Exemple #1
static void ConnectLeftDegenerate( TESStesselator *tess,
								  ActiveRegion *regUp, TESSvertex *vEvent )
* The event vertex lies exacty on an already-processed edge or vertex.
* Adding the new vertex involves splicing it into the already-processed
* part of the mesh.
	TESShalfEdge *e, *eTopLeft, *eTopRight, *eLast;
	ActiveRegion *reg;

	e = regUp->eUp;
	if( VertEq( e->Org, vEvent )) {
		/* e->Org is an unprocessed vertex - just combine them, and wait
		* for e->Org to be pulled from the queue
		SpliceMergeVertices( tess, e, vEvent->anEdge );

	if( ! VertEq( e->Dst, vEvent )) {
		/* General case -- splice vEvent into edge e which passes through it */
		if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, e->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		if( regUp->fixUpperEdge ) {
			/* This edge was fixable -- delete unused portion of original edge */
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, e->Onext ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp->fixUpperEdge = FALSE;
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		SweepEvent( tess, vEvent );	/* recurse */

	/* vEvent coincides with e->Dst, which has already been processed.
	* Splice in the additional right-going edges.
	regUp = TopRightRegion( regUp );
	reg = RegionBelow( regUp );
	eTopRight = reg->eUp->Sym;
	eTopLeft = eLast = eTopRight->Onext;
	if( reg->fixUpperEdge ) {
		/* Here e->Dst has only a single fixable edge going right.
		* We can delete it since now we have some real right-going edges.
		assert( eTopLeft != eTopRight );   /* there are some left edges too */
		DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
		if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		eTopRight = eTopLeft->Oprev;
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	if( ! EdgeGoesLeft( eTopLeft )) {
		/* e->Dst had no left-going edges -- indicate this to AddRightEdges() */
		eTopLeft = NULL;
	AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eTopRight->Onext, eLast, eTopLeft, TRUE );
Exemple #2
static int CheckForRightSplice( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp )
* Check the upper and lower edge of "regUp", to make sure that the
* eUp->Org is above eLo, or eLo->Org is below eUp (depending on which
* origin is leftmost).
* The main purpose is to splice right-going edges with the same
* dest vertex and nearly identical slopes (ie. we can't distinguish
* the slopes numerically).  However the splicing can also help us
* to recover from numerical errors.  For example, suppose at one
* point we checked eUp and eLo, and decided that eUp->Org is barely
* above eLo.  Then later, we split eLo into two edges (eg. from
* a splice operation like this one).  This can change the result of
* our test so that now eUp->Org is incident to eLo, or barely below it.
* We must correct this condition to maintain the dictionary invariants.
* One possibility is to check these edges for intersection again
* (ie. CheckForIntersect).  This is what we do if possible.  However
* CheckForIntersect requires that tess->event lies between eUp and eLo,
* so that it has something to fall back on when the intersection
* calculation gives us an unusable answer.  So, for those cases where
* we can't check for intersection, this routine fixes the problem
* by just splicing the offending vertex into the other edge.
* This is a guaranteed solution, no matter how degenerate things get.
* Basically this is a combinatorial solution to a numerical problem.
	ActiveRegion *regLo = RegionBelow(regUp);
	TESShalfEdge *eUp = regUp->eUp;
	TESShalfEdge *eLo = regLo->eUp;

	if( VertLeq( eUp->Org, eLo->Org )) {
		if( EdgeSign( eLo->Dst, eUp->Org, eLo->Org ) > 0 ) return FALSE;

		/* eUp->Org appears to be below eLo */
		if( ! VertEq( eUp->Org, eLo->Org )) {
			/* Splice eUp->Org into eLo */
			if ( tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eLo->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eUp, eLo->Oprev ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp->dirty = regLo->dirty = TRUE;

