MP_INLINE SV *modperl_ptr2obj(pTHX_ char *classname, void *ptr) { SV *sv = newSV(0); MP_TRACE_h(MP_FUNC, "sv_setref_pv(%s, 0x%lx)", classname, (unsigned long)ptr); sv_setref_pv(sv, classname, ptr); return sv; }
SV * plu_new_table_object_perl(pTHX_ lua_State *L) { SV *sv; PLU_dSTACKASSERT; PLU_ENTER_STACKASSERT(L); plu_table_t *tbl = plu_new_table_object(aTHX_ L); sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "PLua::Table", (void*)tbl ); PLU_LEAVE_STACKASSERT_MODIFIED(L, -1); return sv; }
SV * bless_pointer_to_package(void *data, const char *package) { SV *ret = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(ret, package, data); /* If this function is being called, then the XS method in question * is declared as returning SV*, which means the magic typemap code * doesn't get called, and we have to do this manually. */ register_object_reference(ret); return ret; }
SV * new_sv_for_c_obj( gpointer c_obj, const char *perl_class) { SV *sv = newSV(0); /* Make an SV that contains a pointer to the object, and bless it * with the appropriate class. */ sv_setref_pv(sv, perl_class, c_obj); return sv; }
void EQWParser::SetHTTPRequest(const char *pkg, HTTPRequest *it) { char namebuf[64]; snprintf(namebuf, 64, "package %s;", pkg); eval_pv(namebuf, FALSE); snprintf(namebuf, 64, "request"); // snprintf(namebuf, 64, "%s::EQW", pkg); SV *l = get_sv(namebuf, true); if(it != nullptr) { sv_setref_pv(l, "HTTPRequest", it); } else { //clear out the value, mainly to get rid of blessedness sv_setsv(l, _empty_sv); } }
/* Get a new specfile */ void _newspec(rpmts ts, char * filename, SV * svpassphrase, SV * svrootdir, SV * svcookies, SV * svanyarch, SV * svforce, SV * svverify) { Spec spec = NULL; char * passphrase = NULL; char * rootdir = NULL; char * cookies = NULL; int anyarch = 0; int force = 0; int verify = 0; dSP; if (svpassphrase && SvOK(svpassphrase)) passphrase = SvPV_nolen(svpassphrase); if (svrootdir && SvOK(svrootdir)) rootdir = SvPV_nolen(svrootdir); else rootdir = "/"; if (svcookies && SvOK(svcookies)) cookies = SvPV_nolen(svcookies); if (svanyarch && SvOK(svanyarch)) anyarch = SvIV(svanyarch); if (svforce && SvOK(svforce)) force = SvIV(svforce); if (svverify && SvOK(svverify)) verify = SvIV(svverify); if (filename) { if (!parseSpec(ts, filename, rootdir, 0, passphrase, cookies, anyarch, force, verify)) spec = rpmtsSetSpec(ts, NULL); #ifdef HHACK } else { spec = newSpec(); #endif } if (spec) { XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv_setref_pv(newSVpv("", 0), "RPM::Spec", (void *)spec))); } else XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(&PL_sv_undef)); PUTBACK; return; }
void PJS_store_class(PJS_Context *pcx, PJS_Class *cls) { /* Add class to list of classes in contexts */ SV *sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(sv, "JavaScript::PerlClass", (void*) cls); if (cls->clasp->name != NULL) { if(hv_store(pcx->class_by_name, cls->clasp->name, strlen(cls->clasp->name), sv, 0) == NULL) { /* TODO: better error here */ croak("Failed to store class: %s in class_by_name in context", cls->clasp->name); return; } } if (cls->pkg != NULL) { SvREFCNT_inc(sv); hv_store(pcx->class_by_package, cls->pkg, strlen(cls->pkg), sv, 0); } }
static int hbm_perl_exec (HBArgs *d, char *code) { dSP; SV *args; SV *retval; args = perl_get_sv("args", TRUE); if (!args) printf("PANIC: No args\n"); sv_setref_pv(args, "hbargsPtr", (void*) d); retval = perl_eval_pv(code, TRUE); return SvIV(retval); }
