Exemple #1
void DashboardInstrument_Position::Draw(wxGCDC* dc)
      wxColour cl;

#ifdef __WXMSW__
      wxBitmap tbm( dc->GetSize().x, m_DataHeight * 2, -1 );
      wxMemoryDC tdc( tbm );
      wxColour c2;
      GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHB"), &c2 );
      tdc.SetBackground( c2 );

      tdc.SetFont(*g_pFontData );
      GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHF"), &cl );
      tdc.SetTextForeground( cl );

      tdc.DrawText(m_data1, 10, 0);
      tdc.DrawText(m_data2, 10, m_DataHeight);

      tdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

      dc->DrawBitmap(tbm, 0, m_TitleHeight, false);
      dc->SetFont(*g_pFontData );
      GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHF"), &cl );
      dc->SetTextForeground( cl );

      dc->DrawText(m_data1, 10, m_TitleHeight);
      dc->DrawText(m_data2, 10, m_TitleHeight + m_DataHeight);

Exemple #2
void about::SetColorScheme( void )
    DimeControl( this );
    wxColor bg = GetBackgroundColour();
    pAboutHTMLCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );
    pLicenseHTMLCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );
    pAuthorHTMLCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );

    // This looks like non-sense, but is needed for __WXGTK__
    // to get colours to propagate down the control's family tree.
    SetBackgroundColour( bg );

#ifdef __WXQT__
    // wxQT has some trouble clearing the background of HTML window...
    wxBitmap tbm( GetSize().x, GetSize().y, -1 );
    wxMemoryDC tdc( tbm );
    tdc.SetBackground( bg );

Exemple #3
void MapperRoomRender::renderShadow(int x, int y)
    MaskDC m(m_hdc, m_size, m_size);
    m.makeMask(x, y);
    RECT rd = { x, y, x + m_size, y + m_size };
    CMemoryDC tdc(m_hdc, rd);
    tdc.FillRect(&rd, m_shadowBrush);
    tdc.BitBlt(x, y, m_size, m_size, m, 0, 0, SRCAND);
    tdc.BitBlt(x, y, m_size, m_size, m_hdc, x, y, SRCERASE);
void AISTargetAlertDialog::SetColorScheme( void )
    DimeControl( this );
    wxColor bg = GetBackgroundColour();
    m_pAlertTextCtl->SetBackgroundColour( bg );
    SetBackgroundColour( bg );                  // This looks like non-sense, but is needed for __WXGTK__
    // to get colours to propagate down the control's family tree.
#ifdef __WXQT__    
    //  wxQT has some trouble clearing the background of HTML window...
    wxBitmap tbm( GetSize().x, GetSize().y, -1 );
    wxMemoryDC tdc( tbm );
    //    wxColour cback = GetGlobalColor( _T("YELO1") );
    tdc.SetBackground( bg );
Exemple #5
TMatrixD Chol (TVectorD& covV)
  int nCov = covV.GetNrows();
  int n = int((sqrt(8*nCov+1.)-1.)/2.+0.5);
  if ( nCov != n*(n+1)/2. ) {
    std::cout << "Chol: length of vector " << nCov << " is not n*(n+1)/2" << std::endl;
    return TMatrixD();

  // get diagonal elements
  int ind(0);
  TVectorD sigmas(n);
  for ( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
    for ( int j=0; j<=i; ++j ) {
      if ( j == i )  sigmas[i] = covV(ind);
  // fill cov matrix (could be more elegant ...)
  ind = 0;
  TMatrixDSym covMatrix(n);
  for ( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
    for ( int j=0; j<=i; ++j ) {
      if ( j == i )
	covMatrix(i,i) = sigmas(i)*sigmas(i);
	covMatrix(i,j) = covMatrix(j,i) = covV(ind)*sigmas(i)*sigmas(j);
  TDecompChol tdc(covMatrix);
  bool worked = tdc.Decompose();
  if ( !worked ) {
    std::cout << "Decomposition failed" << std::endl;
    return TMatrixD();
  TMatrixD matU = tdc.GetU();
  return matU;

//   //
//   // cross check with random generation
//   //  
//   double sum0(0.);
//   TVectorD sum1(n);
//   TMatrixDSym sum2(n);

