int parse_lc(t_sym **sym_lst, t_sect **sect_lst, char *ptr, uint8_t mask) { int i; int ncmds; struct load_command *lc; struct mach_header *header; header = (struct mach_header *)ptr; ncmds = IS_BE(mask) ? swap_uint32(header->ncmds) : header->ncmds; swap_load_command(lc = ((void *)ptr + (IS_ARCH_64(mask) ? sizeof(struct mach_header_64) : sizeof(struct mach_header))), IS_BE(mask)); ncmds = IS_BE(mask) ? swap_uint32(header->ncmds) : header->ncmds; i = 0; while (i < ncmds) { if (lc->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64 || lc->cmd == LC_SEGMENT) add_sect_lst(lc, sect_lst, mask); else if (lc->cmd == LC_SYMTAB) if (add_symtab_lst((struct symtab_command *)lc, ptr, sym_lst, mask) == -1) return (EXIT_FAILURE); swap_load_command(lc = (void *)lc + lc->cmdsize, IS_BE(mask)); i++; } return (0); }
void handle_fat(char *ptr, char *file, int from, t_opt opt) { struct fat_header *header; struct fat_arch *arch; int size; uint32_t offset; int find; header = (struct fat_header*)ptr; size = swap_uint32(header->nfat_arch); arch = (void*)ptr + sizeof(header); find = find_x86_64(size, arch); offset = 0; if (find != 0) { while (size != find) { arch += sizeof(arch) / sizeof(void*); size--; } if (swap_uint32(arch->cputype) == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) offset = arch->offset; ft_otool(ptr + swap_uint32(offset), file, from, opt); } else other_arch(arch, ptr, file, opt); }
// The labels values are 0 to 9. void parseMnistSetLabels(const std::string& label_file, std::vector<size_t>* labels) { std::ifstream ifs_label(label_file, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if ( { throw convnet_error("Failed to open file: " + label_file); } uint32_t magic_number; uint32_t num_items;*) &magic_number, 4);*) &num_items, 4); swap_uint32(magic_number); swap_uint32(num_items); if (magic_number != 0x00000801 || num_items <= 0) { throw convnet_error("MNIST label-file format error"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; i++) { uint8_t label;*) &label, 1); labels->push_back((size_t) label); } }
void sec_32_cigam(int ncmds, struct load_command *lc, t_lst **section) { unsigned int j; int k; struct section *sec; struct segment_command *seg; *section = NULL; k = 1; while (ncmds >= 0) { if (lc->cmd && swap_uint32(lc->cmd) == LC_SEGMENT) { j = -1; seg = (struct segment_command*)lc; sec = (struct section*)((void *)seg + sizeof(*seg)); while (++j < swap_uint32(seg->nsects)) { add_lst(section, new_lst_sec(sec->sectname, k++)); sec = (void *)sec + sizeof(*sec); } } if (ft_strcmp(seg->segname, SEG_OBJC) == 0) break ; lc = swap_uint32(lc->cmdsize) + (void*)lc; ncmds--; } }
static int of_update_property_value(void *blob, int property_offset, const void *value, int valuelen) { int oldlen; unsigned int *plen; unsigned char *pvalue; void *point; int ret; plen = (unsigned int *)of_dt_struct_offset(blob, property_offset + 4); pvalue = (unsigned char *)of_dt_struct_offset(blob, property_offset + 12); point = (void *)pvalue; /* get the old len of value */ oldlen = swap_uint32(*plen); ret = of_blob_move_dt_struct(blob, point, OF_ALIGN(oldlen), OF_ALIGN(valuelen)); if (ret) return ret; /* set the new len and value */ *plen = swap_uint32(valuelen); memcpy(pvalue, value, valuelen); return 0; }
static void swap_snoop_packet(struct snoop_packet *p) { swap_uint32(&p->caplen); swap_uint32(&p->len); swap_uint32(&p->offset); swap_uint32(&((p->ts).tv_sec)); swap_int32(&((p->ts).tv_usec)); }
