/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_label_line_wrap_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_label_line_wrap_get_func_02(void) { test_eo = elm_label_add(test_win); elm_label_line_wrap_set(test_eo, 0); int ret = 0; ret = elm_label_line_wrap_get(test_eo); if(ret) { tet_result(TET_FAIL); tet_infoline("elm_label_line_wrap_get() failed in negative test case"); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_ctxpopup_horizontal_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_ctxpopup_horizontal_get_func_02(void) { int r = 0; r = elm_ctxpopup_horizontal_get(NULL); if (r) { tet_infoline("elm_ctxpopup_horizontal_get() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Positive test case of elm_genlist_item_expanded_depth_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_genlist_item_expanded_depth_get_func_01(void) { Elm_Object_Item *it1 = NULL, *it2 = NULL; int depth = 0; it1 = elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, &itc, NULL, NULL, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, NULL, NULL); it2 = elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, &itc, NULL, it1, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_SUBITEMS, NULL, NULL); depth = elm_genlist_item_expanded_depth_get(it2); if (!depth) { tet_infoline("elm_genlist_item_expanded_depth_get() failed in positive test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_stackedicon_add() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_stackedicon_add_func_02(void) { Evas_Object* r = NULL; tet_infoline("[[ DEBUG:: Negative ]]"); r = elm_stackedicon_add(NULL); if (r) { tet_infoline("elm_stackedicon_add() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); tet_infoline("[[ TET_MSG ]]::[ID]:TC_02, [TYPE]: Negative, [RESULT]:PASS, elm_stackedicon_add()."); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_transit_event_block_disabled_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_transit_event_enabled_get_func_02(void) { Eina_Bool r = EINA_FALSE; transit = elm_transit_add(); elm_transit_event_enabled_set(transit, EINA_TRUE); r = elm_transit_event_enabled_get(NULL); if (r == EINA_TRUE) { tet_infoline("elm_transit_event_enabled_get() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
static void utc_emotion_shutdown_p(void) { signal(SIGSEGV, sigprocess); Eina_Bool res = emotion_shutdown(); if (EINA_FALSE == res) { tet_printf("[TET_FAIL]:: %s[%d] : Test has failed..", __FILE__, __LINE__); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_printf("[TET_PASS]:: %s[%d] : Test has passed..", __FILE__, __LINE__); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
static gboolean exit_loop_fail (gpointer data) { g_main_loop_quit (loop); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return FALSE; }
static void utc_location_search_poi_04() { guint req_id = 0; int ret = 0; tet_printf("POIName-restaurant, Max - 50 and sort by Distance"); LocationPOIFilter *filter = location_poi_filter_new(); gchar *key = g_strdup("POIName"); gchar *value = g_strdup("restaurant"); location_poi_filter_set(filter, key, value); LocationPOIPreference *pref = location_poi_pref_new(); location_poi_pref_set_max_result(pref, 50); gchar *item = g_strdup("Distance"); location_poi_pref_set_sort_by(pref, item); location_poi_pref_set_sort_order(pref, LOCATION_POI_PREF_SO_ASC); LocationPosition *position = location_position_new(0, 37.336723, -121.889555, 0, LOCATION_STATUS_2D_FIX); ret = location_search_poi(loc, filter, position, pref, __location_POI_cb, NULL, &req_id); if(ret != LOCATION_ERROR_NONE) { tet_result(TET_FAIL); tet_printf("Fail to search POI. Error[%d]\n", ret); } else { g_timeout_add_seconds(60, exit_loop_fail, NULL); tet_printf("Seach POI sucess, req_id %d\n", req_id); } location_poi_filter_free(filter); location_poi_pref_free(pref); location_position_free(position); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of cert_svc_load_PFX_file_to_context() */ static void utc_SecurityFW_cert_svc_load_PFX_file_to_context_func_02(void) { int tetResult = TET_FAIL; int ret = CERT_SVC_ERR_NO_ERROR; CERT_CONTEXT* ctx = NULL; unsigned char* prikey = NULL; int prikeyLen = 0; char* passphrase = NULL; ctx = cert_svc_cert_context_init(); ret = cert_svc_load_PFX_file_to_context(ctx, &prikey, &prikeyLen, NULL, passphrase); if(ret != CERT_SVC_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { tetResult = TET_FAIL; printf("[ERR] ret = [%d]\n", ret); } else tetResult = TET_PASS; if(prikey != NULL) free(prikey); cert_svc_cert_context_final(ctx); printf("[%d] [%s]\n", tetResult, __FILE__); tet_result(tetResult); }