		} else if( eUp->Org != eLo->Org ) {
			/* merge the two vertices, discarding eUp->Org */
			pqDelete( tess->pq, eUp->Org->pqHandle );
			SpliceMergeVertices( tess, eLo->Oprev, eUp );
	} else {
		if( EdgeSign( eUp->Dst, eLo->Org, eUp->Org ) < 0 ) return FALSE;

		/* eLo->Org appears to be above eUp, so splice eLo->Org into eUp */
		RegionAbove(regUp)->dirty = regUp->dirty = TRUE;
		if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eUp->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eLo->Oprev, eUp ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #3
static TESShalfEdge *FinishLeftRegions( TESStesselator *tess,
									  ActiveRegion *regFirst, ActiveRegion *regLast )
* We are given a vertex with one or more left-going edges.  All affected
* edges should be in the edge dictionary.  Starting at regFirst->eUp,
* we walk down deleting all regions where both edges have the same
* origin vOrg.  At the same time we copy the "inside" flag from the
* active region to the face, since at this point each face will belong
* to at most one region (this was not necessarily true until this point
* in the sweep).  The walk stops at the region above regLast; if regLast
* is NULL we walk as far as possible.  At the same time we relink the
* mesh if necessary, so that the ordering of edges around vOrg is the
* same as in the dictionary.
	ActiveRegion *reg, *regPrev;
	TESShalfEdge *e, *ePrev;

	regPrev = regFirst;
	ePrev = regFirst->eUp;
	while( regPrev != regLast ) {
		regPrev->fixUpperEdge = FALSE;	/* placement was OK */
		reg = RegionBelow( regPrev );
		e = reg->eUp;
		if( e->Org != ePrev->Org ) {
			if( ! reg->fixUpperEdge ) {
				/* Remove the last left-going edge.  Even though there are no further
				* edges in the dictionary with this origin, there may be further
				* such edges in the mesh (if we are adding left edges to a vertex
				* that has already been processed).  Thus it is important to call
				* FinishRegion rather than just DeleteRegion.
				FinishRegion( tess, regPrev );
			/* If the edge below was a temporary edge introduced by
			* ConnectRightVertex, now is the time to fix it.
			e = tessMeshConnect( tess->mesh, ePrev->Lprev, e->Sym );
			if (e == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !FixUpperEdge( tess, reg, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);

		/* Relink edges so that ePrev->Onext == e */
		if( ePrev->Onext != e ) {
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, e->Oprev, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, ePrev, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		FinishRegion( tess, regPrev );	/* may change reg->eUp */
		ePrev = reg->eUp;
		regPrev = reg;
	return ePrev;
Exemple #4
static int CheckForLeftSplice( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp )
* Check the upper and lower edge of "regUp", to make sure that the
* eUp->Dst is above eLo, or eLo->Dst is below eUp (depending on which
* destination is rightmost).
* Theoretically, this should always be true.  However, splitting an edge
* into two pieces can change the results of previous tests.  For example,
* suppose at one point we checked eUp and eLo, and decided that eUp->Dst
* is barely above eLo.  Then later, we split eLo into two edges (eg. from
* a splice operation like this one).  This can change the result of
* the test so that now eUp->Dst is incident to eLo, or barely below it.
* We must correct this condition to maintain the dictionary invariants
* (otherwise new edges might get inserted in the wrong place in the
* dictionary, and bad stuff will happen).
* We fix the problem by just splicing the offending vertex into the
* other edge.
	ActiveRegion *regLo = RegionBelow(regUp);
	TESShalfEdge *eUp = regUp->eUp;
	TESShalfEdge *eLo = regLo->eUp;
	TESShalfEdge *e;

	assert( ! VertEq( eUp->Dst, eLo->Dst ));

	if( VertLeq( eUp->Dst, eLo->Dst )) {
		if( EdgeSign( eUp->Dst, eLo->Dst, eUp->Org ) < 0 ) return FALSE;

		/* eLo->Dst is above eUp, so splice eLo->Dst into eUp */
		RegionAbove(regUp)->dirty = regUp->dirty = TRUE;
		e = tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eUp );
		if (e == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eLo->Sym, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		e->Lface->inside = regUp->inside;
	} else {
		if( EdgeSign( eLo->Dst, eUp->Dst, eLo->Org ) > 0 ) return FALSE;

