static switch_l3_hash_t *switch_l3_insert_hash(switch_handle_t vrf, switch_ip_addr_t *ip_addr, switch_handle_t interface) { switch_l3_hash_t *hash_entry = NULL; unsigned char key[SWITCH_L3_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; uint32_t hash; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_l3_hash_key_init(key, vrf, ip_addr, &len, &hash); hash_entry = switch_malloc(sizeof(switch_l3_hash_t), 1); if (!hash_entry) { return NULL; } memcpy(hash_entry->key, key, SWITCH_L3_HASH_KEY_SIZE); hash_entry->path_count = 1; if (!switch_l3_host_entry(ip_addr)) { status = switch_l3_insert_into_lpm_trie(vrf, ip_addr, hash_entry); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_free(hash_entry); return NULL; } } tommy_hashtable_insert( &switch_l3_hash_table, &(hash_entry->node), hash_entry, hash); switch_l3_insert_into_vrf_list(hash_entry); return hash_entry; }
static switch_status_t switch_dmac_rewrite_delete_hash(switch_device_t device, switch_mac_addr_t *mac) { switch_dmac_rewrite_t *dmac_rewrite = NULL; unsigned char key[SWITCH_DMAC_REWRITE_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; uint32_t hash = 0; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; dmac_rewrite = switch_dmac_rewrite_search_hash(mac); if (!dmac_rewrite) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } dmac_rewrite->ref_count--; if (dmac_rewrite->ref_count == 0) { switch_dmac_rewrite_hash_key_init(key, mac, &len, &hash); dmac_rewrite = tommy_hashtable_remove( &switch_dmac_rewrite_table, switch_dmac_rewrite_hash_cmp, key, hash); status = switch_pd_tunnel_dmac_rewrite_table_delete_entry( device, dmac_rewrite->rewrite_entry); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { SWITCH_API_ERROR( "%s:%d unabl to delete tunnel dmac entry!", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return status; } switch_api_id_allocator_release(dmac_rewrite_index_allocator, dmac_rewrite->index); switch_free(dmac_rewrite); } return status; }
static void destroy_node(node_t *node) { Word_t index = 0; Word_t *pnode; Word_t rc_word; JLF(pnode, node->PJLarray_branches, index); while (pnode != NULL) { destroy_node((node_t *)*pnode); JLN(pnode, node->PJLarray_branches, index); } JLFA(rc_word, node->PJLarray_branches); JLFA(rc_word, node->PJLarray_prefixes); switch_free(node); }
switch_status_t switch_api_stp_group_vlans_remove(switch_device_t device, switch_handle_t stg_handle, uint16_t vlan_count, switch_handle_t *vlan_handle) { switch_stp_info_t *stp_info = NULL; switch_bd_info_t *bd_info = NULL; switch_stp_vlan_entry_t *vlan_entry = NULL; tommy_node *node = NULL; switch_handle_t bd_handle; int count = 0; if (!SWITCH_STP_HANDLE_VALID(stg_handle)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } stp_info = switch_api_stp_get_internal(stg_handle); if (!stp_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } for (count = 0; count < vlan_count; count++) { bd_handle = vlan_handle[count]; bd_info = switch_bd_get(bd_handle); if (!bd_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_VLAN_ID; } node = tommy_list_head(&(stp_info->vlan_list)); while (node) { vlan_entry = node->data; if (vlan_entry->bd_handle == bd_handle) { break; } node = node->next; } if (!node) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } bd_info->stp_handle = 0; switch_pd_bd_table_update_entry(device, handle_to_id(bd_handle), bd_info); vlan_entry = tommy_list_remove_existing(&(stp_info->vlan_list), node); switch_free(vlan_entry); } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
