void CVkProto::RetrieveChatInfo(CVkChatInfo *cc)
	CMStringA szQuery("return { ");

	// retrieve title & owner id
	szQuery.AppendFormat("\"info\": API.messages.getChat({\"chat_id\":%d}),", cc->m_chatid);

	// retrieve users
	szQuery.AppendFormat("\"users\": API.messages.getChatUsers({\"chat_id\":%d, \"fields\":\"uid,first_name,last_name\"})", cc->m_chatid);

	if (!cc->m_bHistoryRead)
		szQuery.AppendFormat(",\"msgs\": API.messages.getHistory({\"chat_id\":%d, \"count\":\"20\", \"rev\":\"0\"})", cc->m_chatid);


	debugLogA("CVkProto::RetrieveChantInfo(%d)", cc->m_chatid);

	Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(this, REQUEST_GET, "/method/execute.json", true, &CVkProto::OnReceiveChatInfo) 
		<< CHAR_PARAM("code", szQuery))->pUserInfo = cc;
Exemple #2
void MQTT::SendDeviceInfo(const int m_HwdID, const unsigned long long DeviceRowIdx, const std::string &DeviceName, const unsigned char *pRXCommand)
	boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(m_mqtt_mutex);
	if (!m_IsConnected)
	std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > result;
	result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT DeviceID, Unit, Name, [Type], SubType, nValue, sValue, SwitchType, SignalLevel, BatteryLevel, Options FROM DeviceStatus WHERE (HardwareID==%d) AND (ID==%llu)", m_HwdID, DeviceRowIdx);
	if (result.size() > 0)
		std::vector<std::string> sd = result[0];
		std::string did = sd[0];
		int dunit = atoi(sd[1].c_str());
		std::string name = sd[2];
		int dType = atoi(sd[3].c_str());
		int dSubType = atoi(sd[4].c_str());
		int nvalue = atoi(sd[5].c_str());
		std::string svalue = sd[6];
		_eSwitchType switchType = (_eSwitchType)atoi(sd[7].c_str());
		int RSSI = atoi(sd[8].c_str());
		int BatteryLevel = atoi(sd[9].c_str());
		std::map<std::string, std::string> options = m_sql.BuildDeviceOptions(sd[10]);

		Json::Value root;

		root["idx"] = DeviceRowIdx;
		root["id"] = did;
		root["unit"] = dunit;
		root["name"] = name;
		root["dtype"] = RFX_Type_Desc(dType,1);
		root["stype"] = RFX_Type_SubType_Desc(dType, dSubType);

		if (IsLightOrSwitch(dType, dSubType) == true) {
			root["switchType"] = Switch_Type_Desc(switchType);
		// Add device options
		std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator ittOptions;
		for (ittOptions = options.begin(); ittOptions != options.end(); ++ittOptions)
			std::string optionName = ittOptions->first.c_str();
			std::string optionValue = ittOptions->second.c_str();
			root[optionName] = optionValue;

		root["RSSI"] = RSSI;
		root["Battery"] = BatteryLevel;
		root["nvalue"] = nvalue;

		//give all svalues separate
		std::vector<std::string> strarray;
		StringSplit(svalue, ";", strarray);

		std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itt;
		int sIndex = 1;
		for (itt = strarray.begin(); itt != strarray.end(); ++itt)
			std::stringstream szQuery("");
			szQuery << "svalue" << sIndex;
			root[szQuery.str()] = *itt;
		std::string message =  root.toStyledString();
		if (m_publish_topics & PT_out)
			SendMessage(TOPIC_OUT, message);

		if (m_publish_topics & PT_floor_room) {
			result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT F.Name, P.Name, M.DeviceRowID FROM Plans as P, Floorplans as F, DeviceToPlansMap as M WHERE P.FloorplanID=F.ID and M.PlanID=P.ID and M.DeviceRowID=='%llu'", DeviceRowIdx);
			for(size_t i=0 ; i<result.size(); i++)
				std::vector<std::string> sd = result[i];
				std::string floor = sd[0];
				std::string room =  sd[1];
				std::stringstream topic("");
				topic << TOPIC_OUT << "/" << floor << "/" + room;

				SendMessage(topic.str() , message);