Exemple #1
 * thread_ckpt_run --
 *	Runner function for the checkpoint thread.
thread_ckpt_run(void *arg)
	FILE *fp;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	uint64_t ts;
	uint32_t sleep_time;
	int i, ret;
	bool first_ckpt;


	td = (WT_THREAD_DATA *)arg;
	 * Keep a separate file with the records we wrote for checking.
	if ((ret = td->conn->open_session(td->conn, NULL, NULL, &session)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_CONNECTION:open_session");
	first_ckpt = true;
	ts = 0;
	for (i = 0; ;++i) {
		sleep_time = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_CKPT_INTERVAL;
		if (use_ts)
			ts = global_ts;
		 * Since this is the default, send in this string even if
		 * running without timestamps.
		    session, "use_timestamp=true"));
		printf("Checkpoint %d complete.  Minimum ts %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    i, ts);
		 * Create the checkpoint file so that the parent process knows
		 * at least one checkpoint has finished and can start its
		 * timer.
		if (first_ckpt) {
			testutil_checksys((fp = fopen(ckpt_file, "w")) == NULL);
			first_ckpt = false;
			testutil_checksys(fclose(fp) != 0);
Exemple #2
 * thread_ckpt_run --
 *	Runner function for the checkpoint thread.
thread_ckpt_run(void *arg)
	FILE *fp;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	uint64_t stable;
	uint32_t sleep_time;
	int i;
	bool first_ckpt;
	char ts_string[WT_TS_HEX_STRING_SIZE];


	td = (THREAD_DATA *)arg;
	 * Keep a separate file with the records we wrote for checking.
	testutil_check(td->conn->open_session(td->conn, NULL, NULL, &session));
	first_ckpt = true;
	for (i = 0; ;++i) {
		sleep_time = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_CKPT_INVL;
		 * Since this is the default, send in this string even if
		 * running without timestamps.
		    session, "use_timestamp=true"));
		    td->conn, ts_string, "get=last_checkpoint"));
		testutil_assert(sscanf(ts_string, "%" SCNx64, &stable) == 1);
		printf("Checkpoint %d complete at stable %"
		    PRIu64 ".\n", i, stable);
		 * Create the checkpoint file so that the parent process knows
		 * at least one checkpoint has finished and can start its
		 * timer.
		if (first_ckpt) {
			testutil_checksys((fp = fopen(ckpt_file, "w")) == NULL);
			first_ckpt = false;
			testutil_checksys(fclose(fp) != 0);
Exemple #3
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct stat sb;
	FILE *fp;
	WT_CURSOR *cur_coll, *cur_local, *cur_oplog, *cur_stable;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	pid_t pid;
	uint64_t absent_coll, absent_local, absent_oplog, count, key, last_key;
	uint64_t first_miss, middle_coll, middle_local, middle_oplog;
	uint64_t stable_fp, stable_val, val[MAX_TH+1];
	uint32_t i, nth, timeout;
	int ch, status, ret;
	const char *working_dir;
	char buf[512], fname[64], kname[64], statname[1024];
	bool fatal, rand_th, rand_time, verify_only;


	compat = inmem = false;
	use_ts = true;
	nth = MIN_TH;
	rand_th = rand_time = true;
	timeout = MIN_TIME;
	verify_only = false;
	working_dir = "WT_TEST.timestamp-abort";

	while ((ch = __wt_getopt(progname, argc, argv, "Ch:mT:t:vz")) != EOF)
		switch (ch) {
		case 'C':
			compat = true;
		case 'h':
			working_dir = __wt_optarg;
		case 'm':
			inmem = true;
		case 'T':
			rand_th = false;
			nth = (uint32_t)atoi(__wt_optarg);
		case 't':
			rand_time = false;
			timeout = (uint32_t)atoi(__wt_optarg);
		case 'v':
			verify_only = true;
		case 'z':
			use_ts = false;
	argc -= __wt_optind;
	argv += __wt_optind;
	if (argc != 0)

	testutil_work_dir_from_path(home, sizeof(home), working_dir);
	 * If the user wants to verify they need to tell us how many threads
	 * there were so we can find the old record files.
	if (verify_only && rand_th) {
		    "Verify option requires specifying number of threads\n");
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (!verify_only) {

