Exemple #1
void Vxls::splitCritEdges() {
  smart::vector<unsigned> preds;
  for (auto pred : blocks) {
    auto succlist = succs(unit.blocks[pred]);
    for (auto succ : succlist) {
  auto resort = false;
  for (auto pred : blocks) {
    auto succlist = succs(unit.blocks[pred]);
    if (succlist.size() <= 1) continue;
    for (auto& succ : succlist) {
      if (preds[succ] <= 1) continue;
      // split the critical edge.
      auto middle = unit.makeBlock(unit.blocks[succ].area);
      succ = middle;
      resort = true;
  if (resort) {
    blocks = sortBlocks(unit);
Exemple #2
 * Splits the critical edges in `unit', if any.
 * Returns true iff the unit was modified.
bool splitCriticalEdges(Vunit& unit) {
  jit::vector<unsigned> preds(unit.blocks.size());
  jit::flat_set<size_t> catch_blocks;

  for (size_t b = 0; b < unit.blocks.size(); b++) {
    auto succlist = succs(unit.blocks[b]);
    for (auto succ : succlist) {

  auto changed = false;
  for (size_t pred = 0; pred < unit.blocks.size(); pred++) {
    auto succlist = succs(unit.blocks[pred]);
    if (succlist.size() <= 1) continue;
    for (auto& succ : succlist) {
      if (preds[succ] <= 1) continue;
      // split the critical edge.
      auto middle = unit.makeBlock(unit.blocks[succ].area);
      forwardJmp(unit, catch_blocks, middle, succ);
      succ = middle;
      changed = true;

  // Remove any landingpad{} instructions that were hoisted to split edges.
  for (auto block : catch_blocks) {
    auto& code = unit.blocks[block].code;
    assertx(code.front().op == Vinstr::landingpad);
    code.front() = nop{};

  return changed;
Exemple #3
void CFA::link_to_exit() {
    typedef thorin::GIDSet<const CFNode*> CFNodeSet;

    CFNodeSet reachable;
    std::queue<const CFNode*> queue;

    // first, link all nodes without succs to exit
    for (auto p : nodes()) {
        auto n = p.second;
        if (n != exit() && n->succs().empty())

    auto backwards_reachable = [&] (const CFNode* n) {
        auto enqueue = [&] (const CFNode* n) {
            if (reachable.emplace(n).second)


        while (!queue.empty()) {
            for (auto pred : pop(queue)->preds())

    std::stack<const CFNode*> stack;
    CFNodeSet on_stack;

    auto push = [&] (const CFNode* n) {
        if (on_stack.emplace(n).second) {
            return true;

        return false;


    while (!stack.empty()) {
        auto n = stack.top();

        bool todo = false;
        for (auto succ : n->succs())
            todo |= push(succ);