		/* eUp->Dst is below eLo, so splice eUp->Dst into eLo */
		regUp->dirty = regLo->dirty = TRUE;
		e = tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eLo );
		if (e == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);    
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eUp->Lnext, eLo->Sym ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		e->Rface->inside = regUp->inside;
	return TRUE;
Exemple #5
static void SpliceMergeVertices( TESStesselator *tess, TESShalfEdge *e1,
								TESShalfEdge *e2 )
* Two vertices with idential coordinates are combined into one.
* e1->Org is kept, while e2->Org is discarded.
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, e1, e2 ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1); 
Exemple #6
static void SpliceMergeVertices( TESStesselator *tess, TESShalfEdge *e1,
								TESShalfEdge *e2 )
* Two vertices with idential coordinates are combined into one.
* e1->Org is kept, while e2->Org is discarded.
	TESSreal weights[4] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 };

	CallCombine( tess, e1->Org, weights, FALSE );
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, e1, e2 ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1); 
Exemple #7
void tessAddContour( TESStesselator *tess, int size, const void* vertices,
					int stride, int numVertices )
	const unsigned char *src = (const unsigned char*)vertices;
	TESShalfEdge *e;
	int i;

	if ( tess->mesh == NULL )
	  	tess->mesh = tessMeshNewMesh( &tess->alloc );
 	if ( tess->mesh == NULL ) {
		tess->outOfMemory = 1;

	if ( size < 2 )
		size = 2;
	if ( size > 3 )
		size = 3;

	e = NULL;

	for( i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i )
		const TESSreal* coords = (const TESSreal*)src;
		src += stride;

		if( e == NULL ) {
			/* Make a self-loop (one vertex, one edge). */
			e = tessMeshMakeEdge( tess->mesh );
			if ( e == NULL ) {
				tess->outOfMemory = 1;
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, e, e->Sym ) ) {
				tess->outOfMemory = 1;
		} else {
			/* Create a new vertex and edge which immediately follow e
			* in the ordering around the left face.
			if ( tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, e ) == NULL ) {
				tess->outOfMemory = 1;
			e = e->Lnext;

		/* The new vertex is now e->Org. */
		e->Org->coords[0] = coords[0];
		e->Org->coords[1] = coords[1];
		if ( size > 2 )
			e->Org->coords[2] = coords[2];
			e->Org->coords[2] = 0;
		/* Store the insertion number so that the vertex can be later recognized. */
		e->Org->idx = tess->vertexIndexCounter++;

		/* The winding of an edge says how the winding number changes as we
		* cross from the edge''s right face to its left face.  We add the
		* vertices in such an order that a CCW contour will add +1 to
		* the winding number of the region inside the contour.
		e->winding = 1;
		e->Sym->winding = -1;
Exemple #8
static void ConnectRightVertex( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp,
							   TESShalfEdge *eBottomLeft )
* Purpose: connect a "right" vertex vEvent (one where all edges go left)
* to the unprocessed portion of the mesh.  Since there are no right-going
* edges, two regions (one above vEvent and one below) are being merged
* into one.  "regUp" is the upper of these two regions.
* There are two reasons for doing this (adding a right-going edge):
*  - if the two regions being merged are "inside", we must add an edge
*    to keep them separated (the combined region would not be monotone).
*  - in any case, we must leave some record of vEvent in the dictionary,
*    so that we can merge vEvent with features that we have not seen yet.
*    For example, maybe there is a vertical edge which passes just to
*    the right of vEvent; we would like to splice vEvent into this edge.
* However, we don't want to connect vEvent to just any vertex.  We don''t
* want the new edge to cross any other edges; otherwise we will create
* intersection vertices even when the input data had no self-intersections.
* (This is a bad thing; if the user's input data has no intersections,
* we don't want to generate any false intersections ourselves.)
* Our eventual goal is to connect vEvent to the leftmost unprocessed
* vertex of the combined region (the union of regUp and regLo).
* But because of unseen vertices with all right-going edges, and also
* new vertices which may be created by edge intersections, we don''t
* know where that leftmost unprocessed vertex is.  In the meantime, we
* connect vEvent to the closest vertex of either chain, and mark the region
* as "fixUpperEdge".  This flag says to delete and reconnect this edge
* to the next processed vertex on the boundary of the combined region.
* Quite possibly the vertex we connected to will turn out to be the
* closest one, in which case we won''t need to make any changes.
	TESShalfEdge *eNew;
	TESShalfEdge *eTopLeft = eBottomLeft->Onext;
	ActiveRegion *regLo = RegionBelow(regUp);
	TESShalfEdge *eUp = regUp->eUp;
	TESShalfEdge *eLo = regLo->eUp;
	int degenerate = FALSE;

