bool TSqlObject::remove() { syncToSqlRecord(); QString del = TActionContext::currentDatabase().driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::DeleteStatement, tableName(), *static_cast<QSqlRecord *>(this), false); if (del.isEmpty()) { sqlError = QSqlError(QLatin1String("Unable to delete row"), QString(), QSqlError::StatementError); return false; } del.append(" WHERE "); int revIndex = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(REVISION_PROPERTY_NAME); if (revIndex >= 0) { bool ok; int revsion = property(REVISION_PROPERTY_NAME).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || revsion <= 0) { sqlError = QSqlError(QLatin1String("Unable to convert the 'revision' property to an int"), QString(), QSqlError::UnknownError); tError("Unable to convert the 'revsion' property to an int, %s", qPrintable(objectName())); return false; } del.append(TSqlQuery::escapeIdentifier(REVISION_PROPERTY_NAME)); del.append("=").append(TSqlQuery::formatValue(revsion)); del.append(" AND "); } const char *pkName = metaObject()->property(metaObject()->propertyOffset() + primaryKeyIndex()).name(); if (primaryKeyIndex() < 0 || !pkName) { QString msg = QString("Not found the primary key for table ") + tableName(); sqlError = QSqlError(msg, QString(), QSqlError::StatementError); tError("%s", qPrintable(msg)); return false; } del.append(TSqlQuery::escapeIdentifier(pkName)); del.append("=").append(TSqlQuery::formatValue(property(pkName))); tSystemDebug("SQL statement: %s", qPrintable(del)); QSqlQuery query(TActionContext::currentDatabase()); bool res = query.exec(del); sqlError = query.lastError(); if (!res) { tSystemError("SQL delete error: %s", qPrintable(sqlError.text())); return false; } // Optimistic lock check if (query.numRowsAffected() != 1) { if (revIndex >= 0) { QString msg = QString("Row was updated or deleted from table ") + tableName() + QLatin1String(" by another transaction"); sqlError = QSqlError(msg, QString(), QSqlError::UnknownError); throw SqlException(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); } tWarn("Row was deleted by another transaction, %s", qPrintable(tableName())); } clear(); return true; }
void TConfig::init() { QFile config(k->path); k->isOk = false; if (config.exists()) { QString errorMsg = ""; int errorLine = 0; int errorColumn = 0; k->isOk = k->document.setContent(&config, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn); if (!k->isOk) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TConfig::init() - Fatal Error: Configuration file is corrupted - Line: " << errorLine << " - Column: " << errorColumn; tError() << "TConfig::init() - Message: " << errorMsg; #endif } config.close(); } if (!k->isOk) { QDomProcessingInstruction header = k->document.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""); k->document.appendChild(header); QDomElement root = k->document.createElement("Config"); k->document.appendChild(root); } }
bool TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbolFromFrame(TupLibraryResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif if (m_project->scenesTotal() > 0) { if (m_project->removeSymbolFromFrame(response->arg().toString(), response->symbolType())) { TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(response->sceneIndex()); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(response->layerIndex()); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(response->frameIndex()); if (frame) response->setFrameState(frame->isEmpty()); } } emit responsed(response); return true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbolFromFrame() - Error: Symbol can't be removed from project!"; #endif } } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbolFromFrame() - No scenes available!"; #endif } return false; }
bool TasksetWriter::write(const std::string& filename, vector<Task*>& taskset) const { xmlDocPtr doc; tDebug() << "Writing Taskset to XML file: " << filename; xmlTextWriterPtr writer; writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0); xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer, 1); if (xmlTextWriterSetIndentString(writer, (const xmlChar*) " ") != 0) { tError() << "Fehler beim Setzen des Einrueckens!"; } xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "UTF-8", NULL); xmlTextWriterWriteComment(writer, (xmlChar*) "Hier kommen die Tasks"); xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, (xmlChar*) "taskset"); xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS(writer, (xmlChar*) "xsi", (xmlChar*) "schemaLocation", (xmlChar*) "", (xmlChar*) " taskset.xsd"); xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer, (xmlChar*) "xmlns", (xmlChar*) ""); xmlTextWriterWriteRaw(writer, (xmlChar*) "\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < taskset.size(); i++) { xmlTextWriterWriteRaw(writer, (xmlChar*) "\n"); //taskset[i]->write(writer); taskset[i]->writeToXML(writer); xmlTextWriterWriteRaw(writer, (xmlChar*) "\n"); } xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); // close TaskSet xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); xmlSaveFile(filename.c_str(), doc); xmlNodePtr cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (cur == NULL) { tError() << "Empty document."; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "taskset")) { tError() << "Document of the wrong type, root node != taskset"; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } if (isValid(doc) > 0) { tDebug() << "Written document is valid"; } else { tError() << "Written document is invalid"; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); return true; }
