Exemple #1
 *  Figure out if we should try to format usage text sort-of like
 *  the way many GNU programs do.
static ag_bool
checkGNUUsage( tOptions* pOpts )
    char* pz = getenv( "AUTOOPTS_USAGE" );
    if (pz == NULL)

    else if (streqvcmp( pz, "gnu" ) == 0)
        pOpts->fOptSet |= OPTPROC_GNUUSAGE;

    else if (streqvcmp( pz, "autoopts" ) == 0)
        pOpts->fOptSet &= ~OPTPROC_GNUUSAGE;

    return (pOpts->fOptSet & OPTPROC_GNUUSAGE) ? AG_TRUE : AG_FALSE;
Exemple #2
 * Return the template structure matching the name passed in.
LOCAL tTemplate *
findTemplate(char const * pzTemplName)
    tTemplate * pT = pNamedTplList;
    while (pT != NULL) {
        if (streqvcmp(pzTemplName, pT->pzTplName) == 0)
        pT = (tTemplate*)(void*)(pT->pNext);
    return pT;
Exemple #3
/*=gfunc string_ends_eqv_p
 * what:   caseless string ending
 * general_use:
 * exparg: text, text to test for pattern
 * exparg: match, pattern/substring to search for
 * string: "*="
 * doc:  Test to see if a string ends with an equivalent string.
static tSuccess
Select_Equivalent_End(char const * sample, char const * pattern)
    size_t   vlen = strlen(pattern);
    size_t   tlen = strlen(sample);

    if (tlen < vlen)
        return FAILURE;

    return (streqvcmp(sample + (tlen - vlen), pattern) == 0)
           ? SUCCESS
           : FAILURE;
Exemple #4
 *  compar_text
 *  merely returns the relative ordering of two input strings.
 *  The arguments are pointers to pointers to NUL-terminated strings.
 *  IF the definiton was mal-formed, an error message was printed
 *  earlier.  When we get here, we wil fail to find the "zNameTag"
 *  string and EXIT_FAILURE.
static int
compar_text(const void* p1, const void* p2)
    char* pz1 = strstr(*(char const * const *)p1, zNameTag);
    char* pe1;
    char* pz2 = strstr(*(char const * const *)p2, zNameTag);
    char* pe2;
    int   res;

    if (pz1 == NULL) {
        if (strncmp(*(char const * const *)p1, zGlobal, sizeof(zGlobal)-1) == 0)
            return -1;

        die(zBogusDef, *(char const * const *)p1);

    if (pz2 == NULL) {
        if (strncmp(*(char const * const *)p2, zGlobal, sizeof(zGlobal)-1) == 0)
            return 1;

        die(zBogusDef, *(char const * const *)p2);

    pz1 += sizeof(zNameTag)-1;
    pe1 = strchr(pz1, '\'');

    if (pe1 == NULL)
        die(zBogusDef, *(char const * const *)p1);

    pz2 += sizeof(zNameTag)-1;
    pe2 = strchr(pz2, '\'');

    if (pe2 == NULL)
        die(zBogusDef, *(char const * const *)p2);

    *pe1 = *pe2 = NUL;

     *  We know ordering is enabled because we only get called when
     *  it is enabled.  If the option was also specified, then
     *  we sort without case sensitivity (and we compare '-', '_'
     *  and '^' as being equal as well).  Otherwise, we do a
     *  strict string comparison.
         res = streqvcmp(pz1, pz2);
    else res = strcmp(pz1, pz2);
    *pe1 = *pe2 = '\'';
    return res;
Exemple #5
ag_scm_string_eqv_p(SCM text, SCM substr)
    char* pzText;
    char* pzSubstr;

     *  We are overloading the "=" operator.  Our arguments may be
     *  numbers...
    if (! AG_SCM_STRING_P(text) || ! AG_SCM_STRING_P(substr))
        return scm_num_eq_p(text, substr);

    pzText   = ag_scm2zchars(text, "text to match");
    pzSubstr = ag_scm2zchars(substr, "match expr");

