Exemple #1
long StrToSpeedUnits(char* str)
	if (!strcmpnocase(str,"knots")) return kKnots;
	if (!strncmpnocase(str,"MetersPerSec",strlen("MetersPerSec"))) return kMetersPerSec;
	if (!strcmpnocase(str,"MPS")) return kMetersPerSec;
	if (!strcmpnocase(str,"MilesPerHour")) return kMilesPerHour;
	if (!strcmpnocase(str,"MPH")) return kMilesPerHour;
	// these we added to support OSSM's "Long Wind File" format
	if(!strcmpnocase(str,"miles per hour")) return kMilesPerHour;
	if(!strcmpnocase(str,"meters per second")) return kMetersPerSec;
	return kUndefined;
Boolean PathIsWizardResourceHelper(char* path,long* resNum)
	if(path && path[0])
			// get the file contents from a TEXT resource
			*resNum = atol(path+strlen(STARTSTRING));
			if(*resNum > 0)
				return true;
	return false;
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::TextRead(char *path, TMap **newMap, char *topFilePath) // don't want a map  
	// this code is for curvilinear grids
	OSErr err = 0;
	long i,j, numScanned, indexOfStart = 0;
	int status, ncid, latIndexid, lonIndexid, latid, lonid, recid, timeid, numdims;
	size_t latLength, lonLength, recs, t_len, t_len2;
	float timeVal;
	char recname[NC_MAX_NAME], *timeUnits=0, month[10];	
	char dimname[NC_MAX_NAME], s[256], topPath[256];
	float *lat_vals=0,*lon_vals=0,yearShift=0.;
	static size_t timeIndex,ptIndex[2]={0,0};
	static size_t pt_count[2];
	Seconds startTime, startTime2;
	double timeConversion = 1.;
	char errmsg[256] = "",className[256]="";
	char fileName[64],*modelTypeStr=0;
	Point where;
	OSType typeList[] = { 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL' };
	MySFReply reply;
	Boolean bTopFile = false, fIsNavy = false;	// for now keep code around but probably don't need Navy curvilinear wind
	//VelocityFH velocityH = 0;
	char outPath[256];
	if (!path || !path[0]) return 0;
	SplitPathFile (s, fileName);
	strcpy(fFileName, fileName); // maybe use a name from the file
	status = nc_open(path, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
	//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		err = ConvertTraditionalPathToUnixPath((const char *) path, outPath, kMaxNameLen) ;
		status = nc_open(outPath, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	// check number of dimensions - 2D or 3D
	status = nc_inq_ndims(ncid, &numdims);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,"generating_model",&t_len2);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {fIsNavy = false; /*goto done;*/}	
		fIsNavy = true;
		// may only need to see keyword is there, since already checked grid type
		modelTypeStr = new char[t_len2+1];
		status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "generating_model", modelTypeStr);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {fIsNavy = false; goto done;}	
		modelTypeStr[t_len2] = '\0';
		strcpy(fFileName, modelTypeStr); 
	if (!strcmp("NetCDF Wind",className))
		SetClassName(fFileName); //first check that name is now the default and not set by command file ("NetCDF Wind")
	//if (fIsNavy)
		status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "time", &recid); //Navy
		//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		{	status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &recid);	// issue of time not being unlimited dimension
			if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	 status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &recid);	// issue of time not being unlimited dimension
	 if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	//if (fIsNavy)
	status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &timeid); 
	if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "ProjectionHr", &timeid); 
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	//	if (status != NC_NOERR) {/*err = -1; goto done;*/timeid=recid;} 
	//if (!fIsNavy)
	//status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid, recid, "units", &t_len);	// recid is the dimension id not the variable id
	//else	// LAS has them in order, and time is unlimited, but variable/dimension names keep changing so leave this way for now
	status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid, timeid, "units", &t_len);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		timeUnits = 0;	// files should always have this info
		timeConversion = 3600.;		// default is hours
		startTime2 = model->GetStartTime();	// default to model start time
		//err = -1; goto done;
		DateTimeRec time;
		char unitStr[24], junk[10];
		timeUnits = new char[t_len+1];
		//if (!fIsNavy)
		//status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, recid, "units", timeUnits);	// recid is the dimension id not the variable id
		status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, timeid, "units", timeUnits);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;} 
		timeUnits[t_len] = '\0'; // moved this statement before StringSubstitute, JLM 5/2/10
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, ':', ' ');
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, '-', ' ');
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, 'T', ' ');
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, 'Z', ' ');
		numScanned=sscanf(timeUnits, "%s %s %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd",
						  unitStr, junk, &time.year, &time.month, &time.day,
						  &time.hour, &time.minute, &time.second) ;
		if (numScanned==5)	
		{time.hour = 0; time.minute = 0; time.second = 0; }
		else if (numScanned==7) // has two extra time entries ??	