void TupPaintArea::setCurrentScene(int index) { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif if (k->project->scenesTotal() > 0) { TupScene *scene = k->project->scene(index); if (scene) { k->currentSceneIndex = index; graphicsScene()->setCurrentScene(scene); } else { if (k->project->scenesTotal() == 1) { setDragMode(QGraphicsView::NoDrag); k->currentSceneIndex = 0; graphicsScene()->setCurrentScene(0); } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupPaintArea::setCurrentScene() - [ Fatal Error ] - No scenes available. Invalid index -> " << index; tError() << "TupPaintArea::setCurrentScene() - Scenes total -> " << k->project->scenesTotal(); #endif } } } }
void TCommandHistory::redoFromAction(QAction *a) { int idx = a->data().toInt(); m_stack->blockSignals(true); for (int i = qMax(idx, m_currentIndex)-1; i >= qMin(idx, m_currentIndex)-1; i--) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::createItem() - Error: Invalid scene index!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << "SHOW_VAR: " << i; #else SHOW_VAR(i); #endif #endif if (!m_stack->canRedo()) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TCommandHistory::redoFromAction() - Error: Cannot redo!!!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif break; } m_stack->redo(); if (m_actions.contains(i)) { m_redoMenu->removeAction(m_actions[i]); m_undoMenu->addAction(m_actions[i]); } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TCommandHistory::redoFromAction() - Error while doing REDO"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif } } if (m_redoMenu->isEmpty()) m_redoMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(false); else m_redoMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(true); if (!m_undoMenu->isEmpty()) m_undoMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(true); if (m_actions.contains(m_stack->index()+1)) m_redoMenu->setDefaultAction(m_actions[m_stack->index()+1]); m_stack->blockSignals(false); }
bool TUrlRoute::addRouteFromString(QString line) { QStringList items = line.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (items.count() == 3) { // Trimm quotes QString method = items[0]; QString route = THttpUtility::trimmedQuotes(items[1]); QString destination = THttpUtility::trimmedQuotes(items[2]); TRoute rt; rt.method = TRoute::methodFromString(method); if (rt.method == TRoute::Invalid) { tError("Invalid method, '%s'", qPrintable(items[0])); return false; } // parse controller and action QStringList list = destination.split('#'); if (list.count() == 2) { rt.controller = list[0].toLower().toLatin1() + "controller"; rt.action = list[1].toLatin1(); } else { tError("Invalid destination, '%s'", qPrintable(destination)); return false; } rt.components = route.split('/'); if (route.startsWith('/')) rt.components.takeFirst(); if (route.endsWith('/')) rt.components.takeLast(); if (rt.components.indexOf(":params") >= 0) { if (rt.components.indexOf(":params") != rt.components.length() - 1) { tError("Invalid route: :params must be at the end! [%s]",qPrintable(route)); return false; } else { rt.components.takeLast(); rt.has_variable_params = 1; } } routes << rt; tSystemDebug("added route: method:%d components:%s ctrl:%s action:%s, params:%d", rt.method, qPrintable(rt.components.join('/')),,, rt.has_variable_params); return true; } else { tError("Invalid directive, '%s'", qPrintable(line)); return false; } }
bool TUrlRoute::addRouteFromString(const QString &line) { QStringList items = line.simplified().split(' '); if (items.count() != 3) { tError("Invalid directive, '%s'", qPrintable(line)); return false; } // Trimm quotes items[1] = THttpUtility::trimmedQuotes(items[1]); items[2] = THttpUtility::trimmedQuotes(items[2]); QString &path = items[1]; if (path.contains(":params") && !path.endsWith(":params")) { tError(":params must be specified as last directive."); return false; } TRoute rt; // Check method rt.method = directiveHash()->value(items[0].toLower(), TRoute::Invalid); if (rt.method == TRoute::Invalid) { tError("Invalid directive, '%s'", qPrintable(items[0])); return false; } // parse path rt.componentList = splitPath(path); rt.hasVariableParams = rt.componentList.contains(":params"); for (int i = 0; i < rt.componentList.count(); ++i) { const QString &c = rt.componentList[i]; if (c.startsWith(":")) { if (c != ":param" && c != ":params") { return false; } } else { rt.keywordIndexes << i; } } // parse controller and action QStringList list = items[2].split('#'); if (list.count() == 2) { rt.controller = list[0].toLower().toLatin1() + "controller"; rt.action = list[1].toLatin1(); } else { tError("Invalid action, '%s'", qPrintable(items[2])); return false; } routes << rt; tSystemDebug("route: method:%d path:%s ctrl:%s action:%s params:%d", rt.method, qPrintable(QLatin1String("/") + rt.componentList.join("/")),,, rt.hasVariableParams); return true; }
