boolean fitting_score(population *pop, entity *entity)
	int			i;		/* Loop variable over training points. */
	double		score=0.0;	/* Mean of squared deviations. */
	char *		params;
	double		params_d[4];	/* Fitting parameters. */
	fitting_data_t	*data;		/* Training data. */
	double E,R,L,C;

	entity->fitness = 0;

	data = (fitting_data_t *)pop->data;
	params = (char *)entity->chromosome[0];

	chromo_translator(params, params_d);
	E = params_d[0];
	R = params_d[1];
	L = params_d[2];
	C = params_d[3];

	for (i=0; i<data->size; i++)
		if(score > 10000000) 
			score = 10000000;
		score += SQU(data->y[i]-(target_function(data->x[i], params_d)));

	entity->fitness = -sqrt(score / data->size);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #2
static gpointer
replacement_target_function (GString * str)
  gpointer result;

  g_string_append_c (str, '/');
  result = target_function (str);
  g_string_append_c (str, '\\');

  return result;
Exemple #3
template <class FT> int Pruner<FT>::nelder_mead_step(/*io*/ vec &b)
  int dn = b.size();
  int l  = dn + 1;
  evec tmp_constructor(dn);
  vector<evec> bs(l);  // The simplexe (d+1) vector of dim d
  FT *fs = new FT[l];  // Values of f at the simplex vertices

  for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)  // Intialize the simplex
    bs[i] = b;  // Start from b
    if (i < dn)
      bs[i][i] += (bs[i][i] < .5) ? ND_INIT_WIDTH : -ND_INIT_WIDTH;
    fs[i] = target_function(bs[i]);  // initialize the value

  FT init_cf = fs[l - 1];

  vec bo(dn);  // centeroid
  FT fo;       // value at the centroid

  FT fs_maxi_last = fs[0];  // value of the last centroid

  if (verbosity)
    cerr << "  Starting nelder_mead cf = " << init_cf << " proba = " << measure_metric(b) << endl;
  unsigned int counter = 0;
  int mini = 0, maxi = 0, maxi2 = 0;
  while (1)  // Main loop
    mini = maxi = maxi2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
      bo[i] = bs[0][i];
    // step 1. and 2. : Order and centroid
    for (int i = 1; i < l; ++i)  // determine min and max, and centroid
      mini = (fs[i] < fs[mini]) ? i : mini;
      maxi = (fs[i] > fs[mini]) ? i : maxi;
      for (int j = 0; j < dn; ++j)
        bo[j] += bs[i][j];
    FT tmp;
    tmp = l;
    for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
      bo[i] /= tmp;  // Centroid calculated

    fs_maxi_last = (!counter) ? fs[maxi] : fs_maxi_last;

    // determine min and max, and centroid
    maxi2 += (!maxi);
    for (int i = 1; i < l; ++i)
      maxi2 = ((fs[i] > fs[maxi2]) && (i != maxi)) ? i : maxi2;

    if (enforce(bo))  // Maybe want to skip this test, that may be kinda costly.
      throw std::runtime_error("Concavity says that should not happen.");

    if (verbosity)  // Not sure such verbosity is now of any use
      cerr << "  melder_mead step " << counter << "cf = " << fs[mini]
           << " proba = " << measure_metric(bs[mini]) << " cost = " << single_enum_cost(bs[mini])
           << endl;
      for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
        cerr << ceil(bs[mini][i].get_d() * 1000) << " ";
      cerr << endl;

    // Stopping condition (Not documented on wikipedia, improvising)
    // I'm not satistifed by it anymore. Exploration needed.

    if (!(counter % l))  // Every l steps, we check progress and stop if none is done
      if (fs[maxi] > fs_maxi_last * min_cf_decrease)
      fs_maxi_last = fs[maxi];

    for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)  // determine second best
      if ((fs[i] > fs[maxi2]) && (i != maxi))
        maxi2 = i;

    if (verbosity)
      cerr << mini << " " << maxi2 << " " << maxi << endl;
      cerr << fs[mini] << " < " << fs[maxi2] << " < " << fs[maxi] << " | " << endl;

    // step 3. Reflection

    vec br(dn);  // reflected point
    FT fr;       // Value at the reflexion point
    for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
      br[i] = bo[i] + ND_ALPHA * (bo[i] - bs[maxi][i]);
    fr = target_function(br);
    if (verbosity)
      cerr << "fr " << fr << endl;

    if ((fs[mini] <= fr) && (fr < fs[maxi2]))
      bs[maxi] = br;
      fs[maxi] = fr;
      if (verbosity)
        cerr << "    Reflection " << endl;
      continue;  // Go to step 1.

    // step 4. Expansion

    if (fr < fs[mini])
      vec be(dn);
      FT fe;
      for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
        be[i] = bo[i] + ND_GAMMA * (br[i] - bo[i]);
      fe = target_function(be);
      if (verbosity)
        cerr << "fe " << fe << endl;
      if (fe < fr)
        bs[maxi] = be;
        fs[maxi] = fe;
        if (verbosity)
          cerr << "    Expansion A " << endl;
        continue;  // Go to step 1.
        bs[maxi] = br;
        fs[maxi] = fr;
        if (verbosity)
          cerr << "    Expansion B " << endl;
        continue;  // Go to step 1.