switch_status_t switch_api_packet_net_filter_tx_delete( switch_device_t device, switch_packet_tx_key_t *tx_key) { switch_packet_tx_entry_t *tmp_tx_entry = NULL; switch_packet_tx_info_t *tmp_tx_info = NULL; switch_packet_tx_entry_t tx_entry; tommy_node *node = NULL; switch_hostif_info_t *hostif_info = NULL; bool node_found = FALSE; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!tx_key) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("filter tx delete failed. invalid params"); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memset(&tx_entry, 0x0, sizeof(tx_entry)); if (tx_key->handle_valid) { hostif_info = switch_hostif_get(tx_key->hostif_handle); if (!hostif_info) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("invalid hostif handle"); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } tx_entry.intf_fd = hostif_info->intf_fd; } if (tx_key->vlan_valid) { tx_entry.vlan_id = tx_key->vlan_id; } node = tommy_list_head(&packet_tx_filter_list); while (node) { tmp_tx_info = (switch_packet_tx_info_t *)node->data; tmp_tx_entry = &tmp_tx_info->tx_entry; if (switch_packet_tx_filter_match(tmp_tx_entry, &tx_entry)) { node_found = TRUE; break; } node = node->next; } if (!node_found) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("tx filter delete failed. node find failed"); return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } tommy_list_remove_existing(&packet_tx_filter_list, node); switch_free(tmp_tx_info); return status; }
static switch_status_t switch_neighbor_dmac_delete_hash( switch_device_t device, switch_handle_t bd_handle, switch_mac_addr_t *mac) { switch_neighbor_dmac_t *neighbor_dmac = NULL; unsigned char key[SWITCH_NEIGHBOR_DMAC_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; uint32_t hash = 0; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; neighbor_dmac = switch_neighbor_dmac_search_hash(bd_handle, mac); if (!neighbor_dmac) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } switch_neighbor_dmac_hash_key_init(key, bd_handle, mac, &len, &hash); neighbor_dmac = tommy_hashtable_remove( &switch_neighbor_dmac_table, switch_neighbor_dmac_hash_cmp, key, hash); switch_free(neighbor_dmac); return status; }
static switch_status_t switch_l3_delete_hash(switch_handle_t vrf, switch_ip_addr_t *ip_addr) { switch_l3_hash_t *hash_entry = NULL; unsigned char key[SWITCH_L3_HASH_KEY_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; uint32_t hash; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!switch_l3_host_entry(ip_addr)) { switch_l3_remove_from_lpm_trie(vrf, ip_addr); } switch_l3_hash_key_init(key, vrf, ip_addr, &len, &hash); hash_entry = tommy_hashtable_remove( &switch_l3_hash_table, switch_l3_hash_cmp, key, hash); switch_l3_remove_from_vrf_list(hash_entry); switch_free(hash_entry); return status; }
bool switch_lpm_trie_delete(switch_lpm_trie_t *trie, const char *prefix, int prefix_length) { node_t *current_node = trie->root; byte_t byte; unsigned short prefix_key; value_t *pdata = NULL; while (prefix_length >= 8) { byte = (byte_t)*prefix; node_t *node = get_next_node(current_node, byte); if (!node) return NULL; prefix++; prefix_length -= 8; current_node = node; } if (prefix_length == 0) prefix_key = 0; else prefix_key = get_prefix_key((unsigned)prefix_length, (byte_t)*prefix); pdata = get_prefix_ptr(current_node, prefix_key); if (!pdata) return false; if (trie->release_memory) { assert(delete_prefix(current_node, prefix_key) == 1); current_node->pref_num--; while (current_node->pref_num == 0 && current_node->branch_num == 0) { node_t *tmp = current_node; current_node = current_node->parent; if (!current_node) break; assert(delete_branch(current_node, tmp->child_id) == 1); switch_free(tmp); current_node->branch_num--; } } trie->num_entries--; return true; }
switch_status_t switch_api_l3_interface_address_delete( switch_device_t device, switch_handle_t interface_handle, switch_handle_t vrf_handle, switch_ip_addr_t *ip_addr) { switch_interface_info_t *info = NULL; switch_ip_addr_info_t *ip_info = NULL; tommy_node *node = NULL; UNUSED(device); UNUSED(vrf_handle); info = switch_api_interface_get(interface_handle); if (!info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_INTERFACE; } // delete from list and decrement member count node = tommy_list_head(&(info->ip_addr)); while (node) { ip_info = node->data; if (SWITCH_L3_IP_TYPE(ip_info) == ip_addr->type && SWITCH_L3_IP_IPV4_ADDRESS(ip_info) == ip_addr->ip.v4addr) { break; } node = node->next; } if (!node) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } // remove from list ip_info = tommy_list_remove_existing(&(info->ip_addr), node); info->ip_addr_count--; switch_free(ip_info); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