bool TupProject::resetScene(int pos, const QString &newName) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << "[TupProject::resetScene()]"; #else T_FUNCINFO; #endif #endif TupScene *scene = sceneAt(pos); if (scene) { k->undoScenes << k->scenes.takeAt(pos); TupScene *basic = new TupScene(this, k->dimension, "#ffffff"); basic->setSceneName(newName); basic->setBasicStructure(); k->scenes.insert(pos, basic); return true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupProject::resetScene() - No scene at index -> " + QString::number(pos); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::exchangeFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); int newPosition = response->arg().toInt(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; scene->moveStoryBoardScene(position, newPosition); TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { if (layer->exchangeFrame(position, newPosition)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::exchangeFrame() - Error while exchanging frames"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::moveLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); int newPosition = response->arg().toInt(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; if (! scene->moveLayer(position, newPosition)) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::moveLayer() - Error while moving layer!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } else { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
int MKTask::calcL(int n, const unsigned int* vals, unsigned int pos) const { if (n > k) { tError() << "Invalid parameter n=" << n << " > " << k << "!"; return -1; } unsigned int p; if (pos == 0) p = k - 1; else p = pos - 1; unsigned int ctr = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) { if (vals[p] == 1) ctr++; if (ctr == n) break; if (p == 0) p = k - 1; else --p; } return i + 1; }
bool ThemeManager::applyTheme(const ThemeDocument &kd) { // tDebug() << "Applying theme" << endl; bool ok = false; QXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setContentHandler(this); reader.setErrorHandler(this); QXmlInputSource xmlsource; xmlsource.setData(kd.toString()); if (reader.parse(&xmlsource)) { ok = true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "ThemeManager::applyTheme() - Fatal Error: Can't process theme document"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif ok = false; } return ok; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::insertSymbolIntoFrame(TupLibraryResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tFatal() << "TupCommandExecutor::insertSymbolIntoFrame() - Adding symbol to project: " << response->arg().toString(); #endif if (m_project->scenesTotal() > 0) { if (m_project->insertSymbolIntoFrame(response->spaceMode(), response->arg().toString(), response->sceneIndex(), response->layerIndex(), response->frameIndex())) { TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(response->sceneIndex()); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(response->layerIndex()); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(response->frameIndex()); if (frame) response->setFrameState(frame->isEmpty()); } } emit responsed(response); return true; } } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::insertSymbolIntoFrame() - No scenes available!"; #endif } return false; }
/*! \~english Returns the rendering data of the partial template given by \a templateName. \~japanese 部分テンプレート \a templateName に変数 \a vars を設定した描画データを返す */ QString TActionController::getRenderingData(const QString &templateName, const QVariantHash &vars) { T_TRACEFUNC("templateName: %s", qPrintable(templateName)); // Creates view-object QStringList names = templateName.split("/"); if (names.count() != 2) { tError("Invalid patameter: %s", qPrintable(templateName)); return QString(); } TDispatcher<TActionView> viewDispatcher(viewClassName(names[0], names[1])); TActionView *view = viewDispatcher.object(); if (!view) { return QString(); } QVariantHash hash = allVariants(); for (QHashIterator<QString, QVariant> i(vars); i.hasNext(); ) {; hash.insert(i.key(), i.value()); // item's value of same key is replaced } view->setController(this); view->setVariantHash(hash); return view->toString(); }
