int main() {

  using V = std::vector<float>;
  using SoaV = std::array<V,3>;
  using SoaN = std::tuple<V,V,V>;

  SoaV s = {V(10),V(10),V(10)};
  SoaN s2{V(10),V(10),V(10)};

  auto v0 = a2v(s, 3);
  auto v2 = t2v(s2, 5);
  v0.x=-9.; v2.y=v0.x;

  std::cout << s[0][3] << ' ' << std::get<1>(s2)[5] << std::endl;

  Soa<Vect<float>, float,float,float,int> soaI(30);
  std::cout << soaI.size() << std::endl;

  auto vk = soaI[23];

  soaI[11] = v0;

  std::cout << std::get<0>([23] << ' ' << std::get<0>([11]  << std::endl;

  return v0.x*v2.y;
Exemple #2
 void Aligner::serialize(boss::ObjectData &data, boss::IdContext &context) {
   boss::Identifiable::serialize(data, context);
   data.setInt("outerIterations", outerIterations());
   data.setInt("innerIterations", innerIterations());
   t2v(_referenceSensorOffset).toBOSS(data, "referenceSensorOffset");
   t2v(_currentSensorOffset).toBOSS(data, "currentSensorOffset");
   PointProjector *projector = dynamic_cast<PointProjector*>(_projector);
   if(!projector) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Impossible to convert pwn::PointProjector to pwn_boss::PointProjector");
   data.setPointer("projector", projector);
   Linearizer *linearizer = dynamic_cast<Linearizer*>(_linearizer);
   if(!linearizer) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Impossible to convert pwn::Linearizer to pwn_boss::Linearizer");
   data.setPointer("linearizer", linearizer);
   CorrespondenceFinder *correspondenceFinder = dynamic_cast<CorrespondenceFinder*>(_correspondenceFinder);
   if(!correspondenceFinder) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Impossible to convert pwn::CorrespondenceFinder to pwn_boss::CorrespondenceFinder");
   data.setPointer("correspondenceFinder", correspondenceFinder);
Exemple #3
  void Aligner::_computeStatistics(Vector6f &mean, Matrix6f &Omega, 
				   float &translationalRatio, float &rotationalRatio) const {
    typedef SigmaPoint<Vector6f> SigmaPoint;
    typedef std::vector<SigmaPoint, Eigen::aligned_allocator<SigmaPoint> > SigmaPointVector;
    // Output init
    Vector6f b;
    Matrix6f H;
    translationalRatio = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
    rotationalRatio = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();

    Eigen::Isometry3f invT = _T.inverse();
    invT.matrix().block<1, 4>(3, 0) << 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f;
    H += _linearizer->H() + Matrix6f::Identity();
    b += _linearizer->b();

    JacobiSVD<Matrix6f> svd(H, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
    Matrix6f localSigma = svd.solve(Matrix6f::Identity());
    SigmaPointVector sigmaPoints;
    Vector6f localMean = Vector6f::Zero();
    sampleUnscented(sigmaPoints, localMean, localSigma);
    Eigen::Isometry3f dT = _T;  // Transform from current to reference
    // Remap each of the sigma points to their original position
    //#pragma omp parallel 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sigmaPoints.size(); i++) {
      SigmaPoint &p = sigmaPoints[i];
      p._sample = t2v(dT * v2t(p._sample).inverse());
    // Reconstruct the gaussian 
    reconstructGaussian(mean, localSigma, sigmaPoints);

