bool SuitsFilterModel::doFilter(dive *d, QModelIndex &index0, QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel) const { if (!anyChecked) { return true; } // Checked means 'Show', Unchecked means 'Hide'. QString suit(d->suit); // only show empty suit dives if the user checked that. if (suit.isEmpty()) { if (rowCount() > 0) return checkState[rowCount() - 1]; else return true; } // there is a suit selected QStringList suitList = stringList(); if (!suitList.isEmpty()) { suitList.removeLast(); // remove the "Show Empty Suits"; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); i++) { if (checkState[i] && (suit.indexOf(stringList()[i]) != -1)) { return true; } } } return false; }
void datalogProgram ::fact(){ predicate mypredicate; if ( == ID){ mypredicate.ident =; match(ID); match(LEFT_PAREN); if ( == STRING){ parameter aParam; aParam.textValue; domain.push_back(; mypredicate.myParameters.push_back(aParam); match(STRING); stringList(mypredicate.myParameters); match(RIGHT_PAREN); match(PERIOD); facts.push_back(mypredicate); } else{ if (currentStatus == true){ currentStatus = false; falseTok =; } } } else{ if (currentStatus == true){ currentStatus = false; falseTok =; } } }
QVariant PoolModel::data(const QModelIndex& _index, int _role) const { if (!_index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } switch (_role) { case ROLE_HOST: return QUrl::fromUserInput(stringList()[_index.row()]).host(); case ROLE_PORT: return QUrl::fromUserInput(stringList()[_index.row()]).port(); default: break; } return QStringListModel::data(_index, _role); }
void NameListModel::setInUse (const QString & name, bool used) { int row = stringList().indexOf (name); usage[name].inUse = used; emit dataChanged (index (row,0), index(row,0)); }
SieveArgument * SieveParser::argument() { whitespace(); SieveArgument * sa = new SieveArgument; sa->setParser( this ); sa->setStart( pos() ); if ( nextChar() == ':' ) sa->setTag( tag().lower() ); else if ( nextChar() >= '0' && nextChar() <= '9' ) sa->setNumber( number() ); else sa->setStringList( stringList() ); sa->setError( error() ); sa->setEnd( pos() ); // hack: if we set a number, clear the error so the arguments() // will read the next argument, too if ( sa->number() ) setError( "" ); return sa; }
void NameListModel::setSelected (const QString & name, bool selected) { int row = stringList().indexOf (name); usage[name].selected = selected; emit dataChanged (index (row,0), index(row,0)); }
// UnLoad the representation bool GLC_3DRep::unload() { bool unloadSucess= false; if ((NULL != m_pGeomList) && !m_pGeomList->isEmpty()) { if (fileName().isEmpty()) { QStringList stringList("GLC_3DRep::unload()"); stringList.append("Cannot unload rep without filename"); GLC_ErrorLog::addError(stringList); } else { const int size= m_pGeomList->size(); for (int i= 0; i < size; ++i) { delete (*m_pGeomList)[i]; } m_pGeomList->clear(); (*m_pIsLoaded)= false; unloadSucess= true; } } return unloadSucess; }
// Load the representation bool GLC_3DRep::load() { bool loadSucces= false; if(!(*m_pIsLoaded)) { Q_ASSERT(m_pGeomList->isEmpty()); if (fileName().isEmpty()) { QStringList stringList("GLC_3DRep::load"); stringList.append("Representation : " + GLC_Rep::name()); stringList.append("Empty File Name"); GLC_ErrorLog::addError(stringList); } else { GLC_3DRep newRep= GLC_Factory::instance()->create3DRepFromFile(fileName()); if (!newRep.isEmpty()) { const int size= newRep.m_pGeomList->size(); for (int i= 0; i < size; ++i) { m_pGeomList->append(newRep.m_pGeomList->at(i)); } newRep.m_pGeomList->clear(); (*m_pIsLoaded)= true; loadSucces= true; } } } return loadSucces; }
void updateTreeWithRemovedNode( Process::MessageNode& rootNode, const State::Address& addr) { // Find the message node Process::MessageNode* node_ptr = Device::try_getNodeFromString(rootNode, stringList(addr)); if(node_ptr) { auto& node = *node_ptr; // Recursively set the user value to nil. rec_removeUserValue(node); // If it is empty, delete it rec_cleanup(node); if(node.values.previousProcessValues.isEmpty() && node.values.followingProcessValues.isEmpty() && node.childCount() == 0) { rec_delete(node); } } }