			time.second = 0;
		else if (numScanned<8)	
		//else if (numScanned!=8)	
			//timeUnits = 0;	// files should always have this info
			//timeConversion = 3600.;		// default is hours
			//startTime2 = model->GetStartTime();	// default to model start time
			err = -1; TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::TextRead()", "sscanf() == 8", 0); goto done;
			// code goes here, trouble with the DAYS since 1900 format, since converts to seconds since 1904
			if (time.year ==1900) {time.year += 40; time.day += 1; /*for the 1900 non-leap yr issue*/ yearShift = 40.;}
			DateToSeconds (&time, &startTime2);	// code goes here, which start Time to use ??
			if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"HOURS") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"HOUR"))
				timeConversion = 3600.;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"MINUTES") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"MINUTE"))
				timeConversion = 60.;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"SECONDS") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"SECOND"))
				timeConversion = 1.;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"DAYS") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"DAY"))
				timeConversion = 24.*3600.;
	if (fIsNavy)
		status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "gridy", &latIndexid); //Navy
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, latIndexid, &latLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "gridx", &lonIndexid);	//Navy
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, lonIndexid, &lonLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		// option to use index values?
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "grid_lat", &latid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "grid_lon", &lonid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		for (i=0;i<numdims;i++)
			if (i == recid) continue;
			status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid,i,dimname);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
			if (!strncmpnocase(dimname,"X",1) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"LON",3) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"nx",2))
				lonIndexid = i;
			if (!strncmpnocase(dimname,"Y",1) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"LAT",3) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"ny",2))
				latIndexid = i;
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, latIndexid, &latLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, lonIndexid, &lonLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "LATITUDE", &latid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &latid);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) 
				status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "latitude", &latid);
				if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "LONGITUDE", &lonid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &lonid);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) 
				status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "longitude", &lonid);
				if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	pt_count[0] = latLength;
	pt_count[1] = lonLength;
	vertexPtsH = (WorldPointF**)_NewHandleClear(latLength*lonLength*sizeof(WorldPointF));
	if (!vertexPtsH) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	lat_vals = new float[latLength*lonLength]; 
	lon_vals = new float[latLength*lonLength]; 
	if (!lat_vals || !lon_vals) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, latid, ptIndex, pt_count, lat_vals);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, lonid, ptIndex, pt_count, lon_vals);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	for (i=0;i<latLength;i++)
		for (j=0;j<lonLength;j++)
			//if (lat_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j]==fill_value)	// this would be an error
			//if (lon_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j]==fill_value)
			INDEXH(vertexPtsH,i*lonLength+j).pLat = lat_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j];	
			INDEXH(vertexPtsH,i*lonLength+j).pLong = lon_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j];
	fVertexPtsH	 = vertexPtsH;
	status = nc_inq_dim(ncid, recid, recname, &recs);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	if (recs<=0) {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF wind file"); err =  -1; goto done;}
	fTimeHdl = (Seconds**)_NewHandleClear(recs*sizeof(Seconds));
	if (!fTimeHdl) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	for (i=0;i<recs;i++)
		Seconds newTime;
		// possible units are, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS,...
		timeIndex = i;
		//if (!fIsNavy)
		//status = nc_get_var1_float(ncid, recid, &timeIndex, &timeVal);	// recid is the dimension id not the variable id
		status = nc_get_var1_float(ncid, timeid, &timeIndex, &timeVal);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		newTime = RoundDateSeconds(round(startTime2+timeVal*timeConversion));
		//INDEXH(fTimeHdl,i) = startTime2+(long)(timeVal*timeConversion -yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25);	// which start time where?
