Exemple #1
static void sample_data(texgz_tex_t* src,
                        texgz_tex_t* dst,
                        int x, int y,
                        int i, int j,
                        int m, int n,
                        double latT, double lonL,
                        double latB, double lonR)
	LOGD("debug x=%i, y=%i, i=%i, j=%i, m=%i, n=%i, latT=%lf, lonL=%lf, latB=%lf, lonR=%lf",
	     x, y, i, j, m, n, latT, lonL, latB, lonR);

	// make a dummy tile
	nedgz_tile_t* tile = nedgz_tile_new(x, y, 9);
	if(tile == NULL)

	// compute sample coords
	double lat;
	double lon;
	tile_coord(tile, i, j, m, n, &lat, &lon);

	// compute u, v
	float u = (float) ((lon - lonL)/(lonR - lonL));
	float v = (float) ((lat - latT)/(latB - latT));

	// interpolate color
	unsigned char r;
	unsigned char g;
	unsigned char b;
	interpolatec(src, u, v, &r, &g, &b);

	// store color
	unsigned char* pixels = dst->pixels;
	int            stride = dst->stride;
	int            bpp    = texgz_tex_bpp(dst);
	int            idx    = m*stride*bpp + n*bpp;
	pixels[idx + 0] = r;
	pixels[idx + 1] = g;
	pixels[idx + 2] = b;

Exemple #2
static void sample_data(texgz_tex_t* src,
                        texgz_tex_t* dst,
                        int x, int y,
                        int m, int n,
                        double latT, double lonL,
                        double latB, double lonR)

	// compute sample coords
	double lat;
	double lon;
	float s  = (float) (SUBTILE_SIZE - 1);
	float xx = (float) x;
	float yy = (float) y;
	float nn = (float) n/s;
	float mm = (float) m/s;
	terrain_tile2coord(xx + nn, yy + mm, 9, &lat, &lon);

	// compute u, v
	float u = (float) ((lon - lonL)/(lonR - lonL));
	float v = (float) ((lat - latT)/(latB - latT));

	// interpolate color
	unsigned char r;
	unsigned char g;
	unsigned char b;
	interpolatec(src, u, v, &r, &g, &b);

	// store color
	unsigned char* pixels = dst->pixels;
	int            stride = dst->stride;
	int            bpp    = texgz_tex_bpp(dst);
	int            idx    = m*stride*bpp + n*bpp;
	pixels[idx + 0] = r;
	pixels[idx + 1] = g;
	pixels[idx + 2] = b;
Exemple #3
static void interpolatec(texgz_tex_t* tex,
                         float u, float v,
                         unsigned char* r,
                         unsigned char* g,
                         unsigned char* b)
	LOGD("debug u=%f, v=%f", u, v);

	// "float indices"
	float pu = u*(tex->width - 1);
	float pv = v*(tex->height - 1);

	// determine indices to sample
	int u0 = (int) pu;
	int v0 = (int) pv;
	int u1 = u0 + 1;
	int v1 = v0 + 1;

	// double check the indices
	if(u0 < 0)
		u0 = 0;
	if(u1 >= tex->width)
		u1 = tex->width - 1;
	if(v0 < 0)
		v0 = 0;
	if(v1 >= tex->height)
		v1 = tex->height - 1;

	// compute interpolation coordinates
	float u0f = (float) u0;
	float v0f = (float) v0;
	float uf    = pu - u0f;
	float vf    = pv - v0f;

	// compute index
	int bpp    = texgz_tex_bpp(tex);
	int stride = tex->stride;
	int idx00  = v0*stride*bpp + u0*bpp;
	int idx01  = v1*stride*bpp + u0*bpp;
	int idx10  = v0*stride*bpp + u1*bpp;
	int idx11  = v1*stride*bpp + u1*bpp;

	// sample interpolation values
	unsigned char* pixels = tex->pixels;
	float          r00    = (float) pixels[idx00];
	float          r01    = (float) pixels[idx01];
	float          r10    = (float) pixels[idx10];
	float          r11    = (float) pixels[idx11];
	float          g00    = (float) pixels[idx00 + 1];
	float          g01    = (float) pixels[idx01 + 1];
	float          g10    = (float) pixels[idx10 + 1];
	float          g11    = (float) pixels[idx11 + 1];
	float          b00    = (float) pixels[idx00 + 2];
	float          b01    = (float) pixels[idx01 + 2];
	float          b10    = (float) pixels[idx10 + 2];
	float          b11    = (float) pixels[idx11 + 2];