// Return true if the binary rep is up to date bool BSRep::isUsable(const QDateTime& timeStamp) { bool isUpToDate= false; if (open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (headerIsOk()) { isUpToDate= timeStampOk(timeStamp); isUpToDate= isUpToDate && close(); } } else { std::string message(std::string("BSRep::loadRep Enable to open the file ") + m_FileInfo.fileName()); FileFormatException fileFormatException(message, m_FileInfo.fileName(), FileFormatException::FileNotFound); close(); throw(fileFormatException); } if (!isUpToDate && TraceLog::isEnable()) { std::stringList stringList("BSRep::isUsable"); stringList.append("File " + m_FileInfo.filePath() + " not Usable"); TraceLog::addTrace(stringList); } return isUpToDate; }
void printDB(struct Node *head, char *print_buf, int sd_current) { char temp_str[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(print_buf, "| SID | Lname | Fname | M | GPA |\n"); sprintf(temp_str, "+-------+-----------+-----------+---+------+\n"); strcat(print_buf, temp_str); stringList(head, print_buf); sprintf(temp_str, "+-------+-----------+-----------+---+------+\n\n"); strcat(print_buf, temp_str); /*printf("%s", print_buf);*/ if ( send( sd_current, print_buf, strlen(print_buf) + 1, 0) == -1) { perror( "send" ); exit( 1 ); } /* printf("| SID | Lname | Fname | M | GPA |\n"); printf("+-------+-----------+-----------+---+------+\n"); printList(head); printf("+-------+-----------+-----------+---+------+\n\n"); */ }
QString GpgServerModel::defaultServer() const { const QStringList &servers = stringList(); if (servers.isEmpty()) return QString(); return<int>(0, m_defaultRow)); }
int GpgServerModel::defaultRow() const { // only in case there is not set any default yet promote the first entry of the list if ((m_defaultRow >= 0) || stringList().empty()) return m_defaultRow; else return 0; }
QVariant LanguageListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if (role==Qt::DecorationRole) { #if 0 //#ifndef NOKDE static QMap<QString,QVariant> iconCache; QString langCode=stringList().at(index.row()); if (!iconCache.contains(langCode)) { QString code=QLocale(langCode).name(); QString path; if (code.contains('_')) code=QString::fromRawData(code.unicode()+3, 2).toLower(); if (code!="C") { static const QString flagPath("l10n/%1/flag.png"); path=QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("locale/") + flagPath.arg(code)); } iconCache[langCode]=QIcon(path); } return iconCache.value(langCode); #endif } else if (role==Qt::DisplayRole) { const QString& code=stringList().at(index.row()); if (code.isEmpty()) return code; //qDebug()<<"languageCodeToName"<<code; static QVector<QString> displayNames(stringList().size()); if ( return; #ifndef NOKDE return QVariant::fromValue<QString>( displayNames[index.row()]=KConfigGroup(m_systemLangList,code).readEntry("Name")%QStringLiteral(" (")%code%')'); #else QLocale l(code); // if (l.language()==QLocale::C && code!="C") return QVariant::fromValue<QString>( displayNames[index.row()]=QLocale::languageToString(l.language())%QStringLiteral(" (")%code%')'); #endif } return QStringListModel::data(index, role); }
QVariant FilesModel::data( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { static QIcon folderIcon(QPixmap("res/folder.png")); static QIcon fileIcon(QPixmap("res/file.png")); // returning the icon to show if( role == Qt::DecorationRole ) return m_fileInfoList[ index.row() ].isDir() ? qVariantFromValue( folderIcon ) : qVariantFromValue( fileIcon ); // in case of edit/display_text of the item returning the correspoding text if( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole ) return stringList()[ index.row() ]; // in case of copy/status_bar_tip of the item returning the full path of the file/folder if( role == Qt::StatusTipRole ) return m_currentFolder + "/" + stringList()[ index.row() ]; return QVariant(); }