		__wt_random_init_seed(NULL, &rnd);
		if (rand_time) {
			timeout = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_TIME;
			if (timeout < MIN_TIME)
				timeout = MIN_TIME;
		if (rand_th) {
			nth = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_TH;
			if (nth < MIN_TH)
				nth = MIN_TH;
		printf("Parent: compatibility: %s, "
		    "in-mem log sync: %s, timestamp in use: %s\n",
		    compat ? "true" : "false",
		    inmem ? "true" : "false",
		    use_ts ? "true" : "false");
		printf("Parent: Create %" PRIu32
		    " threads; sleep %" PRIu32 " seconds\n", nth, timeout);
		 * Fork a child to insert as many items.  We will then randomly
		 * kill the child, run recovery and make sure all items we wrote
		 * exist after recovery runs.
		testutil_checksys((pid = fork()) < 0);

		if (pid == 0) { /* child */
			return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

		/* parent */
		 * Sleep for the configured amount of time before killing
		 * the child.  Start the timeout from the time we notice that
		 * the file has been created.  That allows the test to run
		 * correctly on really slow machines.  Verify the process ID
		 * still exists in case the child aborts for some reason we
		 * don't stay in this loop forever.
		    statname, sizeof(statname), "%s/%s", home, ckpt_file));
		while (stat(statname, &sb) != 0 && kill(pid, 0) == 0)

		 * !!! It should be plenty long enough to make sure more than
		 * one log file exists.  If wanted, that check would be added
		 * here.
		printf("Kill child\n");
		testutil_checksys(kill(pid, SIGKILL) != 0);
		testutil_checksys(waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1);
	 * !!! If we wanted to take a copy of the directory before recovery,
	 * this is the place to do it.
	if (chdir(home) != 0)
		testutil_die(errno, "parent chdir: %s", home);
	testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
	    "rm -rf ../%s.SAVE && mkdir ../%s.SAVE && "
	    "cp -p WiredTigerLog.* ../%s.SAVE",
	     home, home, home));
	printf("Open database, run recovery and verify content\n");

	 * Open the connection which forces recovery to be run.
	if ((ret = wiredtiger_open(NULL, NULL, ENV_CONFIG_REC, &conn)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "wiredtiger_open");
	if ((ret = conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_CONNECTION:open_session");
	 * Open a cursor on all the tables.
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    uri_collection, NULL, NULL, &cur_coll)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", uri_collection);
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    uri_local, NULL, NULL, &cur_local)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", uri_local);
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    uri_oplog, NULL, NULL, &cur_oplog)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", uri_oplog);
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    stable_store, NULL, NULL, &cur_stable)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", stable_store);

	 * Find the biggest stable timestamp value that was saved.
	stable_val = 0;
	memset(val, 0, sizeof(val));
	while (cur_stable->next(cur_stable) == 0) {
		cur_stable->get_key(cur_stable, &key);
		cur_stable->get_value(cur_stable, &val[key]);
		if (val[key] > stable_val)
			stable_val = val[key];

		if (use_ts)
			printf("Stable: key %" PRIu64 " value %" PRIu64 "\n",
			    key, val[key]);
	if (use_ts)
		printf("Got stable_val %" PRIu64 "\n", stable_val);

	count = 0;
	absent_coll = absent_local = absent_oplog = 0;
	fatal = false;
	for (i = 1; i <= nth; ++i) {
		first_miss = middle_coll = middle_local = middle_oplog = 0;
		    fname, sizeof(fname), RECORDS_FILE, i));
		if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
			testutil_die(errno, "fopen: %s", fname);