        if (!todo) {
            if (!reachable.contains(n)) {

Exemple #4
void Vxls::printInstr(std::ostringstream& str, Vinstr* inst, unsigned pos,
                      Vlabel b) {
  bool fixed_covers[2] = { false, false };
  Interval* fixed = nullptr;
  forEachInterval(intervals, [&] (Interval* ivl) {
    if (ivl->fixed()) {
      if (ignore_reserved && !abi.unreserved().contains(ivl->vreg)) {
      if (collapse_fixed) {
        fixed = ivl; // can be any.
        fixed_covers[0] |= ivl->covers(pos);
        fixed_covers[1] |= ivl->covers(pos + 1);
    str << " ";
    str << draw(ivl, pos, Light, [&](Interval* child, unsigned p) {
      return child->covers(p);
    str << draw(ivl, pos, Heavy, [&](Interval* child, unsigned p) {
      return child->usedAt(p);
  str << " " << draw(fixed, pos, Heavy, [&](Interval*, unsigned p) {
    assert(p-pos < 2);
    return fixed_covers[p-pos];
  if (pos == block_ranges[b].start) {
    str << folly::format(" B{: <2}", size_t(b));
  } else {
    str << "    ";
  if (pos == block_ranges[b].start || pos > 0) {
    str << folly::format(" {: <3}", pos);
  } else {
    str << "    ";
  if (inst) {
    str << folly::format(" {: <10} ", vinst_names[inst->op]);
    FormatVisitor pv(unit, str);
    visit(*inst, pv);
    auto labels = succs(*inst);
    if (labels.size() == 1) {
      str << pv.sep() << folly::format("B{}", size_t(labels[0]));
    } else if (labels.size() == 2) {
      str << pv.sep() << folly::format("B{}, else B{}", size_t(labels[1]),
    } else {
      for (auto succ : succs(*inst)) {
        str << folly::format("->B{} ", size_t(succ));
  str << "\n";
Exemple #5
// compute the offset from RSP to the spill area at each block start.
void Vxls::analyzeRsp() {
  auto num_blocks = unit.blocks.size();
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> visited(num_blocks);
  for (auto b : blocks) {
    int offset;
    if (visited.test(b)) {
      offset = spill_offsets[b];
    } else {
      offset = 0;
    for (auto& inst : unit.blocks[b].code) {
      offset -= rspEffect(unit, inst);
    for (auto s : succs(unit.blocks[b])) {
      if (visited.test(s)) {
        assert_flog(offset == spill_offsets[s],
                    "rsp mismatch on edge B{}->B{}, expected {} got {}",
                    size_t(b), size_t(s), spill_offsets[s], offset);
      } else {
        spill_offsets[s] = offset;
Exemple #6
// Remove dead instructions by doing a traditional liveness analysis.
// instructions that mutate memory, physical registers, or status flags
// are considered useful. All branches are considered useful.
// Given SSA, there's a faster sparse version of this algorithm that marks
// useful instructions in one pass, then transitively marks pure instructions
// that define inputs to useful instructions. However it requires a mapping
// from vreg numbers to the instruction that defines them, and a way to address
// individual instructions.
// We could remove useless branches by computing the post-dominator tree and
// RDF(b) for each block; then a branch is only useful if it controls whether
// or not a useful block executes, and useless branches can be forwarded to
// the nearest useful post-dominator.
void removeDeadCode(Vunit& unit) {
  auto blocks = sortBlocks(unit);
  jit::vector<LiveSet> livein(unit.blocks.size());
  LiveSet live(unit.next_vr);
  auto pass = [&](bool mutate) {
    bool changed = false;
    for (auto blockIt = blocks.end(); blockIt != blocks.begin();) {
      auto b = *--blockIt;
      auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
      for (auto s : succs(block)) {
        if (!livein[s].empty()) {
          live |= livein[s];
      for (auto i = block.code.end(); i != block.code.begin();) {
        auto& inst = *--i;
        auto useful = effectful(inst);
        visitDefs(unit, inst, [&](Vreg r) {
          if (r.isPhys() || live.test(r)) {
            useful = true;
        if (useful) {
          visitUses(unit, inst, [&](Vreg r) {
        } else if (mutate) {
          inst = nop{};
          changed = true;
      if (mutate) {
        assert(live == livein[b]);
      } else {
        if (live != livein[b]) {
          livein[b] = live;
          changed = true;
    return changed;
  // analyze until livein reaches a fixed point
  while (pass(false)) {}
  // nop-out useless instructions
  if (pass(true)) {
    for (auto b : blocks) {
      auto& code = unit.blocks[b].code;
      auto end = std::remove_if(code.begin(), code.end(), [&](Vinstr& inst) {
        return inst.op == Vinstr::nop;
      code.erase(end, code.end());
    printUnit(kVasmDCELevel, "after vasm-dead", unit);
Exemple #7
// Compute lifetime intervals and use positions of all intervals by walking
// the code bottom-up once. Loops aren't handled yet.
void Vxls::buildIntervals() {
  for (auto blockIt = blocks.end(); blockIt != blocks.begin();) {
    auto vlabel = *--blockIt;
    auto& block = unit.blocks[vlabel];
    LiveSet live(unit.next_vr);
    for (auto s : succs(block)) {
      if (!livein[s].empty()) live |= livein[s];
    auto& block_range = block_ranges[vlabel];
    forEach(live, [&](Vreg vr) {
    auto pos = block_range.end;
    for (auto i = block.code.end(); i != block.code.begin();) {
      auto& inst = *--i;
      pos -= 2;
      DefVisitor dv(live, *this, pos);
      visit(inst, dv);
      RegSet implicit_uses, implicit_defs;
      getEffects(abi, inst, implicit_uses, implicit_defs);
      implicit_defs.forEach([&](Vreg r) {
      UseVisitor uv(live, *this, {block_range.start, pos});
      visit(inst, uv);
      implicit_uses.forEach([&](Vreg r) {
    livein[vlabel] = live;
  for (auto& c : unit.cpool) {
    auto ivl = intervals[c.second];
    if (ivl) {
      ivl->ranges.back().start = 0;
      ivl->cns = true;
      ivl->val = c.first;
  // Each interval's range and use list is backwards; reverse them now.
  for (auto ivl : intervals) {
    if (!ivl) continue;
    assert(!ivl->ranges.empty()); // no empty intervals
    std::reverse(ivl->uses.begin(), ivl->uses.end());
    std::reverse(ivl->ranges.begin(), ivl->ranges.end());
  if (dumpIREnabled(kRegAllocLevel)) {
    print("after building intervals");
  // todo: t4764262 this should check each root, not just position 0.
  for (DEBUG_ONLY auto ivl : intervals) {
    // only constants and physical registers can be live at entry.
    assert(!ivl || ivl->cns || ivl->vreg.isPhys() || ivl->start() > 0);
Exemple #8
  void dfs(Vlabel b) {
    assert_no_log(size_t(b) < unit.blocks.size());
    if (visited.test(b)) return;