    return (streqvcmp(pzText, pzSubstr) == 0) ? SCM_BOOL_T : SCM_BOOL_F;
Exemple #6
/*=gfunc string_eqv_p
 * what:   caseless string match
 * general_use:
 * exparg: text, text to test for pattern
 * exparg: match, pattern/substring to search for
 * string: "="
 * doc:  Test to see if two strings are equivalent.  `equivalent' means the
 *       strings match, but without regard to character case and certain
 *       characters are considered `equivalent'.  Viz., '-', '_' and '^' are
 *       equivalent.  If the arguments are not strings, then the result of the
 *       numeric comparison is returned.
 *       This is an overloaded operation.  If the arguments are not both
 *       strings, then the query is passed through to @code{scm_num_eq_p()}.
static tSuccess
Select_Equivalent_Full(char const * sample, char const * pattern)
    return (streqvcmp(sample, pattern) == 0) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE;
Exemple #7
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  It may be a number, a name, a keyword or garbage.
 *  Figure out which.
static char*
assembleName(char * pzScan, te_dp_event * pRetVal)
     *  Check for a number.
     *  Scan it in and advance "pzScan".
    if (  IS_DEC_DIGIT_CHAR(*pzScan)
       || (  (*pzScan == '-')
          && IS_DEC_DIGIT_CHAR(pzScan[1])
       )  )  {
        pz_token = pzScan;
        (void)strtol(pzScan, &pzScan, 0);
        *pRetVal = DP_EV_NUMBER;
        return pzScan;

    if (! IS_UNQUOTABLE_CHAR(*pzScan))
        AG_ABEND(aprf("%s Error: Invalid input char '%c' in %s on line %d\n",
                      pzProg, *pzScan, pCurCtx->pzCtxFname, pCurCtx->lineNo));

        unsigned char* pz = (unsigned char*)pzScan;

        while (IS_VALUE_NAME_CHAR(*pz))          pz++;

        if (IS_UNQUOTABLE_CHAR(*pz)) {
            *pRetVal = DP_EV_OTHER_NAME;
            while (IS_UNQUOTABLE_CHAR(*++pz))    ;
        } else
            *pRetVal = DP_EV_VAR_NAME;

         *  Return a NAME token, maybe.
         *  If the name is actually a keyword,
         *  we will return that token code instead.
        pz_token = pzScan;
        pzScan   = (char*)pz;

     *  Now scan the keyword table.
    if (*pRetVal == DP_EV_VAR_NAME) {
        char sv_ch = *pzScan;  /* preserve the following character */
        int  kw_ix = 0;
        *pzScan = NUL;         /* NUL terminate the name           */

        do  {
            if (streqvcmp(apzKeywords[ kw_ix ], (char*)pz_token) == 0) {
                 *  Return the keyword token code instead of DP_EV_NAME
                *pRetVal = aKeywordTkn[ kw_ix ];
        } while (++kw_ix < KEYWORD_CT);

        *pzScan = sv_ch;         /* restore the following character  */

    return pzScan;
Exemple #8
static void
do_env_opt(tOptState * os, char * env_name,
            tOptions * pOpts, teEnvPresetType type)
    os->pzOptArg = getenv(env_name);
    if (os->pzOptArg == NULL)

    os->flags   = OPTST_PRESET | OPTST_ALLOC_ARG | os->pOD->fOptState;
    os->optType = TOPT_UNDEFINED;

    if (  (os->pOD->pz_DisablePfx != NULL)
       && (streqvcmp(os->pzOptArg, os->pOD->pz_DisablePfx) == 0)) {
        os->flags |= OPTST_DISABLED;
        os->pzOptArg = NULL;

    switch (type) {
    case ENV_IMM:
         *  Process only immediate actions
        if (DO_IMMEDIATELY(os->flags))

    case ENV_NON_IMM:
         *  Process only NON immediate actions
        if (DO_NORMALLY(os->flags) || DO_SECOND_TIME(os->flags))

    default: /* process everything */

     *  Make sure the option value string is persistent and consistent.
     *  The interpretation of the option value depends
     *  on the type of value argument the option takes
    if (OPTST_GET_ARGTYPE(os->pOD->fOptState) == OPARG_TYPE_NONE) {
         *  Ignore any value.
        os->pzOptArg = NULL;

    } else if (os->pzOptArg[0] == NUL) {
         * If the argument is the empty string and the argument is
         * optional, then treat it as if the option was not specified.
        if ((os->pOD->fOptState & OPTST_ARG_OPTIONAL) == 0)
        os->pzOptArg = NULL;

    } else {
        AGDUPSTR(os->pzOptArg, os->pzOptArg, "option argument");
        os->flags |= OPTST_ALLOC_ARG;

    handle_opt(pOpts, os);