		 * For every key in the saved file, verify that the key exists
		 * in the table after recovery.  If we're doing in-memory
		 * log buffering we never expect a record missing in the middle,
		 * but records may be missing at the end.  If we did
		 * write-no-sync, we expect every key to have been recovered.
		for (last_key = UINT64_MAX;; ++count, last_key = key) {
			ret = fscanf(fp, "%" SCNu64 "%" SCNu64 "\n",
			    &stable_fp, &key);
			if (ret != EOF && ret != 2) {
				 * If we find a partial line, consider it
				 * like an EOF.
				if (ret == 1 || ret == 0)
				testutil_die(errno, "fscanf");
			if (ret == EOF)
			 * If we're unlucky, the last line may be a partially
			 * written key at the end that can result in a false
			 * negative error for a missing record.  Detect it.
			if (last_key != UINT64_MAX && key != last_key + 1) {
				printf("%s: Ignore partial record %" PRIu64
				    " last valid key %" PRIu64 "\n",
				    fname, key, last_key);
			    kname, sizeof(kname), "%" PRIu64, key));
			cur_coll->set_key(cur_coll, kname);
			cur_local->set_key(cur_local, kname);
			cur_oplog->set_key(cur_oplog, kname);
			 * The collection table should always only have the
			 * data as of the checkpoint.
			if ((ret = cur_coll->search(cur_coll)) != 0) {
				if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND)
					testutil_die(ret, "search");
				 * If we don't find a record, the stable
				 * timestamp written to our file better be
				 * larger than the saved one.
				if (!inmem &&
				    stable_fp != 0 && stable_fp <= val[i]) {
					printf("%s: COLLECTION no record with "
					    "key %" PRIu64 " record ts %" PRIu64
					    " <= stable ts %" PRIu64 "\n",
					    fname, key, stable_fp, val[i]);
				if (middle_coll == 0)
					first_miss = key;
				middle_coll = key;
			} else if (middle_coll != 0) {
				 * We should never find an existing key after
				 * we have detected one missing.
				printf("%s: COLLECTION after absent records %"
				    PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " key %" PRIu64
				    " exists\n",
				    fname, first_miss, middle_coll, key);
				fatal = true;
			 * The local table should always have all data.
			if ((ret = cur_local->search(cur_local)) != 0) {
				if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND)
					testutil_die(ret, "search");
				if (!inmem)
					printf("%s: LOCAL no record with key %"
					    PRIu64 "\n", fname, key);
				middle_local = key;
			} else if (middle_local != 0) {
				 * We should never find an existing key after
				 * we have detected one missing.
				printf("%s: LOCAL after absent record at %"
				    PRIu64 " key %" PRIu64 " exists\n",
				    fname, middle_local, key);
				fatal = true;
			 * The oplog table should always have all data.
			if ((ret = cur_oplog->search(cur_oplog)) != 0) {
				if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND)
					testutil_die(ret, "search");
				if (!inmem)
					printf("%s: OPLOG no record with key %"
					    PRIu64 "\n", fname, key);
				middle_oplog = key;
			} else if (middle_oplog != 0) {
				 * We should never find an existing key after
				 * we have detected one missing.
				printf("%s: OPLOG after absent record at %"
				    PRIu64 " key %" PRIu64 " exists\n",
				    fname, middle_oplog, key);
				fatal = true;
		testutil_checksys(fclose(fp) != 0);
	if ((ret = conn->close(conn, NULL)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_CONNECTION:close");
	if (fatal)
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (!inmem && absent_coll) {
		printf("COLLECTION: %" PRIu64
		    " record(s) absent from %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    absent_coll, count);
		fatal = true;
	if (!inmem && absent_local) {
		printf("LOCAL: %" PRIu64 " record(s) absent from %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    absent_local, count);
		fatal = true;
	if (!inmem && absent_oplog) {
		printf("OPLOG: %" PRIu64 " record(s) absent from %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    absent_oplog, count);
		fatal = true;
	if (fatal)
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);
	printf("%" PRIu64 " records verified\n", count);
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemple #4
 * thread_run --
 *	Runner function for the worker threads.
thread_run(void *arg)
	FILE *fp;
	WT_CURSOR *cur_coll, *cur_local, *cur_oplog, *cur_stable;
	WT_ITEM data;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	uint64_t i, stable_ts;
	int ret;
	char cbuf[MAX_VAL], lbuf[MAX_VAL], obuf[MAX_VAL];
	char kname[64], tscfg[64];

	memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));
	memset(lbuf, 0, sizeof(lbuf));
	memset(obuf, 0, sizeof(obuf));
	memset(kname, 0, sizeof(kname));

	td = (WT_THREAD_DATA *)arg;
	 * Set up the separate file for checking.
	testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), RECORDS_FILE, td->id));
	testutil_checksys((fp = fopen(cbuf, "w")) == NULL);
	 * Set to line buffering.  But that is advisory only.  We've seen
	 * cases where the result files end up with partial lines.
	if ((ret = td->conn->open_session(td->conn, NULL, NULL, &session)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_CONNECTION:open_session");
	 * Open a cursor to each table.
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    uri_collection, NULL, NULL, &cur_coll)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", uri_collection);
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    uri_local, NULL, NULL, &cur_local)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", uri_local);
	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(session,
	    uri_oplog, NULL, NULL, &cur_oplog)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", uri_oplog);

	if ((ret = session->open_cursor(
	    session, stable_store, NULL, NULL, &cur_stable)) != 0)
		testutil_die(ret, "WT_SESSION.open_cursor: %s", stable_store);

	 * Write our portion of the key space until we're killed.
	printf("Thread %" PRIu32 " starts at %" PRIu64 "\n", td->id, td->start);
	for (i = td->start; ; ++i) {
		if (use_ts)
			stable_ts = global_ts++;
			stable_ts = 0;
		    kname, sizeof(kname), "%" PRIu64, i));

		testutil_check(session->begin_transaction(session, NULL));
		cur_coll->set_key(cur_coll, kname);
		cur_local->set_key(cur_local, kname);
		cur_oplog->set_key(cur_oplog, kname);
		 * Put an informative string into the value so that it
		 * can be viewed well in a binary dump.
		testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf),
		    "COLL: thread:%" PRIu64 " ts:%" PRIu64 " key: %" PRIu64,
		    td->id, stable_ts, i));
		testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf),
		    "LOCAL: thread:%" PRIu64 " ts:%" PRIu64 " key: %" PRIu64,
		    td->id, stable_ts, i));
		testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(obuf, sizeof(obuf),
		    "OPLOG: thread:%" PRIu64 " ts:%" PRIu64 " key: %" PRIu64,
		    td->id, stable_ts, i));
		data.size = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_VAL;
		data.data = cbuf;
		cur_coll->set_value(cur_coll, &data);
		if ((ret = cur_coll->insert(cur_coll)) != 0)
			testutil_die(ret, "WT_CURSOR.insert");
		data.size = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_VAL;
		data.data = obuf;
		cur_oplog->set_value(cur_oplog, &data);
		if ((ret = cur_oplog->insert(cur_oplog)) != 0)
			testutil_die(ret, "WT_CURSOR.insert");
		if (use_ts) {
			testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(tscfg, sizeof(tscfg),
			    "commit_timestamp=%" PRIx64, stable_ts));
			    session->commit_transaction(session, tscfg));
		} else
			    session->commit_transaction(session, NULL));
		 * Insert into the local table outside the timestamp txn.
		data.size = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_VAL;
		data.data = lbuf;
		cur_local->set_value(cur_local, &data);
		if ((ret = cur_local->insert(cur_local)) != 0)
			testutil_die(ret, "WT_CURSOR.insert");

		 * Every N records we will record our stable timestamp into the
		 * stable table.  That will define our threshold where we
		 * expect to find records after recovery.
		if (i % STABLE_PERIOD == 0) {
			if (use_ts) {
				 * Set both the oldest and stable timestamp
				 * so that we don't need to maintain read
				 * availability at older timestamps.
				    tscfg, sizeof(tscfg),
				    "oldest_timestamp=%" PRIx64
				    ",stable_timestamp=%" PRIx64,
				    stable_ts, stable_ts));
				    td->conn->set_timestamp(td->conn, tscfg));
			cur_stable->set_key(cur_stable, td->id);
			cur_stable->set_value(cur_stable, stable_ts);
		 * Save the timestamp and key separately for checking later.
		if (fprintf(fp,
		    "%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 "\n", stable_ts, i) < 0)
			testutil_die(EIO, "fprintf");
Exemple #5
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct sigaction sa;
	struct stat sb;
	FILE *fp;
	REPORT c_rep[MAX_TH], l_rep[MAX_TH], o_rep[MAX_TH];
	WT_CURSOR *cur_coll, *cur_local, *cur_oplog;
	WT_SESSION *session;
	pid_t pid;
	uint64_t absent_coll, absent_local, absent_oplog, count, key, last_key;
	uint64_t stable_fp, stable_val;
	uint32_t i, nth, timeout;
	int ch, status, ret;
	const char *working_dir;
	char buf[512], fname[64], kname[64], statname[1024];
	char ts_string[WT_TS_HEX_STRING_SIZE];
	bool fatal, rand_th, rand_time, verify_only;