    // step 5. Contraction

    if (!(fr >= fs[maxi2]))  // Here, it is certain that fr >= fs[maxi2]
      throw std::runtime_error("Something certain is false in Nelder-Mead.");

    vec bc(dn);
    FT fc;
    for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
      bc[i] = bo[i] + ND_RHO * (bs[maxi][i] - bo[i]);
    fc = target_function(bc);
    if (verbosity)
      cerr << "fc " << fc << endl;
    if (fc < fs[maxi])
      bs[maxi] = bc;
      fs[maxi] = fc;
      if (verbosity)
        cerr << "    Contraction " << endl;
      continue;  // Go to step 1.

    // step 6. Shrink
    if (verbosity)
      cerr << "    Shrink " << endl;
    for (int j = 0; j < l; ++j)
      for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
        bs[j][i] = bs[mini][i] + ND_SIGMA * (bs[j][i] - bs[mini][i]);
      fs[j] = target_function(bs[j]);  // initialize the value

  b            = bs[mini];
  int improved = (init_cf * min_cf_decrease) > fs[mini];

  if (verbosity)
    cerr << "Done nelder_mead, after " << counter << " steps" << endl;
    cerr << "Final cf = " << fs[mini] << " proba = " << measure_metric(b) << endl;
    if (improved)
      cerr << "Progress has been made: init cf = " << init_cf << endl;
    cerr << endl;

  return improved;  // Has MN made any progress
Exemple #4
 * One gradient descent step
template <class FT> int Pruner<FT>::gradient_descent_step(/*io*/ vec &b)
  int dn    = b.size();
  FT cf     = target_function(b);
  FT old_cf = cf;
  vec new_b(dn);
  vector<double> pr(dn);
  vec gradient(dn);
  target_function_gradient(b, gradient);
  FT norm = 0.0;

  // normalize the gradient
  for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
    norm += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
    new_b[i] = b[i];

  if (verbosity)
    cerr << "  Gradient descent step starts at cf=" << cf << endl;

  norm /= (double)dn;
  norm = sqrt(norm);

  if (verbosity)
    cerr << "  Gradient norm " << norm << endl;

  if (norm <= 0.)
    return 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
    gradient[i] /= norm;
  FT new_cf;

  FT step = min_step;
  int j;

  for (j = 0;; ++j)
    if (step > dn)
      return -1;
      // throw std::runtime_error("Infinite loop in pruner gradient_descent_step");

    for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
      new_b[i] = new_b[i] + step * gradient[i];


    new_cf = target_function(new_b);

    if (new_cf >= cf)
    b  = new_b;
    cf = new_cf;
    step *= step_factor;

  if (verbosity)
    cerr << "  Gradient descent step ends after " << j << " mini-steps at cf=" << cf << endl;

  if (cf > old_cf * min_cf_decrease)
    return 0;
  return j;
Exemple #5
void Pruner<FT>::optimize_coefficients_local_adjust_incr_prob(/*io*/ vector<double> &pr)
  int trials, tours, maxi, ind;
  FT old_cf, old_cf0, old_cfs, new_cf, old_b;
  double current_max;
  vector<double> detailed_cost(n);
  vector<double> slices(n, 10.0);  // (b[i+1] - b[i])/slice will be used as step
  vec b(n);
  load_coefficients(b, pr);

  // initial cost
  old_cf0 = target_function(b);

  tours = 0;
  while (1)


    // old cost
    old_cf = target_function(b);
    // find bottleneck index
    old_cfs     = single_enum_cost(b, &(detailed_cost));
    current_max = 0.0;
    maxi        = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if (detailed_cost[i] > current_max)
        current_max = detailed_cost[i];
        maxi        = i;
    ind = n - maxi - 1;
    if (ind <= 1)

    if (old_cfs > sqrt(old_cf) / 10.0)

    for (int i = ind; i >= 1; --i)

      if (b[i] <= b[i - 1])

      trials = 0;

      // fixed i-1, trying to increase b[i-1]
      while (1)
        // old cost
        old_cf = target_function(b);

        // try increase
        old_b    = b[i - 1];
        b[i - 1] = b[i - 1] + (b[i] - b[i - 1]) / slices[i - 1];

        // new cost
        new_cf = target_function(b);

        // cerr << " i = " << i << " old_cf = " << old_cf << " new_cf = " <<
        // new_cf << endl;