	if( eUp->Dst != eLo->Dst ) {
		(void) CheckForIntersect( tess, regUp );

	/* Possible new degeneracies: upper or lower edge of regUp may pass
	* through vEvent, or may coincide with new intersection vertex
	if( VertEq( eUp->Org, tess->event )) {
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eTopLeft->Oprev, eUp ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		regUp = TopLeftRegion( tess, regUp );
		if (regUp == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		eTopLeft = RegionBelow( regUp )->eUp;
		FinishLeftRegions( tess, RegionBelow(regUp), regLo );
		degenerate = TRUE;
	if( VertEq( eLo->Org, tess->event )) {
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eBottomLeft, eLo->Oprev ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		eBottomLeft = FinishLeftRegions( tess, regLo, NULL );
		degenerate = TRUE;
	if( degenerate ) {
		AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eBottomLeft->Onext, eTopLeft, eTopLeft, TRUE );

	/* Non-degenerate situation -- need to add a temporary, fixable edge.
	* Connect to the closer of eLo->Org, eUp->Org.
	if( VertLeq( eLo->Org, eUp->Org )) {
		eNew = eLo->Oprev;
	} else {
		eNew = eUp;
	eNew = tessMeshConnect( tess->mesh, eBottomLeft->Lprev, eNew );
	if (eNew == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);

	/* Prevent cleanup, otherwise eNew might disappear before we've even
	* had a chance to mark it as a temporary edge.
	AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eNew, eNew->Onext, eNew->Onext, FALSE );
	eNew->Sym->activeRegion->fixUpperEdge = TRUE;
	WalkDirtyRegions( tess, regUp );
Exemple #9
static int CheckForIntersect( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp )
* Check the upper and lower edges of the given region to see if
* they intersect.  If so, create the intersection and add it
* to the data structures.
* Returns TRUE if adding the new intersection resulted in a recursive
* call to AddRightEdges(); in this case all "dirty" regions have been
* checked for intersections, and possibly regUp has been deleted.
	ActiveRegion *regLo = RegionBelow(regUp);
	TESShalfEdge *eUp = regUp->eUp;
	TESShalfEdge *eLo = regLo->eUp;
	TESSvertex *orgUp = eUp->Org;
	TESSvertex *orgLo = eLo->Org;
	TESSvertex *dstUp = eUp->Dst;
	TESSvertex *dstLo = eLo->Dst;
	TESSreal tMinUp, tMaxLo;
	TESSvertex isect, *orgMin;
	TESShalfEdge *e;

	assert( ! VertEq( dstLo, dstUp ));
	assert( EdgeSign( dstUp, tess->event, orgUp ) <= 0 );
	assert( EdgeSign( dstLo, tess->event, orgLo ) >= 0 );
	assert( orgUp != tess->event && orgLo != tess->event );
	assert( ! regUp->fixUpperEdge && ! regLo->fixUpperEdge );

	if( orgUp == orgLo ) return FALSE;	/* right endpoints are the same */

	tMinUp = MIN( orgUp->t, dstUp->t );
	tMaxLo = MAX( orgLo->t, dstLo->t );
	if( tMinUp > tMaxLo ) return FALSE;	/* t ranges do not overlap */

	if( VertLeq( orgUp, orgLo )) {
		if( EdgeSign( dstLo, orgUp, orgLo ) > 0 ) return FALSE;
	} else {
		if( EdgeSign( dstUp, orgLo, orgUp ) < 0 ) return FALSE;

