Exemple #1
   *  Vertex update function.
  void update(CE_Graph_vertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> &vertex, CE_Graph_context &gcontext) {
      if ( vertex.num_outedges() > 0){
        vertex_data & user = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.id()]; 

        memset(&user.weight[0], 0, sizeof(double)*D);
        for(int e=0; e < vertex.num_outedges(); e++) {
          vertex_data & movie = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id()]; 
          user.weight += movie.weight;

        // sqrt(|N(u)|) 
        float usrNorm = double(1.0/sqrt(vertex.num_outedges()));
        //sqrt(|N(u)| * sum_j y_j
        user.weight *= usrNorm;

        vec step = zeros(D);

        // main algorithm, see Koren's paper, just below below equation (16)
        for(int e=0; e < vertex.num_outedges(); e++) {
          vertex_data & movie = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id()]; 
          float observation = vertex.edge(e)->get_data();                
          double estScore;
          rmse_vec[omp_get_thread_num()] += svdpp_predict(user, movie,observation, estScore); 
          // e_ui = r_ui - \hat{r_ui}
          float err = observation - estScore;
          vec itmFctr = movie.pvec;
          vec usrFctr = user.pvec;

          //q_i = q_i + gamma2     *(e_ui*(p_u      +  sqrt(N(U))\sum_j y_j) - gamma7    *q_i)
          for (int j=0; j< D; j++)
            movie.pvec[j] += svdpp.itmFctrStep*(err*(usrFctr[j] +  user.weight[j])             - svdpp.itmFctrReg*itmFctr[j]);
          //p_u = p_u + gamma2    *(e_ui*q_i   -gamma7     *p_u)
          for (int j=0; j< D; j++)
            user.pvec[j] += svdpp.usrFctrStep*(err *itmFctr[j] - svdpp.usrFctrReg*usrFctr[j]);
          step += err*itmFctr;

          //b_i = b_i + gamma1*(e_ui - gmma6 * b_i) 
          movie.bias += svdpp.itmBiasStep*(err-svdpp.itmBiasReg* movie.bias);
          //b_u = b_u + gamma1*(e_ui - gamma6 * b_u)
          user.bias += svdpp.usrBiasStep*(err-svdpp.usrBiasReg* user.bias);

        step *= float(svdpp.itmFctr2Step*usrNorm);
        double mult = svdpp.itmFctr2Step*svdpp.itmFctr2Reg;
        for(int e=0; e < vertex.num_edges(); e++) {
          vertex_data&  movie = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id()];
          //y_j = y_j  +   gamma2*sqrt|N(u)| * q_i - gamma7 * y_j
          movie.weight +=  step                    -  mult  * movie.weight;
Exemple #2
   *  Vertex update function - computes the least square step
  void update(graphchi_vertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> &vertex, graphchi_context &gcontext) {

    //compute only for user nodes
    if (vertex.id() >= std::min(M,(uint)end_user) || vertex.id() < (uint)start_user)

    vertex_data & vdata = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.id()];
    int howmany = (int)(N*knn_sample_percent);
    assert(howmany > 0 );
    if (vertex.num_outedges() == 0){

    vec distances = zeros(howmany);
    ivec indices = ivec::Zero(howmany);
    for (int i=0; i< howmany; i++){
      indices[i]= -1;
    std::vector<bool> curratings;
    for(int e=0; e < vertex.num_edges(); e++) {
      //no need to calculate this rating since it is given in the training data reference
      assert(vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id() - M >= 0 && vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id() - M < N);
      curratings[vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id() - M] = true;
    if (knn_sample_percent == 1.0){
      for (uint i=M; i< M+N; i++){
        if (curratings[i-M])
        vertex_data & other = latent_factors_inmem[i];
        double dist;
        if (algo == SVDPP)
          svdpp_predict(vdata, other, 0, dist); 
        else if (algo == BIASSGD) 
	  biassgd_predict(vdata, other, 0, dist);
        else if (algo == RBM)
          rbm_predict(vdata, other, 0, dist);
        else assert(false);
        indices[i-M] = i-M;
        distances[i-M] = dist + 1e-10;
    else for (int i=0; i<howmany; i++){
      int random_other = ::randi(M, M+N-1);
      vertex_data & other = latent_factors_inmem[random_other];
      double dist;
      if (algo == SVDPP)
        svdpp_predict(vdata, other, 0, dist); 
      else if (algo == BIASSGD)
        biassgd_predict(vdata, other, 0, dist);
      else if (algo == RBM)
        rbm_predict(vdata, other, 0, dist);
      else assert(false);
      indices[i] = random_other-M;
      distances[i] = dist;

    vec out_dist(num_ratings);
    ivec indices_sorted = reverse_sort_index2(distances, indices, out_dist, num_ratings);
    assert(indices_sorted.size() <= num_ratings);
    assert(out_dist.size() <= num_ratings);
    vdata.ids = indices_sorted;
    vdata.ratings = out_dist;
    if (debug)
      printf("Closest is: %d with distance %g\n", (int)vdata.ids[0], vdata.ratings[0]);

    if (vertex.id() % 1000 == 0)
      printf("Computing recommendations for user %d at time: %g\n", vertex.id()+1, mytimer.current_time());