInvoice ? (SignedAmount*(-1)) : SignedAmount;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    qDebug() << QString("Sending %1:\n Server:'%2'\n Nym:'%3'\n Acct:'%4'\n ToNym:'%5'\n Amount:'%6'\n Note:'%7'").
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    time_t tFrom = OTAPI_Wrap::GetTime();
    time_t tTo   = tFrom + DEFAULT_CHEQUE_EXPIRATION;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string strCheque = OTAPI_Wrap::WriteCheque(str_serverId, trueAmount, tFrom, tTo,
                                                    str_fromAcctId, str_fromNymId, note.toStdString(),
    if (strCheque.empty())
        qDebug() << QString("Failed creating %1.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    OT_ME madeEasy;

    std::string  strResponse;
        MTOverrideCursor theSpinner;

        strResponse = madeEasy.send_user_payment(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_toNymId, strCheque);

    int32_t nReturnVal  = madeEasy.VerifyMessageSuccess(strResponse);

    if (1 != nReturnVal)
        qDebug() << QString("send %1: failed.").arg(nsChequeType);
        qDebug() << QString("Success in send %1!").arg(nsChequeType);
        return true;
    // NOTE: We do not retrieve the account files here, in the case of success.
    // That's because none of them have changed yet from this operation -- not
    // until the recipient deposits the cheque.

    return false;
Exemple #3
bool MTSendDlg::sendCash(int64_t amount, QString toNymId, QString fromAcctId, QString note)
    if (toNymId.size() == 0) {
        qDebug() << QString("Cannot send cash to an empty nym id, aborting.");
        return false;
    if (fromAcctId.size() == 0) {
        qDebug() << QString("Cannot send cash from an unknown account id, aborting.");
        return false;
    if (amount <= 0) {
        qDebug() << QString("Why send 0 (or less) units? Aborting send cash.");
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    if (note.isEmpty())
        note = tr("From the Qt systray app.");
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_toNymId   (toNymId   .toStdString());
    std::string str_fromAcctId(fromAcctId.toStdString());
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_fromNymId(OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_NymID      (str_fromAcctId));
    std::string str_serverId (OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_ServerID   (str_fromAcctId));
    std::string str_assetId  (OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_AssetTypeID(str_fromAcctId));
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // TODO: for security reasons, we might change the below 'if' so that
    // it ONLY checks the cash balance, and not the account balance here.
    // This would force the user to withdraw the cash by hand first, before
    // sending it (which would make it possible to preserve untraceability.)
    // Otherwise, if the send_instrument happens directly after the withdrawal,
    // the server will be able to tell who the recipient is purely by timing
    // analysis, without having to break the Chaumian blinding.
    int64_t theCashBalance = MTHome::rawCashBalance(QString::fromStdString(str_serverId),
    int64_t theAcctBalance = MTHome::rawAcctBalance(this->m_myAcctId);

    if ((amount > theCashBalance) && (amount > (theAcctBalance + theCashBalance)))
        qDebug() << QString("Aborting send cash: Amount is larger than cash balance, and is also "
              "larger than combined cash + account balance.");
        return false;
        // Note: you may be asking why doesn't the amount only have to be equal
        // to the SUM of the two balances? Why must it be available in FULL from
        // one or the other? The answer is, because if there is not enough available
        // in the purse, or if the tokens there have enough units, but not the right
        // denominations to create the amount exactly, then we have to withdraw the
        // amount from the account instead. In that case we will want to withdraw the
        // full amount, so that we can guarantee that we have tokens of the right
        // denominations for that amount.
        // NOTE: apparently the high-level API only withdraws the difference, which
        // means it could still end up with the right "amount" of cash, but the wrong
        // denominations necessary to "make change" for the exact amount.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    int64_t SignedAmount = amount;
    qDebug() << QString("Sending cash:\n Server:'%1'\n Nym:'%2'\n Acct:'%3'\n ToNym:'%4'\n Amount:'%5'\n Note:'%6'").
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    OT_ME madeEasy;

    bool bReturnValue = false;
        MTOverrideCursor theSpinner;

        bReturnValue = madeEasy.withdraw_and_send_cash(str_fromAcctId, str_toNymId, note.toStdString(), SignedAmount);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    return bReturnValue;