	compat = inmem = false;
	use_ts = true;
	nth = MIN_TH;
	rand_th = rand_time = true;
	timeout = MIN_TIME;
	verify_only = false;
	working_dir = "WT_TEST.timestamp-abort";

	while ((ch = __wt_getopt(progname, argc, argv, "Ch:LmT:t:vz")) != EOF)
		switch (ch) {
		case 'C':
			compat = true;
		case 'h':
			working_dir = __wt_optarg;
		case 'L':
			table_pfx = "lsm";
		case 'm':
			inmem = true;
		case 'T':
			rand_th = false;
			nth = (uint32_t)atoi(__wt_optarg);
			if (nth > MAX_TH) {
				    "Number of threads is larger than the"
				    " maximum %" PRId32 "\n", MAX_TH);
				return (EXIT_FAILURE);
		case 't':
			rand_time = false;
			timeout = (uint32_t)atoi(__wt_optarg);
		case 'v':
			verify_only = true;
		case 'z':
			use_ts = false;
	argc -= __wt_optind;
	if (argc != 0)

	testutil_work_dir_from_path(home, sizeof(home), working_dir);
	testutil_check(pthread_rwlock_init(&ts_lock, NULL));

	 * If the user wants to verify they need to tell us how many threads
	 * there were so we can find the old record files.
	if (verify_only && rand_th) {
		    "Verify option requires specifying number of threads\n");
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
	if (!verify_only) {

		__wt_random_init_seed(NULL, &rnd);
		if (rand_time) {
			timeout = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_TIME;
			if (timeout < MIN_TIME)
				timeout = MIN_TIME;
		if (rand_th) {
			nth = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_TH;
			if (nth < MIN_TH)
				nth = MIN_TH;

		printf("Parent: compatibility: %s, "
		    "in-mem log sync: %s, timestamp in use: %s\n",
		    compat ? "true" : "false",
		    inmem ? "true" : "false",
		    use_ts ? "true" : "false");
		printf("Parent: Create %" PRIu32
		    " threads; sleep %" PRIu32 " seconds\n", nth, timeout);
		printf("CONFIG: %s%s%s%s -h %s -T %" PRIu32 " -t %" PRIu32 "\n",
		    compat ? " -C" : "",
		    inmem ? " -m" : "",
		    !use_ts ? " -z" : "",
		    working_dir, nth, timeout);
		 * Fork a child to insert as many items.  We will then randomly
		 * kill the child, run recovery and make sure all items we wrote
		 * exist after recovery runs.
		memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
		sa.sa_handler = handler;
		testutil_checksys(sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL));
		testutil_checksys((pid = fork()) < 0);

		if (pid == 0) { /* child */
			return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

		/* parent */
		 * Sleep for the configured amount of time before killing
		 * the child.  Start the timeout from the time we notice that
		 * the file has been created.  That allows the test to run
		 * correctly on really slow machines.
		    statname, sizeof(statname), "%s/%s", home, ckpt_file));
		while (stat(statname, &sb) != 0)
			testutil_sleep_wait(1, pid);
		sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
		testutil_checksys(sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL));

