Exemple #1
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * interfaces
tb_dns_looker_ref_t tb_dns_looker_init(tb_char_t const* name)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(name, tb_null);

    // must be not address
    tb_assert(!tb_ipaddr_ip_cstr_set(tb_null, name, TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_NONE));

    // done
    tb_bool_t           ok = tb_false;
    tb_dns_looker_t*    looker = tb_null;
        // make looker
        looker = tb_malloc0_type(tb_dns_looker_t);
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(looker, tb_null);

        // dump server
//      tb_dns_server_dump();

        // get the dns server list
        looker->maxn = tb_dns_server_get(looker->list);
        tb_check_break(looker->maxn && looker->maxn <= tb_arrayn(looker->list));

        // init name
        if (!tb_static_string_init(&looker->name, (tb_char_t*)looker->data, TB_DNS_NAME_MAXN)) break;
        tb_static_string_cstrcpy(&looker->name, name);

        // init rpkt
        if (!tb_static_buffer_init(&looker->rpkt, looker->data + TB_DNS_NAME_MAXN, TB_DNS_RPKT_MAXN)) break;

        // init family
        looker->family = TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_IPV4;

        // init sock
        looker->sock = tb_socket_init(TB_SOCKET_TYPE_UDP, looker->family);

        // init itor
        looker->itor = 1;

        // ok
        ok = tb_true;

    } while (0);

    // failed?
    if (!ok)
        // exit it
        if (looker) tb_dns_looker_exit((tb_dns_looker_ref_t)looker);
        looker = tb_null;

    // ok?
    return (tb_dns_looker_ref_t)looker;
Exemple #2
static tb_void_t tb_ifaddrs_interface_load4(tb_list_ref_t interfaces)
    // check

    // done
    PIP_ADAPTER_INFO adapter_info = tb_null;
        // make the adapter info 
        adapter_info = tb_malloc0_type(IP_ADAPTER_INFO);

        // get the real adapter info size
        ULONG size = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO);
        if (tb_iphlpapi()->GetAdaptersInfo(adapter_info, &size) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
            // grow the adapter info buffer
            adapter_info = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)tb_ralloc(adapter_info, size);

            // reclear it
            tb_memset(adapter_info, 0, size);
        // get the adapter info 
        if (tb_iphlpapi()->GetAdaptersInfo(adapter_info, &size) != NO_ERROR) break;

        // done
        PIP_ADAPTER_INFO adapter = adapter_info;
        while (adapter)
            // check

            /* attempt to get the interface from the cached interfaces
             * and make a new interface if no the cached interface
            tb_ifaddrs_interface_t      interface_new = {0};
            tb_ifaddrs_interface_ref_t  interface = tb_ifaddrs_interface_find((tb_iterator_ref_t)interfaces, adapter->AdapterName);
            if (!interface) interface = &interface_new;

            // check
            tb_assert(interface == &interface_new || interface->name);

            // save flags
            if (adapter->Type == MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK) interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_LOOPBACK;

            // save hwaddr
            if (adapter->AddressLength == sizeof(interface->hwaddr.u8))
                interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_HWADDR;
                tb_memcpy(interface->hwaddr.u8, adapter->Address, sizeof(interface->hwaddr.u8));

            // save ipaddrs
            PIP_ADDR_STRING ipAddress = &adapter->IpAddressList;
            while (ipAddress && (interface->flags & TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_IPADDR) != TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_IPADDR)
                // done
                tb_ipaddr_t ipaddr;
                if (    ipAddress->IpAddress.String
                    &&  tb_ipaddr_ip_cstr_set(&ipaddr, ipAddress->IpAddress.String, TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_NONE))
                    if (ipaddr.family == TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_IPV4)
                        interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_IPADDR4;
                        interface->ipaddr4 = ipaddr.u.ipv4;
                    else if (ipaddr.family == TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_IPV6)
                        interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_IPADDR6;
                        interface->ipaddr6 = ipaddr.u.ipv6;

                // the next
                ipAddress = ipAddress->Next;

            // new interface? save it
            if (    interface == &interface_new
                &&  interface->flags)
                // save interface name
                interface->name = tb_strdup(adapter->AdapterName);

                // save interface
                tb_list_insert_tail(interfaces, interface);

            // the next adapter
            adapter = adapter->Next;

    } while (0);

    // exit the adapter info
    if (adapter_info) tb_free(adapter_info);
    adapter_info = tb_null;
Exemple #3
tb_bool_t tb_aicp_dns_done(tb_aicp_dns_ref_t dns, tb_char_t const* host, tb_long_t timeout, tb_aicp_dns_done_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_aicp_dns_impl_t* impl = (tb_aicp_dns_impl_t*)dns;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && func && host && host[0], tb_false);
    // trace
    tb_trace_d("done: aico: %p, host: %s: ..", impl->aico, host);

    // init func
    impl->done.func = func;
    impl->done.priv = priv;

    // save host
    tb_strlcpy(impl->host, host, sizeof(impl->host));
    // only address? ok
    tb_ipaddr_t addr = {0};
    if (tb_ipaddr_ip_cstr_set(&addr, impl->host, TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_NONE))
        impl->done.func(dns, impl->host, &addr, impl->done.priv);
        return tb_true;

    // try to lookup it from cache first
    if (tb_dns_cache_get(impl->host, &addr))
        impl->done.func(dns, impl->host, &addr, impl->done.priv);
        return tb_true;

    // init server list
    if (!impl->size) impl->size = tb_dns_server_get(impl->list);
    tb_check_return_val(impl->size, tb_false);

    // get the server 
    tb_ipaddr_ref_t server = &impl->list[impl->indx = 0];
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(!tb_ipaddr_is_empty(server), tb_false);

    // init reqt
    tb_size_t size = tb_aicp_dns_reqt_init(impl);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(size, tb_false);

    // init it first if no aico
    if (!impl->aico)
        // init aico
        impl->aico = tb_aico_init(impl->aicp);
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->aico, tb_false);

        // open aico
        if (!tb_aico_open_sock_from_type(impl->aico, TB_SOCKET_TYPE_UDP, tb_ipaddr_family(server))) return tb_false;

        // init timeout
        tb_aico_timeout_set(impl->aico, TB_AICO_TIMEOUT_SEND, timeout);
        tb_aico_timeout_set(impl->aico, TB_AICO_TIMEOUT_RECV, timeout);

    // post reqt
    return tb_aico_usend(impl->aico, server, impl->data, size, tb_aicp_dns_reqt_func, (tb_pointer_t)impl);