static switch_handle_t sai_ipmc_tree_create( _In_ switch_handle_t vrf_handle, _In_ switch_ip_addr_t *src_addr, _In_ switch_ip_addr_t *grp_addr, _In_ int oif_list_count, _In_ switch_handle_t *oif_list_handle) { switch_handle_t mcast_handle; switch_status_t status; uint16_t mbr_count_max = oif_list_count; uint16_t mbr_count = 0; switch_vlan_interface_t *mbrs = NULL; mbrs = switch_malloc(sizeof(switch_vlan_interface_t), oif_list_count); mcast_handle = switch_api_multicast_tree_create(device); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < oif_list_count; i++) { switch_handle_t intf_handle = oif_list_handle[i]; switch_interface_type_t type; status = switch_api_interface_get_type(intf_handle, &type); assert(status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (type == SWITCH_API_INTERFACE_L3) { mbrs[mbr_count].vlan_handle = 0; mbrs[mbr_count].intf_handle = intf_handle; mbr_count++; } else { uint64_t snooping_enabled = true; switch_handle_t vlan_handle; status = switch_api_interface_get_vlan_handle(intf_handle, &vlan_handle); assert(status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (grp_addr->type == SWITCH_API_IP_ADDR_V4) { status = switch_api_vlan_igmp_snooping_enabled_get(vlan_handle, &snooping_enabled); assert(status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { status = switch_api_vlan_mld_snooping_enabled_get(vlan_handle, &snooping_enabled); assert(status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); } if (snooping_enabled) { switch_handle_t l2mcast_handle; status = switch_api_multicast_l2route_tree_get( device, vlan_handle, src_addr, grp_addr, &l2mcast_handle); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { continue; } uint16_t l2mbr_count = 0; switch_vlan_interface_t *l2mbrs = NULL; status = switch_api_multicast_member_get( device, l2mcast_handle, &l2mbr_count, &l2mbrs); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { continue; } mbr_count_max += l2mbr_count; mbrs = switch_realloc( mbrs, (sizeof(switch_vlan_interface_t) * mbr_count_max)); memcpy(mbrs + mbr_count, l2mbrs, (sizeof(switch_vlan_interface_t) * l2mbr_count)); mbr_count += l2mbr_count; switch_free(l2mbrs); } else { uint16_t l2mbr_count = 0; switch_vlan_interface_t *l2mbrs = NULL; status = switch_api_vlan_interfaces_get( device, vlan_handle, &l2mbr_count, &l2mbrs); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { continue; } mbr_count_max += l2mbr_count; mbrs = switch_realloc( mbrs, (sizeof(switch_vlan_interface_t) * mbr_count_max)); memcpy(mbrs + mbr_count, l2mbrs, (sizeof(switch_vlan_interface_t) * l2mbr_count)); mbr_count += l2mbr_count; } } } status = switch_api_multicast_member_add(device, mcast_handle, mbr_count, mbrs); assert(status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); switch_free(mbrs); return mcast_handle; }
main() { int i,status; pthread_t switch_thread_id; pthread_t harness_thread_id; printf("Initializing ports\n"); for(i=0; i<4; i++) { port_init( &(in_port[i])); port_init( &(out_port[i])); } printf("Initializing switch\n"); switch_init(); printf("Initializing harness\n"); harness_init(); die = FALSE; printf("Starting switch thread\n"); status = pthread_create(&switch_thread_id, NULL, switch_thread_routine, NULL); if (status != 0) { printf("Error creating switch thread\n"); exit(0); } status = pthread_detach(switch_thread_id); if (status != 0) { printf("Error detaching switch thread\n"); exit(0); } printf("Starting harness thread\n"); status = pthread_create(&harness_thread_id, NULL, harness_thread_routine, NULL); if (status != 0) { printf("Error creating harness thread\n"); exit(0); } status = pthread_detach(harness_thread_id); if (status != 0) { printf("Error detaching harness thread\n"); exit(0); } while (!die) { sleep(1); } printf("Main program is now done\n"); harness_end(); switch_free(); }