		 * !!! It should be plenty long enough to make sure more than
		 * one log file exists.  If wanted, that check would be added
		 * here.
		printf("Kill child\n");
		testutil_checksys(kill(pid, SIGKILL) != 0);
		testutil_checksys(waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1);
	 * !!! If we wanted to take a copy of the directory before recovery,
	 * this is the place to do it. Don't do it all the time because
	 * it can use a lot of disk space, which can cause test machine
	 * issues.
	if (chdir(home) != 0)
		testutil_die(errno, "parent chdir: %s", home);
	 * The tables can get very large, so while we'd ideally like to
	 * copy the entire database, we only copy the log files for now.
	 * Otherwise it can take far too long to run the test, particularly
	 * in automated testing.
	testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
	    "rm -rf ../%s.SAVE && mkdir ../%s.SAVE && "
	    "cp -p * ../%s.SAVE",
	     home, home, home));
	if ((status = system(buf)) < 0)
		testutil_die(status, "system: %s", buf);
	printf("Open database, run recovery and verify content\n");

	 * Open the connection which forces recovery to be run.
	testutil_check(wiredtiger_open(NULL, NULL, ENV_CONFIG_REC, &conn));
	testutil_check(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, NULL, &session));
	 * Open a cursor on all the tables.
	    buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", table_pfx, uri_collection));
	    buf, NULL, NULL, &cur_coll));
	    buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", table_pfx, uri_local));
	    buf, NULL, NULL, &cur_local));
	    buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", table_pfx, uri_oplog));
	    buf, NULL, NULL, &cur_oplog));

	 * Find the biggest stable timestamp value that was saved.
	stable_val = 0;
	if (use_ts) {
		    conn->query_timestamp(conn, ts_string, "get=recovery"));
		    sscanf(ts_string, "%" SCNx64, &stable_val) == 1);
		printf("Got stable_val %" PRIu64 "\n", stable_val);

	count = 0;
	absent_coll = absent_local = absent_oplog = 0;
	fatal = false;
	for (i = 0; i < nth; ++i) {
		    fname, sizeof(fname), RECORDS_FILE, i));
		if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
			testutil_die(errno, "fopen: %s", fname);

