int	main()
#if 1
	printf("sizeof(tu_string) == %d\n", sizeof(tu_string));

	swf_array<tu_string>	storage;

	tu_string&	a = storage[0];
	tu_string&	b = storage[1];
	a = "test1";
	printf("&a = 0x%X, &b = 0x%X\n", int(&a), int(&b));

	printf("%s\n", a.c_str());

	assert(a == "test1");
	assert(a.length() == 5);

	a += "2";
	assert(a == "test12");

	a += "this is some more text";
	assert(a.length() == 28);

	assert(a[2] == 's');
	assert(a[3] == 't');
	assert(a[4] == '1');
	assert(a[5] == '2');
	assert(a[7] == 'h');
	assert(a[28] == 0);

	assert(b.length() == 0);
	assert(b[0] == 0);
	assert(b.c_str()[0] == 0);

	tu_string c = a + b;

	assert(c.length() == a.length());

	assert(c == "te");
	assert(c == tu_string("te"));

	assert(tu_string("fourscore and sevent") == "fourscore and sevent");

	b = "#sacrificial lamb";

	// Test growing & shrinking.
	a = "";
	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		assert(a.length() == i);

		if (i == 8)
			assert(a == "01234567");
		else if (i == 27)
			assert(a == "012345678901234567890123456");

		a.resize(a.length() + 1);
		a[a.length() - 1] = '0' + (i % 10);

	{for (int i = 999; i >= 0; i--)
		a.resize(a.length() - 1);
		assert(a.length() == i);

		if (i == 8)
			assert(a == "01234567");
		else if (i == 27)
			assert(a == "012345678901234567890123456");

	// Test larger shrinking across heap/local boundary.
	a = "this is a string longer than 16 characters";
	a = "short";

	// Test larger expand across heap/local boundary.
	a = "another longer string...";

	assert(b == "#sacrificial lamb");

	// Test erase()
	a = "abcdef";
	a.erase(3, 1);
	assert(a == "abcef");
	a = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
	a.erase(12, 6);
	assert(a == "abcdefghijklst");

	// Test insert()
	a = "abcdef";
	a.insert(3, 'z');
	assert(a == "abczdef");
	a = "abcdefghijklmn";
	a.insert(12, 'y');
	a.insert(13, 'z');
	assert(a == "abcdefghijklyzmn");

	// Test operator+=(tu_string)
	a = "abcdef";
	b = "ghijklmnopqrst";
	a += b;
	assert(a == "abcdefghijklmnopqrst");

	// Test operator+(const char*)
	a = "abcdef";
	b = "ghi";
	assert(a + b == "abcdefghi");

	// Test operator<(const char*)
	a = "abc";
	assert(a < "def");
	assert(a < "abd");
	assert(!(a < "aab"));
	assert(!(a < "aa"));
	assert(!(a < "aabz"));
	assert(a < "abcd");

	// Test operator<(const tu_string&)
	a = "abc";
	assert(a < tu_string("def"));
	assert(a < tu_string("abd"));
	assert(!(a < tu_string("aab")));
	assert(!(a < tu_string("aa")));
	assert(!(a < tu_string("aabz")));
	assert(a < tu_string("abcd"));

	// Test that we can store strings with embedded \0's.
	a = "abc";
	a += '\0';
	assert(a.length() == 4);
	a += "def";
	assert(a.length() == 7);
	assert(a[4] == 'd');
	assert(a[5] == 'e');
	assert(a[6] == 'f');
	assert(a[7] == 0);

	// Test that we can upsize strings with embedded \0's
	a = "abc";
	a += '\0';
	a += "def";
	b = a;
	assert(a == b);
	assert(b.length() == 7);
	a = a + b;
	assert(a.length() == 14);
	assert(a == (b + b));
	assert(a > b);
	a = a + b;
	assert(a.size() == 21);
	assert(a == (b + b + b));
	assert(a > b);

	// Test that we can downsize strings with embedded \0's
	a = "abc";
	a += '\0';
	a += "def";
	assert(a.length() == 7);
	b = a + a + a;
	assert(b.length() == 21);
	assert(b.length() == 14);
	assert(b == (a + a));
	b.erase(3, 1);
	assert(b.size() == 13);
	assert(b == tu_string("abcdef") + a);

	// Test strings that are nothing but \0's.
	a = "";
	b = "";
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		a += '\0';
		assert(a.length() == i + 1);
		assert(a > b);
		b += '\0';
		assert(b.length() == i + 1);
		assert(a == b);
		assert((a + b).length() == 2 * (i + 1));



	// TODO: unit tests for swf_array<>, string_hash<>



	return 0;
Exemple #2
int	main()
#if 1
	printf("sizeof(tu_string) == %d\n", sizeof(tu_string));

	array<tu_string>	storage;

	tu_string&	a = storage[0];
	tu_string&	b = storage[1];
	a = "test1";
	printf("&a = 0x%X, &b = 0x%X\n", int(&a), int(&b));

	printf("%s\n", a.c_str());

	assert(a == "test1");
	assert(a.length() == 5);

	a += "2";
	assert(a == "test12");

	a += "this is some more text";
	assert(a.length() == 28);

	assert(a[2] == 's');
	assert(a[3] == 't');
	assert(a[4] == '1');
	assert(a[5] == '2');
	assert(a[7] == 'h');
	assert(a[28] == 0);

	assert(b.length() == 0);
	assert(b[0] == 0);
	assert(b.c_str()[0] == 0);

	tu_string c = a + b;

	assert(c.length() == a.length());

	assert(c == "te");
	assert(c == tu_string("te"));

	assert(tu_string("fourscore and sevent") == "fourscore and sevent");

	b = "#sacrificial lamb";

	// Test growing & shrinking.
	a = "";
	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		assert(a.length() == i);

		if (i == 8)
			assert(a == "01234567");
		else if (i == 27)
			assert(a == "012345678901234567890123456");

		a.resize(a.length() + 1);
		a[a.length() - 1] = '0' + (i % 10);

	{for (int i = 999; i >= 0; i--)
		a.resize(a.length() - 1);
		assert(a.length() == i);

		if (i == 8)
			assert(a == "01234567");
		else if (i == 27)
			assert(a == "012345678901234567890123456");

	// Test larger shrinking across heap/local boundary.
	a = "this is a string longer than 16 characters";
	a = "short";

	// Test larger expand across heap/local boundary.
	a = "another longer string...";

	assert(b == "#sacrificial lamb");



	// TODO: unit tests for array<>, string_hash<>


	return 0;