generic_gnc_numeric_end_handler(gpointer data_for_children,
                                GSList  *data_from_children, GSList *sibling_data,
                                gpointer parent_data, gpointer global_data,
                                gpointer *result, const gchar *tag)
    gnc_numeric *num = NULL;
    gchar *txt = NULL;
    bool ok = FALSE;

    txt = concatenate_child_result_chars(data_from_children);

    if (txt)
        num = g_new(gnc_numeric, 1);
        if (num)
            if (string_to_gnc_numeric(txt, num))
                ok = TRUE;
                *result = num;

    if (!ok)
        PERR ("couldn't parse numeric quantity");

Exemple #2
gnc_exp_parser_real_init ( gboolean addPredefined )
    gchar *filename, **keys, **key, *str_value;
    GKeyFile *key_file;
    gnc_numeric value;

    if (parser_inited)
        gnc_exp_parser_shutdown ();

    variable_bindings = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

    /* This comes after the statics have been initialized. Not at the end! */
    parser_inited = TRUE;

    if ( addPredefined )
        filename = gnc_exp_parser_filname();
        key_file = gnc_key_file_load_from_file(filename, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
        if (key_file)
            keys = g_key_file_get_keys(key_file, GROUP_NAME, NULL, NULL);
            for (key = keys; key && *key; key++)
                str_value = g_key_file_get_string(key_file, GROUP_NAME, *key, NULL);
                if (str_value && string_to_gnc_numeric(str_value, &value))
                    gnc_exp_parser_set_value (*key, gnc_numeric_reduce (value));
static split_record interpret_split_record( char *record_line)
    char * tok_ptr;
    split_record record;
    memset(&record, 0, sizeof(record));
    DEBUG("interpret_split_record(): Start...");
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(record_line, "\t")) != 0)
        switch (tok_ptr[0])
        case 'B':
            record.log_action = split_record::LOG_BEGIN_EDIT;
        case 'D':
            record.log_action = split_record::LOG_DELETE;
        case 'C':
            record.log_action = split_record::LOG_COMMIT;
        case 'R':
            record.log_action = split_record::LOG_ROLLBACK;
        record.log_action_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        string_to_guid(tok_ptr, &(record.trans_guid));
        record.trans_guid_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        string_to_guid(tok_ptr, &(record.split_guid));
        record.split_guid_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        record.log_date = gnc_iso8601_to_timespec_gmt(tok_ptr);
        record.log_date_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        record.date_entered = gnc_iso8601_to_timespec_gmt(tok_ptr);
        record.date_entered_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        record.date_posted = gnc_iso8601_to_timespec_gmt(tok_ptr);
        record.date_posted_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        string_to_guid(tok_ptr, &(record.acc_guid));
        record.acc_guid_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        strncpy(record.acc_name, tok_ptr, STRING_FIELD_SIZE - 1);
        record.acc_name_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        strncpy(record.trans_num, tok_ptr, STRING_FIELD_SIZE - 1);
        record.trans_num_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        strncpy(record.trans_descr, tok_ptr, STRING_FIELD_SIZE - 1);
        record.trans_descr_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        strncpy(record.trans_notes, tok_ptr, STRING_FIELD_SIZE - 1);
        record.trans_notes_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        strncpy(record.split_memo, tok_ptr, STRING_FIELD_SIZE - 1);
        record.split_memo_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        strncpy(record.split_action, tok_ptr, STRING_FIELD_SIZE - 1);
        record.split_action_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        record.split_reconcile = tok_ptr[0];
        record.split_reconcile_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        string_to_gnc_numeric(tok_ptr, &(record.amount));
        record.amount_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        string_to_gnc_numeric(tok_ptr, &(record.value));
        record.value_present = TRUE;
    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        record.date_reconciled = gnc_iso8601_to_timespec_gmt(tok_ptr);
        record.date_reconciled_present = TRUE;

    if (strlen(tok_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\t")) != 0)
        PERR("interpret_split_record():  Expected number of fields exceeded!");
    DEBUG("interpret_split_record(): End");
    return record;