Exemple #1
void FileReader::ReadUntilEof()
    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(m_ifstream, line))

    if (m_ifstream.eof())
        m_ifstream.clear(); // clear EOF condition

        // resync to end of file, even if the file shrunk
        auto lastReadPosition = m_ifstream.tellg();
        m_ifstream.seekg(0, m_ifstream.end);
        auto length = m_ifstream.tellg();
        if (length > lastReadPosition)
        else if (length != lastReadPosition)
            Add(stringbuilder() << "file shrank, resynced at offset " << length);
        // Some error other then EOF occured
        Add("Stopped tailing " + m_filename);
        m_end = true;
void DBWinReader::Notify()
	HANDLE handle = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, m_dbWinBuffer->processId);

	if (handle == 0)
		Win32Error error(GetLastError(), "OpenProcess");
		std::string s = stringbuilder() << error.what() << " " <<  m_dbWinBuffer->data;
		Add(m_dbWinBuffer->processId, s.c_str(), handle);
	Add(m_dbWinBuffer->processId, m_dbWinBuffer->data, handle);
Lines NewlineFilter::FlushLinesFromTerminatedProcess(DWORD pid, HANDLE handle)
    Lines lines;
    if (m_lineBuffers.find(pid) != m_lineBuffers.end())
        if (!m_lineBuffers[pid].empty())
            // timestamp not filled, this will be done by the loopback source
            lines.push_back(Line(0, FILETIME(), pid, "<flush>", m_lineBuffers[pid], nullptr));
    auto processName = Str(ProcessInfo::GetProcessName(handle)).str();
    auto info = ProcessInfo::GetProcessInfo(handle);
    std::string infoStr = stringbuilder() << "<process started at " << info << " has now terminated>";
    lines.push_back(Line(0, FILETIME(), pid, processName, infoStr, nullptr));
    return lines;
	void exceptionmessage(const char* what, const char * location)
		auto trimmed = boost::trim_copy_if(std::string(what), boost::is_any_of("\r\n\t"));
		errormessage(stringbuilder() << "Exception '" << trimmed << "' occured at " << location, "Exception occurred");
	void assertmessage(const std::string& assertion, const std::string& message, const char * location)
		errormessage(stringbuilder() << "Assertion '" << assertion << "' failed (" << message << ") at " << location, "Exception occurred");