	// interpolate u
	float r0010 = r00 + uf*(r10 - r00);
	float r0111 = r01 + uf*(r11 - r01);
	float g0010 = g00 + uf*(g10 - g00);
	float g0111 = g01 + uf*(g11 - g01);
	float b0010 = b00 + uf*(b10 - b00);
	float b0111 = b01 + uf*(b11 - b01);

	// interpolate v
	*r = (unsigned char) (r0010 + vf*(r0111 - r0010) + 0.5f);
	*g = (unsigned char) (g0010 + vf*(g0111 - g0010) + 0.5f);
	*b = (unsigned char) (b0010 + vf*(b0111 - b0010) + 0.5f);
Exemple #4
static void naip_sampleEnd(texgz_tex_t* tex,
                           int zoom, int x, int y)

	// tex and node->tex are expected to have RGBA-8888

	int i;
	int j;
	double lat;
	double lon;
	float  xf  = (float) x;
	float  yf  = (float) y;
	int    bpp = texgz_tex_bpp(tex);
	unsigned char pixel00[4];
	unsigned char pixel01[4];
	unsigned char pixel10[4];
	unsigned char pixel11[4];
	float         pixelf[4];
	for(i = 0; i < tex->height; ++i)
		int offset = bpp*i*tex->stride;
		for(j = 0; j < tex->width; ++j)
			// compute pixel center
			float ii = (float) i;
			float jj = (float) j;
			float xx = xf + jj/255.0f;
			float yy = yf + ii/255.0f;
			terrain_tile2coord(xx, yy, zoom,
			                   &lat, &lon);

			// find/cache the naip image
			naip_node_t* node = naip_cache_findNode(lat, lon);
			if(node == NULL)
				offset += bpp;

			// stochastic/random sampling pattern
			float w    = (float) node->tex->width;
			float h    = (float) node->tex->height;
			float ssu0 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/w;
			float ssu1 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/w;
			float ssu2 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/w;
			float ssu3 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/w;
			float ssv0 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/h;
			float ssv1 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/h;
			float ssv2 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/h;
			float ssv3 = (0.5f + 0.25*stochastic())/h;

			// sample the pixel (MSAA)
			double u0 = fabs(lon - node->l);
			double v0 = fabs(lat - node->t);
			double du = fabs(node->l - node->r);
			double dv = fabs(node->t - node->b);
			float  u  = (float) (u0/du);
			float  v  = (float) (v0/dv);
			texgz_tex_sample(node->tex, u - ssu0, v - ssv0,
			                 bpp, pixel00);
			texgz_tex_sample(node->tex, u + ssu1, v - ssv1,
			                 bpp, pixel01);
			texgz_tex_sample(node->tex, u - ssu2, v + ssv2,
			                 bpp, pixel10);
			texgz_tex_sample(node->tex, u + ssu3, v + ssv3,
			                 bpp, pixel11);

			// compute pixel average
			pixelf[0] = ((float) pixel00[0] + (float) pixel01[0] +
			             (float) pixel10[0] + (float) pixel11[0])/4.0f;
			pixelf[1] = ((float) pixel00[1] + (float) pixel01[1] +
			             (float) pixel10[1] + (float) pixel11[1])/4.0f;
			pixelf[2] = ((float) pixel00[2] + (float) pixel01[2] +
			             (float) pixel10[2] + (float) pixel11[2])/4.0f;
			pixelf[3] = ((float) pixel00[3] + (float) pixel01[3] +
			             (float) pixel10[3] + (float) pixel11[3])/4.0f;

			// set the pixel
			tex->pixels[offset + 0] = (unsigned char) pixelf[0];
			tex->pixels[offset + 1] = (unsigned char) pixelf[1];
			tex->pixels[offset + 2] = (unsigned char) pixelf[2];
			tex->pixels[offset + 3] = (unsigned char) pixelf[3];
			offset += bpp;