/** * @brief Positive test case of elm_multibuttonentry_last_item_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_multibuttonentry_last_item_get_func_01(void) { Elm_Object_Item *added_item1 = NULL, *added_item2 = NULL, *last_item = NULL; test_eo = elm_multibuttonentry_add(test_win); added_item1 = elm_multibuttonentry_item_append(test_eo, "item1", NULL); added_item2 = elm_multibuttonentry_item_append(test_eo, "item2", NULL); last_item = elm_multibuttonentry_last_item_get(test_eo); if (last_item != added_item2) { tet_infoline("elm_multibuttonentry_last_item_get() failed in positive test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); tet_infoline("[[ TET_MSG ]]::[ID]:TC_01, [TYPE]: Positive, [RESULT]:PASS, elm_multibuttonentry_last_item_get()."); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_slider_horizontal_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_slider_horizontal_get_func_02(void) { Evas_Object *slider; Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; slider = elm_slider_add(main_win); elm_slider_horizontal_set(slider, EINA_TRUE); ret = elm_slider_horizontal_get(NULL); if (ret) { tet_infoline("elm_slider_horizontal_get() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_slider_indicator_format_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_slider_indicator_format_set_func_02(void) { Evas_Object *slider; const char *ret_for = NULL; slider = elm_slider_add(main_win); elm_slider_indicator_format_set(NULL, "%1.0f"); ret_for = elm_slider_indicator_format_get(slider); if (ret_for) { tet_infoline("elm_slider_indicator_format_set() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
void tp1() { (void) tet_printf("test case: %s, TP number: %d ", tet_pname, tet_thistest); tet_result(TET_PASS); /* tet_result(TET_FAIL);*/ }
// Negative test case. void uts_elm_imageslider_add_test_002() { test_eo = elm_imageslider_add(NULL); TET_CHECK_FAIL(NULL, test_eo); tet_result(TET_PASS); tet_infoline("[[ TET_MSG ]]::[ID]:TC_02, [TYPE]: Negative, [RESULT]:PASS, Adding an Image Slider has failed."); }
static void utc_emotion_frame_resize_p(void) { Evas_Object *object = init(); _emotion_frame_resize(object, 100, 200, 0.5); tet_printf("[TET_PASS]:: %s[%d] : Test has passed..", __FILE__, __LINE__); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_radio_label_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_radio_label_set_func_02(void) { Evas_Object *radio = NULL; radio = elm_radio_add(main_win); elm_radio_label_set(NULL, "label"); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init __dlog_vprint() */ void utc_ApplicationFW___dlog_vprint_func_02(void) { int r = 0; char buf[LOG_BUF_SIZE]; va_list ap; // va_start(ap, fmt); r = __dlog_vprint(LOG_ID_MAX, DLOG_DEBUG,"DLOG_TEST", fmt, ap ); // va_end(ap); if (r>=0) { tet_printf("__dlog_vprint() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_label_fontsize_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_label_fontsize_set_func_02(void) { test_eo = elm_label_add(NULL); elm_label_fontsize_set(test_eo, 10); tet_result(TET_PASS); tet_infoline("[[ TET_MSG ]]::[ID]:TC_02, [TYPE]: Negative, [RESULT]:PASS, A label fontsize set is failed."); }
/** * @brief Positive test case of elm_label_fontsize_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_label_fontsize_set_func_01(void) { test_eo = elm_label_add(test_win); elm_label_fontsize_set(test_eo, 10); tet_result(TET_PASS); tet_infoline("[[ TET_MSG ]]::[ID]:TC_01, [TYPE]: Positive, [RESULT]:PASS, A label fontsize set is success."); }
void tcElf_tpCorruptEhdr(void) { int err, fd, result; char *fn; Elf *e; TS_PHDR *ph; TP_CHECK_INITIALIZATION(); tet_infoline("assertion: " TS_ICNAME "(E) with corrupt phdr values " "the header returns E_HEADER."); fn = "ehdr.msb" __XSTRING(TS_PHDRSZ); TS_OPEN_FILE(e, fn, ELF_C_READ, fd); result = TET_PASS; if ((ph = TS_ICFUNC(e)) != NULL || (err = (elf_errno() != ELF_E_HEADER))) { tet_printf("fail: \"%s\" (ph %p, error %d)", fn, (void *) ph, err); result = TET_FAIL; } (void) elf_end(e); (void) close(fd); if (result != TET_PASS) { tet_result(result); return; } fn = "ehdr.lsb" __XSTRING(TS_PHDRSZ); TS_OPEN_FILE(e, fn, ELF_C_READ, fd); if ((ph = TS_ICFUNC(e)) != NULL || (err = (elf_errno() != ELF_E_HEADER))) { tet_printf("fail: \"%s\" (ph %p, error %d)", fn, (void *) ph, err); result = TET_FAIL; } (void) elf_end(e); (void) close(fd); tet_result(result); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_bubble_label_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_bubble_label_set_func_02(void) { bubble = elm_bubble_add(main_win); elm_bubble_label_set(bubble, NULL); if (elm_bubble_label_get(bubble)) { tet_infoline("elm_bubble_label_set() failed in negative test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } evas_object_resize(bubble, 480, 0); evas_object_move(bubble, 0, 40); evas_object_show(bubble); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_genlist_item_show() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_genlist_item_show_func_02(void) { Elm_Object_Item *it = NULL; it = elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, &itc, NULL, NULL, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, NULL, NULL); elm_genlist_item_show(NULL); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