MP_INLINE static void modperl_io_perlio_override_stdhandle(pTHX_ request_rec *r, int mode) { dHANDLE(mode == O_RDONLY ? "STDIN" : "STDOUT"); int status; SV *sv = sv_newmortal(); MP_TRACE_o(MP_FUNC, "start STD%s", mode == O_RDONLY ? "IN" : "OUT"); save_gp(handle, 1); sv_setref_pv(sv, "Apache2::RequestRec", (void*)r); status = do_open9(handle, mode == O_RDONLY ? "<:Apache2" : ">:Apache2", 9, FALSE, mode, 0, (PerlIO *)NULL, sv, 1); if (status == 0) { Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Failed to open STD%s: %" SVf, mode == O_RDONLY ? "IN" : "OUT", get_sv("!", TRUE)); } MP_TRACE_o(MP_FUNC, "end STD%s", mode==O_RDONLY ? "IN" : "OUT"); }
SV* PmmContextSv( xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt ) { ProxyNodePtr dfProxy= NULL; SV * retval = &PL_sv_undef; const char * CLASS = "XML::LibXML::ParserContext"; if ( ctxt != NULL ) { dfProxy = PmmNewContext(ctxt); retval = NEWSV(0,0); sv_setref_pv( retval, CLASS, (void*)dfProxy ); PmmREFCNT_inc(dfProxy); /* fprintf(stderr, "REFCNT incremented on new context: 0x%08.8X\n", dfProxy); */ } else { xs_warn( "PmmContextSv: no node found!\n" ); } return retval; }
void perl_command_handler(struct sourceinfo *si, const int parc, char **parv) { struct perl_command * pc = (struct perl_command *) si->command; dTHX; dSP; ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); XPUSHs(pc->handler); SV *sourceinfo_sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(sourceinfo_sv, "Atheme::Sourceinfo", si); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sourceinfo_sv)); for (int i = 0; i < parc; ++i) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(parv[i], 0))); PUTBACK; call_pv("Atheme::Init::call_wrapper", G_VOID | G_DISCARD | G_EVAL); SPAGAIN; if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { command_fail(si, fault_unimplemented, _("Unexpected error occurred: %s"), SvPV_nolen(ERRSV)); slog(LG_ERROR, "Perl handler for command %s/%s returned error: %s", si->service->internal_name, si->command->name, SvPV_nolen(ERRSV)); } PUTBACK; FREETMPS; LEAVE; /* Control has now handed back to Atheme, so all references held * by Perl to Atheme objects are invalid. */ invalidate_object_references(); }
void EQWParser::DoInit() { const char *argv_eqemu[] = { "", "-w", "-W", "-e", "0;", nullptr }; int argc = 5; char **argv = (char **)argv_eqemu; char **env = { nullptr }; PL_perl_destruct_level = 1; perl_construct(my_perl); PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc, &argv, &env); perl_parse(my_perl, xs_init, argc, argv, env); perl_run(my_perl); //a little routine we use a lot. eval_pv("sub my_eval {eval $_[0];}", TRUE); //dies on error //ruin the perl exit and command: eval_pv("sub my_exit {}",TRUE); eval_pv("sub my_sleep {}",TRUE); if(gv_stashpv("CORE::GLOBAL", FALSE)) { GV *exitgp = gv_fetchpv("CORE::GLOBAL::exit", TRUE, SVt_PVCV); GvCV_set(exitgp, perl_get_cv("my_exit", TRUE)); //dies on error GvIMPORTED_CV_on(exitgp); GV *sleepgp = gv_fetchpv("CORE::GLOBAL::sleep", TRUE, SVt_PVCV); GvCV_set(sleepgp, perl_get_cv("my_sleep", TRUE)); //dies on error GvIMPORTED_CV_on(sleepgp); } //setup eval_file eval_pv( "our %Cache;" "use Symbol qw(delete_package);" "sub eval_file {" "my($package, $filename) = @_;" "$filename=~s/\'//g;" "if(! -r $filename) { print \"Unable to read perl file '$filename'\\n\"; return; }" "my $mtime = -M $filename;" "if(defined $Cache{$package}{mtime}&&$Cache{$package}{mtime} <= $mtime && !