Exemple #1
static void
    /* hard to write such tests so we call twice w/ different callstacks */
Exemple #2
/* This function exists only to provide more than 2 frames in the error
 * callstack.
 * FIXME: PR 464804: suppression of invalid frees and errors at syscalls need
 * to be tested, but they haven't been implemented yet (PR 406739).
static void test(int argc, char **argv)
    /* Must have different function names otherwise one mod!func suppression
     * will suppress all tests without room for testing other types.
    uninit_test1(int_p+0);      /* 3 top frames based mod+offs suppression */
    uninit_test2(int_p+1);      /* 3 top frames based mod!func suppression */
    uninit_test3(int_p+2);      /* 4 top frames based mixed suppression + '?' */
    uninit_test4(int_p+3);      /* mixed suppression with ... (...=0 frames) */
    uninit_test5(int_p+4);      /* ... + mod!func suppression (...=1 frame) */
    uninit_test6(int_p+5);      /* ... + mod!func suppression (...=5 frames) */
    uninit_test7(int_p+6);      /* ... + ? + mod+offs suppression*/


    unaddr_test1(int_p+0);      /* full callstack based mod+func suppression */
    unaddr_test2(int_p+1);      /* top frame based mod+func suppression */
    unaddr_test3(int_p+2);      /* full callstack based mod!func suppression */
    unaddr_test4(int_p+3);      /* top frame based mod!func suppression */

    leak_test1();               /* full callstack based mod+func suppression */
    leak_test2();               /* top frame based mod+func suppression */
    leak_test3();               /* full callstack based mod!func suppression */
    leak_test4();               /* top frame based mod!func suppression */

    possible_leak_test1();      /* suppressed by 'POSSIBLE LEAK' suppression */
    possible_leak_test2();      /* suppressed by 'LEAK' suppression */





    /* running this test last b/c it can corrupt the free list */

//--------------------------------- SHELL core os.c---------
char listen_key(){
//	unsigned short int init_pos = get_pointer_pos();
	char i = gets( key);
	screen_sc_T = 1;
	Print_flag_mark = 1;
	if( strcmp( key, "clear\0")){			// char *,const char *
		return i;

	if( strcmp( key, "time\0")){
		return i;

	if( strcmp( key, "date\0")){
		return i;

	if( strcmp( key, "python\0")){
		return i;
	if( strcmp( key, "start\0")){
		Print_flag_mark = 0;
		return i;

	if( strcmp( key, "help\0")){
		//can't refer 2 two times, so...
		print_flag(); //root@wangqin4377@:   position

		return i;
//---------------------------------mark: man xxx, run xxx,asc xx...

	if( synCheck( key, "asc\0")){
		asc( key);
		return i;

	if( synCheck( key, "man\0")){
		man( key);
		return i;
	if( synCheck( key, "run\0")){
		run( key);
		return i;

	if( synCheck( key, "syscall\0")){
		return i;

	if( synCheck( key, "int\0")){
		if( strcmp( key, "int 33h")){
			__asm__(  "int $0x33");
			return i;
		if( strcmp( key, "int 34h")){
			__asm__(  "int $0x34");
			return i;
		if( strcmp( key, "int 35h")){
			__asm__(  "int $0x35");
			return i;
		if( strcmp( key, "int 36h")){
			__asm__(  "int $0x36");
			return i;

	if( key[0] == '\0'){
		return i;
	print_str("  No such file or Directory", 27);
	screen_sc_T = 2;
	return i;
Exemple #4
_start (void)
  // debugging
  volatile char xxx = 0;
  while (xxx == 0)
    asm volatile ("pause" ::: "memory");

  // clear BSS:
  memset (&_section_bss_start[0], 0,
          &_section_bss_end[0] - &_section_bss_start[0]);

  videoram_cls (COLOR_NORMAL);

