Exemple #1
 oop set_sic_params_prim(oop r, char* which, objVectorOop params, void* FH) {
   ResourceMark rm;
   IntBList* l = stringToList(which);
   if (!l) {
     failure(FH, SIC_PARAMS_ERROR_MSG);
     return 0;
   fint len = params->length();
   fint *n= NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(fint, len);
   fint i;
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
     oop param = params->obj_at(i);
     if (!param->is_smi() || smiOop(param)->value() < 1) {
       char msg[BUFSIZ];
       sprintf(msg, "arg2[%ld]: invalid parameter (not a positive integer)",
       failure(FH, msg);
       return 0;
     n[i] = smiOop(param)->value();
   oop res = get_sic_params_prim(r, which, NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) l->push(n[i]);
   return res;
// this recursively searches out/replaces the key from a LinkedList
node *rec_replace( node *head, char key, char *str ) 
    node *temp, *trash, *n;

    if(head == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // if the current node's data does not match the key,
    // continue searching through the LinkedList
    if(head->data != key) {
        head->next = rec_replace( head->next, key, str );
        return head;

    // trash the current node, replace it with the intended String.
    trash = head;
    n = head->next;
    free( trash );
    head = stringToList( str );
    // go to the last node of the replacement String and attach the
    // rest of the LinkedList. continue searching out they key.
    for(temp = head; temp->next != NULL; temp = temp->next)
    temp->next =  rec_replace( n, key, str );

    return head;
int main( int argc, char **argv ) 
    FILE *fin;

    char str[1024], command, key;
    node *word;
    int i;

    // iterate through multiple input files at the command line
    for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) 
        //open the input file
        fin = fopen( argv[i], "r" );
        if(fin == NULL) 
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to open %s\n", argv[i]);

        // scan in the String to be manipulated and store as a LinkedList
        fscanf(fin, "%s", str);
        word = stringToList( str );

        // scan in commands until EOF
        while(fscanf(fin, "%c", &command) != EOF) 
            switch( command ) 
                case( '@' ): 
                    fscanf( fin, " %c %s", &key, str );
                    word = replaceChar( word, key, str );
                case( '-' ): 
                    fscanf( fin, " %c", &key );
                    word = replaceChar( word, key, NULL );
                case( '~' ): 
                    word = reverseList( word );
                case( '!' ): 
                    printList( word );

            }   // end switch

        }   // end while

    }   // end for

    return 0;
removeRedundantSubstrings(const std::string &s) {
    // Convert the string into a list of strings and separate out the redundant entries
    std::list<std::string> XStringList = stringToList(s);
    return listToString(XStringList);
Exemple #5
 oop get_sic_params_prim(oop, char* which, void* FH) {
   IntBList* l = stringToList(which);
   if (!l) {
     failure(FH, SIC_PARAMS_ERROR_MSG);
     return 0;
   objVectorOop res= Memory->objVectorObj->cloneSize(l->length());
   for (fint i = 0; i < l->length(); i++) {
     res->obj_at_put(i, as_smiOop(l->nth(i)));
   return res;
removePseudoRedundantSubstrings(const std::string &s) {
    // Convert the string into a list of strings and separate out the redundant entries
     std::list<std::string> XStringList = stringToList(s);

  // Build a list of the strings that will be modified
     std::list<std::string> modifiedStringList;
     std::list<std::string> listOfStringsToRemove;

     std::list<std::string>::iterator i;

  // Two loops over the list of strings represents a quadratic complexity!
     for (i = XStringList.begin(); i != XStringList.end(); i++)
          std::string i_modifiedString;
       // printf ("At top of loop over XStringList \n");

       // Build list of the differences between strings
          std::list<std::string> listOfDifferences;

          for (std::list<std::string>::iterator j = XStringList.begin(); j != XStringList.end(); j++)
            // compare *i and *j and check for pseudo-redundence
            // printf ("top of loop through string: compare *i and *j and check for pseudo-redundence \n");

            // build information about *i
               std::string::const_iterator i_diffpos        = find_if ( (*i).begin(), (*i).end(), isNumber );

            // build information about *j
               std::string::const_iterator j_diffpos        = find_if ( (*j).begin(), (*j).end(), isNumber );

               unsigned int i_subStringLength  = i_diffpos - (*i).begin();
               unsigned int j_subStringLength  = j_diffpos - (*j).begin();

            // printf ("i_subStringLength = %d j_subStringLength = %d \n",i_subStringLength,j_subStringLength);

            // Must be the same length string AND
            // the same length substring occuring before the first number AND
            // there must have been a number in the string
               if ( ((*i).size() == (*j).size()) &&
                               (i_subStringLength  == j_subStringLength)  &&
                               (i_diffpos != (*i).end()) )
                 // printf ("substrings could be the same ... \n");

                    i_modifiedString = *i; i_modifiedString[i_subStringLength] = '$';
                    std::string j_modifiedString = *j; j_modifiedString[j_subStringLength] = '$';

                 // After modifying the strings (uniformly) see if we have a match
                    if ( i_modifiedString == j_modifiedString )
                      // (*i) and (*j) match upto the value of the number
                      // record this as a modified string
                      // modifiedStringList.push_back(i_modifiedString);

                      // Remove these strings (after we finish these nested loops)

                      // Build a string from the number that differentiates the two strings
                         std::string i_numberString(1, *i_diffpos);
                         std::string j_numberString(1, *j_diffpos);
                      // Save the differences between the pseudo matching strings

       // printf ("listOfDifferences.size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",listOfDifferences.size());

       // If there are any elements then we can proceed
          if (!listOfDifferences.empty())

               std::string maxvalue = listOfDifferences.back();
               ROSE_ASSERT (!maxvalue.empty());

            // char* diffpos = find_if ( modifiedString.c_str(), modifiedString.c_str()+modifiedString.length(), isMarker );
               std::string::iterator diffpos = find_if (i_modifiedString.begin(), i_modifiedString.end(), isMarker );

               *diffpos = maxvalue[0];
            // modifiedString = copyEdit(modifiedString,string("$Y"),maxvalue);


  // Remove strings we identified for removal

     for (i = listOfStringsToRemove.begin(); i != listOfStringsToRemove.end(); i++)

  // Add the strings the we saved (the resort)
     XStringList.insert(XStringList.end(), modifiedStringList.begin(), modifiedStringList.end());




     return listToString(XStringList);