void tp1() { // this is a c++ comment cout << "This output comes from test purpose tp1\n"; tet_infoline("This is the first test case (tc1)"); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_radio_state_value_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_radio_state_value_set_func_02(void) { Evas_Object *radio = NULL; radio = elm_radio_add(main_win); elm_radio_state_value_set(NULL, 0); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Positive test case of elm_genlist_item_disabled_set() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_genlist_item_disabled_set_func_01(void) { Elm_Object_Item *item = NULL; Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; item = elm_genlist_item_append(genlist, &itc, (void *) 0, NULL, ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, NULL, NULL); elm_genlist_item_disabled_set(item, EINA_TRUE); ret = elm_genlist_item_disabled_get(item); if (!ret) { tet_infoline("elm_genlist_item_disabled_set() failed in positive test case"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); return; } tet_result(TET_PASS); }
/** * @brief Positive test case of ssm_write_file() */ static void utc_SecurityFW_ssm_write_file_func_01(void) { int tetResult = TET_FAIL; /* variables for ssm_write_file */ int ret = -1; char* filepath = "/opt/secure-storage/test/input.txt"; ssm_flag flag = SSM_FLAG_DATA; char* group_id = NULL; /* variables for ssm_read */ FILE* fp_original = NULL; char buf[20]; char* retbuf = NULL; int readlen = 0; ssm_file_info_t sfi; /* get original file content. after encrypting, original file will be deleted */ memset(buf, 0x00, 20); fp_original = fopen(filepath, "r"); fgets(buf, 20, fp_original); fclose(fp_original); /* write file to secure-storage */ ret = ssm_write_file(filepath, flag, group_id); if(ret != 0) { // if fail, tetResult = TET_UNINITIATED; goto error; } /* read and compare */ ssm_getinfo(filepath, &sfi, flag, group_id); retbuf = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (sfi.originSize + 1)); memset(retbuf, 0x00, (sfi.originSize + 1)); ret = ssm_read(filepath, retbuf, sfi.originSize, &readlen, flag, group_id); if(ret != 0) { // if fail, tetResult = TET_UNINITIATED; goto free_error; } if(tetResult != TET_UNINITIATED) { if(!memcmp(buf, retbuf, strlen(retbuf))) // if same tetResult = TET_PASS; else tetResult = TET_FAIL; } /* delete encrypted file */ ret = ssm_delete_file(filepath, flag, group_id); if(ret != 0) tetResult = TET_UNINITIATED; free_error: free(retbuf); error: printf("[%d] [%s]\n", tetResult, __FILE__); tet_result(tetResult); }
void tcElf_tpElfWrongSize(void) { int error, fd, result; Elf *e; char *fn; TS_PHDR *ph; TP_CHECK_INITIALIZATION(); tet_infoline("assertion: a call to " TS_ICNAME "() and a mismatched " "ELF class fails with ELF_E_CLASS."); result = TET_PASS; fn = "phdr.msb" __XSTRING(TS_OTHERSIZE); TS_OPEN_FILE(e,fn,ELF_C_READ,fd); if ((ph = TS_ICFUNC(e)) != NULL || (error = elf_errno()) != ELF_E_CLASS) { tet_printf("fail: \"%s\" opened (error %d).", fn, error); result = TET_FAIL; } (void) elf_end(e); (void) close(fd); if (result != TET_PASS) { tet_result(result); return; } fn = "phdr.lsb" __XSTRING(TS_OTHERSIZE); TS_OPEN_FILE(e,fn,ELF_C_READ,fd); if ((ph = TS_ICFUNC(e)) != NULL || (error = elf_errno()) != ELF_E_CLASS) { tet_printf("fail: \"%s\" opened (error %d).", fn, error); result = TET_FAIL; } (void) elf_end(e); (void) close(fd); tet_result(result); }
/** * @brief Negative test case of ug_init elm_check_state_get() */ static void utc_UIFW_elm_check_state_get_func_02(void) { Evas_Object *check = NULL; Eina_Bool state; check = elm_check_add(main_win); elm_check_state_set(check, EINA_TRUE); state = elm_check_state_get(NULL); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
static void utc_emotion_object_smooth_scale_set_null(void) { signal(SIGSEGV, sigprocess); emotion_object_smooth_scale_set(NULL, EINA_TRUE); tet_printf("[TET_PASS]:: %s[%d] : Test has passed..", __FILE__, __LINE__); tet_result(TET_PASS); }
static void utc_emotion_object_event_simple_send_null(void) { signal(SIGSEGV, sigprocess); emotion_object_vis_set(NULL, EMOTION_EVENT_10 + 1); tet_printf("[TET_PASS]:: %s[%d] : Test has passed..", __FILE__, __LINE__); tet_result(TET_PASS); }