    // NOTE: We don't retrieve the account files in the case of success, because the
    // above function already does all that internally.
Exemple #4
bool MTSendDlg::sendCashierCheque(int64_t amount, QString toNymId, QString fromAcctId, QString note)
    QString nsChequeType = QString("voucher");
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    if (toNymId.size() == 0) {
        qDebug() << QString("Cannot send %1 to an empty nym id, aborting.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    if (fromAcctId.size() == 0) {
        qDebug() << QString("Cannot send %1 from an unknown account id, aborting.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    if (amount <= 0) {
        qDebug() << QString("Why send 0 (or less) units? Aborting send %1.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    if (amount > MTHome::rawAcctBalance(m_myAcctId)) {
        qDebug() << QString("Aborting send %1: Amount is larger than account balance.").arg(nsChequeType);
        return false;
    if (note.isEmpty())
        note = tr("From the desktop systray app.");
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_toNymId   (toNymId   .toStdString());
    std::string str_fromAcctId(fromAcctId.toStdString());
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    std::string str_fromNymId(OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_NymID   (str_fromAcctId));
    std::string str_serverId (OTAPI_Wrap::GetAccountWallet_ServerID(str_fromAcctId));
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    int64_t SignedAmount = amount;
    qDebug() << QString("Sending %1:\n Server:'%2'\n Nym:'%3'\n Acct:'%4'\n ToNym:'%5'\n Amount:'%6'\n Note:'%7'").
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    OT_ME madeEasy;

    std::string strAttempt  = "withdraw_voucher";
    std::string strResponse;
        MTOverrideCursor theSpinner;

        strResponse = madeEasy.withdraw_voucher(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_fromAcctId,
                                                str_toNymId, note.toStdString(), SignedAmount);

    int32_t nInterpretReply = madeEasy.InterpretTransactionMsgReply(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_fromAcctId,
                                                                    strAttempt, strResponse);

    if (1 != nInterpretReply) // Failure
        qDebug() << QString("Failure withdrawing voucher.");
        return false;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    //else Success!
    std::string strLedger = OTAPI_Wrap::Message_GetLedger(strResponse);

    if (strLedger.empty())
        qDebug() << QString("Failed withdrawing voucher: strLedger is empty.");
        return false;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    std::string strTransReply = OTAPI_Wrap::Ledger_GetTransactionByIndex(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_fromAcctId, strLedger, 0); // index 0.

    if (strTransReply.empty())
        qDebug() << QString("Error in withdraw_voucher: strTransReply is unexpectedly null, "
                            "returned by Ledger_GetTransactionByIndex, argument passed, index 0 and ledger:\n\n%s1\n").
        return false;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    std::string strVoucher = OTAPI_Wrap::Transaction_GetVoucher(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_fromAcctId, strTransReply);

    if (strVoucher.empty())
        qDebug() << QString("Error in withdraw_voucher: Voucher is unexpectedly empty, returned by Transaction_GetVoucher "
                            "with strTransReply set to:\n\n%1\n").arg(strTransReply.c_str());
        return false;
        // Save a copy in my own outpayments box. I don't want to lose this voucher since it uses
        // one of my own transaction numbers. (If I later send the voucher to someone, OT is smart
        // enough to remove the first copy from outpayments, when adding the second copy.)
        // Notice how I can send an instrument to myself. This doesn't actually send anything --
        // it just puts a copy into my outpayments box for safe-keeping.
        OT_ME sendToSelf;
        sendToSelf.send_user_payment(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_fromNymId, strVoucher);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // Download all the intermediary files (account balance, inbox, outbox, etc)
    // since they have probably changed from this operation.
    OT_ME retrieveAcct;
    bool bRetrieved = false;
        MTOverrideCursor theSpinner;

        bRetrieved = retrieveAcct.retrieve_account(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_fromAcctId, true); //bForceDownload defaults to false.
    qDebug() << QString("%1 retrieving intermediary files for account %2. (After withdraw voucher.)").
                arg(bRetrieved ? QString("Success") : QString("Failed")).arg(str_fromAcctId.c_str());
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    // We try to send it, even if the retrieve_account failed.
    // That way we insure that a copy of the voucher is stored
    // in the outpayment box. (Even if it fails to send.)
    // That way the user can later cancel or re-send it.

    //OTLog::vOutput(0, "Sending payment to NymID: %s\n", str_toNymId.c_str());

    OT_ME sendPayment;

    std::string  strSendResponse;
        MTOverrideCursor theSpinner;

        strSendResponse = sendPayment.send_user_payment(str_serverId, str_fromNymId, str_toNymId, strVoucher);

    int32_t nReturnVal = sendPayment.VerifyMessageSuccess(strSendResponse);

    if (1 != nReturnVal)
        qDebug() << QString("send %1: Failed.").arg(nsChequeType);
        qDebug() << QString("Success in send %1!").arg(nsChequeType);
        return true;

    return false;