Exemple #1
static int strand_segment_recursive(Render *re, float winmat[][4], StrandPart *spart, ZSpan *zspan, int totzspan, StrandSegment *sseg, StrandPoint *p1, StrandPoint *p2, int depth)
	StrandPoint p;
	StrandBuffer *buffer= sseg->buffer;
	float dot, d1[2], d2[2], len1, len2;

	if (depth == buffer->maxdepth)
		return 0;

	p.t= (p1->t + p2->t)*0.5f;
	strand_eval_point(sseg, &p);
	strand_project_point(buffer->winmat, buffer->winx, buffer->winy, &p);

	d1[0]= (p.x - p1->x);
	d1[1]= (p.y - p1->y);
	len1= d1[0]*d1[0] + d1[1]*d1[1];

	d2[0]= (p2->x - p.x);
	d2[1]= (p2->y - p.y);
	len2= d2[0]*d2[0] + d2[1]*d2[1];

	if (len1 == 0.0f || len2 == 0.0f)
		return 0;
	dot= d1[0]*d2[0] + d1[1]*d2[1];
	if (dot*dot > sseg->sqadaptcos*len1*len2)
		return 0;

	if (spart) {
		do_strand_point_project(winmat, zspan, p.co1, p.hoco1, p.zco1);
		do_strand_point_project(winmat, zspan, p.co2, p.hoco2, p.zco2);
	else {
#if 0
		projectvert(p.co1, winmat, p.hoco1);
		projectvert(p.co2, winmat, p.hoco2);
		p.clip1= testclip(p.hoco1);
		p.clip2= testclip(p.hoco2);

	if (!strand_segment_recursive(re, winmat, spart, zspan, totzspan, sseg, p1, &p, depth+1))
		strand_render(re, sseg, winmat, spart, zspan, totzspan, p1, &p);
	if (!strand_segment_recursive(re, winmat, spart, zspan, totzspan, sseg, &p, p2, depth+1))
		strand_render(re, sseg, winmat, spart, zspan, totzspan, &p, p2);
	return 1;
/* ugly function for halos in panorama */
static int panotestclip(Render *re, bool do_pano, float v[4])
	/* part size (ensure we run RE_parts_clamp first) */
	BLI_assert(re->partx == min_ii(re->r.tilex, re->rectx));
	BLI_assert(re->party == min_ii(re->r.tiley, re->recty));

	if (do_pano == false) {
		return testclip(v);
	else {
		/* to be used for halos en infos */
		float abs4;
		short c = 0;

		int xparts = (re->rectx + re->partx - 1) / re->partx;

		abs4= fabsf(v[3]);

		if (v[2]< -abs4) c=16;		/* this used to be " if (v[2]<0) ", see clippz() */
		else if (v[2]> abs4) c+= 32;

		if ( v[1]>abs4) c+=4;
		else if ( v[1]< -abs4) c+=8;

		abs4*= xparts;
		if ( v[0]>abs4) c+=2;
		else if ( v[0]< -abs4) c+=1;

		return c;
Exemple #3
void render_strand_segment(Render *re, float winmat[][4], StrandPart *spart, ZSpan *zspan, int totzspan, StrandSegment *sseg)
	StrandBuffer *buffer= sseg->buffer;
	StrandPoint *p1= &sseg->point1;
	StrandPoint *p2= &sseg->point2;

	p1->t= 0.0f;
	p2->t= 1.0f;

	strand_eval_point(sseg, p1);
	strand_project_point(buffer->winmat, buffer->winx, buffer->winy, p1);
	strand_eval_point(sseg, p2);
	strand_project_point(buffer->winmat, buffer->winx, buffer->winy, p2);

	if (spart) {
		do_strand_point_project(winmat, zspan, p1->co1, p1->hoco1, p1->zco1);
		do_strand_point_project(winmat, zspan, p1->co2, p1->hoco2, p1->zco2);
		do_strand_point_project(winmat, zspan, p2->co1, p2->hoco1, p2->zco1);
		do_strand_point_project(winmat, zspan, p2->co2, p2->hoco2, p2->zco2);
	else {
#if 0
		projectvert(p1->co1, winmat, p1->hoco1);
		projectvert(p1->co2, winmat, p1->hoco2);
		projectvert(p2->co1, winmat, p2->hoco1);
		projectvert(p2->co2, winmat, p2->hoco2);
		p1->clip1= testclip(p1->hoco1);
		p1->clip2= testclip(p1->hoco2);
		p2->clip1= testclip(p2->hoco1);
		p2->clip2= testclip(p2->hoco2);

	if (!strand_segment_recursive(re, winmat, spart, zspan, totzspan, sseg, p1, p2, 0))
		strand_render(re, sseg, winmat, spart, zspan, totzspan, p1, p2);
Exemple #4
/* width is calculated in hoco space, to ensure strands are visible */
static int strand_test_clip(float winmat[][4], ZSpan *UNUSED(zspan), float *bounds, float *co, float *zcomp, float widthx, float widthy)
	float hoco[4];
	int clipflag= 0;

	projectvert(co, winmat, hoco);

	/* we compare z without perspective division for segment sorting */
	*zcomp= hoco[2];

	if (hoco[0]+widthx < bounds[0]*hoco[3]) clipflag |= 1;
	else if (hoco[0]-widthx > bounds[1]*hoco[3]) clipflag |= 2;
	if (hoco[1]-widthy > bounds[3]*hoco[3]) clipflag |= 4;
	else if (hoco[1]+widthy < bounds[2]*hoco[3]) clipflag |= 8;

	clipflag |= testclip(hoco);

	return clipflag;
/* ugly function for halos in panorama */
static int panotestclip(Render *re, int do_pano, float *v)
	/* to be used for halos en infos */
	float abs4;
	short c=0;

	if (do_pano == FALSE) {
		return testclip(v);

	abs4= fabs(v[3]);

	if (v[2]< -abs4) c=16;		/* this used to be " if (v[2]<0) ", see clippz() */
	else if (v[2]> abs4) c+= 32;

	if ( v[1]>abs4) c+=4;
	else if ( v[1]< -abs4) c+=8;

	abs4*= re->xparts;
	if ( v[0]>abs4) c+=2;
	else if ( v[0]< -abs4) c+=1;

	return c;