Exemple #1
 * Get Method Declaring Class
 * For the method indicated by method, return the class that
 * defined it via declaring_class_ptr.
 * REQUIRED Functionality.
jvmtiError JNICALL
jvmtiGetMethodDeclaringClass(jvmtiEnv* env,
                             jmethodID method,
                             jclass* declaring_class_ptr)
    TRACE("GetMethodDeclaringClass called for " << method);
    SuspendEnabledChecker sec;
     * Check given env & current phase.
    jvmtiPhase phases[] = {JVMTI_PHASE_START, JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE};


    if( !method ) return JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_FIELDID;
    if( !declaring_class_ptr ) return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

    Method* mtd = (Method*)method;
    Class* cls = mtd->get_class();

    ObjectHandle hclss = struct_Class_to_java_lang_Class_Handle(cls);
    ObjectHandle newH = NewLocalRef(p_TLS_vmthread->jni_env, hclss);

    *declaring_class_ptr = (jclass)newH;

    return JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
 * Class:     java_lang_VMClassRegistry
 * Method:    getDeclaredClasses
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/Class;
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_java_lang_VMClassRegistry_getDeclaredClasses
  (JNIEnv *jenv, jclass, jclass clazz)
    unsigned index, num_ic, num_res;
    Class_Handle clss, iclss;

    // get class and number of inner classes
    clss = jni_get_class_handle(jenv, clazz);
    num_ic = num_res = class_number_inner_classes(clss);

    // calculate number of declared classes
    for(index=0; index < num_ic; index++) {
        iclss = class_get_inner_class(clss, index);
        if (!iclss)
            return NULL;        
        if( !class_is_direct_member( clss, iclss ) )

    // create array
    jclass cclazz = struct_Class_to_java_lang_Class_Handle(VM_Global_State::loader_env->JavaLangClass_Class);
    jobjectArray res = NewObjectArray(jenv, num_res, cclazz, NULL);

    // set array
    for( index = 0, num_res = 0; index < num_ic; index++) {
        iclss = class_get_inner_class(clss, index);
        if( !class_is_direct_member( clss, iclss ) )
        SetObjectArrayElement(jenv, res, num_res++, jni_class_from_handle(jenv, iclss));
    return res;
 * Class:     java_lang_VMClassRegistry
 * Method:    getSystemPackages
 * Signature: (I)[[Ljava/lang/String;
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_java_lang_VMClassRegistry_getSystemPackages
  (JNIEnv *jenv, jclass, jint len)
    Global_Env* genv = VM_Global_State::loader_env;
    ClassLoader* cl = static_cast<ClassLoader*>
    Package_Table* ptab = cl->getPackageTable();
    unsigned p_num = (unsigned)ptab->size();
    if (p_num == (unsigned)len) 
        return NULL;
    const char ** pkgs = (const char **)STD_MALLOC(p_num * 2 * sizeof(char*));
    size_t buf_len = 0;
    unsigned index = 0;
    for (Package_Table::const_iterator it = ptab->begin(), end = ptab->end(); 
        it != end; ++it)
        const char* name = pkgs[index++] = (*it).first->bytes;
        pkgs[index++] = (*it).second->get_jar();
        size_t name_len = (*it).first->len;
        if (name_len > buf_len) {
            buf_len = name_len;

    jclass string_class = struct_Class_to_java_lang_Class_Handle(genv->JavaLangString_Class);
    static Class* aos = genv->LoadCoreClass("[Ljava/lang/String;");
    jclass string_array_class = struct_Class_to_java_lang_Class_Handle(aos);
    jobjectArray result = NewObjectArray(jenv, p_num, string_array_class, NULL);
    if (result) 
        char* buf = (char*)STD_MALLOC(buf_len + 1);
        p_num *= 2;
        for (index = 0; index < p_num; )
            jobjectArray pair = NewObjectArray(jenv, 2, string_class, NULL);
            if (!pair) {
            SetObjectArrayElement(jenv, result, index/2, pair);

            char* name = strcpy(buf, pkgs[index++]);
            for (char* c = name; *c != '\0'; ++c) {
                if (*c == '/') {
                    *c = '.';
            jstring jname = NewStringUTF(jenv, name);
            if (!jname) {
            SetObjectArrayElement(jenv, pair, 0, jname);

            const char * jar = pkgs[index++];
            if (jar) {
                jstring js = NewStringUTF(jenv, jar);
                if (!js) break;
                SetObjectArrayElement(jenv, pair, 1, js);

    assert(result || exn_raised());
    return result;