void packetDetails_tcp(uint8_t *packetData) { tcpHeader = (tcpHeader_t*)(packetData); printf("TCP header\n"); PRINTINFO("Source port"); PRINTPORT(tcpHeader->sourcePort); PRINTINFO("Destination port"); PRINTPORT(tcpHeader->destinationPort); PRINTINFO("Sequence number"); PRINTHEX32(swap_uint32(tcpHeader->sequenceNumber)); PRINTINFO("Acknowledgement number"); PRINTHEX32(swap_uint32(tcpHeader->acknowledgementNumber)); // Flags uint16_t flag = swap_uint16(tcpHeader->flags); PRINTFLAG("Header length"); PRINTUINT8(((flag & TCP_headerLength) >> TCP_headerLengthPos)*4); PRINTFLAG("Reserved"); PRINTHEX16((flag & TCP_reserved) >> TCP_reservedPos); PRINTFLAG("URG"); printf("%s\n", flagSetOrNot((flag & TCP_urg) >> TCP_urgPos)); PRINTFLAG("ACK"); printf("%s\n", flagSetOrNot((flag & TCP_ack) >> TCP_ackPos)); PRINTFLAG("PSH"); printf("%s\n", flagSetOrNot((flag & TCP_push) >> TCP_pushPos)); PRINTFLAG("RST"); printf("%s\n", flagSetOrNot((flag & TCP_reset) >> TCP_resetPos)); PRINTFLAG("SYN"); printf("%s\n", flagSetOrNot((flag & TCP_syn) >> TCP_synPos)); PRINTFLAG("FIN"); printf("%s\n", flagSetOrNot((flag & TCP_fin) >> TCP_synPos)); PRINTINFO("Window size"); PRINTUINT16(swap_uint16(tcpHeader->windowSize)); PRINTINFO("Checksum"); PRINTHEX16(swap_uint16(tcpHeader->checksum)); PRINTINFO("Urgent pointer"); PRINTUINT16(swap_uint16(tcpHeader->urgentPointer)); packetDetails_data(packetData + TCP_LENGTH, (swap_uint16(ipHeader->totalLength) - (ipHeader->headerLength)*4 - TCP_LENGTH)); }
UMachDebugInfo::UMachDebugInfo(Project *uproject) { //first we read temporary the number / file assoziation QFile fmap( uproject->getProjectDir()->absoluteFilePath(QString(uproject->getName() + ".umx.fmap")) ); if (! throw (QString("Failed to open file")); QMap <uint32_t,IUasmFile*>fmapTable; QTextStream in(&fmap); QString fmapLine; QStringList fmapParseList; uint32_t fileId; IUasmFile *uasmFile; while (!(fmapLine = in.readLine()).isEmpty()) { fmapParseList = fmapLine.split(" "); //file Number fileId = (uint32_t); //file ponter uasmFile = uproject->getFileByAbsPath(; if (!uasmFile) throw (QString("File not in Project!")); //ad to temp map fmapTable.insert(fileId, uasmFile); } fmap.close(); //now we read in binary data from debug and insert it into the overall table QFile debug( uproject->getProjectDir()->absoluteFilePath(QString(uproject->getName() + ".umx.debug")) ); if (! throw (QString("Failed to open file")); //BIG-ENDIAN //<FILE-ID><LINE-NO><ADDRESS> uint32_t debugDatum[3]; while (*)debugDatum, 12)) { //swap endianess to little uasmFile = fmapTable.value(swap_uint32(debugDatum[0])); uint32_t address = swap_uint32(debugDatum[2]); m_addressTable.insert(address, (new debugAddressEntry(uasmFile, swap_uint32(debugDatum[1]), address, NULL))); } debug.close(); }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_swap_uint32) { uint32 ile; uint32_be ibe; ile = 0x11223344U; ibe = swap_uint32(ile); #ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN fail_if(ibe != 0x44332211U); #endif fail_if(swap_uint32(ibe) != ile); }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_swap_uint32_neg) { uint32 ile; uint32_be ibe; ile = 0xFFFEFDFCU; ibe = swap_uint32(ile); #ifndef WORDS_BIGENDIAN fail_if(ibe != 0xFCFDFEFFU); #endif fail_if(swap_uint32(ibe) != ile); }
static void swap_netmon_header(struct cap_header *h) { swap_uint16(&h->captype); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wYear); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wMonth); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wDayOfWeek); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wDay); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wHour); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wMinute); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wSecond); swap_uint16(&h->starttime.wMilliseconds); swap_uint32(&h->frameoffset); swap_uint32(&h->framelength); }