switch_status_t switch_api_ecmp_member_delete(switch_device_t device, switch_handle_t ecmp_handle, uint16_t nhop_count, switch_handle_t *nhop_handle_list) { switch_nhop_info_t *nhop_info = NULL; switch_nhop_info_t *e_nhop_info = NULL; switch_spath_info_t *spath_info = NULL; switch_interface_info_t *intf_info = NULL; switch_ecmp_info_t *ecmp_info = NULL; switch_ecmp_member_t *ecmp_member = NULL; tommy_node *node = NULL; switch_handle_t nhop_handle; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; int count = 0; if (!SWITCH_NHOP_HANDLE_VALID(ecmp_handle)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } e_nhop_info = switch_nhop_get(ecmp_handle); if (!e_nhop_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_NHOP; } for (count = 0; count < nhop_count; count++) { nhop_handle = nhop_handle_list[count]; if (!SWITCH_NHOP_HANDLE_VALID(nhop_handle)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } nhop_info = switch_nhop_get(nhop_handle); if (!nhop_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_NHOP; } spath_info = &(SWITCH_NHOP_SPATH_INFO(nhop_info)); ecmp_info = &(SWITCH_NHOP_ECMP_INFO(e_nhop_info)); node = tommy_list_head(&(ecmp_info->members)); while (node) { ecmp_member = (switch_ecmp_member_t *) node->data; if (ecmp_member->nhop_handle == nhop_handle) { break; } node = node->next; } if (!node) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } intf_info = switch_api_interface_get(spath_info->nhop_key.intf_handle); if (!intf_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_INTERFACE; } nhop_info->ref_count--; #if SWITCH_PD if (ecmp_info->count == 1) { status = switch_pd_ecmp_group_table_delete_entry(device, ecmp_info->hw_entry); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return status; } } status = switch_pd_ecmp_member_delete(device, ecmp_info->pd_group_hdl, ecmp_member->mbr_hdl); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return status; } if (SWITCH_INTF_IS_PORT_L3(intf_info) && intf_info->bd_handle) { status = switch_pd_urpf_bd_table_delete_entry(device, ecmp_member->urpf_hw_entry); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return status; } } #endif ecmp_info->count--; ecmp_member = tommy_list_remove_existing(&(ecmp_info->members), node); switch_free(ecmp_member); } return status; }
switch_status_t switch_api_stp_port_state_set(switch_device_t device, switch_handle_t stg_handle, switch_handle_t handle, switch_stp_state_t state) { switch_stp_info_t *stp_info = NULL; switch_interface_info_t *intf_info = NULL; switch_stp_port_entry_t *port_entry = NULL; tommy_node *node = NULL; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_handle_t intf_handle; switch_handle_type_t handle_type = 0; bool new_entry = FALSE; if (!SWITCH_STP_HANDLE_VALID(stg_handle)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } if ((!SWITCH_PORT_HANDLE_VALID(handle)) && (!SWITCH_LAG_HANDLE_VALID(handle)) && (!SWITCH_INTERFACE_HANDLE_VALID(handle))) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } stp_info = switch_api_stp_get_internal(stg_handle); if (!stp_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } handle_type = switch_handle_get_type(handle); intf_handle = handle; if (handle_type == SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_PORT || handle_type == SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_LAG) { status = switch_interface_handle_get( handle, 0x0, &intf_handle); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("stp port state set failed"); return status; } } intf_info = switch_api_interface_get(intf_handle); if (!intf_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_INTERFACE; } if (SWITCH_INTF_IS_PORT_L3(intf_info)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_INTERFACE; } node = tommy_list_head(&stp_info->port_list); while (node) { port_entry = node->data; if (port_entry->intf_handle == intf_handle) { port_entry->intf_state = state; break; } node = node->next; } if (state == SWITCH_PORT_STP_STATE_NONE) { if (!node) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } status = switch_stp_update_flood_list(device, stg_handle, intf_handle, state); status = switch_pd_spanning_tree_table_delete_entry(device, port_entry->hw_entry); tommy_list_remove_existing(&(stp_info->port_list), &(port_entry->node)); switch_free(port_entry); } else { if (!node) { new_entry = TRUE; port_entry = switch_malloc(sizeof(switch_stp_port_entry_t), 1); if (!port_entry) { return SWITCH_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } memset(port_entry, 0, sizeof(switch_stp_port_entry_t)); port_entry->intf_handle = intf_handle; port_entry->intf_state = state; tommy_list_insert_head(&(stp_info->port_list), &(port_entry->node), port_entry); } status = switch_stp_update_flood_list(device, stg_handle, intf_handle, state); if (new_entry) { status = switch_pd_spanning_tree_table_add_entry(device, handle_to_id(stg_handle), intf_info->ifindex, port_entry->intf_state, &port_entry->hw_entry); } else { status = switch_pd_spanning_tree_table_update_entry(device, handle_to_id(stg_handle), intf_info->ifindex, port_entry->intf_state, port_entry->hw_entry); } } return status; }
switch_status_t switch_api_packet_net_filter_rx_delete( switch_device_t device, switch_packet_rx_key_t *rx_key) { switch_lag_info_t *lag_info = NULL; switch_port_info_t *port_info = NULL; switch_packet_rx_entry_t *tmp_rx_entry = NULL; switch_packet_rx_entry_t rx_entry; switch_packet_rx_info_t *tmp_rx_info = NULL; switch_handle_type_t handle_type = 0; switch_interface_info_t *intf_info = NULL; switch_handle_t bd_handle = 0; switch_bd_info_t *bd_info = NULL; tommy_node *node = NULL; bool node_found = FALSE; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!rx_key) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("filter rx delete failed. invalid params"); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } memset(&rx_entry, 0, sizeof(switch_packet_rx_entry_t)); if (rx_key->port_lag_valid && rx_key->port_lag_handle) { handle_type = switch_handle_get_type(rx_key->port_lag_handle); if (handle_type == SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_LAG) { lag_info = switch_api_lag_get_internal(rx_key->port_lag_handle); if (!lag_info) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("invalid lag handle"); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } rx_entry.ifindex = lag_info->ifindex; } else { port_info = switch_api_port_get_internal(rx_key->port_lag_handle); if (!port_info) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("invalid port handle"); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } rx_entry.ifindex = port_info->ifindex; } } if (rx_key->handle_valid) { bd_handle = rx_key->handle; handle_type = switch_handle_get_type(rx_key->handle); if (handle_type == SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_INTERFACE) { intf_info = switch_api_interface_get(rx_key->handle); if (!intf_info) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("intf_handle %lx is invalid", rx_key->handle); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (!SWITCH_INTF_IS_PORT_L3(intf_info)) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("intf_handle %lx is not l3", rx_key->handle); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } bd_handle = intf_info->bd_handle; } bd_info = switch_bd_get(bd_handle); if (!bd_info) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("bd derivation failed %lx", rx_key->handle); return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } = handle_to_id(bd_handle); } if (rx_entry.port_valid) { rx_entry.port = handle_to_id(rx_key->port_handle); } rx_entry.bd_valid = rx_key->handle_valid; rx_entry.reason_code = rx_key->reason_code; node = tommy_list_head(&packet_rx_filter_list); while (node) { tmp_rx_info = (switch_packet_rx_info_t *)node->data; tmp_rx_entry = &tmp_rx_info->rx_entry; if (switch_packet_rx_filter_match(tmp_rx_entry, &rx_entry)) { node_found = TRUE; break; } node = node->next; } if (!node_found) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("tx filter delete failed. node find failed"); return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } tommy_list_remove_existing(&packet_rx_filter_list, node); switch_free(tmp_rx_info); return status; }
switch_status_t switch_api_stp_port_state_clear(switch_device_t device, switch_handle_t stg_handle, switch_handle_t handle) { switch_stp_info_t *stp_info = NULL; switch_interface_info_t *intf_info = NULL; switch_stp_port_entry_t *port_entry = NULL; tommy_node *node = NULL; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch_handle_t intf_handle = 0; switch_handle_type_t handle_type = 0; if (!SWITCH_STP_HANDLE_VALID(stg_handle)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } if ((!SWITCH_PORT_HANDLE_VALID(handle)) && (!SWITCH_LAG_HANDLE_VALID(handle)) && (!SWITCH_INTERFACE_HANDLE_VALID(handle))) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } stp_info = switch_api_stp_get_internal(stg_handle); if (!stp_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } handle_type = switch_handle_get_type(handle); intf_handle = handle; if (handle_type == SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_PORT || handle_type == SWITCH_HANDLE_TYPE_LAG) { status = switch_interface_handle_get( handle, 0x0, &intf_handle); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { SWITCH_API_ERROR("stp port state clear failed"); return status; } } intf_info = switch_api_interface_get(intf_handle); if (!intf_info) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_INTERFACE; } if (SWITCH_INTF_IS_PORT_L3(intf_info)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_INVALID_INTERFACE; } node = tommy_list_head(&(stp_info->port_list)); while (node) { port_entry = node->data; if (port_entry->intf_handle == intf_handle) { break; } node = node->next; } if (!node) { return SWITCH_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; } tommy_list_remove_existing(&(stp_info->port_list), &(port_entry->node)); switch_free(port_entry); return status; }
void switch_lpm_trie_destroy(switch_lpm_trie_t *t) { destroy_node(t->root); switch_free(t); }
main() { int i,status; pthread_t switch_thread_id; pthread_t harness_thread_id; printf("Initializing ports\n"); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { port_init( &(in_port[i])); port_init( &(out_port[i])); } printf("Initializing switch\n"); switch_init(); printf("Initializing harness\n"); harness_init(); die = FALSE; printf("Starting switch thread\n"); status = pthread_create(&switch_thread_id, NULL, switch_thread_routine, NULL); if (status != 0) { printf("Error creating switch thread\n"); exit(0); } status = pthread_detach(switch_thread_id); if (status != 0) { printf("Error detaching switch thread\n"); exit(0); } printf("Starting harness thread\n"); status = pthread_create(&harness_thread_id, NULL, harness_thread_routine, NULL); if (status != 0) { printf("Error creating harness thread\n"); exit(0); } status = pthread_detach(harness_thread_id); if (status != 0) { printf("Error detaching harness thread\n"); exit(0); } while (!die) { sleep(1); } printf("Main program is now done\n"); sleepDelay = countPackets*HARNESS_SPEED*2 / 1000000000.0; printf("Total accumulated packet delays: %f seconds\n",accum); printf("Total packets: %f packets\n",countPackets); printf("Total sleep delay: %f nano seconds \n",sleepDelay); printf("Average Delay without sleep: %f seconds per packet \n",(accum - sleepDelay/1000000000) /countPackets); harness_end(); switch_free(); }