Exemple #1
static void _c2s_time_checks(c2s_t c2s) {
    sess_t sess;
    time_t now;
    union xhashv xhv;

    now = time(NULL);

        do {
            xhv.sess_val = &sess;
            xhash_iter_get(c2s->sessions, NULL, NULL, xhv.val);

            if(!sess->s) continue;

            if(c2s->io_check_idle > 0 && now > sess->last_activity + c2s->io_check_idle) {
                log_write(c2s->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%d] [%s, port=%d] timed out", sess->fd->fd, sess->ip, sess->port);

                sx_error(sess->s, stream_err_HOST_GONE, "connection timed out");


            if(c2s->io_check_keepalive > 0 && now > sess->last_activity + c2s->io_check_keepalive && sess->s->state >= state_STREAM) {
                log_debug(ZONE, "sending keepalive for %d", sess->fd->fd);

                sx_raw_write(sess->s, " ", 1);

            if(sess->rate != NULL && sess->rate->bad != 0 && rate_check(sess->rate) != 0) {
                /* read the pending bytes when rate limit is no longer in effect */
                log_debug(ZONE, "reading throttled %d", sess->fd->fd);
                sess->s->want_read = 1;

        } while(xhash_iter_next(c2s->sessions));
Exemple #2
int sm_mio_callback(mio_t m, mio_action_t a, mio_fd_t fd, void *data, void *arg) {
    sm_t sm = (sm_t) arg;
    int nbytes;

    switch (a) {
        case action_READ:
            log_debug(ZONE, "read action on fd %d", fd->fd);

            ioctl(fd->fd, FIONREAD, &nbytes);
            if(nbytes == 0) {
                return 0;

            return sx_can_read(sm->router);

        case action_WRITE:
            log_debug(ZONE, "write action on fd %d", fd->fd);
            return sx_can_write(sm->router);

        case action_CLOSE:
            log_debug(ZONE, "close action on fd %d", fd->fd);
            log_write(sm->log, LOG_NOTICE, "connection to router closed");

            sm_lost_router = 1;

            /* we're offline */
            sm->online = 0;


        case action_ACCEPT:

    return 0;
Exemple #3
int router_mio_callback(mio_t m, mio_action_t a, mio_fd_t fd, void *data, void *arg) {
    component_t comp = (component_t) arg;
    router_t r = (router_t) arg;
    struct sockaddr_storage sa;
    socklen_t namelen = sizeof(sa);
    int port, nbytes;

    switch(a) {
        case action_READ:
            log_debug(ZONE, "read action on fd %d", fd->fd);

            /* they did something */
            comp->last_activity = time(NULL);

            ioctl(fd->fd, FIONREAD, &nbytes);
            if(nbytes == 0) {
                return 0;

            return sx_can_read(comp->s);

        case action_WRITE:
            log_debug(ZONE, "write action on fd %d", fd->fd);

           /* update activity timestamp */
            comp->last_activity = time(NULL);

            return sx_can_write(comp->s);

        case action_CLOSE:
            log_debug(ZONE, "close action on fd %d", fd->fd);

            r = comp->r;

            log_write(r->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%s, port=%d] disconnect", comp->ip, comp->port);

            /* unbind names */
            xhash_walk(comp->routes, _router_route_unbind_walker, (void *) comp);

            /* deregister component */
            xhash_zap(r->components, comp->ipport);


            if(comp->tq != NULL)
                /* !!! bounce packets */


            jqueue_push(comp->r->dead, (void *) comp->s, 0);



        case action_ACCEPT:
            log_debug(ZONE, "accept action on fd %d", fd->fd);

            getpeername(fd->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &namelen);
            port = j_inet_getport(&sa);

            log_write(r->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%s, port=%d] connect", (char *) data, port);

            if(_router_accept_check(r, fd, (char *) data) != 0)
                return 1;

            comp = (component_t) calloc(1, sizeof(struct component_st));