//   TRandom2 rgen;
//   TVectorD xrnd(n);
//   TVectorD xrndRot(n);
//   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<1000000; ++i ) {
//     for ( unsigned int j=0; j<n; ++j )  xrnd(j) = 0.;
//     for ( unsigned int j=0; j<n; ++j ) {
//       TVectorD aux(n);
//       for ( int k=0; k<n; ++k )  aux(k) = matU(j,k);
//       xrnd += rgen.Gaus(0.,1.)*aux;
//     }
// //       xrnd *= matUT;
//     sum0 += 1.;
//     for ( unsigned int j0=0; j0<n; ++j0 ) {
//       sum1(j0) += xrnd(j0);
//       for ( unsigned int j1=0; j1<n; ++j1 ) {
// 	sum2(j0,j1) += xrnd(j0)*xrnd(j1);
//       }
//     }
//   }
//   for ( unsigned int j0=0; j0<n; ++j0 ) {
//     printf("%10.3g",sum1(j0)/sum0);
//   }
//   printf("  sum1 \n");
//   printf("\n");
//   for ( unsigned int j0=0; j0<n; ++j0 ) {
//     for ( unsigned int j1=0; j1<n; ++j1 ) {
//       printf("%10.3g",sum2(j0,j1)/sum0);
//     }
//     printf(" sum2 \n");
//   }
//   return matU;

Exemple #6
void DashboardInstrument_Dial::DrawData(wxGCDC* dc, double value,
            wxString unit, wxString format, DialPositionOption position)
      if (position == DIAL_POSITION_NONE)

      wxColour cl;
      GetGlobalColor(_T("DASHF"), &cl);

      wxSize size = GetClientSize();

      wxString text;
          if (unit == _T("Deg"))
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+DEGREE_SIGN;
          else if (unit == _T("DegL")) // No special display for now, might be XX°< (as in text-only instrument)
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+DEGREE_SIGN;
          else if (unit == _T("DegR")) // No special display for now, might be >XX°
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+DEGREE_SIGN;
          else if (unit == _T("DegT"))
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+DEGREE_SIGN+_T("T");
          else if (unit == _T("DegM"))
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+DEGREE_SIGN+_T("M");
          else if (unit == _T("N")) // Knots
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+_T(" Kts");
               text = wxString::Format(format, value)+_T(" ")+unit;
           text = _T("---");

      int width, height;
      wxScreenDC sdc;
      sdc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text, &width, &height, NULL, g_pFontLabel);

      wxRect TextPoint;
      TextPoint.width = width;
      TextPoint.height = height;
      switch (position)
            case DIAL_POSITION_NONE:
                  // This case was already handled before, it's here just
                  // to avoid compiler warning.
            case DIAL_POSITION_INSIDE:
                  TextPoint.x = m_cx - (width / 2) - 1;
                  TextPoint.y = (size.y * .75) - height;
                  GetGlobalColor(_T("DASHL"), &cl);
                  int penwidth = size.x / 100;
                  wxPen* pen = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( cl, penwidth, wxSOLID );
                  dc->SetPen( *pen );
                  GetGlobalColor(_T("DASHB"), &cl);
                  // There might be a background drawn below
                  // so we must clear it first.
                  dc->DrawRoundedRectangle(TextPoint.x-2, TextPoint.y-2, width+4, height+4, 3);
            case DIAL_POSITION_TOPLEFT:
                  TextPoint.x = 0;
                  TextPoint.y = m_TitleHeight;
            case DIAL_POSITION_TOPRIGHT:
                  TextPoint.x = size.x-width-1;
                  TextPoint.y = m_TitleHeight;
                  TextPoint.x = 0;
                  TextPoint.y = size.y-height;
                  TextPoint.x = size.x-width-1;
                  TextPoint.y = size.x-height;

     wxColour c2;
     GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHB"), &c2 );
     wxColour c3;
     GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHF"), &c3 );

     wxStringTokenizer tkz( text, _T("\n") );
      wxString token;

      token = tkz.GetNextToken();
      while(token.Length()) {
        sdc.GetTextExtent(token, &width, &height, NULL, NULL, g_pFontLabel);

        if( g_pFontLabel->GetPointSize() <= 12 ) {
            wxBitmap tbm( width, height, -1 );
            wxMemoryDC tdc( tbm );

            tdc.SetBackground( c2 );
            tdc.SetFont(*g_pFontLabel );
            tdc.SetTextForeground( c3 );

            tdc.DrawText(token, 0, 0 );
            tdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

            dc->DrawBitmap(tbm, TextPoint.x, TextPoint.y, false);
            dc->DrawText(token, TextPoint.x, TextPoint.y );

        TextPoint.y += height;
        token = tkz.GetNextToken();
Exemple #7
void DashboardInstrument_Dial::DrawLabels(wxGCDC* dc)
      if (m_LabelOption == DIAL_LABEL_NONE)

      wxSize size = GetClientSize();

