int cmd_purge(int argc, char *argv[]) { storage_t storage; strset_t backups; strset_t objects; const char *elem; struct mark_backup_args args; if (argc != 2) { int help_argc = 2; char *help_argv[] = { "help_err", "purge", NULL }; return cmd_help_err(help_argc, help_argv); } if ((storage = storage_new(argv[1], false, true)) == NULL) logger(LOG_ERROR, "unable to open storage: %s", argv[1]); if (!storage_lock(storage, true, options_get()->force)) logger(LOG_ERROR, "backup directory locked, use -f to force operation"); backups = strset_new(); objects = strset_new(); /* Get the list of backups. */ elem = storage_list(storage, "backups"); while (elem != NULL) { strset_add(backups, elem); elem = storage_list(storage, NULL); } /* Get the list of objects. */ elem = storage_list(storage, "objects"); while (elem != NULL) { strset_add(objects, elem); elem = storage_list(storage, NULL); } /* ** For each backup, call mark_backup, which will mark all the objects of a ** backup as used (it will actually remove them from the `objects` strset. */ args.objects = objects; = storage; strset_foreach(backups, mark_backup, &args); /* Delete every object remaining in the `objects` strset. */ strset_foreach(objects, delete_object, (void *) storage); strset_delete(backups); strset_delete(objects); storage_unlock(storage); storage_delete(storage); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int listAllUniqueTags(struct client *client, int type, const struct locate_item_list *criteria) { int ret; ListCommandItem *item = newListCommandItem(type, criteria); struct list_tags_data data = { .client = client, .item = item, }; if (type >= 0 && type <= TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { data.set = strset_new(); } ret = db_walk(NULL, listUniqueTagsInDirectory, NULL, &data); if (type >= 0 && type <= TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { const char *value; strset_rewind(data.set); while ((value = strset_next(data.set)) != NULL) client_printf(client, "%s: %s\n", tag_item_names[type], value); strset_free(data.set); } freeListCommandItem(item); return ret; }
void stats_update(void) { struct visit_data data; stats.song_count = 0; stats.song_duration = 0; stats.artist_count = 0; data.artists = strset_new(); data.albums = strset_new(); db_walk(NULL, stats_collect_song, NULL, &data); stats.artist_count = strset_size(data.artists); stats.album_count = strset_size(data.albums); strset_free(data.artists); strset_free(data.albums); }
bool listAllUniqueTags(struct client *client, int type, const struct locate_item_list *criteria, GError **error_r) { ListCommandItem *item = newListCommandItem(type, criteria); struct list_tags_data data = { .client = client, .item = item, }; if (type >= 0 && type <= TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { data.set = strset_new(); } if (!db_walk("", &unique_tags_visitor, &data, error_r)) { freeListCommandItem(item); return false; } if (type >= 0 && type <= TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { const char *value; strset_rewind(data.set); while ((value = strset_next(data.set)) != NULL) client_printf(client, "%s: %s\n", tag_item_names[type], value); strset_free(data.set); } freeListCommandItem(item); return true; }
int main() { unsigned long s1, s2, s3; s1 = strset_new(); strset_insert(s1, "foo"); assert(strset_test(s1, "foo")); assert(!strset_test(s1, "bar")); strset_insert(s1, "bar"); assert(strset_test(s1, "bar")); assert(strset_size(s1) == 2); strset_insert(s1, "bar"); assert(strset_size(s1) == 2); strset_remove(s1, "foo"); assert(!strset_test(s1, "foo")); assert(strset_test(s1, "bar")); assert(strset_size(s1) == 1); strset_delete(s1); strset_insert(s1, "whatever"); assert(strset_size(s1) == 0); assert(!strset_test(s1, "whatever")); s2 = strset_new(); s3 = strset_new(); strset_insert(s2, "Ania"); strset_insert(s2, "Alek"); strset_insert(s2, "Maria"); strset_insert(s2, "Fiona"); strset_insert(s3, "Ania"); strset_insert(s3, "Maria"); assert(strset_comp(s2, s3) == -1); assert(strset_comp(s3, s2) == 1); strset_remove(s2, "Alek"); strset_remove(s2, "Fiona"); strset_remove(s2, "Olek"); assert(strset_comp(s3, s2) == 0); strset_clear(s3); assert(strset_comp(s2, s3) == 1); strset_clear(s2); assert(strset_comp(s2, s3) == 0); strset_delete(s2); strset_delete(s3); assert(strset_comp(s2, s3) == 0); assert(strset_size(strset42()) == 1); strset_delete(strset42()); strset_insert(strset42(), "66"); assert(strset_size(strset42()) == 1); strset_insert(strset42(), "24"); strset_insert(strset42(), "42"); assert(!strset_test(strset42(), "24")); assert(strset_test(strset42(), "42")); strset_remove(strset42(), "42"); assert(strset_size(strset42()) == 1); strset_clear(strset42()); assert(strset_size(strset42()) == 1); assert(strset_comp(strset42(), strset42()) == 0); assert(strset_comp(strset42(), 666) == 1); assert(strset_comp(666, strset42()) == -1); return 0; }