Exemple #1
void SpacePlane::anim(double dt){
	WarSpace *ws = *w;

	if(bbody && !warping){
		const btTransform &tra = bbody->getCenterOfMassTransform();
		pos = btvc(tra.getOrigin());
		rot = btqc(tra.getRotation());
		velo = btvc(bbody->getLinearVelocity());

	/* forget about beaten enemy */
	if(enemy && (enemy->getHealth() <= 0. || enemy->w != w))
		enemy = NULL;

	Mat4d mat;

	if(0 < health){
		Entity *collideignore = NULL;
			if(ai->control(this, dt)){
				ai = NULL;
		else if(task == sship_undock){
			if(undocktime < 0.){
				inputs.press &= ~PL_W;
				task = sship_idle;
				inputs.press |= PL_W;
				undocktime -= dt;
		else if(controller){
		else if(!enemy && task == sship_parade){
			Entity *pm = mother ? mother->e : NULL;
				if(paradec == -1)
					paradec = mother->enumParadeC(mother->Frigate);
				Vec3d target, target0(1.5, -1., -1.);
				Quatd q2, q1;
				target0[0] += paradec % 10 * 300.;
				target0[2] += paradec / 10 * -300.;
				target = pm->rot.trans(target0);
				target += pm->pos;
				Vec3d dr = this->pos - target;
				if(dr.slen() < .10 * .10){
					q1 = pm->rot;
					inputs.press &= ~PL_W;
//					parking = 1;
					this->velo += dr * (-dt * .5);
					q2 = Quatd::slerp(this->rot, q1, 1. - exp(-dt));
					this->rot = q2;
	//							p->throttle = dr.slen() / 5. + .01;
					steerArrival(dt, target, pm->velo, 1. / 10., 1.);
				task = sship_idle;
		else if(task == sship_idle){
			if(race != 0 /*RandomSequence((unsigned long)this + (unsigned long)(w->war_time() / .0001)).nextd() < .0001*/){
			inputs.press = 0;
			inputs.press = 0;
		this->w = NULL;


	// inputs.press is filtered in st::anim, so we put tefpol updates after it.
	for(int i = 0; i < engines.size(); i++) if(pf[i]){
		pf[i]->move(mat.vp3(engines[i]), avec3_000, cs_orangeburn.t, !(inputs.press & PL_W));

//	engineHeat = approach(engineHeat, direction & PL_W ? 1.f : 0.f, dt, 0.);
	// Exponential approach is more realistic (but costs more CPU cycles)
	engineHeat = direction & PL_W ? engineHeat + (1. - engineHeat) * (1. - exp(-dt)) : engineHeat * exp(-dt);

#if 0
		int i;
		avec3_t pos, pos0[numof(p->pf)] = {
			{.0, -.003, .045},
		for(i = 0; i < numof(p->pf); i++){
			MAT4VP3(pos, mat, pos0[i]);
			MoveTefpol3D(p->pf[i], pos, avec3_000, cs_orangeburn.t, 0);
Exemple #2
  size_t BVH4MB::rotate(Base* nodeID, size_t depth)
    /*! nothing to rotate if we reached a leaf node. */
    if (nodeID->isLeaf()) return 0;
    Node* parent = nodeID->node();

    /*! rotate all children first */
    ssei cdepth;
    for (size_t c=0; c<4; c++)
      cdepth[c] = (int)rotate(parent->child[c],depth+1);

    /* compute current area of all children */
    ssef sizeX = parent->upper_x-parent->lower_x;
    ssef sizeY = parent->upper_y-parent->lower_y;
    ssef sizeZ = parent->upper_z-parent->lower_z;
    ssef childArea = sizeX*(sizeY + sizeZ) + sizeY*sizeZ;

    /*! transpose node bounds */
    ssef plower0,plower1,plower2,plower3; transpose(parent->lower_x,parent->lower_y,parent->lower_z,ssef(zero),plower0,plower1,plower2,plower3);
    ssef pupper0,pupper1,pupper2,pupper3; transpose(parent->upper_x,parent->upper_y,parent->upper_z,ssef(zero),pupper0,pupper1,pupper2,pupper3);
    BBox<ssef> other0(plower0,pupper0), other1(plower1,pupper1), other2(plower2,pupper2), other3(plower3,pupper3);

    /*! Find best rotation. We pick a target child of a first child,
      and swap this with an other child. We perform the best such
      swap. */
    float bestCost = pos_inf;
    int bestChild = -1, bestTarget = -1, bestOther = -1;
    for (size_t c=0; c<4; c++)
      /*! ignore leaf nodes as we cannot descent into */
      if (parent->child[c]->isLeaf()) continue;
      Node* child = parent->child[c]->node();

