Exemple #1
std::vector<std::string> list_files(
        const std::string &path,
        file_filter filter,
        size_t max_count)
    const std::wstring wpath = clean_path(platform::to_windows_path(::to_lower(path))) + L'\\';

    auto &hidden_dirs = platform::hidden_dirs();
    for (auto &i : hidden_dirs)
        if (starts_with(wpath, i + L'\\'))
            return std::vector<std::string>();

    std::vector<std::string> result;

    WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
    HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile((wpath + L'*').c_str(), &find_data);
    if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        auto &hidden_names = platform::hidden_names();
        auto &hidden_suffixes = platform::hidden_suffixes();

            if ((find_data.cFileName[0] != L'.') &&
                ((find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) == 0) &&
                ((find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) == 0))
                std::wstring name = find_data.cFileName, lname = to_lower(name);
                if ((find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
                    (hidden_names.find(lname) == hidden_names.end()) &&
                    (hidden_dirs.find(wpath + lname) == hidden_dirs.end()))
                    result.emplace_back(from_utf16(name) + '/');
                else if (filter == file_filter::all)
                else if ((filter == file_filter::large_files) &&
                         (hidden_suffixes.find(suffix_of(lname)) ==
                    struct __stat64 stat;
                    if ((::_wstat64(
                                (wpath + find_data.cFileName).c_str(),
                                &stat) == 0) &&
                        (size_t(stat.st_size) >= min_file_size))
        } while((result.size() < max_count) && (FindNextFile(handle, &find_data) != 0));


    return result;
Exemple #2
std::vector<std::string> list_files(
        const std::string &path,
        file_filter filter,
        size_t max_count)
    std::string cpath = path;
    while (!cpath.empty() && (cpath.back() == '/')) cpath.pop_back();

    auto &hidden_dirs = platform::hidden_dirs();
    for (auto &i : hidden_dirs)
        if (starts_with(cpath, i + '/'))
            return std::vector<std::string>();

    std::vector<std::string> result;

    auto dir = ::opendir(cpath.c_str());
    if (dir)
        auto &hidden_names = platform::hidden_names();
        auto &hidden_suffixes = platform::hidden_suffixes();

        for (auto dirent = ::readdir(dir);
             dirent && (result.size() < max_count);
             dirent = ::readdir(dir))
            struct stat stat;
            if ((dirent->d_name[0] != '.') &&
                (::stat((cpath + dirent->d_name).c_str(), &stat) == 0))
                const std::string name = dirent->d_name;
                if (!name.empty() && (name[name.length() - 1] != '~'))
                    const std::string lname = to_lower(name);
                    if (S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode) &&
                        (hidden_names.find(lname) == hidden_names.end()) &&
                        (hidden_dirs.find(cpath + name) == hidden_dirs.end()))
                        result.emplace_back(name + '/');
                    else if (filter == file_filter::all)
                    else if ((filter == file_filter::large_files) &&
                             (size_t(stat.st_size) >= min_file_size) &&
                             (hidden_suffixes.find(suffix_of(lname)) == hidden_suffixes.end()))


    return result;
Exemple #3
 * extract the given (expanded) URL "url" to the given directory "dir"
 * return -1 on error, 0 else;
unpackURL(const char *url, const char *dir)
    char *pkg;
    int rc;
    char base[MaxPathSize];
    char pkg_path[MaxPathSize];

        /* Verify if the URL is really ok */
        char expnd[MaxPathSize];

        rc=expandURL(expnd, url);
        if (rc == -1) {
            warnx("unpackURL: verification expandURL failed");
            return -1;
        if (strcmp(expnd, url) != 0) {
            warnx("unpackURL: verification expandURL failed, '%s'!='%s'",
                  expnd, url);
            return -1;

    pkg=strrchr(url, '/');
    if (pkg == NULL) {
        warnx("unpackURL: no '/' in URL %s?!", url);
        return -1;
    (void) snprintf(base, sizeof(base), "%.*s/", (int)(pkg-url), url);
    (void) snprintf(pkg_path, sizeof(pkg_path), "%.*s",
                    (int)(pkg-url), url); /* no trailing '/' */

    /* Leave a hint for any depending pkgs that may need it */
    if (getenv("PKG_PATH") == NULL) {
        setenv("PKG_PATH", pkg_path, 1);
#if 0
        path_create(pkg_path); /* XXX */
        if (Verbose)
            printf("setenv PKG_PATH='%s'\n", pkg_path);

    if (strncmp(url, "http://", 7) == 0)
        return http_fetch(url, dir);

    rc = ftp_start(base);
    if (rc == -1) {
        warnx("ftp_start() failed");
        return -1; /* error */

        char cmd[1024];
        const char *decompress_cmd = NULL;
        const char *suf;

        if (Verbose)
            printf("unpackURL '%s' to '%s'\n", url, dir);

        suf = suffix_of(pkg);
        if (!strcmp(suf, "tbz") || !strcmp(suf, "bz2"))
            decompress_cmd = BZIP2_CMD;
        else if (!strcmp(suf, "tgz") || !strcmp(suf, "gz"))
            decompress_cmd = GZIP_CMD;
        else if (!strcmp(suf, "tar"))
            ; /* do nothing */
            errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "don't know how to decompress %s, sorry", pkg);

        /* yes, this is gross, but needed for borken ftp(1) */
        (void) snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "get %s \"| ( cd %s; " TAR_CMD " %s %s -vvxp -f - | tee %s )\"\n",
                        pkg, dir,
                        decompress_cmd != NULL ? "--use-compress-program" : "",
                        decompress_cmd != NULL ? decompress_cmd : "",
                        Verbose ? "/dev/stderr" : "/dev/null");

        rc = ftp_cmd(cmd, "\n(226|550).*\n");
        if (rc != 226) {
            warnx("Cannot fetch file (%d!=226)!", rc);
            return -1;

    return 0;