		 * For every key in the saved file, verify that the key exists
		 * in the table after recovery.  If we're doing in-memory
		 * log buffering we never expect a record missing in the middle,
		 * but records may be missing at the end.  If we did
		 * write-no-sync, we expect every key to have been recovered.
		for (last_key = INVALID_KEY;; ++count, last_key = key) {
			ret = fscanf(fp, "%" SCNu64 "%" SCNu64 "\n",
			    &stable_fp, &key);
			if (last_key == INVALID_KEY) {
				c_rep[i].first_key = key;
				l_rep[i].first_key = key;
				o_rep[i].first_key = key;
			if (ret != EOF && ret != 2) {
				 * If we find a partial line, consider it
				 * like an EOF.
				if (ret == 1 || ret == 0)
				testutil_die(errno, "fscanf");
			if (ret == EOF)
			 * If we're unlucky, the last line may be a partially
			 * written key at the end that can result in a false
			 * negative error for a missing record.  Detect it.
			if (last_key != INVALID_KEY && key != last_key + 1) {
				printf("%s: Ignore partial record %" PRIu64
				    " last valid key %" PRIu64 "\n",
				    fname, key, last_key);
			    kname, sizeof(kname), "%" PRIu64, key));
			cur_coll->set_key(cur_coll, kname);
			cur_local->set_key(cur_local, kname);
			cur_oplog->set_key(cur_oplog, kname);
			 * The collection table should always only have the
			 * data as of the checkpoint.
			if ((ret = cur_coll->search(cur_coll)) != 0) {
				if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND)
					testutil_die(ret, "search");
				 * If we don't find a record, the stable
				 * timestamp written to our file better be
				 * larger than the saved one.
				if (!inmem &&
				    stable_fp != 0 && stable_fp <= stable_val) {
					printf("%s: COLLECTION no record with "
					    "key %" PRIu64 " record ts %" PRIu64
					    " <= stable ts %" PRIu64 "\n",
					    fname, key, stable_fp, stable_val);
				if (c_rep[i].first_miss == INVALID_KEY)
					c_rep[i].first_miss = key;
				c_rep[i].absent_key = key;
			} else if (c_rep[i].absent_key != INVALID_KEY &&
			    c_rep[i].exist_key == INVALID_KEY) {
				 * If we get here we found a record that exists
				 * after absent records, a hole in our data.
				c_rep[i].exist_key = key;
				fatal = true;
			} else if (!inmem &&
			    stable_fp != 0 && stable_fp > stable_val) {
				 * If we found a record, the stable timestamp
				 * written to our file better be no larger
				 * than the checkpoint one.
				printf("%s: COLLECTION record with "
				    "key %" PRIu64 " record ts %" PRIu64
				    " > stable ts %" PRIu64 "\n",
				    fname, key, stable_fp, stable_val);
				fatal = true;
			 * The local table should always have all data.
			if ((ret = cur_local->search(cur_local)) != 0) {
				if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND)
					testutil_die(ret, "search");
				if (!inmem)
					printf("%s: LOCAL no record with key %"
					    PRIu64 "\n", fname, key);
				if (l_rep[i].first_miss == INVALID_KEY)
					l_rep[i].first_miss = key;
				l_rep[i].absent_key = key;
			} else if (l_rep[i].absent_key != INVALID_KEY &&
			    l_rep[i].exist_key == INVALID_KEY) {
				 * We should never find an existing key after
				 * we have detected one missing.
				l_rep[i].exist_key = key;
				fatal = true;
			 * The oplog table should always have all data.
			if ((ret = cur_oplog->search(cur_oplog)) != 0) {
				if (ret != WT_NOTFOUND)
					testutil_die(ret, "search");
				if (!inmem)
					printf("%s: OPLOG no record with key %"
					    PRIu64 "\n", fname, key);
				if (o_rep[i].first_miss == INVALID_KEY)
					o_rep[i].first_miss = key;
				o_rep[i].absent_key = key;
			} else if (o_rep[i].absent_key != INVALID_KEY &&
			    o_rep[i].exist_key == INVALID_KEY) {
				 * We should never find an existing key after
				 * we have detected one missing.
				o_rep[i].exist_key = key;
				fatal = true;
		c_rep[i].last_key = last_key;
		l_rep[i].last_key = last_key;
		o_rep[i].last_key = last_key;
		testutil_checksys(fclose(fp) != 0);
		print_missing(&c_rep[i], fname, "COLLECTION");
		print_missing(&l_rep[i], fname, "LOCAL");
		print_missing(&o_rep[i], fname, "OPLOG");
	testutil_check(conn->close(conn, NULL));
	if (!inmem && absent_coll) {
		printf("COLLECTION: %" PRIu64
		    " record(s) absent from %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    absent_coll, count);
		fatal = true;
	if (!inmem && absent_local) {
		printf("LOCAL: %" PRIu64 " record(s) absent from %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    absent_local, count);
		fatal = true;
	if (!inmem && absent_oplog) {
		printf("OPLOG: %" PRIu64 " record(s) absent from %" PRIu64 "\n",
		    absent_oplog, count);
		fatal = true;
	if (fatal)
		return (EXIT_FAILURE);
	printf("%" PRIu64 " records verified\n", count);
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemple #6
 * thread_run --
 *	Runner function for the worker threads.
thread_run(void *arg)
	FILE *fp;
	WT_CURSOR *cur_coll, *cur_local, *cur_oplog;
	WT_ITEM data;
	WT_SESSION *prepared_session, *session;
	uint64_t i, active_ts;
	char cbuf[MAX_VAL], lbuf[MAX_VAL], obuf[MAX_VAL];
	char kname[64], tscfg[64], uri[128];
	bool use_prep;

	memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));
	memset(lbuf, 0, sizeof(lbuf));
	memset(obuf, 0, sizeof(obuf));
	memset(kname, 0, sizeof(kname));

	prepared_session = NULL;
	td = (THREAD_DATA *)arg;
	 * Set up the separate file for checking.
	    cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), RECORDS_FILE, td->info));
	testutil_checksys((fp = fopen(cbuf, "w")) == NULL);
	 * Set to line buffering.  But that is advisory only.  We've seen
	 * cases where the result files end up with partial lines.