    // Compute the information matrix from the covariance
    Omega = localSigma.inverse();
    // Have a look at the svd of the rotational and the translational part;
    JacobiSVD<Matrix3f> partialSVD;
    partialSVD.compute(Omega.block<3, 3>(0, 0));
    translationalRatio = partialSVD.singularValues()(0) / partialSVD.singularValues()(2);
    partialSVD.compute(Omega.block<3, 3>(3, 3));
    rotationalRatio = partialSVD.singularValues()(0) / partialSVD.singularValues()(2);
// note: CONCATENATE does side-effect on transf
RobotPosition * concatenate(RobotPosition * step, Eigen::Matrix3d& transf){
  Eigen::Vector3d buff_vect;
  double rstep[3];
  buff_vect << rstep[0], rstep[1], rstep[2];
  transf = transf * v2t(buff_vect);
  buff_vect = t2v(transf);
  RobotPosition * ret = new RobotPosition(buff_vect[0], buff_vect[1], buff_vect[2]);
  for(unsigned int obsnum = 0; obsnum<step->observations.size(); obsnum++){
  return ret;
void posesToTransformations(std::vector<RobotPosition*> *poses, std::vector<RobotPosition*> *transformations){
  Eigen::Matrix3d M1;
  Eigen::Matrix3d M2;
  M1 <<	1, 0, 0,
       	0, 1, 0,
	0, 0, 1;
  for(unsigned int p=0; p<poses->size(); p++){
    M2 = r2t((*poses)[p]);
    Eigen::Vector3d t = t2v(M1.inverse()*M2);
    RobotPosition * rototransl = new RobotPosition(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
    for(unsigned int o=0; o<(*poses)[p]->observations.size(); o++){
Vector6f SE3OffsetErrorFunction::operator()(const Vector6f& x) const {
  return t2v(_A*v2t(x)*_B);
Exemple #7
  void Aligner::align() {
    assert(_projector && "Aligner: missing _projector");
    assert(_linearizer && "Aligner: missing _linearizer");
    assert(_correspondenceFinder && "Aligner: missing _correspondenceFinder");
    assert(_referenceCloud && "Aligner: missing _referenceCloud");
    assert(_currentCloud && "Aligner: missing _currentCloud");

    struct timeval tvStart, tvEnd;
    gettimeofday(&tvStart, 0);

    // The current points are seen from the frame of the sensor
    _T = _initialGuess;
    for(int i = 0; i < _outerIterations; i++) {
       *                         Correspondence Computation                   *

      // Compute the indices of the current scene from the point of view of the sensor
      _T.matrix().row(3) << 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f;
      _projector->setTransform(_T * _referenceSensorOffset);
      // Correspondences computation.  
      _correspondenceFinder->compute(*_referenceCloud, *_currentCloud, _T.inverse());
       *                            Alignment                                 *
      Eigen::Isometry3f invT = _T.inverse();
      for(int k = 0; k < _innerIterations; k++) {      
	invT.matrix().block<1, 4>(3, 0) << 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f;
	Matrix6f H;
	Vector6f b;

	H = _linearizer->H() + Matrix6f::Identity();
	b = _linearizer->b();
	H += Matrix6f::Identity() * 1000.0f;

	// Add the priors
	for(size_t j = 0; j < _priors.size(); j++) {
	  const SE3Prior *prior = _priors[j];
	  Vector6f priorError = prior->error(invT);
	  Matrix6f priorJacobian = prior->jacobian(invT);
	  Matrix6f priorInformationRemapped = prior->errorInformation(invT);

	  Matrix6f Hp = priorJacobian.transpose() * priorInformationRemapped * priorJacobian;
	  Vector6f bp = priorJacobian.transpose() * priorInformationRemapped * priorError;

	  H += Hp;
	  b += bp;
	Vector6f dx = H.ldlt().solve(-b);
	Eigen::Isometry3f dT = v2t(dx);
	invT = dT * invT;
      _T = invT.inverse();
      _T = v2t(t2v(_T));
      _T.matrix().block<1, 4>(3, 0) << 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f;

    gettimeofday(&tvEnd, 0);
    double tStart = tvStart.tv_sec * 1000.0f + tvStart.tv_usec * 0.001f;
    double tEnd = tvEnd.tv_sec * 1000.0f + tvEnd.tv_usec * 0.001f;
    _totalTime = tEnd - tStart;
    _error = _linearizer->error();
    _inliers = _linearizer->inliers();

    _computeStatistics(_mean, _omega, _translationalEigenRatio, _rotationalEigenRatio);
    if (_rotationalEigenRatio > _rotationalMinEigenRatio || 
	_translationalEigenRatio > _translationalMinEigenRatio) {
      if (_debug) {
	cerr << endl;
	cerr << "************** WARNING SOLUTION MIGHT BE INVALID (eigenratio failure) **************" << endl;
	cerr << "tr: " << _translationalEigenRatio << " rr: " << _rotationalEigenRatio << endl;
	cerr << "************************************************************************************" << endl;
    else {
      if (_debug) {
	cerr << "************** I FOUND SOLUTION VALID SOLUTION   (eigenratio ok) *******************" << endl;
	cerr << "tr: " << _translationalEigenRatio << " rr: " << _rotationalEigenRatio << endl;
	cerr << "************************************************************************************" << endl;
    if (_debug) {
      cout << "Solution statistics in (t, mq): " << endl;
      cout << "mean: " << _mean.transpose() << endl;
      cout << "Omega: " << endl;
      cout << _omega << endl;