void TupNetSocket::readed(const QString &readed) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupNetSocket::readed() - PACKAGE ARRIVING: "; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qWarning() << msg; qWarning() << readed; #else tWarning() << msg; tWarning("net") << readed; #endif #endif QDomDocument doc; if (doc.setContent(readed)) { QString root = doc.documentElement().tagName(); m_handler->handlePackage(root, readed); } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupNetSocket::readed() - Error: Package isn't a DOM document"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif } }
bool ThemeManager::applyTheme(const QString &file) { bool ok = false; QXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setContentHandler(this); reader.setErrorHandler(this); QFile f(file); QXmlInputSource xmlsource(&f); if (reader.parse(&xmlsource)) { ok = true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "ThemeManager::applyTheme() - Fatal Error: Can't process the theme file: " + file; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif ok = false; } return ok; }
TConfig::TConfig() : QObject(), k(new Private) { #ifdef K_DEBUG TINIT; #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 k->configDirectory.setPath(QDir::homePath() + "/." + QCoreApplication::applicationName()); #elif defined(Q_WS_WIN) k->configDirectory.setPath(QDir::homePath() + "/" + QCoreApplication::applicationName()); #elif defined(Q_WS_MAC) k->configDirectory.setPath(QDir::homePath() + "/." + QCoreApplication::applicationName()); #endif if (!k->configDirectory.exists()) { k->firstTime = true; #ifdef K_DEBUG tWarning() << "*** TConfig::TConfig() - Config file doesn't exist. Creating path: " << k->configDirectory.path(); #endif if (!k->configDirectory.mkdir(k->configDirectory.path())) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TConfig::TConfig() - Fatal Error: Can't create path -> " << k->configDirectory.path(); #endif } } else { k->firstTime = false; } k->path = k->configDirectory.path() + "/" + QCoreApplication::applicationName().toLower() + ".cfg"; init(); }
bool TupProject::createSymbol(int type, const QString &name, const QByteArray &data, const QString &folder) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << "[TupProject::createSymbol()]"; #else T_FUNCINFOX("symbol"); #endif #endif if (!k->isOpen) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupProject::createSymbol() - Fatal error: project is NOT open!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } if (k->library->createSymbol(TupLibraryObject::Type(type), name, data, folder) == 0) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupProject::createSymbol() - Fatal error: object can't be created. Data is NULL!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupProject::createSymbol() - Object added successfully -> " + name; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qWarning() << msg; #else tWarning() << msg; #endif #endif return true; }
bool ThemeManager::error(const QXmlParseException &exception) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "ThemeManager::error() - Fatal Error: Can't process theme!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg; qDebug() << "ThemeManager::error() - Message: " << exception.message(); #else tError() << msg; tError() << "ThemeManager::error() - Message: " << exception.message(); #endif #else Q_UNUSED(exception); #endif return false; }
void TCommandHistory::undoFromAction(QAction *a) { int idx = a->data().toInt(); m_stack->blockSignals(true); for (int i = qMin(idx, m_currentIndex); i < qMax(idx, m_currentIndex); i++) { if (!m_stack->canUndo()) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TCommandHistory::undoFromAction() - Error: Cannot undo!!!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif break; } m_stack->undo(); if (m_actions.contains(i)) { m_undoMenu->removeAction(m_actions[i]); m_redoMenu->addAction(m_actions[i]); } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TCommandHistory::undoFromAction() - Error: History item not found!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif } } if (m_undoMenu->isEmpty()) m_undoMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(false); else m_undoMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(true); if (!m_redoMenu->isEmpty()) m_redoMenu->menuAction()->setEnabled(true); m_undoMenu->setDefaultAction(m_actions[m_stack->index()]); m_stack->blockSignals(false); }
void TScheduler::start(int msec) { if (Tf::app()->multiProcessingModule() == TWebApplication::Prefork) { tError("Unsupported TScheduler in prefork MPM"); return; } timer->start(msec); }
void TupProjectCommand::redo() { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO << k->response->part(); #endif if (k->executed) { k->response->setMode(TupProjectResponse::Redo); } else { k->response->setMode(TupProjectResponse::Do); k->executed = true; } switch (k->response->part()) { case TupProjectRequest::Project: { #ifdef K_DEBUG tDebug() << "Project response isn't handle"; #endif } break; case TupProjectRequest::Frame: { frameCommand(); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Layer: { layerCommand(); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Scene: { sceneCommand(); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Item: { itemCommand(); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Library: { libraryCommand(); } break; default: { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupProjectCommand::redo() - Error: Unknown project response"; #endif } break; } }