    if (area(b) == 0) {
      for (auto s : succs(unit.blocks[b])) {
        // visit colder
        if (area(s) > area(b)) dfs(s);
      for (auto s : succs(unit.blocks[b])) {
        if (area(s) <= area(b)) dfs(s);
    } else {
      for (auto s : succs(unit.blocks[b])) dfs(s);
Exemple #9
// last phase: mutate the code by inserting copies. this destroyes
// the position numbering, so we can't use interval positions after this.
void Vxls::insertCopies() {
  // insert copies inside blocks
  for (auto b : blocks) {
    auto r = block_ranges[b];
    auto pos = r.start;
    pos += 2;
    auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
    auto& code = block.code;
    auto offset = spill_offsets[b];
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < code.size(); j++, pos += 2) {
      MemoryRef slots = rsp[offset];
      offset -= rspEffect(unit, code[j]);
      auto s = spills.find(pos - 1);
      if (s != spills.end()) {
        insertSpillsAt(code, j, s->second, slots, pos - 1);
      auto c = copies.find(pos - 1);
      if (c != copies.end()) {
        insertCopiesAt(code, j, c->second, slots, pos - 1);
      c = copies.find(pos);
      if (c != copies.end()) {
        insertCopiesAt(code, j, c->second, slots, pos);
  // insert copies on edges
  for (auto b : blocks) {
    auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
    auto succlist = succs(block);
    if (succlist.size() == 1) {
      auto& code = block.code;
      auto c = edge_copies.find({b, 0});
      if (c != edge_copies.end()) {
        unsigned j = code.size() - 1;
        auto slots = rsp[spill_offsets[succlist[0]]];
        insertCopiesAt(code, j, c->second, slots, block_ranges[b].end - 1);
    } else {
      for (int i = 0, n = succlist.size(); i < n; i++) {
        auto s = succlist[i];
        auto& code = unit.blocks[s].code;
        auto m = edge_copies.find({b, i});
        if (m != edge_copies.end()) {
          auto slots = rsp[spill_offsets[s]];
          unsigned j = 0;
          insertCopiesAt(code, j, m->second, slots, block_ranges[b].start);
  if (dumpIREnabled(kRegAllocLevel)) {
    print("after inserting copies");
Exemple #10
PredVector computePreds(const Vunit& unit) {
  PredVector preds(unit.blocks.size());
  PostorderWalker walker(unit);
  walker.dfs([&](Vlabel b) {
    for (auto s: succs(unit.blocks[b])) {
  return preds;
Exemple #11
// Remove dead instructions by doing a traditional liveness analysis.
// instructions that mutate memory, physical registers, or status flags
// are considered useful. All branches are considered useful.
// Given SSA, there's a faster sparse version of this algorithm that marks
// useful instructions in one pass, then transitively marks pure instructions
// that define inputs to useful instructions. However it requires a mapping
// from vreg numbers to the instruction that defines them, and a way to address
// individual instructions.
// We could remove useless branches by computing the post-dominator tree and
// RDF(b) for each block; then a branch is only useful if it controls whether
// or not a useful block executes, and useless branches can be forwarded to
// the nearest useful post-dominator.
void removeDeadCode(Vunit& unit) {
  Timer timer(Timer::vasm_dce);
  auto blocks = sortBlocks(unit);
  jit::vector<LiveSet> livein(unit.blocks.size());
  LiveSet live(unit.next_vr);

  auto pass = [&](bool mutate) {
    bool changed = false;
    for (auto blockIt = blocks.end(); blockIt != blocks.begin();) {
      auto b = *--blockIt;
      auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
      for (auto s : succs(block)) {
        if (!livein[s].empty()) {
          live |= livein[s];
      for (auto i = block.code.end(); i != block.code.begin();) {
        auto& inst = *--i;
        auto useful = effectful(inst);
        visitDefs(unit, inst, [&](Vreg r) {
          if (r.isPhys() || live.test(r)) {
            useful = true;
        if (useful) {
          visitUses(unit, inst, [&](Vreg r) {
        } else if (mutate) {
          inst = nop{};
          changed = true;
      if (mutate) {
        assertx(live == livein[b]);
      } else {
        if (live != livein[b]) {
          livein[b] = live;
          changed = true;
    return changed;

