void ServiceHandler::InvalidHandle()
				if ( m_LockCheck.SetInvalid() == false )

				m_hClientSocket = (System::IntPtr)(HANDLE)INVALID_SOCKET;

				// 回调函数处理全部数据的断开
				System::EventHandler<GlobalDisconnectAtServerEventArgs^>^ tempEvent = this->Owner->m_EventGlobalDisconnect;
				if ( tempEvent != nullptr )
					GlobalDisconnectAtServerEventArgs^ disconnectEventArgs = gcnew GlobalDisconnectAtServerEventArgs( this, this->Owner->ServiceHandleManager );
					tempEvent( this, disconnectEventArgs );

				// 回调函数处理当前数据的断开
				System::EventHandler<DisconnectAtServerEventArgs^>^ tempEvent2 = this->m_EventDisconnect;
				if ( tempEvent2 != nullptr )
					DisconnectAtServerEventArgs^ disconnectEventArgs = gcnew DisconnectAtServerEventArgs( this, this->Owner->ServiceHandleManager );
					tempEvent2( this, disconnectEventArgs );
Exemple #2
// Layout algorithm for any window. mainWindow gets what's left over.
bool wxLayoutAlgorithm::LayoutWindow(wxWindow* parent, wxWindow* mainWindow)
    // Test if the parent is a sash window, and if so,
    // reduce the available space to allow space for any active edges.

    int leftMargin = 0, rightMargin = 0, topMargin = 0, bottomMargin = 0;
#if wxUSE_SASH
    if (wxDynamicCast(parent, wxSashWindow))
        wxSashWindow* sashWindow = (wxSashWindow*) parent;

        leftMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();
        rightMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();
        topMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();
        bottomMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();

        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_LEFT))
            leftMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_RIGHT))
            rightMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_TOP))
            topMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_BOTTOM))
            bottomMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
#endif // wxUSE_SASH

    int cw, ch;
    parent->GetClientSize(& cw, & ch);

    wxRect rect(leftMargin, topMargin, cw - leftMargin - rightMargin, ch - topMargin - bottomMargin);

    wxCalculateLayoutEvent event;

    // Find the last layout-aware window, so we can make it fill all remaining
    // space.
    wxWindow *lastAwareWindow = NULL;
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = parent->GetChildren().GetFirst();

    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();

        if (win->IsShown())
            wxCalculateLayoutEvent tempEvent(win->GetId());
            if (win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(tempEvent))
                lastAwareWindow = win;

        node = node->GetNext();

    // Now do a dummy run to see if we have any space left for the final window (fail if not)
    node = parent->GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();

        // If mainWindow is NULL and we're at the last window,
        // skip this, because we'll simply make it fit the remaining space.
        if (win->IsShown() && (win != mainWindow) && (mainWindow != NULL || win != lastAwareWindow))


        node = node->GetNext();

    if (event.GetRect().GetWidth() < 0 || event.GetRect().GetHeight() < 0)
        return false;


    node = parent->GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();

        // If mainWindow is NULL and we're at the last window,
        // skip this, because we'll simply make it fit the remaining space.
        if (win->IsShown() && (win != mainWindow) && (mainWindow != NULL || win != lastAwareWindow))
            event.SetFlags(0); // ??


        node = node->GetNext();

    rect = event.GetRect();

    if (mainWindow)
        mainWindow->SetSize(rect.x, rect.y, wxMax(0, rect.width), wxMax(0, rect.height));
    else if (lastAwareWindow)
        // Fit the remaining space
        lastAwareWindow->SetSize(rect.x, rect.y, wxMax(0, rect.width), wxMax(0, rect.height));

    return true;