($package eq 'plugin')){" " return;" "} else {" //we 'my' $filename,$mtime,$package,$sub to prevent them from changing our state up here. " eval(\"package $package; my(\\$filename,\\$mtime,\\$package,\\$sub); \\$isloaded = 1; require '$filename'; \");" "}" "}" ,FALSE); //make a tie-able class to capture IO and get it where it needs to go eval_pv( "package EQWIO; " // "&boot_EQEmuIO;" "sub TIEHANDLE { my $me = bless {}, $_[0]; $me->PRINT('Creating '.$me); return($me); } " "sub WRITE { } " "sub PRINTF { my $me = shift; my $fmt = shift; $me->PRINT(sprintf($fmt, @_)); } " "sub CLOSE { my $me = shift; $me->PRINT('Closing '.$me); } " "sub DESTROY { my $me = shift; $me->PRINT('Destroying '.$me); } " //this ties us for all packages "package MAIN;" " if(tied *STDOUT) { untie(*STDOUT); }" " if(tied *STDERR) { untie(*STDERR); }" " tie *STDOUT, 'EQWIO';" " tie *STDERR, 'EQWIO';" ,FALSE); eval_pv( "package world; " ,FALSE ); //make sure the EQW pointer is set up in this package EQW *curc = EQW::Singleton(); SV *l = get_sv("world::EQW", true); if(curc != nullptr) { sv_setref_pv(l, "EQW", curc); } else { //clear out the value, mainly to get rid of blessedness sv_setsv(l, _empty_sv); } //make sure the EQDB pointer is set up in this package EQDB::SetMySQL(database.getMySQL()); EQDB *curc_db = EQDB::Singleton(); SV *l_db = get_sv("world::EQDB", true); if(curc_db != nullptr) { sv_setref_pv(l_db, "EQDB", curc_db); } else { //clear out the value, mainly to get rid of blessedness sv_setsv(l_db, _empty_sv); } //load up EQW eval_pv( "package EQW;" "&boot_EQW;" //load our EQW XS "package EQDB;" "&boot_EQDB;" //load our EQW XS "package EQDBRes;" "&boot_EQDBRes;" //load our EQW XS "package HTTPRequest;" "&boot_HTTPRequest;" //load our HTTPRequest XS "package EQLConfig;" "&boot_EQLConfig;" //load our EQLConfig XS , FALSE ); #ifdef EMBPERL_PLUGIN Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::World_Server, "Loading worldui perl plugins."); std::string err; if(!eval_file("world", "", err)) { Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::World_Server, "Warning - %s", err.c_str()); } eval_pv( "package world; " "if(opendir(D,'worldui')) { " " my @d = readdir(D);" " closedir(D);" " foreach(@d){ " " next unless(/\\.pl$); " " require 'templates/'.$_;" " }" "}" ,FALSE); #endif //EMBPERL_PLUGIN }
SV * x_PmmNodeToSv(xmlNodePtr node, ProxyNodePtr owner) { ProxyNodePtr dfProxy= NULL; SV * retval = &PL_sv_undef; const char * CLASS = "XML::LibXML::Node"; if ( node != NULL ) { #ifdef XML_LIBXML_THREADS if( x_PmmUSEREGISTRY ) SvLOCK(x_PROXY_NODE_REGISTRY_MUTEX); #endif /* find out about the class */ CLASS = x_PmmNodeTypeName( node ); if ( node->_private != NULL ) { dfProxy = x_PmmNewNode(node); /* warn(" at 0x%08.8X\n", dfProxy); */ } else { dfProxy = x_PmmNewNode(node); /* fprintf(stderr, " at 0x%08.8X\n", dfProxy); */ if ( dfProxy != NULL ) { if ( owner != NULL ) { dfProxy->owner = x_PmmNODE( owner ); x_PmmREFCNT_inc( owner ); /* fprintf(stderr, "REFCNT incremented on owner: 0x%08.8X\n", owner); */ } } else { warn("x_PmmNodeToSv: proxy creation failed!\n"); } } retval = NEWSV(0,0); sv_setref_pv( retval, CLASS, (void*)dfProxy ); #ifdef XML_LIBXML_THREADS if( x_PmmUSEREGISTRY ) x_PmmRegistryREFCNT_inc(dfProxy); #endif x_PmmREFCNT_inc(dfProxy); /* fprintf(stderr, "REFCNT incremented on node: 0x%08.8X\n", dfProxy); */ switch ( node->type ) { case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: case XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE: if ( ((xmlDocPtr)node)->encoding != NULL ) { x_SetPmmENCODING(dfProxy, (int)xmlParseCharEncoding( (const char*)((xmlDocPtr)node)->encoding )); } break; default: break; } #ifdef XML_LIBXML_THREADS if( x_PmmUSEREGISTRY ) SvUNLOCK(x_PROXY_NODE_REGISTRY_MUTEX); #endif } else { warn( "x_PmmNodeToSv: no node found!\n" ); } return retval; }
