TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneShear::activeConstraints(const std::vector<Real> & f, const RankTwoTensor & stress, const Real & intnl, const RankFourTensor & Eijkl, std::vector<bool> & act, RankTwoTensor & returned_stress) const
  act.assign(1, false);
  returned_stress = stress;

  if (f[0] <= _f_tol)

  // in the following i will derive returned_stress for the case smoother=0

  Real tanpsi = tan_psi(intnl);
  Real tanphi = tan_phi(intnl);

  // norm is the normal to the yield surface
  // with f having psi (dilation angle) instead of phi:
  // norm(0) = df/dsig(2,0) = df/dsig(0,2)
  // norm(1) = df/dsig(2,1) = df/dsig(1,2)
  // norm(2) = df/dsig(2,2)
  std::vector<Real> norm(3, 0.0);
  Real tau = std::sqrt(std::pow((stress(0,2) + stress(2,0))/2, 2) + std::pow((stress(1,2) + stress(2,1))/2, 2));
  if (tau > 0.0)
    norm[0] = 0.25*(stress(0, 2)+stress(2,0))/tau;
    norm[1] = 0.25*(stress(1, 2)+stress(2,1))/tau;
    returned_stress(2, 2) = cohesion(intnl)/tanphi;
    act[0] = true;
  norm[2] = tanpsi;

  // to get the flow directions, we have to multiply norm by Eijkl.
  // I assume that E(0,2,0,2) = E(1,2,1,2), and E(2,2,0,2) = 0 = E(0,2,1,2), etc
  // with the usual symmetry.  This makes finding the returned_stress
  // much easier.
  // returned_stress = stress - alpha*n
  // where alpha is chosen so that f = 0
  Real alpha = f[0]/(Eijkl(0,2,0,2) + Eijkl(2,2,2,2)*tanpsi*tanphi);

  if (1 - alpha*Eijkl(0,2,0,2)/tau >= 0)
    // returning to the "surface" of the cone
    returned_stress(2, 2) = stress(2, 2) - alpha*Eijkl(2, 2, 2, 2)*norm[2];
    returned_stress(0, 2) = returned_stress(2, 0) = stress(0, 2) - alpha*2*Eijkl(0, 2, 0, 2)*norm[0];
    returned_stress(1, 2) = returned_stress(2, 1) = stress(1, 2) - alpha*2*Eijkl(1, 2, 1, 2)*norm[1];
    // returning to the "tip" of the cone
    returned_stress(2, 2) = cohesion(intnl)/tanphi;
    returned_stress(0, 2) = returned_stress(2, 0) = returned_stress(1, 2) = returned_stress(2, 1) = 0;
  returned_stress(0, 0) = stress(0, 0) - Eijkl(0, 0, 2, 2)*(stress(2, 2) - returned_stress(2, 2))/Eijkl(2, 2, 2, 2);
  returned_stress(1, 1) = stress(1, 1) - Eijkl(1, 1, 2, 2)*(stress(2, 2) - returned_stress(2, 2))/Eijkl(2, 2, 2, 2);

  act[0] = true;
TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneShear::flowPotential(const RankTwoTensor & stress, const Real & intnl) const
  return df_dsig(stress, tan_psi(intnl));