  // analyze until livein reaches a fixed point
  while (pass(false)) {}
  auto const changed = pass(true);
  if (changed) {
    printUnit(kVasmDCELevel, "after vasm-dead", unit);
Exemple #12
size_t CFG<forward>::post_order_visit(const CFNode* n, size_t i) {
    auto& n_index = forward ? n->f_index_ : n->b_index_;
    n_index = size_t(-2);

    for (auto succ : succs(n)) {
        if (index(succ) == size_t(-1))
            i = post_order_visit(succ, i);

    n_index = i-1;
    rpo_[n] = n;
    return n_index;
 * Perform a DFS starting at block `bid', storing the post-order in
 * `outVec'.
void RegionDesc::postOrderSort(RegionDesc::BlockId     bid,
                               RegionDesc::BlockIdSet& visited,
                               RegionDesc::BlockIdVec& outVec) {
  if (visited.count(bid)) return;

  if (auto nextRetr = nextRetrans(bid)) {
    postOrderSort(nextRetr.value(), visited, outVec);
  for (auto succ : succs(bid)) {
    postOrderSort(succ, visited, outVec);
Exemple #14
 * Splits the critical edges in `unit', if any.
 * Returns true iff the unit was modified.
bool splitCriticalEdges(Vunit& unit) {
  jit::vector<unsigned> preds(unit.blocks.size());
  for (size_t b = 0; b < unit.blocks.size(); b++) {
    auto succlist = succs(unit.blocks[b]);
    for (auto succ : succlist) {
  auto changed = false;
  for (size_t pred = 0; pred < unit.blocks.size(); pred++) {
    auto succlist = succs(unit.blocks[pred]);
    if (succlist.size() <= 1) continue;
    for (auto& succ : succlist) {
      if (preds[succ] <= 1) continue;
      // split the critical edge.
      auto middle = unit.makeBlock(unit.blocks[succ].area);
      forwardJmp(unit, middle, succ);
      succ = middle;
      changed = true;
  return changed;
Exemple #15
boost::dynamic_bitset<> backedgeTargets(const Vunit& unit,
                                        const jit::vector<Vlabel>& rpoBlocks) {
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> ret(unit.blocks.size());
  boost::dynamic_bitset<> seen(unit.blocks.size());

  for (auto label : rpoBlocks) {
    for (auto target : succs(unit.blocks[label])) {
      if (seen.test(target)) ret.set(target);

  return ret;
Exemple #16
 * Link ordinary blocks with ordinary edges and set their last instruction
 * and end offsets
void GraphBuilder::linkBlocks() {
  PC bc = m_unit->entry();
  Block* block = m_graph->first_linear;
  block->id = m_graph->block_count++;
  for (InstrRange i = funcInstrs(m_func); !i.empty(); ) {
    PC pc = i.popFront();
    block->last = pc;
    if (isCF(pc)) {
      if (isSwitch(*reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(pc))) {
        int i = 0;
        foreachSwitchTarget((Op*)pc, [&](Offset& o) {
          succs(block)[i++] = at(pc + o);
      } else {
        Offset target = instrJumpTarget((Op*)bc, pc - bc);
        if (target != InvalidAbsoluteOffset) {
          assert(numSuccBlocks(block) > 0);
          succs(block)[numSuccBlocks(block) - 1] = at(target);
    PC next_pc = !i.empty() ? i.front() : m_unit->at(m_func->past());
    Block* next = at(next_pc);
    if (next) {
      block->next_linear = next;
      block->end = next_pc;
      if (!isTF(pc)) {
        assert(numSuccBlocks(block) > 0);
        succs(block)[0] = next;
      block = next;
      block->id = m_graph->block_count++;
  block->end = m_unit->at(m_func->past());
Exemple #17
 * This method creates a weighted graph of the clusters, and sorts
 * them according to a DFS pre-order that prioritizes the arcs with
 * heaviest weights, so as to try to have a cluster be followed by its
 * mostly likely successor cluster.
void Clusterizer::sortClusters() {
  jit::vector<SuccInfos> clusterGraph;

  for (auto b : m_blocks) {
    for (auto s : succs(m_unit.blocks[b])) {
      auto srcCid = m_blockCluster[b];
      auto dstCid = m_blockCluster[s];
      if (srcCid == dstCid) continue;
      auto wgt = m_scale.weight(b, s);
      clusterGraph[srcCid][dstCid] += wgt;

  DFSSortClusters dfsSort(std::move(clusterGraph), m_unit);
  m_clusterOrder = dfsSort.sort(m_blockCluster[m_unit.entry]);
Exemple #18
void Clusterizer::clusterize() {
  struct ArcInfo {
    Vlabel  src;
    Vlabel  dst;
    int64_t wgt;
  jit::vector<ArcInfo> arcInfos;
  for (auto b : m_blocks) {
    for (auto s : succs(m_unit.blocks[b])) {
      arcInfos.push_back({b, s, m_scale.weight(b, s)});

  // sort arcs in decreasing weight order
  std::sort(arcInfos.begin(), arcInfos.end(),
            [&](const ArcInfo& a1, const ArcInfo& a2) {
              return a1.wgt > a2.wgt;

  for (auto& arcInfo : arcInfos) {
    auto src = arcInfo.src;
    auto dst = arcInfo.dst;