SV* ExPolygon::to_SV_clone_ref() const { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::ExPolygon", new ExPolygon(*this) ); return sv; }
SV* ExPolygon::to_SV_ref() { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::ExPolygon::Ref", this ); return sv; }
SV* Polygon::to_SV_ref() { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::Polygon::Ref", (void*)this ); return sv; }
SV * PmmNodeToGdomeSv( xmlNodePtr node ) { SV * retval = &PL_sv_undef; #ifdef XML_LIBXML_GDOME_SUPPORT GdomeNode * gnode = NULL; GdomeException exc; const char * CLASS = ""; if ( node != NULL ) { gnode = gdome_xml_n_mkref( node ); if ( gnode != NULL ) { switch (gdome_n_nodeType(gnode, &exc)) { case GDOME_ELEMENT_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Element"; break; case GDOME_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Attr"; break; case GDOME_TEXT_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Text"; break; case GDOME_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::CDATASection"; break; case GDOME_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::EntityReference"; break; case GDOME_ENTITY_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Entity"; break; case GDOME_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::ProcessingInstruction"; break; case GDOME_COMMENT_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Comment"; break; case GDOME_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::DocumentType"; break; case GDOME_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::DocumentFragment"; break; case GDOME_NOTATION_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Notation"; break; case GDOME_DOCUMENT_NODE: CLASS = "XML::GDOME::Document"; break; default: break; } retval = NEWSV(0,0); sv_setref_pv( retval, CLASS, gnode); } } #endif return retval; }
SV* Point::to_SV_ref() { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, perl_class_name_ref(this), (void*)this ); return sv; }
SV* c2p_pkg(void *p) { SV *rv = newSV(0); return sv_setref_pv(rv, "ALPM::Package", p); }
SV* Point::to_SV_clone_ref() const { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::Point", new Point(*this) ); return sv; }
int perl_exec2(struct sip_msg* _msg, char* fnc, char* mystr) { int retval; SV *m; str reason; app_perl_reset_interpreter(); dSP; if (!perl_checkfnc(fnc)) { LM_ERR("unknown perl function called.\n"); reason.s = "Internal error"; reason.len = sizeof("Internal error")-1; if (slb.freply(_msg, 500, &reason) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to send reply\n"); } return -1; } switch ((_msg->first_line).type) { case SIP_REQUEST: if (parse_sip_msg_uri(_msg) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to parse Request-URI\n"); reason.s = "Bad Request-URI"; reason.len = sizeof("Bad Request-URI")-1; if (slb.freply(_msg, 400, &reason) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to send reply\n"); } return -1; } break; case SIP_REPLY: break; default: LM_ERR("invalid firstline"); return -1; } ENTER; /* everything created after here */ SAVETMPS; /* a temporary variable. */ PUSHMARK(SP); /* remember the stack pointer */ m = sv_newmortal(); sv_setref_pv(m, "Kamailio::Message", (void *)_msg); SvREADONLY_on(SvRV(m)); XPUSHs(m); /* Our reference to the stack... */ if (mystr) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(mystr, strlen(mystr)))); /* Our string to the stack... */ PUTBACK; /* make local stack pointer global */ call_pv(fnc, G_EVAL|G_SCALAR); /* call the function */ SPAGAIN; /* refresh stack pointer */ /* pop the return value from stack */ retval = POPi; PUTBACK; FREETMPS; /* free that return value */ LEAVE; /* ...and the XPUSHed "mortal" args.