            comp->r = r;

            comp->fd = fd;

            snprintf(comp->ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, "%s", (char *) data);
            comp->port = port;

            snprintf(comp->ipport, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 6, "%s:%d", comp->ip, comp->port);

            comp->s = sx_new(r->sx_env, fd->fd, _router_sx_callback, (void *) comp);
            mio_app(m, fd, router_mio_callback, (void *) comp);

            if(r->byte_rate_total != 0)
                comp->rate = rate_new(r->byte_rate_total, r->byte_rate_seconds, r->byte_rate_wait);

            comp->routes = xhash_new(51);

            /* register component */
            log_debug(ZONE, "new component (%p) \"%s\"", comp, comp->ipport);
            xhash_put(r->components, comp->ipport, (void *) comp);

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
            sx_server_init(comp->s, SX_SSL_STARTTLS_OFFER | SX_SASL_OFFER);
            sx_server_init(comp->s, SX_SASL_OFFER);


    return 0;
Exemple #4
Fichier : in.c Projet : zipo/zipo
int in_mio_callback(mio_t m, mio_action_t a, mio_fd_t fd, void *data, void *arg) {
    conn_t in = (conn_t) arg;
    s2s_t s2s = (s2s_t) arg;
    struct sockaddr_storage sa;
    int namelen = sizeof(sa), port, nbytes;
    char ipport[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 17];

    switch(a) {
        case action_READ:
            log_debug(ZONE, "read action on fd %d", fd->fd);

            ioctl(fd->fd, FIONREAD, &nbytes);
            if(nbytes == 0) {
                return 0;

            return sx_can_read(in->s);

        case action_WRITE:
            log_debug(ZONE, "write action on fd %d", fd->fd);
            return sx_can_write(in->s);

        case action_CLOSE:
            log_debug(ZONE, "close action on fd %d", fd->fd);

            /* !!! logging */
            log_write(in->s2s->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%d] [%s, port=%d] disconnect, packets: %i", fd->fd, in->ip, in->port, in->packet_count);

            jqueue_push(in->s2s->dead, (void *) in->s, 0);

            /* remove from open streams hash if online, or open connections if not */
            if (in->online)
                xhash_zap(in->s2s->in, in->key);
            else {
                snprintf(ipport, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 16, "%s/%d", in->ip, in->port);
                xhash_zap(in->s2s->in_accept, ipport);

            jqueue_push(in->s2s->dead_conn, (void *) in, 0);


        case action_ACCEPT:
            s2s = (s2s_t) arg;

            log_debug(ZONE, "accept action on fd %d", fd->fd);
            getpeername(fd->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, &namelen);
            port = j_inet_getport(&sa);

            log_write(s2s->log, LOG_NOTICE, "[%d] [%s, port=%d] incoming connection", fd->fd, (char *) data, port);

            /* new conn */
            in = (conn_t) calloc(1, sizeof(struct conn_st));

            in->s2s = s2s;

            strncpy(in->ip, (char *) data, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
            in->port = port;

            in->states = xhash_new(101);
            in->states_time = xhash_new(101);

            in->fd = fd;

            in->init_time = time(NULL);

            in->s = sx_new(s2s->sx_env, in->fd->fd, _in_sx_callback, (void *) in);
            mio_app(m, in->fd, in_mio_callback, (void *) in);

            if(s2s->stanza_size_limit != 0)
                in->s->rbytesmax = s2s->stanza_size_limit;

            /* add to incoming connections hash */
            snprintf(ipport, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 16, "%s/%d", in->ip, in->port);
            xhash_put(s2s->in_accept, pstrdup(xhash_pool(s2s->in_accept),ipport), (void *) in);

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
            sx_server_init(in->s, S2S_DB_HEADER | ((s2s->sx_ssl != NULL) ? SX_SSL_STARTTLS_OFFER : 0) );
            sx_server_init(in->s, S2S_DB_HEADER);

    return 0;