    // Only merge blocks in the same area.
    if (m_unit.blocks[src].area_idx != m_unit.blocks[dst].area_idx) continue;

    auto srcCid = m_blockCluster[src];
    auto dstCid = m_blockCluster[dst];
    if (srcCid == dstCid) continue;
    auto& srcC = m_clusters[srcCid];
    auto& dstC = m_clusters[dstCid];

    // src must be the last in its cluster
    if (srcC.back() != src) continue;
    // dst must be the first in its cluster
    if (dstC.front() != dst) continue;

    // merge the clusters by append the blocks in dstC to srcC
    for (auto d : dstC) {
      m_blockCluster[d] = srcCid;
Exemple #19
std::string Scale::toString() const {
  std::ostringstream out;
  out << "digraph {\n";
  int64_t maxWgt = 1;
  for (auto b : m_blocks) {
    maxWgt = std::max(maxWgt, weight(b));
  for (auto b : m_blocks) {
    unsigned coldness = 255 - (255 * weight(b) / maxWgt);
    out << folly::format(
      "{} [label=\"{}\\nw: {}\\nptid: {}\\narea: {}\\nprof: {}\","
      b, b, weight(b), findProfTransID(b), unsigned(m_unit.blocks[b].area_idx),
      findProfCount(b), coldness, coldness);
    for (auto s : succs(m_unit.blocks[b])) {
      out << folly::format("{} -> {} [label={}];\n", b, s, weight(b, s));
  out << "}\n";
  return out.str();
Exemple #20
RegionDesc::deleteBlock(RegionDesc::BlockVec::iterator it) {
  const auto bid = (*it)->id();
  for (auto pid : preds(bid)) removeArc(pid, bid);
  for (auto sid : succs(bid)) removeArc(bid, sid);

  if (auto nextR = nextRetrans(bid)) {
    auto prevR = prevRetrans(bid);
    if (prevR) {
      setNextRetrans(prevR.value(), nextR.value());
    } else {
  } else if (auto prevR = prevRetrans(bid)) {

  return m_blocks.erase(it);
Exemple #21
void Vxls::resolveEdges() {
  for (auto b1 : blocks) {
    auto& block1 = unit.blocks[b1];
    auto p1 = block_ranges[b1].end - 2;
    auto succlist = succs(block1);
    auto& inst1 = block1.code.back();
    if (inst1.op == Vinstr::phijmp) {
      auto target = inst1.phijmp_.target;
      auto& uses = unit.tuples[inst1.phijmp_.uses];
      auto& defs = unit.tuples[findDefs(unit, target)];
      for (unsigned i = 0, n = uses.size(); i < n; ++i) {
        auto i1 = intervals[uses[i]];
        if (i1) i1 = i1->childAt(p1);
        auto i2 = intervals[defs[i]];
        if (i2->reg != i1->reg) {
          edge_copies[{b1,0}][i2->reg] = i1;
      inst1 = jmp{target};
    for (unsigned i = 0, n = succlist.size(); i < n; i++) {
      auto b2 = succlist[i];
      auto p2 = block_ranges[b2].start;
      forEach(livein[b2], [&](Vreg vr) {
        Interval* i1 = nullptr;
        Interval* i2 = nullptr;
        for (auto ivl = intervals[vr]; ivl && !(i1 && i2); ivl = ivl->next) {
          if (ivl->covers(p1)) i1 = ivl;
          if (ivl->covers(p2)) i2 = ivl;
        // i2 can be unallocated if the tmp is a constant or is spilled.
        if (i2->reg != InvalidReg && i2->reg != i1->reg) {
          edge_copies[{b1,i}][i2->reg] = i1;
 * Fill `m_prologue_blocks` and return the register that we're "switching" on
 * (even if it's not a real switch statement)
boost::optional<uint16_t> SwitchMethodPartitioning::compute_prologue_blocks(
    cfg::ControlFlowGraph* cfg,
    const cp::intraprocedural::FixpointIterator& fixpoint,
    bool verify_default_case) {

  for (const cfg::Block* b : cfg->blocks()) {
                      "SwitchMethodPartitioning does not support methods with "
                      "catch blocks. %d has a catch block in %s",
                      b->id(), SHOW(*cfg));

  // First, add all the prologue blocks that forma a linear chain before the
  // case block selection blocks (a switch or an if-else tree) begin.
  for (cfg::Block* b = cfg->entry_block(); b != nullptr; b = b->follow_goto()) {

    auto last_prologue_block = m_prologue_blocks.back();
    auto last_prologue_insn_it = last_prologue_block->get_last_insn();
    always_assert(last_prologue_insn_it != last_prologue_block->end());
    auto last_prologue_insn = last_prologue_insn_it->insn;
    // If this method was compiled from a default-case-only switch, there will
    // be no branch opcode -- the method will always throw an
    // IllegalArgumentException.
    auto op = last_prologue_insn->opcode();
    always_assert(!verify_default_case || is_branch(op) || op == OPCODE_THROW);

    if (!is_branch(op)) {
      return boost::none;
    } else if (is_switch(op)) {
      // switch or if-else tree. Not both.
      return last_prologue_insn->src(0);

