Exemple #1
/* Load the channel file */
void load_mudchannels( void )
   mud_channel *channel = nullptr;
   int filever = 0;
   ifstream stream;

   log_string( "Loading channels..." );

   chanlist.clear(  );

   stream.open( CHANNEL_FILE );
   if( !stream.is_open(  ) )
      log_string( "No channel file found." );

      string key, value;
      char buf[MIL];

      stream >> key;
      stream.getline( buf, MIL );
      value = buf;

      strip_lspace( key );
      strip_tilde( value );
      strip_lspace( value );

      if( key.empty(  ) )

      if( key == "#VERSION" )
         filever = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "#CHANNEL" )
         channel = new mud_channel;
      else if( key == "ChanName" )
         channel->name = value;
      else if( key == "ChanColorname" )
         channel->colorname = value;
      else if( key == "ChanLevel" )
         channel->level = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "ChanType" )
         channel->type = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "ChanFlags" )
         if( filever < 1 )
            channel->flags = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
            flag_string_set( value, channel->flags, chan_flags );
      else if( key == "End" )
         chanlist.push_back( channel );
         log_printf( "%s: Bad line in channel file: %s %s", __func__, key.c_str(  ), value.c_str(  ) );
   while( !stream.eof(  ) );
   stream.close(  );
Exemple #2
void load_auth_list( void )
   ifstream stream;
   auth_data *auth = nullptr;

   authlist.clear(  );

   stream.open( AUTH_FILE );
   if( !stream.is_open(  ) )
      bug( "%s: Cannot open auth.dat", __func__ );

      string key, value;
      char buf[MIL];

      stream >> key;
      stream.getline( buf, MIL );
      value = buf;

      strip_lspace( key );
      strip_lspace( value );
      strip_tilde( value );

      if( key.empty(  ) )

      if( key == "#AUTH" )
         auth = new auth_data;
      else if( key == "Name" )
         auth->name = value;
      else if( key == "State" )
         auth->state = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );

         if( auth->state == AUTH_ONLINE || auth->state == AUTH_LINK_DEAD )
             * Crash proofing. Can't be online when  booting up. Would suck for do_auth 
            auth->state = AUTH_OFFLINE;
      else if( key == "AuthedBy" )
         auth->authed_by = value;
      else if( key == "Change" )
         auth->change_by = value;
      else if( key == "End" )
         authlist.push_back( auth );
         log_printf( "%s: Bad line in auth.dat file: %s %s", __func__, key.c_str(  ), value.c_str(  ) );
   while( !stream.eof(  ) );
   stream.close(  );

   clear_auth_list(  );
Exemple #3
void load_ships( void )
   ifstream stream;
   ship_data *ship;

   shiplist.clear(  );

   stream.open( SHIP_FILE );
   if( !stream.is_open(  ) )
      bug( "%s: Unable to open ships file.", __FUNCTION__ );

      string key, value;
      char buf[MIL];

      stream >> key;
      stream.getline( buf, MIL );
      value = buf;

      strip_lspace( key );
      strip_lspace( value );
      strip_tilde( value );

      if( key.empty(  ) )

      if( key == "#SHIP" )
         ship = new ship_data;
      else if( key == "Name" )
         ship->name = value;
      else if( key == "Owner" )
         ship->owner = value;
      else if( key == "Flags" )
         flag_string_set( value, ship->flags, ship_flags );
      else if( key == "Vnum" )
         ship->vnum = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Room" )
         ship->room = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Type" )
         ship->type = get_shiptype( value );

         ship->type = URANGE( SHIP_NONE, ship->type, SHIP_WARSHIP );
      else if( key == "Hull" )
         ship->hull = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Max_hull" )
         ship->max_hull = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Fuel" )
         ship->fuel = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Max_fuel" )
         ship->max_fuel = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Coordinates" )
         string coord;

         value = one_argument( value, coord );
         ship->cmap = atoi( coord.c_str(  ) );

         value = one_argument( value, coord );
         ship->mx = atoi( coord.c_str(  ) );

         ship->my = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "End" )
         shiplist.push_back( ship );
         log_printf( "%s: Bad line in ships file: %s %s", __FUNCTION__, key.c_str(  ), value.c_str(  ) );
   while( !stream.eof(  ) );
   stream.close(  );
Exemple #4
/* Loads the conn.hist file into memory */
void load_connhistory( void )
   ifstream stream;
   conn_data *conn;
   size_t conncount = 0;

   connlist.clear(  );

   stream.open( CH_FILE );
   if( !stream.is_open(  ) )

      string key, value;
      char buf[MIL];

      stream >> key;
      stream.getline( buf, MIL );
      value = buf;

      strip_lspace( key );
      strip_lspace( value );
      strip_tilde( value );

      if( key.empty(  ) )

      if( key == "#CONN" )
         conn = new conn_data;
      else if( key == "User" )
         conn->user = value;
      else if( key == "When" )
         conn->when = value;
      else if( key == "Host" )
         conn->host = value;
      else if( key == "Level" )
         conn->level = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Type" )
         conn->type = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "Invis" )
         conn->type = atoi( value.c_str(  ) );
      else if( key == "End" )
         if( conncount < MAX_CONNHISTORY )
            connlist.push_back( conn );
            bug( "%s: more connection histories than MAX_CONNHISTORY %zd", __FUNCTION__, MAX_CONNHISTORY );
            stream.close(  );
         bug( "%s: Bad line in connection history file: %s %s", __FUNCTION__, key.c_str(  ), value.c_str(  ) );
   while( !stream.eof(  ) );
   stream.close(  );