void GpgServerModel::setDefault(const QString &server) { if (server.isEmpty()) { setDefault(-1); } else { const int row = stringList().indexOf(server); Q_ASSERT(row >= 0); setDefault(row); } }
virtual QVariant data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { QFileInfo fileInfo(stringList()[index.row()]); QFileIconProvider iconProv; return QVariant(iconProv.icon(fileInfo)); } else { return QStringListModel::data(index, role); } }
void GpgServerModel::setDefault(const int row) { Q_ASSERT(row < stringList().count()); if (m_defaultRow == row) return; const int oldRow = m_defaultRow; m_defaultRow = row; if (oldRow >= 0) emit dataChanged(index(oldRow, 0), index(oldRow, 0)); if (row >= 0) emit dataChanged(index(row, 0), index(row, 0)); }
CustomHeaderStrategy::CustomHeaderStrategy() : HeaderStrategy() { KConfigGroup customHeader( KMKernel::config(), "Custom Headers" ); if ( customHeader.hasKey( "headers to display" ) ) { mHeadersToDisplay = customHeader.readListEntry( "headers to display" ); for ( QStringList::iterator it = mHeadersToDisplay.begin() ; it != mHeadersToDisplay.end() ; ++ it ) *it = (*it).lower(); } else mHeadersToDisplay = stringList( standardHeaders, numStandardHeaders ); if ( customHeader.hasKey( "headers to hide" ) ) { mHeadersToHide = customHeader.readListEntry( "headers to hide" ); for ( QStringList::iterator it = mHeadersToHide.begin() ; it != mHeadersToHide.end() ; ++ it ) *it = (*it).lower(); } mDefaultPolicy = customHeader.readEntry( "default policy", "hide" ) == "display" ? Display : Hide ; }
void updateTreeWithRemovedUserMessage( Process::MessageNode& rootNode, const State::Address& addr) { // Find the message node Process::MessageNode* node = Device::try_getNodeFromString(rootNode, stringList(addr)); if(node) { node->values.userValue = State::OptionalValue{}; // If it is empty, delete it. if(node->values.previousProcessValues.isEmpty() && node->values.followingProcessValues.isEmpty() && node->childCount() == 0) { rec_delete(*node); } } }
RichHeaderStrategy() : HeaderStrategy(), mHeadersToDisplay( stringList( richHeaders, numRichHeaders ) ) {}
QString LanguageListModel::langCodeForSortModelRow(int row) { return stringList().at(m_sortModel->mapToSource(m_sortModel->index(row,0)).row()); }
StandardHeaderStrategy() : HeaderStrategy(), mHeadersToDisplay( stringList( standardHeaders, numStandardHeaders) ) {}
BriefHeaderStrategy() : HeaderStrategy(), mHeadersToDisplay( stringList( briefHeaders, numBriefHeaders ) ) {}
// Load Material void GLC_3dsToWorld::loadMaterial(Lib3dsMaterial* p3dsMaterial) { GLC_Material* pMaterial= new GLC_Material; // Set the material name const QString materialName(p3dsMaterial->name); pMaterial->setName(materialName); // Check if there is a texture if (p3dsMaterial->[0]) { const QString textureName(p3dsMaterial->; // Retrieve the .3ds file path QFileInfo fileInfo(m_FileName); QString textureFileName(fileInfo.absolutePath() + QDir::separator()); textureFileName.append(textureName); // TGA file type are not supported if (!textureName.right(3).contains("TGA", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QFile textureFile(textureFileName); if ( { // Create the texture and assign it to the material GLC_Texture *pTexture = new GLC_Texture(textureFile); pMaterial->setTexture(pTexture); m_ListOfAttachedFileName << textureFileName; textureFile.close(); } else { QStringList stringList(m_FileName); stringList.append("Open File : " + textureFileName + " failed"); GLC_ErrorLog::addError(stringList); } } else { QStringList stringList(m_FileName); stringList.append("Image : " + textureFileName + " not suported"); GLC_ErrorLog::addError(stringList); } } // Ambient Color QColor ambient; ambient.setRgbF(p3dsMaterial->ambient[0], p3dsMaterial->ambient[1], p3dsMaterial->ambient[2]); ambient.setAlphaF(p3dsMaterial->ambient[3]); pMaterial->setAmbientColor(ambient); // Diffuse Color QColor diffuse; diffuse.setRgbF(p3dsMaterial->diffuse[0], p3dsMaterial->diffuse[1], p3dsMaterial->diffuse[2]); diffuse.setAlphaF(p3dsMaterial->diffuse[3]); pMaterial->setDiffuseColor(diffuse); // Specular Color QColor specular; specular.setRgbF(p3dsMaterial->specular[0], p3dsMaterial->specular[1], p3dsMaterial->specular[2]); specular.setAlphaF(p3dsMaterial->specular[3]); pMaterial->setSpecularColor(specular); // Shininess if (0 != p3dsMaterial->shininess) { float matShininess= p3dsMaterial->shininess * 128.0f; if (matShininess > 128.0f) matShininess= 128.0f; if (matShininess < 5.0f) matShininess= 20.0f; pMaterial->setShininess(matShininess); } // Transparency pMaterial->setOpacity(1.0 - p3dsMaterial->transparency); // Add the material to the hash table m_Materials.insert(materialName, pMaterial); }