  // Handle a tree of if statements in the prologue. d8 emits this
  // when it would be smaller than a switch statement. The non-leaf nodes of the
  // tree are prologue blocks. The leaf nodes of the tree are case blocks.
  // For example:
  //   load-param v0
  //   const v1 1
  //   if-eq v0 v1 CASE_1
  //   goto EXIT_BLOCK      ; or return
  //   const v1 2
  //   if-eq v0 v1 CASE_2
  //   goto EXIT_BLOCK      ; or return
  //   ...
  // Traverse the tree in starting at the end of the linear chain of prologue
  // blocks and stopping before we reach a leaf.
  boost::optional<uint16_t> determining_reg;
  std::queue<cfg::Block*> to_visit;
  while (!to_visit.empty()) {
    auto b = to_visit.front();

    // Leaf nodes have 0 or 1 successors (return or goto the epilogue blocks).
    // Throw edges are disallowed.
    if (b->succs().size() >= 2) {
      // The linear check above and this tree check both account for the
      // top-most node in the tree. Make sure we don't duplicate it
      if (b != m_prologue_blocks.back()) {

        // Verify there aren't extra instructions in here that we may lose track
        // of
        for (const auto& mie : InstructionIterable(b)) {
          auto insn = mie.insn;
          auto op = insn->opcode();
          always_assert_log(is_const(op) || is_conditional_branch(op),
                            "Unexpected instruction in if-else tree %s",
      for (auto succ : b->succs()) {

      // Make sure all blocks agree on which register is the determiner
      uint16_t candidate_reg = ::find_determining_reg(b, fixpoint);
      if (determining_reg == boost::none) {
        determining_reg = candidate_reg;
      } else {
            *determining_reg == candidate_reg,
            "Conflict: which register are we switching on? %d != %d in %s",
            *determining_reg, candidate_reg, SHOW(*cfg));
  always_assert_log(determining_reg != boost::none,
                    "Couldn't find determining register in %s", SHOW(*cfg));
  return determining_reg;
Exemple #23
void optimizeJmps(Vunit& unit) {
  auto isEmpty = [&](Vlabel b, Vinstr::Opcode op) {
    auto& code = unit.blocks[b].code;
    return code.size() == 1 && op == code[0].op;
  bool changed = false;
  bool ever_changed = false;
  jit::vector<int> npreds(unit.blocks.size(), 0);
  do {
    if (changed) {
      fill(npreds.begin(), npreds.end(), 0);
    changed = false;
    PostorderWalker{unit}.dfs([&](Vlabel b) {
      for (auto s : succs(unit.blocks[b])) {
    // give roots an extra predecessor to prevent cloning them.
    for (auto b : unit.roots) {
    PostorderWalker{unit}.dfs([&](Vlabel b) {
      auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
      auto& code = block.code;
      if (code.back().op == Vinstr::jcc) {
        auto ss = succs(block);
        if (ss[0] == ss[1]) {
          // both edges have same target, change to jmp
          code.back() = jmp{ss[0]};
          changed = true;
      if (code.back().op == Vinstr::jmp) {
        auto& s = code.back().jmp_.target;
        if (isEmpty(s, Vinstr::jmp)) {
          // skip over s
          s = unit.blocks[s].code.back().jmp_.target;
          changed = true;
        } else if (npreds[s] == 1 || isEmpty(s, Vinstr::jcc)) {
          // overwrite jmp with copy of s
          auto& code2 = unit.blocks[s].code;
          code.insert(code.end(), code2.begin(), code2.end());
          changed = true;
      } else {
        for (auto& s : succs(block)) {
          if (isEmpty(s, Vinstr::jmp)) {
            // skip over s
            s = unit.blocks[s].code.back().jmp_.target;
            changed = true;
    ever_changed |= changed;
  } while (changed);
  if (ever_changed) {
    printUnit(kVasmJumpsLevel, "after vasm-jumps", unit);
Exemple #24
folly::Range<Vlabel*> succs(Vblock& block) {
  if (block.code.empty()) return {nullptr, nullptr};
  return succs(block.code.back());
Exemple #25
folly::Range<const Vlabel*> succs(const Vblock& block) {
  return succs(const_cast<Vblock&>(block)).castToConst();
Exemple #26
folly::Range<const Vlabel*> succs(const Vinstr& inst) {
  return succs(const_cast<Vinstr&>(inst)).castToConst();
bool RegionDesc::isExit(BlockId bid) const {
  return succs(bid).empty();
Exemple #28
bool expandCyclic(NGHolder &h, NFAVertex v) {
    DEBUG_PRINTF("inspecting %zu\n", h[v].index);
    bool changes = false;

    auto v_preds = preds(v, h);
    auto v_succs = succs(v, h);

    set<NFAVertex> start_siblings;
    set<NFAVertex> end_siblings;