*/ return retval; }
int PerlembParser::SendCommands(const char *pkgprefix, const char *event, uint32 npcid, Mob* other, Mob* mob, ItemInst* iteminst) { if(!perl) return 0; int ret_value = 0; if(mob && mob->IsClient()) quest_manager.StartQuest(other, mob->CastToClient(), iteminst); else quest_manager.StartQuest(other, nullptr, nullptr); try { std::string cmd = "package " + (std::string)(pkgprefix) + (std::string)(";"); perl->eval(cmd.c_str()); #ifdef EMBPERL_XS_CLASSES { std::string cl = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::client"; std::string np = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::npc"; std::string qi = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::questitem"; std::string enl = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::entity_list"; if(clear_vars_.find(cl) != clear_vars_.end()) { std::string eval_str = cl; eval_str += " = undef;"; perl->eval(eval_str.c_str()); } if (clear_vars_.find(np) != clear_vars_.end()) { std::string eval_str = np; eval_str += " = undef;"; perl->eval(eval_str.c_str()); } if (clear_vars_.find(qi) != clear_vars_.end()) { std::string eval_str = qi; eval_str += " = undef;"; perl->eval(eval_str.c_str()); } if (clear_vars_.find(enl) != clear_vars_.end()) { std::string eval_str = enl; eval_str += " = undef;"; perl->eval(eval_str.c_str()); } } char namebuf[64]; //init a couple special vars: client, npc, entity_list Client *curc = quest_manager.GetInitiator(); snprintf(namebuf, 64, "%s::client", pkgprefix); SV *client = get_sv(namebuf, true); if(curc != nullptr) { sv_setref_pv(client, "Client", curc); } else { //clear out the value, mainly to get rid of blessedness sv_setsv(client, _empty_sv); } //only export NPC if it's a npc quest if(!other->IsClient()) { NPC *curn = quest_manager.GetNPC(); snprintf(namebuf, 64, "%s::npc", pkgprefix); SV *npc = get_sv(namebuf, true); sv_setref_pv(npc, "NPC", curn); } //only export QuestItem if it's an item quest if(iteminst) { ItemInst* curi = quest_manager.GetQuestItem(); snprintf(namebuf, 64, "%s::questitem", pkgprefix); SV *questitem = get_sv(namebuf, true); sv_setref_pv(questitem, "QuestItem", curi); } snprintf(namebuf, 64, "%s::entity_list", pkgprefix); SV *el = get_sv(namebuf, true); sv_setref_pv(el, "EntityList", &entity_list); #endif //now call the requested sub ret_value = perl->dosub(std::string(pkgprefix).append("::").append(event).c_str()); #ifdef EMBPERL_XS_CLASSES { std::string cl = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::client"; std::string np = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::npc"; std::string qi = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::questitem"; std::string enl = (std::string)"$" + (std::string)pkgprefix + (std::string)"::entity_list"; clear_vars_[cl] = 1; clear_vars_[np] = 1; clear_vars_[qi] = 1; clear_vars_[enl] = 1; } #endif } catch(const char * err) { //try to reduce some of the console spam... //todo: tweak this to be more accurate at deciding