	/* At this point the edges intersect, at least marginally */
	DebugEvent( tess );

	tesedgeIntersect( dstUp, orgUp, dstLo, orgLo, &isect );
	/* The following properties are guaranteed: */
	assert( MIN( orgUp->t, dstUp->t ) <= isect.t );
	assert( isect.t <= MAX( orgLo->t, dstLo->t ));
	assert( MIN( dstLo->s, dstUp->s ) <= isect.s );
	assert( isect.s <= MAX( orgLo->s, orgUp->s ));

	if( VertLeq( &isect, tess->event )) {
		/* The intersection point lies slightly to the left of the sweep line,
		* so move it until it''s slightly to the right of the sweep line.
		* (If we had perfect numerical precision, this would never happen
		* in the first place).  The easiest and safest thing to do is
		* replace the intersection by tess->event.
		isect.s = tess->event->s;
		isect.t = tess->event->t;
	/* Similarly, if the computed intersection lies to the right of the
	* rightmost origin (which should rarely happen), it can cause
	* unbelievable inefficiency on sufficiently degenerate inputs.
	* (If you have the test program, try running test54.d with the
	* "X zoom" option turned on).
	orgMin = VertLeq( orgUp, orgLo ) ? orgUp : orgLo;
	if( VertLeq( orgMin, &isect )) {
		isect.s = orgMin->s;
		isect.t = orgMin->t;

	if( VertEq( &isect, orgUp ) || VertEq( &isect, orgLo )) {
		/* Easy case -- intersection at one of the right endpoints */
		(void) CheckForRightSplice( tess, regUp );
		return FALSE;

	if(    (! VertEq( dstUp, tess->event )
		&& EdgeSign( dstUp, tess->event, &isect ) >= 0)
		|| (! VertEq( dstLo, tess->event )
		&& EdgeSign( dstLo, tess->event, &isect ) <= 0 ))
		/* Very unusual -- the new upper or lower edge would pass on the
		* wrong side of the sweep event, or through it.  This can happen
		* due to very small numerical errors in the intersection calculation.
		if( dstLo == tess->event ) {
			/* Splice dstLo into eUp, and process the new region(s) */
			if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eUp->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eLo->Sym, eUp ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp = TopLeftRegion( tess, regUp );
			if (regUp == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			eUp = RegionBelow(regUp)->eUp;
			FinishLeftRegions( tess, RegionBelow(regUp), regLo );
			AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eUp->Oprev, eUp, eUp, TRUE );
			return TRUE;
		if( dstUp == tess->event ) {
			/* Splice dstUp into eLo, and process the new region(s) */
			if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eLo->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eUp->Lnext, eLo->Oprev ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1); 
			regLo = regUp;
			regUp = TopRightRegion( regUp );
			e = RegionBelow(regUp)->eUp->Rprev;
			regLo->eUp = eLo->Oprev;
			eLo = FinishLeftRegions( tess, regLo, NULL );
			AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eLo->Onext, eUp->Rprev, e, TRUE );
			return TRUE;
		/* Special case: called from ConnectRightVertex.  If either
		* edge passes on the wrong side of tess->event, split it
		* (and wait for ConnectRightVertex to splice it appropriately).
		if( EdgeSign( dstUp, tess->event, &isect ) >= 0 ) {
			RegionAbove(regUp)->dirty = regUp->dirty = TRUE;
			if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eUp->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			eUp->Org->s = tess->event->s;
			eUp->Org->t = tess->event->t;
		if( EdgeSign( dstLo, tess->event, &isect ) <= 0 ) {
			regUp->dirty = regLo->dirty = TRUE;
			if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eLo->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			eLo->Org->s = tess->event->s;
			eLo->Org->t = tess->event->t;
		/* leave the rest for ConnectRightVertex */
		return FALSE;