    CharReach &v_cr = h[v].char_reach;

    /* We need to find start vertices which have all of our preds.
     * As we have a self loop, it must be one of our succs. */
    for (auto a : adjacent_vertices_range(v, h)) {
        auto a_preds = preds(a, h);

        if (a_preds == v_preds && isutf8start(h[a].char_reach)) {
            DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is a start v\n", h[a].index);

    /* We also need to find full cont vertices which have all our own succs;
     * As we have a self loop, it must be one of our preds. */
    for (auto a : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, h)) {
        auto a_succs = succs(a, h);

        if (a_succs == v_succs && h[a].char_reach == UTF_CONT_CR) {
            DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is a full tail cont\n", h[a].index);

    for (auto s : start_siblings) {
        if (out_degree(s, h) != 1) {

        const CharReach &cr = h[s].char_reach;
        if (cr.isSubsetOf(UTF_TWO_START_CR)) {
            if (end_siblings.find(*adjacent_vertices(s, h).first)
                == end_siblings.end()) {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is odd\n", h[s].index);
        } else if (cr.isSubsetOf(UTF_THREE_START_CR)) {
            NFAVertex m = *adjacent_vertices(s, h).first;

            if (h[m].char_reach != UTF_CONT_CR
                || out_degree(m, h) != 1) {
            if (end_siblings.find(*adjacent_vertices(m, h).first)
                == end_siblings.end()) {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is odd\n", h[s].index);
        } else if (cr.isSubsetOf(UTF_FOUR_START_CR)) {
            NFAVertex m1 = *adjacent_vertices(s, h).first;

            if (h[m1].char_reach != UTF_CONT_CR
                || out_degree(m1, h) != 1) {

            NFAVertex m2 = *adjacent_vertices(m1, h).first;

            if (h[m2].char_reach != UTF_CONT_CR
                || out_degree(m2, h) != 1) {

            if (end_siblings.find(*adjacent_vertices(m2, h).first)
                == end_siblings.end()) {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is odd\n", h[s].index);
        } else {
            DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is bad\n", h[s].index);

        v_cr |= cr;
        clear_vertex(s, h);
        changes = true;

    if (changes) {
        v_cr |= UTF_CONT_CR; /* we need to add in cont reach */
        v_cr.set(0xc0); /* we can also add in the forbidden bytes as we require
                         * valid unicode data */
        v_cr |= CharReach(0xf5, 0xff);

    return changes;
 * Chain the retranslation blocks.  This method enforces that, for
 * each region block, all its successor have distinct SrcKeys.
void RegionDesc::chainRetransBlocks() {

  jit::vector<Chain> chains;
  BlockToChainMap block2chain;

  // 1. Initially assign each region block to its own chain.
  for (auto b : blocks()) {
    auto bid = b->id();
    auto cid = chains.size();
    chains.push_back({cid, {bid}});
    block2chain[bid] = cid;

  // 2. For each block, if it has 2 successors with the same SrcKey,
  //    then merge the successors' chains into one.
  for (auto b : blocks()) {
    auto bid = b->id();
    const auto& succSet = succs(bid);
    for (auto it1 = succSet.begin(); it1 != succSet.end(); it1++) {
      auto bid1 = *it1;
      auto cid1 = block2chain[bid1];
      for (auto it2 = it1 + 1; it2 != succSet.end(); it2++) {
        auto bid2 = *it2;
        auto cid2 = block2chain[bid2];
        if (data(bid1).block->start() == data(bid2).block->start()) {
          mergeChains(chains[cid1], chains[cid2], block2chain);

  // 3. Sort each chain.  In general, we want to sort each chain in
  //    decreasing order of profile weights.  However, note that this
  //    transformation can turn acyclic graphs into cyclic ones (see
  //    example below).  Therefore, if JitLoops are disabled, we
  //    instead sort each chain following the original block order,
  //    which prevents loops from being generated if the region was
  //    originally acyclic.
  //    Here's an example showing how an acyclic CFG can become cyclic
  //    by chaining its retranslation blocks:
  //      - Region before chaining retranslation blocks, where B2' and B2"
  //        are retranslations starting at the same SrcKey:
  //          B1  -> B2'
  //          B1  -> B2"
  //          B2' -> B3
  //          B3  -> B2"
  //      - Region after sorting the chain as B2" -R-> B2':
  //          B1  ->   B2"
  //          B2" -R-> B2'
  //          B2' ->   B3
  //          B3  ->   B2"
  //        Note the cycle: B2" -R-> B2' -> B3 -> B2".
  auto profData = mcg->tx().profData();

  auto weight = [&](RegionDesc::BlockId bid) {
    return hasTransID(bid) ? profData->absTransCounter(getTransID(bid)) : 0;

  auto sortGeneral = [&](RegionDesc::BlockId bid1, RegionDesc::BlockId bid2) {
    return weight(bid1) > weight(bid2);

  using SortFun = std::function<bool(RegionDesc::BlockId, RegionDesc::BlockId)>;
  SortFun sortFunc = sortGeneral;

  hphp_hash_map<RegionDesc::BlockId, uint32_t> origBlockOrder;
  if (!RuntimeOption::EvalJitLoops) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); i++) {
      origBlockOrder[m_blocks[i]->id()] = i;
    auto sortAcyclic = [&](RegionDesc::BlockId bid1, RegionDesc::BlockId bid2) {
      return origBlockOrder[bid1] < origBlockOrder[bid2];
    sortFunc = sortAcyclic;