bool ThemeManager::fatalError(const QXmlParseException &exception) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg1 = "ThemeManager::error() - Fatal Error: Can't load theme..."; QString msg2 = "ThemeManager::error() - Line: " + QString::number(exception.lineNumber()) + " Column: " + QString::number(exception.columnNumber()); QString msg3 = "ThemeManager::error() - Message: " + exception.message(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN qDebug() << msg1; qDebug() << msg2; qDebug() << msg3; #else tError() << msg1; tError() << msg2; tError() << msg3; #endif #else Q_UNUSED(exception); #endif return false; }
Job* FPPScheduler::dispatch(int now, DispatchStat& dispatchStat) { Job* job = ALDScheduler::dispatch(now, dispatchStat); const Job* fin = dispatchStat.finished; if (fin != NULL) { if (fin != dlmon.jobFinished(fin)) { tError() << "Finished job " << job << " " << *job << " not found in dlmon!"; } else { tDebug() << "Removed finished job " << job << " " << *job << " from dlmon!"; } } return job; }
void TupScreen::updateFirstFrame() { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif if (k->currentSceneIndex > -1 && k->currentSceneIndex < k->animationList.count()) { TupScene *scene = k->project->scene(k->currentSceneIndex); if (scene) { TupAnimationRenderer renderer(k->project->bgColor()); renderer.setScene(scene, k->project->dimension()); renderer.renderPhotogram(0); QImage firstFrame = QImage(k->project->dimension(), QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter painter(&firstFrame); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); renderer.render(&painter); if (k->isScaled) { QImage resized = firstFrame.scaledToWidth(k->screenDimension.width(), Qt::SmoothTransformation); k->renderCamera = resized; } else { k->renderCamera = firstFrame; } k->firstShoot = true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupScreen::updateFirstFrame() - [ Fatal Error ] - Null scene at index: " << k->currentSceneIndex; #endif } } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupScreen::updateFirstFrame() - [ Fatal Error ] - Can't access to scene index: " << k->currentSceneIndex; #endif } }
void TVHBox::moveWidgetUp(QWidget *widget) { // dDebug() << "Childs " << children ().count() << endl; int position = m_pLayout->indexOf(widget); // dDebug() << "Position: " << position << endl; if (position > 0) { m_pLayout->removeWidget(widget); m_pLayout->insertWidget(position-1, widget); } else { tError() << "The widget isn't in the layout" << endl; } }
void TupProjectCommand::paintAreaCommand() { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupProjectCommand::paintAreaCommand() - Error: FIX ME in ktprojectcommand.cpp"; #endif /* if (redo) k->executor->reemitEvent(response); else k->executor->reemitEvent(response); */ }
bool TupPackageHandler::makePackage(const QString &projectPath, const QString &packagePath) { if (!QFile::exists(projectPath)) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupPackageHandler::makePackage() - Project path doesn't exist -> " << projectPath; #endif return false; } QFileInfo packageInfo(packagePath); QuaZip zip(packagePath); if (! { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupPackageHandler::makePackage() - Error while create package: " << zip.getZipError(); #endif return false; } if (! compress(&zip, projectPath)) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupPackageHandler::makePackage() - Error while compress project" << zip.getZipError(); #endif return false; } zip.close(); if (zip.getZipError() != 0) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupPackageHandler::makePackage() - Error: " << zip.getZipError(); #endif return false; } return true; }
void TupProjectCommand::layerCommand() { TupLayerResponse *response = static_cast<TupLayerResponse *>(k->response); switch (response->action()) { case TupProjectRequest::Add: { k->executor->createLayer(response); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Remove: { k->executor->removeLayer(response); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Move: { k->executor->moveLayer(response); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Lock: { k->executor->lockLayer(response); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Rename: { k->executor->renameLayer(response); } break; case TupProjectRequest::Select: { k->executor->selectLayer(response); } break; case TupProjectRequest::View: { k->executor->setLayerVisibility(response); } break; default: { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupProjectCommand::layerCommand() - Error: Unknown project response"; #endif } break; } }