static void run_tests( cyg_io_handle_t ser_handle ) { // Start slowly, then go for max size. { test_binary(ser_handle, 16, MODE_DUPLEX_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 128, MODE_DUPLEX_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 256, MODE_DUPLEX_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 1024, MODE_DUPLEX_ECHO); } }
int32_t find_alloy_type(const refdata_t* ref, int8_t* mapping, int32_t* numbers) { for (int i=0;i<ref->num_nbrs+1;i++) if (numbers[i] == -1) return PTM_ALLOY_NONE; if (test_pure(ref->num_nbrs, numbers)) return PTM_ALLOY_PURE; if (!test_binary(ref->num_nbrs, numbers)) return PTM_ALLOY_NONE; uint32_t code = canonical_alloy_representation(ref, mapping, numbers); for (int i=0;i<NUM_ALLOY_TYPES;i++) if ((uint32_t)ref->type == typedata[i][0] && code == typedata[i][2]) return typedata[i][1]; if (ref->type == PTM_MATCH_BCC) if (test_shell_structure(ref, mapping, numbers, 8)) return PTM_ALLOY_B2; if (ref->type == PTM_MATCH_DCUB || ref->type == PTM_MATCH_DHEX) if (test_shell_structure(ref, mapping, numbers, 4)) return PTM_ALLOY_SIC; if (ref->type == PTM_MATCH_GRAPHENE) if (test_shell_structure(ref, mapping, numbers, 3)) return PTM_ALLOY_BN; return PTM_ALLOY_NONE; }
int main(void) { test_autoalloc(); test_preexisting(); test_data_length(); test_binary(); return (0); }
int main(void) { test_autoalloc(); test_preexisting(); test_data_length(); #if !__gnu_linux__ test_binary(); #endif return (0); }
int main (void) { gsl_ieee_env_setup (); test_func (); test_float_func (); test_long_double_func (); test_ulong_func (); test_long_func (); test_uint_func (); test_int_func (); test_ushort_func (); test_short_func (); test_uchar_func (); test_char_func (); test_complex_func (); test_complex_float_func (); test_complex_long_double_func (); test_text (); test_float_text (); #if HAVE_PRINTF_LONGDOUBLE test_long_double_text (); #endif test_ulong_text (); test_long_text (); test_uint_text (); test_int_text (); test_ushort_text (); test_short_text (); test_uchar_text (); test_char_text (); test_complex_text (); test_complex_float_text (); #if HAVE_PRINTF_LONGDOUBLE test_complex_long_double_text (); #endif test_binary (); test_float_binary (); test_long_double_binary (); test_ulong_binary (); test_long_binary (); test_uint_binary (); test_int_binary (); test_ushort_binary (); test_short_binary (); test_uchar_binary (); test_char_binary (); test_complex_binary (); test_complex_float_binary (); test_complex_long_double_binary (); gsl_set_error_handler (&my_error_handler); test_trap (); test_float_trap (); test_long_double_trap (); test_ulong_trap (); test_long_trap (); test_uint_trap (); test_int_trap (); test_ushort_trap (); test_short_trap (); test_uchar_trap (); test_char_trap (); test_complex_trap (); test_complex_float_trap (); test_complex_long_double_trap (); exit (gsl_test_summary ()); }
int main (void) { size_t M = 53; size_t N = 107; gsl_ieee_env_setup (); test_func (M, N); test_float_func (M, N); test_long_double_func (M, N); test_ulong_func (M, N); test_long_func (M, N); test_uint_func (M, N); test_int_func (M, N); test_ushort_func (M, N); test_short_func (M, N); test_uchar_func (M, N); test_char_func (M, N); test_complex_func (M, N); test_complex_float_func (M, N); test_complex_long_double_func (M, N); test_ops (M, N); test_float_ops (M, N); test_long_double_ops (M, N); test_ulong_ops (M, N); test_long_ops (M, N); test_uint_ops (M, N); test_int_ops (M, N); test_ushort_ops (M, N); test_short_ops (M, N); test_uchar_ops (M, N); test_char_ops (M, N); /* Must use smaller dimensions to prevent approximation of floats in float_mul_elements test*/ { const size_t P = 8; const size_t Q = 12; test_complex_ops (P, Q); test_complex_float_ops (P, Q); test_complex_long_double_ops (P, Q); } test_text (M, N); test_float_text (M, N); #if HAVE_PRINTF_LONGDOUBLE test_long_double_text (M, N); #endif test_ulong_text (M, N); test_long_text (M, N); test_uint_text (M, N); test_int_text (M, N); test_ushort_text (M, N); test_short_text (M, N); test_uchar_text (M, N); test_char_text (M, N); test_complex_text (M, N); test_complex_float_text (M, N); #if HAVE_PRINTF_LONGDOUBLE test_complex_long_double_text (M, N); #endif test_binary (M, N); test_float_binary (M, N); test_long_double_binary (M, N); test_ulong_binary (M, N); test_long_binary (M, N); test_uint_binary (M, N); test_int_binary (M, N); test_ushort_binary (M, N); test_short_binary (M, N); test_uchar_binary (M, N); test_char_binary (M, N); test_complex_binary (M, N); test_complex_float_binary (M, N); test_complex_long_double_binary (M, N); #if GSL_RANGE_CHECK gsl_set_error_handler (&my_error_handler); test_trap (M, N); test_float_trap (M, N); test_long_double_trap (M, N); test_ulong_trap (M, N); test_long_trap (M, N); test_uint_trap (M, N); test_int_trap (M, N); test_ushort_trap (M, N); test_short_trap (M, N); test_uchar_trap (M, N); test_char_trap (M, N); test_complex_trap (M, N); test_complex_float_trap (M, N); test_complex_long_double_trap (M, N); #endif exit (gsl_test_summary ()); }
static void run_tests( cyg_io_handle_t ser_handle ) { // Start slowly, then go for max size. { test_binary(ser_handle, 16, MODE_EOP_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 128, MODE_EOP_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 256, MODE_EOP_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, IN_BUFFER_SIZE, MODE_EOP_ECHO); } // Write some varying length packets. { int i; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // No echo. test_binary(ser_handle, 256 + 42*i, MODE_NO_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 64 + 7*i, MODE_NO_ECHO); // Echo. test_binary(ser_handle, 256 + 42*i, MODE_EOP_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 64 + 7*i, MODE_EOP_ECHO); } } // End with some long packets. { test_binary(ser_handle, 2048, MODE_NO_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 16384, MODE_NO_ECHO); test_binary(ser_handle, 65536, MODE_NO_ECHO); } }