Exemple #1
CPLString swq_expr_node::QuoteIfNecessary( const CPLString &osExpr,
                                           char chQuote )

    if( osExpr[0] == '_' )
        return Quote(osExpr, chQuote);
    if( osExpr == "*" )
        return osExpr;

    for( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(osExpr.size()); i++ )
        char ch = osExpr[i];
        if( (!(isalnum(static_cast<int>(ch)) || ch == '_')) || ch == '.' )
            return Quote(osExpr, chQuote);

    if( swq_is_reserved_keyword(osExpr) )
        return Quote(osExpr, chQuote);

    return osExpr;
char *swq_expr_node::Unparse( swq_field_list *field_list, char chColumnQuote )

    CPLString osExpr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Handle constants.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eNodeType == SNT_CONSTANT )
        if (is_null)
            return CPLStrdup("NULL");

        if( field_type == SWQ_INTEGER || field_type == SWQ_BOOLEAN )
            osExpr.Printf( "%d", int_value );
        else if( field_type == SWQ_FLOAT )
            osExpr.Printf( "%.15g", float_value );
            /* Make sure this is interpreted as a floating point value */
            /* and not as an integer later */
            if (strchr(osExpr, '.') == NULL && strchr(osExpr, 'e') == NULL  &&
                strchr(osExpr, 'E') == NULL)
                osExpr += '.';
            osExpr = string_value;
            Quote( osExpr );
        return CPLStrdup(osExpr);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Handle columns.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eNodeType == SNT_COLUMN )
        if( field_index != -1 
            && table_index < field_list->table_count 
            && table_index > 0 )
            osExpr.Printf( "%s.%s", 
                           field_list->names[field_index] );
        else if( field_index != -1 )
            osExpr.Printf( "%s", field_list->names[field_index] );

        for( int i = 0; i < (int) osExpr.size(); i++ )
            char ch = osExpr[i];
            if (!(isalnum((int)ch) || ch == '_'))
                Quote( osExpr, chColumnQuote );
                return CPLStrdup(osExpr.c_str());

        if (swq_is_reserved_keyword(osExpr))
            Quote( osExpr, chColumnQuote );
            return CPLStrdup(osExpr.c_str());

        /* The string is just alphanum and not a reserved SQL keyword, no needs to quote and escape */
        return CPLStrdup(osExpr.c_str());

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Operation - start by unparsing all the subexpressions.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    std::vector<char*> apszSubExpr;
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < nSubExprCount; i++ )
        apszSubExpr.push_back( papoSubExpr[i]->Unparse(field_list, chColumnQuote) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Put things together in a fashion depending on the operator.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const swq_operation *poOp = 
        swq_op_registrar::GetOperator( (swq_op) nOperation );

    if( poOp == NULL )
        CPLAssert( FALSE );
        return CPLStrdup("");

    switch( nOperation )
        // binary infix operators.
      case SWQ_OR:
      case SWQ_AND:
      case SWQ_EQ:
      case SWQ_NE:
      case SWQ_GT:
      case SWQ_LT:
      case SWQ_GE:
      case SWQ_LE:
      case SWQ_LIKE:
      case SWQ_ADD:
      case SWQ_SUBTRACT:
      case SWQ_MULTIPLY:
      case SWQ_DIVIDE:
      case SWQ_MODULUS:
        CPLAssert( nSubExprCount >= 2 );
        if (papoSubExpr[0]->eNodeType == SNT_COLUMN ||
            papoSubExpr[0]->eNodeType == SNT_CONSTANT)
            osExpr += apszSubExpr[0];
            osExpr += "(";
            osExpr += apszSubExpr[0];
            osExpr += ")";
        osExpr += " ";
        osExpr += poOp->osName;
        osExpr += " ";
        if (papoSubExpr[1]->eNodeType == SNT_COLUMN ||
            papoSubExpr[1]->eNodeType == SNT_CONSTANT)
            osExpr += apszSubExpr[1];
            osExpr += "(";
            osExpr += apszSubExpr[1];
            osExpr += ")";
        if( nOperation == SWQ_LIKE && nSubExprCount == 3 )
            osExpr += CPLSPrintf( " ESCAPE (%s)", apszSubExpr[2] );

      case SWQ_NOT:
        CPLAssert( nSubExprCount == 1 );
        osExpr.Printf( "NOT (%s)", apszSubExpr[0] );
      case SWQ_ISNULL:
        CPLAssert( nSubExprCount == 1 );
        osExpr.Printf( "%s IS NULL", apszSubExpr[0] );
      case SWQ_IN:
        osExpr.Printf( "%s IN (", apszSubExpr[0] );
        for( i = 1; i < nSubExprCount; i++ )
            if( i > 1 )
                osExpr += ",";
            osExpr += "(";
            osExpr += apszSubExpr[i];
            osExpr += ")";
        osExpr += ")";

      case SWQ_BETWEEN:
        CPLAssert( nSubExprCount == 3 );
        osExpr.Printf( "%s %s (%s) AND (%s)",
                       apszSubExpr[2] );

      default: // function style.
        osExpr.Printf( "%s(", poOp->osName.c_str() );
        for( i = 0; i < nSubExprCount; i++ )
            if( i > 0 )
                osExpr += ",";
            osExpr += "(";
            osExpr += apszSubExpr[i];
            osExpr += ")";
        osExpr += ")";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      cleanup subexpressions.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 0; i < nSubExprCount; i++ )
        CPLFree( apszSubExpr[i] );

    return CPLStrdup( osExpr.c_str() );