/** @ingroup substem_name * @brief Compute SSL IPAD and OPAD values. * * Computes a partial SSL MAC of the SSL secret. These values are later used * to compute the complete SSL MAC of a packet. The hash algorith for the MAC * is MD5. (SHA-1 SSL MACs don't us IPAD/OPAD values.) * * @param secret_p RO: Pointer to the 16-byte MAC secret key. * @param ipad_p WO: Pointer to the buffer that is to receive the * precomputed IPAD values. * @param opad_p WO: Pointer to the buffer that is to receive the * precomputed OPAD values. * * @par Externals: * None. * * @return * N8_STATUS_OK - the function succeeded. * * @par Errors: * None. * * @par Locks: * None. * * @par Assumptions: * IPAD and OPAD values are returned as arrays of uint32_t. *****************************************************************************/ N8_Status_t n8_precompute_ssl_ipad_opad(N8_Buffer_t *secret_p, uint32_t *ipad_p, uint32_t *opad_p) { N8_Status_t status = N8_STATUS_OK; N8_PRECOMP_MD5_CTX ctx; /* Hash the secret and pad_1 string using the IPAD context. */ n8_precomp_MD5_Init(&ctx); n8_precomp_MD5_Update(&ctx, secret_p, SSL_MD5_Secret_Length); n8_precomp_MD5_Update(&ctx, pad_1, SSL_MD5_Pad_Length); ipad_p[0] = swap_uint32(ctx.A); ipad_p[1] = swap_uint32(ctx.B); ipad_p[2] = swap_uint32(ctx.C); ipad_p[3] = swap_uint32(ctx.D); #ifdef HMAC_DEBUG DBG(("IPAD={A=%08x B=%08x C=%08x D=%08x}\n", ctx.A, ctx.B, ctx.C, ctx.D)); #endif /* Hash the secret and pad_2 string using the OPAD context. */ n8_precomp_MD5_Init(&ctx); n8_precomp_MD5_Update(&ctx, secret_p, SSL_MD5_Secret_Length); n8_precomp_MD5_Update(&ctx, pad_2, SSL_MD5_Pad_Length); opad_p[0] = swap_uint32(ctx.A); opad_p[1] = swap_uint32(ctx.B); opad_p[2] = swap_uint32(ctx.C); opad_p[3] = swap_uint32(ctx.D); #ifdef HMAC_DEBUG DBG(("OPAD={A=%08x B=%08x C=%08x D=%08x}\n", ctx.A, ctx.B, ctx.C, ctx.D)); #endif return status; } /* n8_precompute_ssl_ipad_opad */
static inline void scale_sample_int32_t(int32_t *buf, int i, int vol, int swap) { int64_t sample = swap ? (int32_t)swap_uint32(buf[i]) : buf[i]; if (sample < 0) { sample = (sample * vol - SOFT_VOL_SCALE / 2) / SOFT_VOL_SCALE; if (sample < INT32_MIN) sample = INT32_MIN; } else { sample = (sample * vol + SOFT_VOL_SCALE / 2) / SOFT_VOL_SCALE; if (sample > INT32_MAX) sample = INT32_MAX; } buf[i] = swap ? swap_uint32(sample) : sample; }
void ga_cross_2p(knapsack_t *k, knapsack_solution_t *sa, knapsack_solution_t *sb) { int cross_point1 = rand() % k->n; int cross_point2 = rand() % k->n; int i; if (cross_point1 > cross_point2) { swap_uint32(&cross_point1, &cross_point2); } for (i = 0; i < k->n; i++) { if (i < cross_point1 && i > cross_point2) { swap_uint32(&sa->items[i], &sb->items[i]); } } }
uint32_t read_uint32(FILEBUFFER *f,JENV *env) { uint32_t val,tmp; unsigned int pos; char *p; uint32_t *buf; assert(env!=NULL); assert(f!=NULL); if(file_len_dispo(f)<4) { tjvm_env_add_error_c(env,"Error in file : invalide size"); return 0; } //assert(f->pos+4<f->len); pos=f->pos; buf=(uint32_t *)(f->buf+pos); //tmp=*buf[pos+1]; val=swap_uint32(*buf); //pshort=(unsigned short *)f->buf; //version_mineur=swap_uint16(*pshort); //pshort++; f->pos+=4; assert(file_valide(f)); return val; }
/* read an array */ static amf0_data * amf0_array_read(read_proc_t read_proc, void * user_data) { size_t i; amf0_data * element; amf0_data * data = amf0_array_new(); if (data != NULL) { uint32_t array_size; if (read_proc(&array_size, sizeof(uint32_t), user_data) == sizeof(uint32_t)) { array_size = swap_uint32(array_size); for (i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) { element = amf0_data_read(read_proc, user_data); if (element != NULL) { if (amf0_array_push(data, element) == NULL) { amf0_data_free(element); amf0_data_free(data); return NULL; } } else { amf0_data_free(data); return NULL; } } } else { amf0_data_free(data); return NULL; } } return data; }
static void other_arch(struct fat_arch *arch, char *ptr, char *file, t_opt opt) { int size; size = swap_uint32(((struct fat_header*)ptr)->nfat_arch); while (size) { ft_putstr(file); if (swap_uint32(arch->cputype) == CPU_TYPE_POWERPC) ft_putendl(" (architecture ppc):"); else if (swap_uint32(arch->cputype) == CPU_TYPE_I386) ft_putendl(" (architecture i386):"); ft_otool(ptr + swap_uint32(arch->offset), file, FROM_AR, opt); arch += sizeof(arch) / sizeof(void*); size--; } }