      /*! transpose child bounds */
      ssef clower0,clower1,clower2,clower3; transpose(child->lower_x,child->lower_y,child->lower_z,ssef(zero),clower0,clower1,clower2,clower3);
      ssef cupper0,cupper1,cupper2,cupper3; transpose(child->upper_x,child->upper_y,child->upper_z,ssef(zero),cupper0,cupper1,cupper2,cupper3);
      BBox<ssef> target0(clower0,cupper0), target1(clower1,cupper1), target2(clower2,cupper2), target3(clower3,cupper3);

      /*! put other0 at each target position */
      float cost00 = halfArea3f(merge(other0 ,target1,target2,target3));
      float cost01 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,other0 ,target2,target3));
      float cost02 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,other0 ,target3));
      float cost03 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,target2,other0 ));
      ssef cost0 = ssef(cost00,cost01,cost02,cost03);
      ssef min0 = vreduce_min(cost0);
      int pos0 = (int)__bsf(movemask(min0 == cost0));

      /*! put other1 at each target position */
      float cost10 = halfArea3f(merge(other1 ,target1,target2,target3));
      float cost11 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,other1 ,target2,target3));
      float cost12 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,other1 ,target3));
      float cost13 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,target2,other1 ));
      ssef cost1 = ssef(cost10,cost11,cost12,cost13);
      ssef min1 = vreduce_min(cost1);
      int pos1 = (int)__bsf(movemask(min1 == cost1));

      /*! put other2 at each target position */
      float cost20 = halfArea3f(merge(other2 ,target1,target2,target3));
      float cost21 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,other2 ,target2,target3));
      float cost22 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,other2 ,target3));
      float cost23 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,target2,other2 ));
      ssef cost2 = ssef(cost20,cost21,cost22,cost23);
      ssef min2 = vreduce_min(cost2);
      int pos2 = (int)__bsf(movemask(min2 == cost2));

      /*! put other3 at each target position */
      float cost30 = halfArea3f(merge(other3 ,target1,target2,target3));
      float cost31 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,other3 ,target2,target3));
      float cost32 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,other3 ,target3));
      float cost33 = halfArea3f(merge(target0,target1,target2,other3 ));
      ssef cost3 = ssef(cost30,cost31,cost32,cost33);
      ssef min3 = vreduce_min(cost3);
      int pos3 = (int)__bsf(movemask(min3 == cost3));

      /*! find best other child */
      ssef otherCost = ssef(extract<0>(min0),extract<0>(min1),extract<0>(min2),extract<0>(min3));
      int pos[4] = { pos0,pos1,pos2,pos3 };
      sseb valid = ssei(int(depth+1))+cdepth <= ssei(maxDepth); // only select swaps that fulfill depth constraints
      if (none(valid)) continue;
      size_t n = select_min(valid,otherCost);
      float cost = otherCost[n]-childArea[c]; //< increasing the original child bound is bad, decreasing good

      /*! accept a swap when it reduces cost and is not swapping a node with itself */
      if (cost < bestCost && n != c) {
        bestCost = cost;
        bestChild = (int)c;
        bestOther = (int)n;
        bestTarget = pos[n];

    /*! if we did not find a swap that improves the SAH then do nothing */
    if (bestCost >= 0) return 1+reduce_max(cdepth);

    /*! perform the best found tree rotation */
    Node* child = parent->child[bestChild]->node();
    parent->lower_x[bestChild] = reduce_min(child->lower_x);
    parent->lower_y[bestChild] = reduce_min(child->lower_y);
    parent->lower_z[bestChild] = reduce_min(child->lower_z);
    parent->upper_x[bestChild] = reduce_max(child->upper_x);
    parent->upper_y[bestChild] = reduce_max(child->upper_y);
    parent->upper_z[bestChild] = reduce_max(child->upper_z);
    parent->lower_dx[bestChild] = reduce_min(child->lower_dx);
    parent->lower_dy[bestChild] = reduce_min(child->lower_dy);
    parent->lower_dz[bestChild] = reduce_min(child->lower_dz);
    parent->upper_dx[bestChild] = reduce_max(child->upper_dx);
    parent->upper_dy[bestChild] = reduce_max(child->upper_dy);
    parent->upper_dz[bestChild] = reduce_max(child->upper_dz);

    /*! This returned depth is conservative as the child that was
     *  pulled up in the tree could have been on the critical path. */
    cdepth[bestOther]++; // bestOther was pushed down one level
    return 1+reduce_max(cdepth); 