tResult FunctionDriver::Init(tInitStage eStage, __exception)
    RETURN_IF_FAILED(cFilter::Init(eStage, __exception_ptr));

    if (eStage == StageFirst)
        // create all the pins
    else if (eStage == StageNormal)
        speed = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat(SPEED_PROPERTY));
        sinWidth = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat(SINWIDTH_PROPERTY));
        sinLength = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat(SINLENGTH_PROPERTY));

 * Integrates the given function f from a to b using Method m
 * @param f: static function pointer used to get integral values
 * @param a: lower boundary
 * @param b: upper boundary
 * @param steps: steps used to calculate the result, use more to get a better result
 * @param m: calculation method
tFloat32 HTWKMath::Integrate(tFloat32 (*f)(tFloat32), tFloat32 a, tFloat32 b, int steps, MethodEnum m)
    tFloat32 s = 0;
    tFloat32 h = (b - a) / steps;

    tFloat32 (*method)(tFloat32 (*f)(tFloat32), tFloat32 x, tFloat32 h);
    switch (m)
        case SimpsonMethod:
            method = Integrate_Simpson;

    for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
        s += method(f, a + h * i, h);

    return h * s;
void ROI::CalculateRgbRoi()
    tInt rgbRoomEndY = 0;
    tInt rgbHoodStartY = rgbVideoInputFormat.nHeight;

    if (isRoomDetectionEnabled)
        rgbRoomEndY = tFloat32(roomHeight) / depthVideoInputFormat.nHeight * rgbVideoInputFormat.nHeight;

    if (isHoodDetectionEnabled)
        rgbHoodStartY = rgbVideoInputFormat.nHeight -
                        (tFloat32(hoodHeight) / depthVideoInputFormat.nHeight * rgbVideoInputFormat.nHeight);

    rgbROI.tX = 0;
    rgbROI.tY = rgbRoomEndY;
    rgbROI.tWidth = rgbVideoInputFormat.nWidth;
    rgbROI.tHeight = rgbHoodStartY - rgbRoomEndY;

    logger.Log(cString::Format("RGB ROI x: %d, y: %d, width: %d, height: %d", rgbROI.tX, rgbROI.tY, rgbROI.tWidth, rgbROI.tHeight)
tResult cUSSSensorBundle::ProcessData(IMediaSample* pMediaSample)
    if (pMediaSample != NULL && m_pCoderDescInput != NULL)
        //write values with zero
        tUInt16 front_Left = 0;
        tUInt16 front_Right = 0;
        tUInt16 rear_Left = 0;
        tUInt16 rear_Right = 0;  
        tUInt32 timestampValue = 0;          
        //get values from media sample
        {   // focus for sample read lock
            // read-out the incoming Media Sample
            pCoder->Get("ui16Front_Left", (tVoid*)&front_Left);
            pCoder->Get("ui16Front_Right", (tVoid*)&front_Right);
            pCoder->Get("ui16Rear_Left", (tVoid*)&rear_Left);
            pCoder->Get("ui16Rear_Right", (tVoid*)&rear_Right);          
            pCoder->Get("ui32ArduinoTimestamp", (tVoid*)&timestampValue);    

        //create and transmit output mediasamples
        tFloat32 flFront_Left = tFloat32(front_Left);
        tFloat32 flFront_Right = tFloat32(front_Right);
        tFloat32 flRear_Left = tFloat32(rear_Left);
        tFloat32 flRear_Right= tFloat32(rear_Right); 
        // create and register the output pin
	RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_pin_output_accelerate.Create("accelerate_out", pTypeSignalValueOutput, static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this)));

	RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_pin_output_steer_angle.Create("steerAngle", pTypeSignalValueOutput, static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this)));

/*	RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_pin_output_turn_left_enabled.Create("turnSignalLeftEnabled", pTypeBoolSignalValueOutput, static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this)));
	RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_pin_output_turn_right_enabled.Create("turnSignalRightEnabled", pTypeBoolSignalValueOutput, static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this)));

	// get properties
	m_pparkluecke = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Parallel Parkluecke"));
	m_pdistanz_a = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Parallel Distanz A"));
	m_pdistanz_b = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Parallel Distanz B"));
	m_pwinkel1 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Parallel Winkel 1"));
	m_pwinkel2 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Parallel Winkel 2"));
	m_cparkluecke = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Cross Parkluecke"));
	m_cdistanz_a = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Cross Distanz A"));
	m_cdistanz_b = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Cross Distanz B"));
	m_cwinkel1 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Cross Winkel 1"));
	m_cwinkel2 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Cross Winkel 2"));
	//set distance, status and active
	distance_a = 0;
	active = 0;
	status = 0;
	gyro_a = 0;
	RETURN_IF_FAILED(pTypeSignalValueOutput->GetInterface(IID_ADTF_MEDIA_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, (tVoid**)&m_pCoderDescSignalOutput)); 
	tChar const * strDescBoolSignalValue = pDescManager->GetMediaDescription("tBoolSignalValue");
	cObjectPtr<IMediaType> pTypeBoolSignalValueOutput = new cMediaType(0, 0, 0, "tBoolSignalValue", strDescBoolSignalValue,IMediaDescription::MDF_DDL_DEFAULT_VERSION);	
	RETURN_IF_FAILED(pTypeBoolSignalValueOutput->GetInterface(IID_ADTF_MEDIA_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, (tVoid**)&m_pCoderDescBoolSignalOutput)); 
        // create and register the output pin
	RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_pin_output_accelerate.Create("accelerate_out", pTypeSignalValueOutput, static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this)));

	RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_pin_output_stuck.Create("got_stuck", pTypeBoolSignalValueOutput, static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this)));

	// get properties
	m_stopDistance = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Hard Stop Distance"));
	m_slowDistance15 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Slow down to 15 Distance"));
	m_slowDistance25 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Slow down to 25 Distance"));
	m_slowDistance30 = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Slow down to 30 Distance"));
	m_slowDistance_back = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Back Distance"));
	m_stuck_time = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Stuck Time in s"));
	m_stuck_distance = tFloat32(GetPropertyFloat("Stuck Distance"));
    else if (eStage == StageNormal)
        // In this stage you would do further initialisation and/or create your dynamic pins.
        // Please take a look at the demo_dynamicpin example for further reference.
    else if (eStage == StageGraphReady)
        // All pin connections have been established in this stage so you can query your pins