        // if not improved -- recover
        if (new_cf >= (old_cf * 1.2))
          b[i - 1] = old_b;
          if (slices[i - 1] < 1024)
            slices[i - 1] = slices[i - 1] * 1.2;
        if (trials >= 10)

    new_cf = target_function(b);
    if (new_cf > (old_cf0 * 1.1) || tours > 4)

  cerr << "# [TuningProb]" << endl;
  cerr << b << endl;
  cerr << "# [TuningProb] all_enum_cost    = " << repeated_enum_cost(b) << endl;
  cerr << "# [TuningProb] succ_probability = " << measure_metric(b) << endl;

  save_coefficients(pr, b);
Exemple #6
void Pruner<FT>::optimize_coefficients_local_adjust_decr_single(/*io*/ vector<double> &pr)
  int maxi, lasti, consecutive_fails;
  double improved_ratio, current_max = 0.0;
  FT old_cf, old_cfs, new_cf, old_b;
  vector<double> detailed_cost(n);
  vector<double> slices(n, 10.0);  // (b[i+1] - b[i])/slice will be used as step
  vector<int> thresholds(n, 3);
  vec b(n);

  load_coefficients(b, pr);

  lasti = -1;             // last failed index, make sure we do not try it again in
                          // the next time
  consecutive_fails = 0;  // number of consecutive failes; break if
                          // reaches it

  improved_ratio = 0.995;  // if reduced by 0.995, descent

  while (1)

    // old cost
    old_cf = target_function(b);

    // find bottleneck index
    old_cfs = single_enum_cost(b, &(detailed_cost));

// heuristic
    if (old_cfs < sqrt(old_cf) / 10.0)

    current_max = 0.0;
    maxi        = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if ((i != (n - lasti - 1)) && (thresholds[n - i - 1] > 0))
        if (detailed_cost[i] > current_max)
          current_max = detailed_cost[i];
          maxi        = i;

    // b[ind] is the one to be reduced
    int ind = n - maxi - 1;
    old_b   = b[ind];
    if (ind != 0)
      b[ind] = b[ind] - (b[ind] - b[ind - 1]) / slices[ind];

    // new cost
    new_cf = target_function(b);

    // if not improved -- recover
    if (new_cf >= (old_cf * improved_ratio))
      b[ind] = old_b;
      lasti  = ind;
      // cerr << " improved from " << old_cf << " to  " << new_cf << endl;
      if (slices[ind] < 1024)
        slices[ind] = slices[ind] * 1.05;
      consecutive_fails = 0;

    // quit after 10 consecutive failes
    if (consecutive_fails > 10)

  cerr << "# [TuningCost]" << endl;
  cerr << b << endl;
  cerr << "# [TuningCost] all_enum_cost    = " << repeated_enum_cost(b) << endl;
  cerr << "# [TuningCost] succ_probability = " << measure_metric(b) << endl;

  save_coefficients(pr, b);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	population		*pop;			/* Population of solutions. */
	fitting_data_t	data;	/* Training data. */
	FILE * fData;

	double params_d[4];
	double x;

	// fitting
	if(argc >= 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "fit") == 0)

		pop = ga_genesis_char(
		   100,				/* const int              population_size */
		   1,				/* const int              num_chromo */
		   3,				/* const int              len_chromo */
		   fitting_generation_callback,	/* GAgeneration_hook      generation_hook */
		   NULL,				/* GAiteration_hook       iteration_hook */
		   NULL,				/* GAdata_destructor      data_destructor */
		   NULL,				/* GAdata_ref_incrementor data_ref_incrementor */
		   fitting_score,			/* GAevaluate             evaluate */
		   //fitting_seed,			/* GAseed                 seed */
		   NULL,				/* GAadapt                adapt */
		   ga_select_one_random,	/* GAselect_one           select_one */
		   ga_select_two_random,	/* GAselect_two           select_two */
		   ga_mutate_char_singlepoint_randomize,/* GAmutate               mutate */
		   ga_crossover_char_allele_mixing,/* GAcrossover            crossover */
		   NULL,				/* GAreplace              replace */
		   NULL				/* vpointer	User data */

		   pop,				/* population      *pop */
		   GA_SCHEME_DARWIN,		/* const ga_scheme_type     scheme */
		   GA_ELITISM_PARENTS_DIE,		/* const ga_elitism_type   elitism */
		   0.8,				/* double  crossover */
		   0.8,				/* double  mutation */
		   0.0      		        /* double  migration */

		fData = fopen("data", "r");

		debug_message("Begin Get Data\n");
		get_data(fData, &data);
		pop->data = &data;
		debug_message("Done Get Data\n");

		debug_message("Begin Evolution\n");
			pop,				/* population	*pop */
			200				/* const int	max_generations */
		debug_message("Done Evolution\n");

	// plot
	else if(argc >= 5 && strcmp(argv[1], "plot")==0)
		params_d[0] = E_GIVEN;			
		params_d[1] = atof(argv[2]);
		params_d[2] = atof(argv[3]);
		params_d[3] = atof(argv[4]);

		for(x = 0; x < 10; x += 0.01)
			fprintf(stdout, "%lf %lf\n", x, target_function(x, params_d));	
		fprintf(stdout, "usage: %s [plot/fit] [params]\n", argv[0]);