  TRACE(1, "chainRetransBlocks: computed chains:\n");
  for (auto& c : chains) {
    std::sort(c.blocks.begin(), c.blocks.end(), sortFunc);

    if (Trace::moduleEnabled(Trace::region, 1) && c.blocks.size() > 0) {
      FTRACE(1, "  -> {} (w={})", c.blocks[0], weight(c.blocks[0]));
      for (size_t i = 1; i < c.blocks.size(); i++) {
        FTRACE(1, ", {} (w={})", c.blocks[i], weight(c.blocks[i]));
      FTRACE(1, "\n");

  // 4. Set the nextRetrans blocks according to the computed chains.
  for (auto& c : chains) {
    if (c.blocks.size() == 0) continue;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < c.blocks.size() - 1; i++) {
      setNextRetrans(c.blocks[i], c.blocks[i + 1]);

  // 5. For each block with multiple successors in the same chain,
  //    only keep the successor that first appears in the chain.
  for (auto b : blocks()) {
    auto& succSet = data(b->id()).succs;
    for (auto s : succSet) {
      auto& c = chains[block2chain[s]];
      auto selectedSucc = findFirstInSet(c, succSet);
      for (auto other : c.blocks) {
        if (other == selectedSucc) continue;

  // 6. Reorder the blocks in the region in topological order (if
  //    region is acyclic), since the previous steps may break it.
Exemple #30
void optimizeJmps(Vunit& unit) {
    auto isEmpty = [&](Vlabel b, Vinstr::Opcode op) {
        auto& code = unit.blocks[b].code;
        return code.size() == 1 && op == code[0].op;
    bool changed = false;
    bool ever_changed = false;
    // The number of incoming edges from (reachable) predecessors for each block.
    // It is maintained as an upper bound of the actual value during the
    // transformation.
    jit::vector<int> npreds(unit.blocks.size(), 0);
    do {
        if (changed) {
            std::fill(begin(npreds), end(npreds), 0);
        changed = false;
        PostorderWalker{unit} .dfs([&](Vlabel b) {
            for (auto s : succs(unit.blocks[b])) {
        // give entry an extra predecessor to prevent cloning it.

        PostorderWalker{unit} .dfs([&](Vlabel b) {
            auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
            auto& code = block.code;
            if (code.back().op == Vinstr::jcc) {
                auto ss = succs(block);
                if (ss[0] == ss[1]) {
                    // both edges have same target, change to jmp
                    code.back() = jmp{ss[0]};
                    changed = true;
                } else {
                    auto jcc_i = code.back().jcc_;
                    if (isEmpty(jcc_i.targets[0], Vinstr::fallback)) {
                        jcc_i = jcc{ccNegate(jcc_i.cc), jcc_i.sf,
                            {jcc_i.targets[1], jcc_i.targets[0]}};
                    if (isEmpty(jcc_i.targets[1], Vinstr::fallback)) {
                        // replace jcc with fallbackcc and jmp
                        const auto& fb_i = unit.blocks[jcc_i.targets[1]].code[0].fallback_;
                        const auto t0 = jcc_i.targets[0];
                        const auto jcc_origin = code.back().origin;
                            fallbackcc{jcc_i.cc, jcc_i.sf, fb_i.dest, fb_i.trflags});
                        code.back().origin = jcc_origin;
                        code.back().origin = jcc_origin;
                        changed = true;

            for (auto& s : succs(block)) {
                if (isEmpty(s, Vinstr::jmp)) {
                    // skip over s
                    s = unit.blocks[s].code.back().jmp_.target;
                    changed = true;

            if (code.back().op == Vinstr::jmp) {
                auto s = code.back().jmp_.target;
                if (npreds[s] == 1 || isEmpty(s, Vinstr::jcc)) {
                    // overwrite jmp with copy of s
                    auto& code2 = unit.blocks[s].code;
                    code.insert(code.end(), code2.begin(), code2.end());
                    if (--npreds[s]) {
                        for (auto ss : succs(block)) {
                    changed = true;
        ever_changed |= changed;
    } while (changed);
    if (ever_changed) {
        printUnit(kVasmJumpsLevel, "after vasm-jumps", unit);