stringList volumeAverageFunctionObject::columnNames() { return stringList(1,"average"); }
void CreateCurvesFromAddresses( const QList<const Scenario::ConstraintModel*>& selected_constraints, const std::vector<Device::FullAddressSettings>& addresses, const iscore::CommandStackFacade& stack) { if(selected_constraints.empty()) return; // They should all be in the same scenario so we can select the first. // FIXME check that the other "cohesion" methods also use ScenarioInterface and not Scenario::ProcessModel auto scenar = dynamic_cast<Scenario::ScenarioInterface*>( selected_constraints.first()->parent()); int added_processes = 0; // Then create the commands auto big_macro = new Scenario::Command::AddMultipleProcessesToMultipleConstraintsMacro; for(const auto& constraint : selected_constraints) { // Generate brand new ids for the processes auto process_ids = getStrongIdRange<Process::ProcessModel>(addresses.size(), constraint->processes); auto macro_tuple = Scenario::Command::makeAddProcessMacro(*constraint, addresses.size()); auto macro = std::get<0>(macro_tuple); auto& bigLayerVec = std::get<1>(macro_tuple); Path<Scenario::ConstraintModel> constraintPath{*constraint}; const Scenario::StateModel& ss = startState(*constraint, *scenar); const auto& es = endState(*constraint, *scenar); std::vector<State::Address> existing_automations; for(const auto& proc : constraint->processes) { if(auto autom = dynamic_cast<const Automation::ProcessModel*>(&proc)) existing_automations.push_back(autom->address()); } int i = 0; for(const Device::FullAddressSettings& as : addresses) { // First, we skip the curve if there is already a curve // with this address in the constraint. if(contains(existing_automations, as.address)) continue; // Then we set-up all the necessary values // min / max double min = as.domain.min.val.isNumeric() ? State::convert::value<double>(as.domain.min) : 0; double max = as.domain.max.val.isNumeric() ? State::convert::value<double>(as.domain.max) : 1; // start value / end value double start = std::min(min, max); double end = std::max(min, max); Process::MessageNode* s_node = Device::try_getNodeFromString( ss.messages().rootNode(), stringList(as.address)); if(s_node) { if(auto val = s_node->value()) { start = State::convert::value<double>(*val); min = std::min(start, min); max = std::max(start, max); } } Process::MessageNode* e_node = Device::try_getNodeFromString( es.messages().rootNode(), stringList(as.address)); if(e_node) { if(auto val = e_node->value()) { end = State::convert::value<double>(*val); min = std::min(end, min); max = std::max(end, max); } } // Send the command. macro->addCommand(new Scenario::Command::CreateCurveFromStates{ Path<Scenario::ConstraintModel>{constraintPath}, bigLayerVec[i], process_ids[i], as.address, start, end, min, max }); i++; added_processes++; } big_macro->addCommand(macro); } if(added_processes > 0) { CommandDispatcher<> disp{stack}; disp.submitCommand(big_macro); } else { delete big_macro; } }
int FilesModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return stringList().count(); }
int LanguageListModel::sortModelRowForLangCode(const QString& langCode) { return m_sortModel->mapFromSource(index(stringList().indexOf(langCode))).row(); }
bool PoolModel::setData(const QModelIndex& _index, const QVariant& _value, int _role) { bool res = QStringListModel::setData(_index, _value, _role); Settings::instance().setMiningPoolList(stringList()); return res; }