  // some welcoming information:
  videoram_printf ("\n  Welcome to \e%c chaOS! \n\n", COLOR_ERROR);
  put_cpu_info ();
  put_memory_map ();

  if (!nx_bit_present ())
      videoram_puts (" Your CPU does not support the NX bit! \n", COLOR_ERROR);
      khalt ();

  init_subsystem ("interrupt handling", &interrupts_init, NULL);

  videoram_puts ("Running a syscall test: ", COLOR_NORMAL);
  if (syscall_test ())
    videoram_put_right (" ok ", COLOR_INFO);
      videoram_put_right (" FAIL ", COLOR_ERROR);
      khalt ();

  init_subsystem ("PIC", &pic_init, NULL);
  pit_set_handler (pic_handler_fun);
  pic_mask (~PIC_MASK_PIT);

  videoram_puts ("Setting CPU standards", COLOR_NORMAL);
  cr0_set_reset (CR0_WP|CR0_NE, CR0_MP|CR0_EM|CR0_NE|CR0_AM|CR0_CD|CR0_NW);
  msr_set_reset (MSR_EFER, EFER_NXE, 0);
  videoram_put_right (" ok ", COLOR_INFO);

  init_subsystem ("paging", &paging_init, NULL);

  videoram_puts ("Enabling interrupts", COLOR_NORMAL);
  asm volatile ("sti");
  videoram_put_right (" ok ", COLOR_INFO);

  init_subsystem ("real-time clock", &rtc_init, NULL);
  init_subsystem ("timeout handler", &timeout_init, NULL);
  init_subsystem ("random number generator", &random_init, NULL);
  init_subsystem ("frame allocator", &frame_allocator_init, NULL);

  init_subsystem ("Interrupt timer (33Hz)", &pit_init_33hz, NULL);
  pic_mask (~0);

  init_subsystem ("PS/2 keyboard", &keyboard_init, NULL);
  init_subsystem ("PS/2 mouse", &mouse_init, NULL);

  init_subsystem ("keypress handler", &keypress_handler_init, NULL);
  ENSURE (keypress_handler_set_keymap (KEYMAP_QWERTZ_DE_DE));

  // TODO: initialize more subsystems

  put_welcoming_message ();