/* return the token and the next token offset */ static int of_get_token_nextoffset(void *blob, int startoffset, int *nextoffset, unsigned int *token) { const unsigned int *p, *plen; unsigned int tag; const char *cell; unsigned int offset = startoffset; *nextoffset = -1; if (offset % 4) { dbg_info("DT: the token offset is not aligned\n"); return -1; } /* Get the token */ p = (unsigned int *)of_dt_struct_offset(blob, offset); tag = swap_uint32(*p); /* to get offset for the next token */ offset += 4; if (tag == OF_DT_TOKEN_NODE_BEGIN) { /* node name */ cell = (char *)of_dt_struct_offset(blob, offset); do { cell++; offset++; } while (*cell != '\0'); } else if (tag == OF_DT_TOKEN_PROP) { /* the property value size */ plen = (unsigned int *)of_dt_struct_offset(blob, offset); /* name offset + value size + value */ offset += swap_uint32(*plen) + 8; } else if ((tag != OF_DT_TOKEN_NODE_END) && (tag != OF_DT_TOKEN_NOP) && (tag != OF_DT_END)) return -1; *nextoffset = OF_ALIGN(offset); *token = tag; return 0; }
void ga_cross_1p(knapsack_t *k, knapsack_solution_t *sa, knapsack_solution_t *sb) { int cross_point1 = rand() % k->n; int i; for (i = 0; i < k->n; i++) { if (i < cross_point1) { swap_uint32(&sa->items[i], &sb->items[i]); } } }
void NetworkMessage::AddU32(const uint32_t& value) { if (!canAdd(4)) { return; } *(uint32_t*)(m_MsgBuf + m_ReadPos) = swap_uint32(value); m_ReadPos += 4; m_MsgSize += 4; }
static int of_add_property(void *blob, int nextoffset, const char *property_name, const void *value, int valuelen) { int string_offset; unsigned int *p; unsigned int addr; int len; int ret; /* check if the property name in the dt_strings, * else add the string in dt strings */ ret = of_string_is_find_strings_blob(blob, property_name, &string_offset); if (ret) { ret = of_add_string_strings_blob(blob, property_name, &string_offset); if (ret) return ret; } /* add the property node in dt struct */ len = 12 + OF_ALIGN(valuelen); addr = of_dt_struct_offset(blob, nextoffset); ret = of_blob_move_dt_struct(blob, (void *)addr, 0, len); if (ret) return ret; p = (unsigned int *)addr; /* set property node: token, value size, name offset, value */ *p++ = swap_uint32(OF_DT_TOKEN_PROP); *p++ = swap_uint32(valuelen); *p++ = swap_uint32(string_offset); memcpy((unsigned char *)p, value, valuelen); return 0; }
void parseMnistHeader(std::ifstream& ifs, mnist_header& header) {*) &header.magic_number, 4);*) &header.num_images, 4);*) &header.num_rows, 4);*) &header.num_columns, 4); // MNIST integers stored in big-endian(most significant bit) format // Reverses order to little-endian byte order swap_uint32(header.magic_number); swap_uint32(header.num_images); swap_uint32(header.num_rows); swap_uint32(header.num_columns); if (header.magic_number != 0x00000803 || header.num_images <= 0) { throw convnet_error("MNIST label-file format error"); } if ( { throw convnet_error("File error"); } }
/* The /memory node * Required properties: * - device_type: has to be "memory". * - reg: this property contains all the physical memory ranges of your boards. */ int fixup_memory_node(void *blob, unsigned int *mem_bank, unsigned int *mem_size) { int nodeoffset; unsigned int data[2]; int valuelen; int ret; ret = of_get_node_offset(blob, "memory", &nodeoffset); if (ret) { dbg_info("DT: doesn't support add node\n"); return ret; } /* * if the property doesn't exit, add it * if the property exists, update it. */ /* set "device_type" property */ ret = of_set_property(blob, nodeoffset, "device_type", "memory", sizeof("memory")); if (ret) { dbg_info("DT: could not set device_type property\n"); return ret; } /* set "reg" property */ valuelen = 8; data[0] = swap_uint32(*mem_bank); data[1] = swap_uint32(*mem_size); ret = of_set_property(blob, nodeoffset, "reg", data, valuelen); if (ret) { dbg_info("DT: could not set reg property\n"); return ret; } return 0; }