      //        Create a new bitmap for this method graphics
      wxBitmap tbm( size.x, size.y, -1 );
      wxMemoryDC tdc( tbm );

      wxColour cback;
      GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHB"), &cback );
      tdc.SetBackground( cback );

      wxPoint TextPoint;
      wxPen pen;


      wxColor cl;
      GetGlobalColor(_T("DASHF"), &cl);


      int diff_angle = m_AngleStart + m_AngleRange - ANGLE_OFFSET;
      // angle between markers
      double abm = m_AngleRange * m_LabelStep / (m_MainValueMax - m_MainValueMin);
      // don't draw last value, it's already done as first
      if (m_AngleRange == 360) diff_angle -= abm;

      int offset = 0;
      int value = m_MainValueMin;
      int width, height;
      for(double angle = m_AngleStart - ANGLE_OFFSET; angle <= diff_angle; angle += abm)
            wxString label = (m_LabelArray.GetCount() ? m_LabelArray.Item(offset) : wxString::Format(_T("%d"), value));
            tdc.GetTextExtent(label, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);

            double halfW = width / 2;
            if (m_LabelOption == DIAL_LABEL_HORIZONTAL)
                  double halfH = height / 2;
                  //double delta = sqrt(width*width+height*height);
                  double delta = sqrt(halfW*halfW+halfH*halfH);
                  TextPoint.x = m_cx + ((m_radius * 0.90) - delta) * cos(deg2rad(angle)) - halfW;
                  TextPoint.y = m_cy + ((m_radius * 0.90) - delta) * sin(deg2rad(angle)) - halfH;

                  if( g_pFontSmall->GetPointSize() <= 12 )
                    tdc.DrawText(label, TextPoint);
                    dc->DrawText(label, TextPoint);

            else if (m_LabelOption == DIAL_LABEL_ROTATED)
                  // The coordinates of dc->DrawRotatedText refer to the top-left corner
                  // of the rectangle bounding the string. So we must calculate the
                  // right coordinates depending of the angle.
                  // Move left from the Marker so that the position is in the Middle of Text
                  long double tmpangle = angle - rad2deg(asin(halfW / (0.90 * m_radius)));
                  TextPoint.x = m_cx + m_radius * 0.90 * cos(deg2rad(tmpangle));
                  TextPoint.y = m_cy + m_radius * 0.90 * sin(deg2rad(tmpangle));

                 if( g_pFontSmall->GetPointSize() <= 12 )
                     tdc.DrawRotatedText(label, TextPoint, -90 - angle);
                     dc->DrawRotatedText(label, TextPoint, -90 - angle);

            value += m_LabelStep;

      tdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

      if( g_pFontSmall->GetPointSize() <= 12 )
            dc->DrawBitmap(tbm, 0, 0, false);

Exemple #8
void DashboardInstrument::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
    wxBufferedPaintDC pdc( this );
    if( !pdc.IsOk() ) {
        wxLogMessage( _T("DashboardInstrument::OnPaint() fatal: wxBufferedPaintDC.IsOk() false.") );

    wxSize size = GetClientSize();
    if( size.x == 0 || size.y == 0 ) {
        wxLogMessage( _T("DashboardInstrument::OnPaint() fatal: Zero size DC.") );

    wxBitmap bm( size.x, size.y, 32 );
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,4)
    wxMemoryDC mdc( bm );
    wxGCDC dc( mdc );
    wxMemoryDC &dc( mdc );
    wxColour cl;
    GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHB"), &cl );
    dc.SetBackground( cl );

    Draw( &dc );

    if(m_drawSoloInPane) {
        mdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
        pdc.DrawBitmap( bm, 0, 0, false );
    else {

    //  Windows GCDC does a terrible job of rendering small texts
    //  Workaround by using plain old DC for title box if text size is too small
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        if( g_pFontTitle->GetPointSize() > 12 )
            wxPen pen;
            pen.SetStyle( wxSOLID );
            GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHL"), &cl );
            pen.SetColour( cl );
            dc.SetPen( pen );
            dc.SetBrush( cl );
            dc.DrawRoundedRectangle( 0, 0, size.x, m_TitleHeight, 3 );

            dc.SetFont( *g_pFontTitle );
            GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHF"), &cl );
            dc.SetTextForeground( cl );
            dc.DrawText( m_title, 5, 0 );

            mdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
            pdc.DrawBitmap( bm, 0, 0, false );

#ifdef __WXMSW__
        if( g_pFontTitle->GetPointSize() <= 12 ) {
            mdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );           // the instrument body
            pdc.DrawBitmap( bm, 0, 0, false );

            wxBitmap tbm( size.x, m_TitleHeight, -1 );
            wxMemoryDC tdc( tbm );
            wxColour cl;
            GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHB"), &cl );
            tdc.SetBackground( cl );

            wxPen pen;
            pen.SetStyle( wxSOLID );
            GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHL"), &cl );
            pen.SetColour( cl );
            tdc.SetPen( pen );
            tdc.SetBrush( cl );
            tdc.DrawRoundedRectangle( 0, 0, size.x, m_TitleHeight, 3 );

            tdc.SetFont( *g_pFontTitle );
            GetGlobalColor( _T("DASHF"), &cl );
            tdc.SetTextForeground( cl );
            tdc.DrawText( m_title, 5, 0 );

            tdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
            pdc.DrawBitmap( tbm, 0, 0, false );