		//if (i==0) startTime = startTime2+(long)(timeVal*timeConversion -yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25);
		INDEXH(fTimeHdl,i) = newTime-yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25;	// which start time where?
		if (i==0) startTime = newTime-yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25;
	if (model->GetStartTime() != startTime || model->GetModelTime()!=model->GetStartTime())
		if (true)	// maybe use NOAA.ver here?
			short buttonSelected;
			//buttonSelected  = MULTICHOICEALERT(1688,"Do you want to reset the model start time to the first time in the file?",FALSE);
			if(!gCommandFileRun)	// also may want to skip for location files...
				buttonSelected  = MULTICHOICEALERT(1688,"Do you want to reset the model start time to the first time in the file?",FALSE);
			else buttonSelected = 1;	// TAP user doesn't want to see any dialogs, always reset (or maybe never reset? or send message to errorlog?)
				case 1: // reset model start time
					//bTopFile = true;
					model->NewDirtNotification(DIRTY_RUNBAR); // must reset the runbar
				case 3: // don't reset model start time
					//bTopFile = false;
				case 4: // cancel
					err=-1;// user cancel
					goto done;
		//model->NewDirtNotification(DIRTY_RUNBAR); // must reset the runbar
	fNumRows = latLength;
	fNumCols = lonLength;
	status = nc_close(ncid);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	//err = this -> SetInterval(errmsg);
	//if(err) goto done;
	// look for topology in the file
	// for now ask for an ascii file, output from Topology save option
	// need dialog to ask for file
	//if (fIsNavy)	// for now don't allow for wind files
	{if (topFilePath[0]) {err = ReadTopology(topFilePath,newMap); goto done;}}
	if (!gCommandFileRun)
		short buttonSelected;
		buttonSelected  = MULTICHOICEALERT(1688,"Do you have an extended topology file to load?",FALSE);
			case 1: // there is an extended top file
				bTopFile = true;
			case 3: // no extended top file
				bTopFile = false;
			case 4: // cancel
				err=-1;// stay at this dialog
				goto done;
		mysfpgetfile(&where, "", -1, typeList,
					 (MyDlgHookUPP)0, &reply, M38c, MakeModalFilterUPP(STDFilter));
		if (!reply.good)/* return USERCANCEL;*/
			/*if (recs>0)
				err = this -> ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);
			else {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF file"); err =  -1;}
			if(err) goto done;*/
			err = dynamic_cast<NetCDFWindMoverCurv *>(this)->ReorderPoints(newMap,errmsg);	
			//err = ReorderPoints(fStartData.dataHdl,newMap,errmsg);	// if u, v input separately only do this once?
	 		goto done;
			strcpy(topPath, reply.fullPath);
		where = CenteredDialogUpLeft(M38c);
		sfpgetfile(&where, "",
				   -1, typeList,
				   &reply, M38c,
				   (ModalFilterUPP)MakeUPP((ProcPtr)STDFilter, uppModalFilterProcInfo));
		if (!reply.good) 
			/*if (recs>0)
				err = this -> ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);
			else {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF file"); err =  -1;}
			if(err) goto done;*/
			err = dynamic_cast<NetCDFWindMoverCurv *>(this)->ReorderPoints(newMap,errmsg);	
			//err = ReorderPoints(fStartData.dataHdl,newMap,errmsg);	
	 		/*if (err)*/ goto done;
#ifdef MAC
		GetFullPath(reply.vRefNum, 0, (char *)reply.fName, topPath);
		strcpy(topPath, reply.fName);
		strcpy (s, topPath);
		err = ReadTopology(topPath,newMap);	
		goto done;
	/*if (recs>0)
		err = this -> ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);
	else {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF wind file"); err =  -1;}
	if(err) goto done;*/
	err = dynamic_cast<NetCDFWindMoverCurv *>(this)->ReorderPoints(newMap,errmsg);	
	//err = ReorderPoints(fStartData.dataHdl,newMap,errmsg);	
	if (err)
		printNote("Error opening NetCDF wind file");
			fGrid ->Dispose();
			delete fGrid;
			fGrid = 0;
		if(vertexPtsH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)vertexPtsH); vertexPtsH = 0;	fVertexPtsH	 = 0;}
	if (timeUnits) delete [] timeUnits;
	if (lat_vals) delete [] lat_vals;
	if (lon_vals) delete [] lon_vals;
	if (modelTypeStr) delete [] modelTypeStr;
	//if (velocityH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velocityH); velocityH = 0;}
	return err;