void ga_cross_2p(bool *a, bool *b, uint32_t n) { uint32_t cross_point1 = rand() % n; uint32_t cross_point2 = rand() % n; if (cross_point1 > cross_point2) { swap_uint32(&cross_point1, &cross_point2); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i < cross_point1 && i > cross_point2) { swap_bool(&a[i], &b[i]); } } }
/* write an array */ static size_t amf0_array_write(amf0_data * data, write_proc_t write_proc, void * user_data) { amf0_node * node; size_t w = 0; uint32_t s; s = swap_uint32(data->list_data.size); w += write_proc(&s, sizeof(uint32_t), user_data); node = amf0_array_first(data); while (node != NULL) { w += amf0_data_write(amf0_array_get(node), write_proc, user_data); node = amf0_array_next(node); } return w; }
static int find_x86_64(uint32_t size, struct fat_arch *arch) { uint32_t find; find = 0; while (size) { if (swap_uint32(arch->cputype) == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) { find = size; break ; } arch += sizeof(arch) / sizeof(void*); size--; } return (find); }
static int raw_on_header(flv_header * header, flv_parser * parser) { int * n; n = (int*) malloc(sizeof(uint32)); if (n == NULL) { return ERROR_MEMORY; } parser->user_data = n; *n = 0; printf("Magic: %.3s\n", header->signature); printf("Version: %d\n", header->version); printf("Has audio: %s\n", flv_header_has_audio(*header) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Has video: %s\n", flv_header_has_video(*header) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("Offset: %u\n", swap_uint32(header->offset)); return OK; }
/* write an associative array */ static size_t amf0_associative_array_write(amf0_data * data, write_proc_t write_proc, void * user_data) { amf0_node * node; size_t w = 0; uint32_t s; uint16_t filler = swap_uint16(0); uint8_t terminator = AMF0_TYPE_OBJECT_END; s = swap_uint32(data->list_data.size) / 2; w += write_proc(&s, sizeof(uint32_t), user_data); node = amf0_associative_array_first(data); while (node != NULL) { w += amf0_string_write(amf0_associative_array_get_name(node), write_proc, user_data); w += amf0_data_write(amf0_associative_array_get_data(node), write_proc, user_data); node = amf0_associative_array_next(node); } /* empty string is the last element */ w += write_proc(&filler, sizeof(uint16_t), user_data); /* an object ends with 0x09 */ w += write_proc(&terminator, sizeof(uint8_t), user_data); return w; }
/* read an array */ static amf_data * amf_array_read(amf_read_proc read_proc, void * user_data) { size_t i; amf_data * element; byte error_code; amf_data * data; uint32 array_size; data = amf_array_new(); if (data == NULL) { return NULL; } if (read_proc(&array_size, sizeof(uint32), user_data) < sizeof(uint32)) { amf_data_free(data); return amf_data_error(AMF_ERROR_EOF); } array_size = swap_uint32(array_size); for (i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) { element = amf_data_read(read_proc, user_data); error_code = amf_data_get_error_code(element); if (error_code != AMF_ERROR_OK) { amf_data_free(element); amf_data_free(data); return amf_data_error(error_code); } if (amf_array_push(data, element) == NULL) { amf_data_free(element); amf_data_free(data); return NULL; } } return data; }
static int of_get_property_offset_by_name(void *blob, unsigned int nodeoffset, char *name, int *offset) { unsigned int nameoffset; unsigned int *p; unsigned int namelen = strlen(name); int startoffset = nodeoffset; int property_offset = 0; int nextoffset = 0; char *string; int ret; *offset = 0; while (1) { ret = of_get_next_property_offset(blob, startoffset, &property_offset, &nextoffset); if (ret) return ret; p = (unsigned int *)of_dt_struct_offset(blob, property_offset + 8); nameoffset = swap_uint32(*p); string = of_get_string_by_offset(blob, nameoffset); if ((strlen(string) == namelen) && (memcmp(string, name, namelen) == 0)) { *offset = property_offset; return 0; } startoffset = nextoffset; } return -1; }