	 * Have 10% of the threads use prepared transactions if timestamps
	 * are in use. Thread numbers start at 0 so we're always guaranteed
	 * that at least one thread is using prepared transactions.
	use_prep = (use_ts && td->info % PREPARE_PCT == 0) ? true : false;

	 * For the prepared case we have two sessions so that the oplog session
	 * can have its own transaction in parallel with the collection session
	 * We need this because prepared transactions cannot have any operations
	 * that modify a table that is logged. But we also want to test mixed
	 * logged and not-logged transactions.
	testutil_check(td->conn->open_session(td->conn, NULL, NULL, &session));
	if (use_prep)
		    td->conn, NULL, NULL, &prepared_session));
	 * Open a cursor to each table.
	    uri, sizeof(uri), "%s:%s", table_pfx, uri_collection));
	if (use_prep)
		    uri, NULL, NULL, &cur_coll));
		    uri, NULL, NULL, &cur_coll));
	    uri, sizeof(uri), "%s:%s", table_pfx, uri_local));
	if (use_prep)
		    uri, NULL, NULL, &cur_local));
		    uri, NULL, NULL, &cur_local));
	    uri, sizeof(uri), "%s:%s", table_pfx, uri_oplog));
	    uri, NULL, NULL, &cur_oplog));

	 * Write our portion of the key space until we're killed.
	printf("Thread %" PRIu32 " starts at %" PRIu64 "\n",
	    td->info, td->start);
	active_ts = 0;
	for (i = td->start;; ++i) {
		    kname, sizeof(kname), "%" PRIu64, i));

		testutil_check(session->begin_transaction(session, NULL));
		if (use_prep)
			    prepared_session, NULL));

		if (use_ts) {
			active_ts = __wt_atomic_addv64(&global_ts, 1);
			    sizeof(tscfg), "commit_timestamp=%" PRIx64,
			 * Set the transaction's timestamp now before performing
			 * the operation. If we are using prepared transactions,
			 * set the timestamp for the session used for oplog. The
			 * collection session in that case would continue to use
			 * this timestamp.
			    session, tscfg));

		cur_coll->set_key(cur_coll, kname);
		cur_local->set_key(cur_local, kname);
		cur_oplog->set_key(cur_oplog, kname);
		 * Put an informative string into the value so that it
		 * can be viewed well in a binary dump.
		testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf),
		    "COLL: thread:%" PRIu64 " ts:%" PRIu64 " key: %" PRIu64,
		    td->info, active_ts, i));
		testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf),
		    "LOCAL: thread:%" PRIu64 " ts:%" PRIu64 " key: %" PRIu64,
		    td->info, active_ts, i));
		testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(obuf, sizeof(obuf),
		    "OPLOG: thread:%" PRIu64 " ts:%" PRIu64 " key: %" PRIu64,
		    td->info, active_ts, i));
		data.size = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_VAL;
		data.data = cbuf;
		cur_coll->set_value(cur_coll, &data);
		data.size = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_VAL;
		data.data = obuf;
		cur_oplog->set_value(cur_oplog, &data);
		if (use_prep) {
			 * Run with prepare every once in a while. And also
			 * yield after prepare sometimes too. This is only done
			 * on the collection session.
			if (i % PREPARE_FREQ == 0) {
				    sizeof(tscfg), "prepare_timestamp=%"
				    PRIx64, active_ts));
				    prepared_session, tscfg));
				if (i % PREPARE_YIELD == 0)
				    __wt_snprintf(tscfg, sizeof(tscfg),
				    "commit_timestamp=%" PRIx64
				    ",durable_timestamp=%" PRIx64,
				    active_ts, active_ts));
			} else
				    __wt_snprintf(tscfg, sizeof(tscfg),
				    "commit_timestamp=%" PRIx64, active_ts));

			    prepared_session, tscfg));
		    session->commit_transaction(session, NULL));
		 * Insert into the local table outside the timestamp txn.
		data.size = __wt_random(&rnd) % MAX_VAL;
		data.data = lbuf;
		cur_local->set_value(cur_local, &data);

		 * Save the timestamp and key separately for checking later.
		if (fprintf(fp,
		    "%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 "\n", active_ts, i) < 0)
			testutil_die(EIO, "fprintf");