Exemple #1
 * @function parseWorldToEntityPaths
void DartLoader::parseWorldToEntityPaths(const std::string &_xml_string) {
    TiXmlDocument xml_doc;
    TiXmlElement *world_xml = xml_doc.FirstChildElement("world");
    if( !world_xml ) {
    // Get all include filenames
    std::map<std::string, std::string> includedFiles;

    for( TiXmlElement* include_xml = world_xml->FirstChildElement("include");
      include_xml; include_xml = include_xml->NextSiblingElement("include") ) {
      const char *filename = include_xml->Attribute("filename");
      const char *model_name = include_xml->Attribute("model_name");
      std::string string_filename( filename );
      std::string string_filepath = string_filename.substr( 0, string_filename.rfind("/") + 1 );
      std::string string_model_name( model_name );

      includedFiles[string_model_name] = string_filepath;
    // Get all entities
    for( TiXmlElement* entity_xml = world_xml->FirstChildElement("entity");
      entity_xml; entity_xml = entity_xml->NextSiblingElement("entity") ) {

      // Find model and name for entity, if not, error
      const char* entity_model = entity_xml->Attribute("model");
      const char* entity_name = entity_xml->Attribute("name");

      if( entity_name && entity_model ) {
        std::string string_entity_model( entity_model );  
        std::string string_entity_name( entity_name ); 
        // Find the model
        if( includedFiles.find( string_entity_model ) == includedFiles.end() ) {
          std::cout<<"[!] Did not find entity model included. Weird things may happen"<<std::endl;
        // Add it
        else {
          std::string string_entity_filepath = includedFiles.find( string_entity_model )->second;
          mWorld_To_Entity_Paths[string_entity_name] = string_entity_filepath;
      // If no name or model is defined
      else {
        std::cout<< "[!] Entity was not defined. Weird things will happen" <<std::endl;

    } // for all entities

   * @function parseWorldURDF
  World* parseWorldURDF(const std::string &_xml_string, std::string _root_to_world_path) {
    World* world = new World();
    TiXmlDocument xml_doc;
    xml_doc.Parse( _xml_string.c_str() );
    TiXmlElement *world_xml = xml_doc.FirstChildElement("world");
    if( !world_xml ) {
      printf ( "[parseWorldURDF] ERROR: Could not find a <world> element in XML, exiting and not loading! \n" );
      return NULL;
    // Get world name
    const char *name = world_xml->Attribute("name");
    if(!name) {
      printf ("[parseWorldURDF] ERROR: World does not have a name specified. Exiting and not loading! \n");
      return NULL;
    world->name = std::string(name);
    if(debug) std::cout<< "World name: "<< world->name << std::endl;
    // Get all include filenames
    int count = 0;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> includedFiles;

    for( TiXmlElement* include_xml = world_xml->FirstChildElement("include");
	 include_xml; include_xml = include_xml->NextSiblingElement("include") ) {
      const char *filename = include_xml->Attribute("filename");
      const char *model_name = include_xml->Attribute("model_name");
      std::string string_filename( filename );
      std::string string_model_name( model_name );
      includedFiles[string_model_name] = string_filename;
      if(debug) std::cout<<"Include: Model name: "<<  model_name <<" filename: "<< filename <<std::endl;
    if(debug) std::cout<<"Found "<<count<<" include filenames "<<std::endl;
    // Get all entities
    count = 0;
    for( TiXmlElement* entity_xml = world_xml->FirstChildElement("entity");
	 entity_xml; entity_xml = entity_xml->NextSiblingElement("entity") ) {
      Entity entity;
      try {

	const char* entity_model = entity_xml->Attribute("model");
	std::string string_entity_model( entity_model );
	// Find the model
	if( includedFiles.find( string_entity_model ) == includedFiles.end() ) {
	  std::cout<<"[parseWorldURDF] ERROR: I cannot find the model you want to use, did you write the name right? Exiting and not loading! \n"<<std::endl;
	  return NULL;
	else {
	  std::string fileName = includedFiles.find( string_entity_model )->second;
	  std::string fileFullName = _root_to_world_path;
	  fileFullName.append( fileName );
	  if(debug) std::cout<< "Entity full filename: "<< fileFullName << std::endl;
	  // Parse model
	  std::string xml_model_string;
	  std::fstream xml_file( fileFullName.c_str(), std::fstream::in );
	  while( xml_file.good() ) {
	    std::string line;
	    std::getline( xml_file, line );
	    xml_model_string += (line + "\n");
	  ModelInterface* model = parseURDF( xml_model_string ).get();

	  if( !model ) {
	    std::cout<< "[parseWorldURDF] Model in "<<fileFullName<<" not found. Exiting and not loading!" <<std::endl;
	    return NULL;
	  else {
	    // Parse location
	    TiXmlElement *o = entity_xml->FirstChildElement("origin");
	    if( o ) {
	      if( !parsePose( entity.origin, o ) ) {
		printf ("[ERROR] Write the pose for your entity! \n");
		return world;
	    // If name is defined
	    const char* entity_name = entity_xml->Attribute("name");
	    if( entity_name ) {
	      std::string string_entity_name( entity_name );
	      entity.model->name_ = string_entity_name;	
	    // Store in world
	    world->models.push_back( entity );
	} // end of include read
      catch( ParseError &e ) {
	if(debug) printf ("Entity xml not initialized correctly \n");
	return world;
    } // end for
    if(debug) printf ("Found %d entities \n", count);
    return world;