  // TODO: do something
  for (;;)
      int c = keypress_handler_getc ();
      if (!c)
      if (c < 128 && c != 127)
        videoram_printf ("C: <%c>\n", c);
  khalt ();
Exemple #5
int systemcall(struct PAR_REGS *regs)
	char *cpp1, *cpp2, **cppp1; //3, *cpp4, *cpp5, *cpp6, **cppp1, **cppp2;
	int i, ip1, ip2;
	//unsigned long old_cr0;
	switch (regs->eax) // Sys call number ?
		case 0: return syscall_test();
		case 1:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_open(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs+4+4));
		case 2: return syscall_close(INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 3:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_read(INTPAR(regs->ebx), cpp1, INTPAR(regs->ebx+4+4));
		case 4: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_write(INTPAR(regs->ebx), cpp1, INTPAR(regs->ebx+4+4));
		case 5: return syscall_lseek(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4+4));
		case 6: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_mkdir(cpp1, INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 7: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_rmdir(cpp1);
		case 8: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_chdir(cpp1);
		case 9: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_creat(cpp1, INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 10:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_rename(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 11: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return (int) syscall_opendir(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), (DIR *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 12: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_closedir((DIR *) CHARPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 13: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return (int) syscall_readdir((DIR *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 14: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_stat(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx),(struct stat *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 15: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_unlink(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 16: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_chmod(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx),(mode_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 17:
			ip1 = INTPAR(regs->ebx);
			return syscall_dup(ip1);
		case 18:
			ip1 = INTPAR(regs->ebx);
			ip2 = INTPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			return syscall_dup2(ip1, ip2);
		case 19: syscall_setcursor( INTPAR(regs->ebx),INTPAR(regs->ebx+4)); return 0;
		case 20: return syscall_getchar();
		case 21: return syscall_getchare();
		case 22: return syscall_getscanchar();
		case 23: return syscall_putchar(CHARPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 24: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_puts(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 25:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			ip1 = INTPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			syscall_seekdir((DIR *)cpp1, ip1);
			return 0;
		case 26:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			return syscall_telldir((DIR *)cpp1);
		case 27:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			syscall_rewinddir((DIR *)cpp1);
			return 0;
		case 32: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+12);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_readblocks(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 33: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+12);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_writeblocks(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 34: syscall_sync(0); return 0;
		case 50: syscall_tsleep(INTPAR(regs->ebx)); return 0;
		case 60: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_tsendto(SHORTPAR(regs->ebx), CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12), INTPAR(regs->ebx+16), SHORTPAR(regs->ebx+20));
		case 62: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 8);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_trecvfrom(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), SHORTPPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 65: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cppp1 = (char **)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			i = 0;
			while (cppp1[i] != NULL)
				if (cppp1[i] < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cppp1 = (char **)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+8);
			i = 0;
			while (cppp1[i] != NULL)
				if (cppp1[i] < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_exectask(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), (char **)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (char **)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 66: syscall_exit(INTPAR(regs->ebx)); return 0;
		case 70:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+8);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+12);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_create((pthread_t *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx), (pthread_attr_t *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (void *(*)(void *))INTPPAR(regs->ebx+8), (void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 71: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			syscall_pthread_exit((void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)); return 0;
		case 72: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_join((pthread_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx), (void **)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 73: return syscall_pthread_detach((pthread_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 74: return syscall_pthread_yield();
		case 75: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_mutex_init((pthread_mutex_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx), (pthread_mutexattr_t *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 76: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_mutex_trylock((pthread_mutex_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 77: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 78: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 79: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_cond_init((pthread_cond_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx), (pthread_condattr_t *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 80: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_cond_wait((pthread_cond_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx), (pthread_mutex_t *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 81: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_cond_signal((pthread_cond_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 82: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_cond_broadcast((pthread_cond_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 83: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_barrier_init((pthread_barrier_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx), (pthread_barrierattr_t *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 84: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_barrier_wait((pthread_barrier_t *)INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 90: return syscall_socket(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 91: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_bind(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (struct sockaddr *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx+4), SHORTPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 92: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_recv(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (size_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 93: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+16);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+20);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_recvfrom(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (size_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12), (struct sockaddr *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+16), (socklen_t *)SHORTPPAR(regs->ebx+20));
		case 94: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_send(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (size_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12));
		case 95: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 16);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sendto(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (size_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12), (struct sockaddr *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+16), (socklen_t)SHORTPAR(regs->ebx+20));
		case 96: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_connect(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (struct sockaddr *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (socklen_t)SHORTPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 97: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 8);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_accept(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (struct sockaddr *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (socklen_t *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 98: return syscall_listen(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 99: return syscall_kill(INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 100: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_getprocinfo(INTPAR(regs->ebx), (struct uprocinfo *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 101: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_getpids(INTPPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 102: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_init((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), (unsigned int)INTPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 103: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_destroy((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)));
		case 104: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+16);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return (int)syscall_sem_open(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4), (mode_t)INTPAR(regs->ebx+8), INTPAR(regs->ebx+12), (sem_t *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+16));
		case 105: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_close((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)));
		case 106: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_unlink(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 107: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_wait((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)));
		case 108: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_trywait((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)));
		case 109: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_timedwait((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)), (const struct timespec *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 110: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_post((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)));
		case 111: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_sem_getvalue((sem_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)), INTPPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 112: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return (int)syscall_time((time_t *)(CHARPPAR(regs->ebx)));
		case 113: return (int)syscall_pthread_self();
		case 114: 
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND && cpp1 != NULL) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_brk((void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 115:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+8);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_gettsc((unsigned int *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx), (unsigned int *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx+4), (unsigned int *)INTPPAR(regs->ebx+8));

		case 140:
			return 0;

		case 147:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_wait(INTPPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 148:
			return syscall_pageinfo(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 153:
			return 0;
		case 154:
			return syscall_getcharf(INTPAR(regs->ebx));
		case 155:
			return syscall_ungetcharf(INTPAR(regs->ebx), INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 156:
			printk("broadcast called\n");
			return syscall_broadcast(INTPAR(regs->ebx), CHARPPAR(regs->ebx+4), INTPAR(regs->ebx+8));
		case 157:
			return syscall_primalloc((unsigned int)INTPAR(regs->ebx));

		case 158:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_prifree((void *)CHARPPAR(regs->ebx), (unsigned int)INTPAR(regs->ebx+4));
		case 202:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			cpp2 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx + 4);
			if (cpp2 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			mark_tsc((unsigned int *)cpp1, (unsigned int *)cpp2);
			return 0;

		case 203:
			return (secs * 1000 + millesecs);
		case 204:
			cpp1 = CHARPPAR(regs->ebx);
			if (cpp1 < KERNELEND) return EINVALIDPTR;
			return syscall_pthread_mutex_destroy((pthread_mutex_t *) cpp1);
		default: return syscall_notimplemented(regs->eax);