what to filter (we don't want to gag legit errors) if(!strstr(err,"Undefined subroutine")) { std::string error = "Script error: "; error += pkgprefix; error += "::"; error += event; error += " - "; if(strlen(err) > 0) error += err; AddError(error); } } quest_manager.EndQuest(); #ifdef EMBPERL_XS_CLASSES if(!quest_manager.QuestsRunning()) { auto iter = clear_vars_.begin(); std::string eval_str; while(iter != clear_vars_.end()) { eval_str += iter->first; eval_str += " = undef;"; ++iter; } clear_vars_.clear(); try { perl->eval(eval_str.c_str()); } catch (const char * err) { std::string error = "Script clear error: "; if (strlen(err) > 0) error += err; AddError(error); } } #endif return ret_value; }
/* * Run function, with current SIP message as a parameter */ int perl_exec(struct sip_msg* _msg, str* _fnc_s, str* mystr) { int retval; SV *m; str reason; str pfnc, pparam; char *fnc; fnc = pkg_malloc(_fnc_s->len); if (!fnc) { LM_ERR("No more pkg mem!\n"); return -1; } memcpy(fnc, _fnc_s->s, _fnc_s->len); fnc[_fnc_s->len] = 0; dSP; if (!perl_checkfnc(fnc)) { LM_ERR("unknown perl function called.\n"); reason.s = "Internal error"; reason.len = sizeof("Internal error")-1; if (sigb.reply(_msg, 500, &reason, NULL) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to send reply\n"); } goto error; } switch ((_msg->first_line).type) { case SIP_REQUEST: if (parse_sip_msg_uri(_msg) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to parse Request-URI\n"); reason.s = "Bad Request-URI"; reason.len = sizeof("Bad Request-URI")-1; if (sigb.reply(_msg, 400, &reason, NULL) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to send reply\n"); } goto error; } break; case SIP_REPLY: break; default: LM_ERR("invalid firstline\n"); goto error; } ENTER; /* everything created after here */ SAVETMPS; /* a temporary variable. */ PUSHMARK(SP); /* remember the stack pointer */ m = sv_newmortal(); /* create a mortal SV to be killed on FREETMPS */ sv_setref_pv(m, "OpenSIPS::Message", (void *)_msg); /* bless the message with a class */ SvREADONLY_on(SvRV(m)); /* set the content of m to be readonly */ XPUSHs(m); /* Our reference to the stack... */ if (mystr) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(mystr->s, mystr->len))); /* Our string to the stack... */ PUTBACK; /* make local stack pointer global */ call_pv(fnc, G_EVAL|G_SCALAR); /* call the function */ SPAGAIN; /* refresh stack pointer */ /* pop the return value from stack */ retval = POPi; PUTBACK; FREETMPS; /* free that return value */ LEAVE; /* ...and the XPUSHed "mortal" args.*/ return retval; error: pkg_free(fnc); return -1; }
SV* Line::to_SV_ref() { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, perl_class_name_ref(this), this ); return sv; }
/* This may call Perl code (via get_field), so it needs to be wrapped with * PUTBACK/SPAGAIN by the caller. */ static SV * struct_to_sv (GIBaseInfo* info, GIInfoType info_type, gpointer pointer, gboolean own) { HV *hv; dwarn ("pointer = %p\n", pointer); if (pointer == NULL) { return &PL_sv_undef; } if (is_struct_disguised (info)) { SV *sv; gchar *package; dwarn (" disguised struct\n"); g_assert (!own); package = get_struct_package (info); g_assert (package); sv = newSV (0); sv_setref_pv (sv, package, pointer); g_free (package); return sv; } hv = newHV (); switch (info_type) { case GI_INFO_TYPE_BOXED: case GI_INFO_TYPE_STRUCT: { gint i, n_fields = g_struct_info_get_n_fields ((GIStructInfo *) info); for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { GIFieldInfo *field_info; SV *sv; field_info = g_struct_info_get_field ((GIStructInfo *) info, i); dwarn (" field %d (%s)\n", i, g_base_info_get_name (field_info)); /* FIXME: Check GIFieldInfoFlags. */ /* FIXME: Is it right to use GI_TRANSFER_NOTHING * here? */ sv = get_field (field_info, pointer, GI_TRANSFER_NOTHING); if (gperl_sv_is_defined (sv)) { const gchar *name; name = g_base_info_get_name ( (GIBaseInfo *) field_info); gperl_hv_take_sv (hv, name, strlen (name), sv); } g_base_info_unref ((GIBaseInfo *) field_info); } break; } case GI_INFO_TYPE_UNION: ccroak ("%s: unions not handled yet", G_STRFUNC); default: ccroak ("%s: unhandled info type %d", G_STRFUNC, info_type); } if (own) { /* FIXME: Is it correct to just call g_free here? What if the * thing was allocated via GSlice? */ g_free (pointer); } return newRV_noinc ((SV *) hv); }
void PerlSortCondition::initialize(Erref &errors, TableType *tabtype, SortedIndexType *indtype) { if (initialized_) return; // skip the second initialization dSP; tabType_ = tabtype; // save the wrapped row type in any case if (svRowType_ != NULL) SvREFCNT_dec(svRowType_); WrapRowType *wrowt = new WrapRowType(const_cast<RowType *>(rt_.get())); svRowType_ = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(svRowType_, "Triceps::RowType", (void *)wrowt); Erref errInit, errComp; if (!cbInitialize_.isNull()) { cbInitialize_->initialize(hrt_); errInit = cbInitialize_->getErrors(); errors.fAppend(errInit, "PerlSortedIndex(%s) initialize function is not compatible with multithreading:", name_.c_str()); } if (!cbCompare_.isNull()) { cbCompare_->initialize(hrt_); errComp = cbCompare_->getErrors(); errors.fAppend(errComp, "PerlSortedIndex(%s) compare function is not compatible with multithreading:", name_.c_str()); } if (errInit->hasError() || errComp->hasError()) { return; // no point in going further } if (!cbInitialize_.isNull()) { WrapTableType *wtabt = new WrapTableType(tabtype); SV *svtabt = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(svtabt, "Triceps::TableType", (void *)wtabt); WrapIndexType *widxt = new WrapIndexType(indtype); SV *svidxt = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv(svidxt, "Triceps::IndexType", (void *)widxt); PerlCallbackStartCall(cbInitialize_); XPUSHs(svtabt); XPUSHs(svidxt); XPUSHs(svRowType_); SV *sverrmsg = NULL; PerlCallbackDoCallScalar(cbInitialize_, sverrmsg); // this calls the DELETE methods on wrappers SvREFCNT_dec(svtabt); SvREFCNT_dec(svidxt); if (sverrmsg != NULL && SvTRUE(sverrmsg)) { errors->appendMultiline(true, SvPV_nolen(sverrmsg)); return; } if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { errors->appendMultiline(true, SvPV_nolen(ERRSV)); return; } } // the comparator must be set by now, or it's an error if (cbCompare_.isNull()) { errors->appendMsg(true, "the mandatory comparator Perl function is not set by PerlSortedIndex(" + name_ + ")"); } hrt_ = NULL; // its work is done initialized_ = true; }
SV* TriangleMesh::to_SV() { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::TriangleMesh", (void*)this ); return sv; }
SV* Line::to_SV_ref() { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::Line::Ref", this ); return sv; }
SV* Point::to_SV_clone_ref() const { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, perl_class_name(this), new Point(*this) ); return sv; }
SV* Line::to_SV_clone_ref() const { SV* sv = newSV(0); sv_setref_pv( sv, "Slic3r::Line", new Line(*this) ); return sv; }