void FB_3DfxAccel(_THIS, __u32 card)
    /* We have hardware accelerated surface functions */
    this->CheckHWBlit = CheckHWBlit;
    wait_vbl = WaitVBL;
    wait_idle = WaitIdle;

    /* Reset the 3Dfx controller */
    tdfx_out32(BRESERROR0, 0);
    tdfx_out32(BRESERROR1, 0);

    /* The 3Dfx has an accelerated color fill */
    this->info.blit_fill = 1;
    this->FillHWRect = FillHWRect;

    /* The 3Dfx has accelerated normal and colorkey blits */
    this->info.blit_hw = 1;
    this->info.blit_hw_CC = 1;
    this->SetHWColorKey = SetHWColorKey;
void FB_3DfxAccel(_THIS, __u32 card)
	this->CheckHWBlit = CheckHWBlit;
	wait_vbl = WaitVBL;
	wait_idle = WaitIdle;

	tdfx_out32(BRESERROR0, 0);
	tdfx_out32(BRESERROR1, 0);

	this->info.blit_fill = 1;
	this->FillHWRect = FillHWRect;

	this->info.blit_hw = 1;
	this->info.blit_hw_CC = 1;
	this->SetHWColorKey = SetHWColorKey;
static int FillHWRect(_THIS, GAL_Surface *dst, GAL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color)
    int bpp;
    char *dst_base;
    Uint32 format;
    int dstX, dstY;

    /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */

    /* Set the destination pixel format */
    dst_base = (char *)((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem);
    bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel;
    format = dst->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13);

    /* Calculate source and destination base coordinates */
    dstX = rect->x;
    dstY = rect->y;

    /* Execute the fill command */
    tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, (Uint32)dst_base);
    tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, format);
    tdfx_out32(COLORFORE, color);
    tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, COMMAND_2D_FILLRECT);
    tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, rect->w | (rect->h << 16));
    tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, dstX | (dstY << 16));


static int FillHWRect(_THIS, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color)
	int bpp;
	Uint32 dst_base;
	Uint32 format;
	int dstX, dstY;

	if ( switched_away ) {
		return -2; 
	if ( dst == this->screen ) {

	dst_base = ((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem);
	bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel;
	format = dst->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13);

	dstX = rect->x;
	dstY = rect->y;

	tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, dst_base);
	tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, format);
	tdfx_out32(COLORFORE, color);
	tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, rect->w | (rect->h << 16));
	tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, dstX | (dstY << 16));


	if ( dst == this->screen ) {
static int HWAccelBlit(GAL_Surface *src, GAL_Rect *srcrect,
                       GAL_Surface *dst, GAL_Rect *dstrect)
    GAL_VideoDevice *this = current_video;
    int bpp;
    Uint32 src_format;
    Uint32 dst_format;
    char *src_base;
    char *dst_base;
    int srcX, srcY;
    int dstX, dstY;
    Uint32 blitop;
    Uint32 use_colorkey;

    /* Don't blit to the display surface when switched away */

    /* Set the source and destination pixel format */
    src_base = (char *)((char *)src->pixels - mapped_mem);
    bpp = src->format->BitsPerPixel;
    src_format = src->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13);
    dst_base = (char *)((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem);
    bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel;
    dst_format = dst->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13);

    srcX = srcrect->x;
    srcY = srcrect->y;
    dstX = dstrect->x;
    dstY = dstrect->y;

    /* Assemble the blit operation */
    blitop = COMMAND_2D_BITBLT | (0xCC << 24);
    if ( srcX <= dstX ) {
        blitop |= BIT(14);
        srcX += (dstrect->w - 1);
        dstX += (dstrect->w - 1);
    if ( srcY <= dstY ) {
        blitop |= BIT(15);
        srcY += (dstrect->h - 1);
        dstY += (dstrect->h - 1);

    /* Perform the blit! */
    if ( (src->flags & GAL_SRCCOLORKEY) == GAL_SRCCOLORKEY ) {
            tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMIN, src->format->colorkey);
            tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMAX, src->format->colorkey);
            tdfx_out32(ROP_2D, 0xAA00);
        use_colorkey = 1;
    } else {
        use_colorkey = 0;
    tdfx_out32(SRCBASE, (Uint32)src_base);
    tdfx_out32(SRCFORMAT, src_format);
    tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, (Uint32)dst_base);
    tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, src_format);
    tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, blitop);
    tdfx_out32(COMMANDEXTRA_2D, use_colorkey);
    tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, dstrect->w | (dstrect->h << 16));
    tdfx_out32(DSTXY, dstX | (dstY << 16));
    tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, srcX | (srcY << 16));


static int HWAccelBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect,
                       SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect)
	SDL_VideoDevice *this = current_video;
	int bpp;
	Uint32 src_format;
	Uint32 src_base;
	Uint32 dst_base;
	int srcX, srcY;
	int dstX, dstY;
	Uint32 blitop;
	Uint32 use_colorkey;

	if ( switched_away ) {
		return -2; 
	if ( dst == this->screen ) {

	src_base = ((char *)src->pixels - mapped_mem);
	bpp = src->format->BitsPerPixel;
	src_format = src->pitch | ((bpp+((bpp==8) ? 0 : 8)) << 13);
	dst_base = ((char *)dst->pixels - mapped_mem);
	bpp = dst->format->BitsPerPixel;

	srcX = srcrect->x;
	srcY = srcrect->y;
	dstX = dstrect->x;
	dstY = dstrect->y;

	blitop = COMMAND_2D_BITBLT | (0xCC << 24);
	if ( srcX <= dstX ) {
		blitop |= BIT(14);
		srcX += (dstrect->w - 1);
		dstX += (dstrect->w - 1);
	if ( srcY <= dstY ) {
		blitop |= BIT(15);
		srcY += (dstrect->h - 1);
		dstY += (dstrect->h - 1);

	if ( (src->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) == SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ) {
    		tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMIN, src->format->colorkey);
    		tdfx_out32(SRCCOLORKEYMAX, src->format->colorkey);
    		tdfx_out32(ROP_2D, 0xAA00);
		use_colorkey = 1;
	} else {
		use_colorkey = 0;
	tdfx_out32(SRCBASE, (Uint32)src_base);
	tdfx_out32(SRCFORMAT, src_format);
	tdfx_out32(DSTBASE, (Uint32)dst_base);
	tdfx_out32(DSTFORMAT, src_format);
	tdfx_out32(COMMAND_2D, blitop);
	tdfx_out32(COMMANDEXTRA_2D, use_colorkey);
	tdfx_out32(DSTSIZE, dstrect->w | (dstrect->h << 16));
	tdfx_out32(DSTXY, dstX | (dstY << 16));
	tdfx_out32(LAUNCH_2D, srcX | (srcY << 16));


	if ( dst == this->screen ) {