	/* General case -- split both edges, splice into new vertex.
	* When we do the splice operation, the order of the arguments is
	* arbitrary as far as correctness goes.  However, when the operation
	* creates a new face, the work done is proportional to the size of
	* the new face.  We expect the faces in the processed part of
	* the mesh (ie. eUp->Lface) to be smaller than the faces in the
	* unprocessed original contours (which will be eLo->Oprev->Lface).
	if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eUp->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, eLo->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, eLo->Oprev, eUp ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	eUp->Org->s = isect.s;
	eUp->Org->t = isect.t;
	eUp->Org->pqHandle = pqInsert( &tess->alloc, tess->pq, eUp->Org );
	if (eUp->Org->pqHandle == INV_HANDLE) {
		pqDeletePriorityQ( &tess->alloc, tess->pq );
		tess->pq = NULL;
	GetIntersectData( tess, eUp->Org, orgUp, dstUp, orgLo, dstLo );
	RegionAbove(regUp)->dirty = regUp->dirty = regLo->dirty = TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Exemple #10
static void AddRightEdges( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp,
						  TESShalfEdge *eFirst, TESShalfEdge *eLast, TESShalfEdge *eTopLeft,
						  int cleanUp )
* Purpose: insert right-going edges into the edge dictionary, and update
* winding numbers and mesh connectivity appropriately.  All right-going
* edges share a common origin vOrg.  Edges are inserted CCW starting at
* eFirst; the last edge inserted is eLast->Oprev.  If vOrg has any
* left-going edges already processed, then eTopLeft must be the edge
* such that an imaginary upward vertical segment from vOrg would be
* contained between eTopLeft->Oprev and eTopLeft; otherwise eTopLeft
* should be NULL.
	ActiveRegion *reg, *regPrev;
	TESShalfEdge *e, *ePrev;
	int firstTime = TRUE;

	/* Insert the new right-going edges in the dictionary */
	e = eFirst;
	do {
		assert( VertLeq( e->Org, e->Dst ));
		AddRegionBelow( tess, regUp, e->Sym );
		e = e->Onext;
	} while ( e != eLast );

	/* Walk *all* right-going edges from e->Org, in the dictionary order,
	* updating the winding numbers of each region, and re-linking the mesh
	* edges to match the dictionary ordering (if necessary).
	if( eTopLeft == NULL ) {
		eTopLeft = RegionBelow( regUp )->eUp->Rprev;
	regPrev = regUp;
	ePrev = eTopLeft;
	for( ;; ) {
		reg = RegionBelow( regPrev );
		e = reg->eUp->Sym;
		if( e->Org != ePrev->Org ) break;

		if( e->Onext != ePrev ) {
			/* Unlink e from its current position, and relink below ePrev */
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, e->Oprev, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, ePrev->Oprev, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		/* Compute the winding number and "inside" flag for the new regions */
		reg->windingNumber = regPrev->windingNumber - e->winding;
		reg->inside = IsWindingInside( tess, reg->windingNumber );

		/* Check for two outgoing edges with same slope -- process these
		* before any intersection tests (see example in tessComputeInterior).
		regPrev->dirty = TRUE;
		if( ! firstTime && CheckForRightSplice( tess, regPrev )) {
			AddWinding( e, ePrev );
			DeleteRegion( tess, regPrev );
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, ePrev ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		firstTime = FALSE;
		regPrev = reg;
		ePrev = e;
	regPrev->dirty = TRUE;
	assert( regPrev->windingNumber - e->winding == reg->windingNumber );

	if( cleanUp ) {
		/* Check for intersections between newly adjacent edges. */
		WalkDirtyRegions( tess, regPrev );