void transaction_evaluation_state::evaluate_create_asset( const create_asset_operation& op )
   { try {
      auto cur_record = _current_state->get_asset_record( op.symbol );
      if( cur_record ) fail( BTS_ASSET_ALREADY_REGISTERED, fc::variant(op) );
      auto issuer_name_record = _current_state->get_name_record( op.issuer_name_id );
      if( !issuer_name_record ) fail( BTS_INVALID_NAME_ID, fc::variant(op) );


      sub_balance( balance_id_type(), asset(_current_state->get_asset_registration_fee() , 0) );

      // TODO: verify that the json_data is properly formatted
      asset_record new_record;
      new_record.id                    = _current_state->new_asset_id();
      new_record.symbol                = op.symbol;
      new_record.name                  = op.name;
      new_record.description           = op.description;
      new_record.json_data             = op.json_data;
      new_record.issuer_name_id        = op.issuer_name_id;
      new_record.current_share_supply  = 0;
      new_record.maximum_share_supply  = op.maximum_share_supply;
      new_record.collected_fees        = 0;
      new_record.registration_date     = _current_state->now();

      _current_state->store_asset_record( new_record );

   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "", ("op",op) ) }
   void transaction_evaluation_state::evaluate_reserve_name( const reserve_name_operation& op )
   { try {
      FC_ASSERT( name_record::is_valid_name( op.name ) );
      FC_ASSERT( name_record::is_valid_json( op.json_data ) );
      FC_ASSERT( op.json_data.size() < BTS_BLOCKCHAIN_MAX_NAME_DATA_SIZE );

      auto cur_record = _current_state->get_name_record( op.name );
      if( cur_record && ((fc::time_point(cur_record->last_update) + one_year) > fc::time_point(_current_state->now())) ) 
         fail( BTS_NAME_ALREADY_REGISTERED, fc::variant(op) );

      name_record new_record;
      new_record.id            = _current_state->new_name_id();
      new_record.name          = op.name;
      new_record.json_data     = op.json_data;
      new_record.owner_key     = op.owner_key;
      new_record.active_key    = op.active_key;
      new_record.last_update   = _current_state->now();
      new_record.registration_date = _current_state->now();
      new_record.delegate_info = delegate_stats();

      cur_record = _current_state->get_name_record( new_record.id );
      FC_ASSERT( !cur_record );

      if( op.is_delegate )
         // pay fee
         sub_balance( balance_id_type(), asset(_current_state->get_delegate_registration_fee()) );

      _current_state->store_name_record( new_record );

   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "", ("op",op) ) }
    *  Process all fees and update the asset records.
   void transaction_evaluation_state::post_evaluate()
   { try {
      for( const auto& item : withdraws )
         auto asset_rec = _current_state->get_asset_record( item.first );
         if( !asset_rec.valid() ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( unknown_asset_id, (item) );
         if( asset_rec->id > 0 && asset_rec->is_market_issued() && asset_rec->transaction_fee > 0 )
            sub_balance( address(), asset(asset_rec->transaction_fee, asset_rec->id) );

      balance[0]; // make sure we have something for this.
      for( const auto& fee : balance )
         if( fee.second < 0 ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( negative_fee, (fee) );
         // if the fee is already in XTS or the fee balance is zero, move along...
         if( fee.first == 0 || fee.second == 0 )

         auto asset_record = _current_state->get_asset_record( fee.first );
         if( !asset_record.valid() ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( unknown_asset_id, (fee.first) );

         if( !asset_record->is_market_issued() )

         // lowest ask is someone with XTS offered at a price of USD / XTS, fee.first
         // is an amount of USD which can be converted to price*USD XTS provided we
         // send lowest_ask.index.owner the USD
         oprice median_price = _current_state->get_median_delegate_price( fee.first, asset_id_type( 0 ) );
         if( median_price )
            // fees paid in something other than XTS are discounted 50%
            alt_fees_paid += asset( (fee.second*2)/3, fee.first ) * *median_price;

      for( const auto& fee : balance )
         if( fee.second < 0 ) FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( negative_fee, (fee) );
         if( fee.second > 0 ) // if a fee was paid...
            auto asset_record = _current_state->get_asset_record( fee.first );
            if( !asset_record )
              FC_CAPTURE_AND_THROW( unknown_asset_id, (fee.first) );

            asset_record->collected_fees += fee.second;
            _current_state->store_asset_record( *asset_record );
   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "" ) }
   void transaction_evaluation_state::evaluate_deposit( const deposit_operation& op )
   { try {
       auto deposit_balance_id = op.balance_id();
       auto delegate_record = _current_state->get_name_record( op.condition.delegate_id );
       if( !delegate_record ) fail( BTS_INVALID_NAME_ID, fc::variant(op) );
       if( !delegate_record->is_delegate() ) fail( BTS_INVALID_DELEGATE_ID, fc::variant(op) );

       auto cur_record = _current_state->get_balance_record( deposit_balance_id );
       if( !cur_record )
          cur_record = balance_record( op.condition );
       cur_record->last_update   = _current_state->now();
       cur_record->balance       += op.amount;

       sub_balance( deposit_balance_id, asset(op.amount, cur_record->condition.asset_id) );
       if( cur_record->condition.asset_id == 0 ) 
          add_vote( cur_record->condition.delegate_id, op.amount );

       _current_state->store_balance_record( *cur_record );
   } FC_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( warn, "", ("op",op) ) }
Exemple #5
void token::transfer( account_name from,
                      account_name to,
                      asset        quantity,
                      string       memo )
    eosio_assert( from != to, "cannot transfer to self" );
    require_auth( from );
    eosio_assert( is_account( to ), "to account does not exist");
    auto sym = quantity.symbol.name();
    stats statstable( _self, sym );
    const auto& st = statstable.get( sym );

    require_recipient( from );
    require_recipient( to );

    eosio_assert( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" );
    eosio_assert( quantity.amount > 0, "must transfer positive quantity" );
    eosio_assert( quantity.symbol == st.supply.symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" );
    eosio_assert( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" );

    sub_balance( from, quantity );
    add_balance( to, quantity, from );