static void text_heading(textfile *tf, word *tprefix, word *nprefix, word *text, alignstruct align, int indent, int width, textconfig *cfg) { rdstring t = { 0, 0, NULL }; int margin, length; int firstlinewidth, wrapwidth; wrappedline *wrapping, *p; if (align.just_numbers && nprefix) { text_rdaddw(&t, nprefix, NULL, cfg); rdadds(&t, align.number_suffix); } else if (!align.just_numbers && tprefix) { text_rdaddw(&t, tprefix, NULL, cfg); rdadds(&t, align.number_suffix); } margin = length = ustrwid(t.text ? t.text : L"", cfg->charset); if (align.align == LEFTPLUS) { margin = indent - margin; if (margin < 0) margin = 0; firstlinewidth = indent + width - margin - length; wrapwidth = width; } else if (align.align == LEFT || align.align == CENTRE) { margin = 0; firstlinewidth = indent + width - length; wrapwidth = indent + width; } wrapping = wrap_para(text, firstlinewidth, wrapwidth, text_width, cfg, 0); for (p = wrapping; p; p = p->next) { text_rdaddw(&t, p->begin, p->end, cfg); length = ustrwid(t.text ? t.text : L"", cfg->charset); if (align.align == CENTRE) { margin = (indent + width - length)/2; if (margin < 0) margin = 0; } text_output_many(tf, margin, L' '); text_output(tf, t.text); text_output(tf, L"\n"); if (*align.underline) { text_output_many(tf, margin, L' '); while (length > 0) { text_output(tf, align.underline); length -= ustrwid(align.underline, cfg->charset); } text_output(tf, L"\n"); } if (align.align == LEFTPLUS) margin = indent; else margin = 0; sfree(t.text); t = empty_rdstring; } wrap_free(wrapping); text_output(tf, L"\n"); sfree(t.text); }
static void text_codepara(textfile *tf, word *text, int indent, int width) { for (; text; text = text->next) if (text->type == word_WeakCode) { int wid = ustrwid(text->text, tf->charset); if (wid > width) err_text_codeline(&text->fpos, wid, width); text_output_many(tf, indent, L' '); text_output(tf, text->text); text_output(tf, L"\n"); } text_output(tf, L"\n"); }
static void text_rule(textfile *tf, int indent, int width, textconfig *cfg) { text_output_many(tf, indent, L' '); while (width > 0) { text_output(tf, cfg->rule); width -= ustrwid(cfg->rule, cfg->charset); } text_output_many(tf, 2, L'\n'); }
static void text_output_many(textfile *tf, int n, wchar_t c) { wchar_t s[2]; s[0] = c; s[1] = L'\0'; while (n-- > 0) text_output(tf, s); }
static void text_para(textfile *tf, word *prefix, wchar_t *prefixextra, word *text, int indent, int extraindent, int width, textconfig *cfg) { wrappedline *wrapping, *p; rdstring pfx = { 0, 0, NULL }; int e; int firstlinewidth = width; if (prefix) { text_rdaddw(&pfx, prefix, NULL, cfg); if (prefixextra) rdadds(&pfx, prefixextra); text_output_many(tf, indent, L' '); text_output(tf, pfx.text); /* If the prefix is too long, shorten the first line to fit. */ e = extraindent - ustrwid(pfx.text ? pfx.text : L"", cfg->charset); if (e < 0) { firstlinewidth += e; /* this decreases it, since e < 0 */ if (firstlinewidth < 0) { e = indent + extraindent; firstlinewidth = width; text_output(tf, L"\n"); } else e = 0; } sfree(pfx.text); } else e = indent + extraindent; wrapping = wrap_para(text, firstlinewidth, width, text_width, cfg, 0); for (p = wrapping; p; p = p->next) { rdstring t = { 0, 0, NULL }; text_rdaddw(&t, p->begin, p->end, cfg); text_output_many(tf, e, L' '); text_output(tf, t.text); text_output(tf, L"\n"); e = indent + extraindent; sfree(t.text); } wrap_free(wrapping); text_output(tf, L"\n"); }
static void text_versionid(textfile *tf, word *text, textconfig *cfg) { rdstring t = { 0, 0, NULL }; rdadd(&t, L'['); text_rdaddw(&t, text, NULL, cfg); rdadd(&t, L']'); rdadd(&t, L'\n'); text_output(tf, t.text); sfree(t.text); }
void outtextxy(int x, int y, const char* str) { if (text_align_mode != NOT_UPDATE_CP) { text_align_mode = NOT_UPDATE_CP; int align = (text_settings.direction == HORIZ_DIR) ? (TA_NOUPDATECP | text_halign_cnv[text_settings.horiz] | text_valign_cnv[text_settings.vert]) : (TA_NOUPDATECP | text_valign_cnv[text_settings.horiz] | text_halign_cnv[text_settings.vert]); SetTextAlign(hdc[0], align); SetTextAlign(hdc[1], align); } text_output(x, y, str); }
static abi_diff::CompatibilityStatus MergeDiffReports( const std::vector<std::string> &diff_reports, const std::string &merged_diff_report) { abi_diff::MergedTranslationUnitDiff merged_tu_diff; std::ofstream text_output(merged_diff_report); google::protobuf::io::OstreamOutputStream text_os(&text_output); abi_diff::CompatibilityStatus status = abi_diff::CompatibilityStatus::COMPATIBLE; for (auto &&i : diff_reports) { abi_diff::TranslationUnitDiff diff_tu; std::ifstream input(i); google::protobuf::io::IstreamInputStream text_is(&input); if (!google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(&text_is, &diff_tu)) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to parse diff report\n"; ::exit(1); } abi_diff::ConciseDiffReportInformation *added_tu_diff = merged_tu_diff.add_diff_reports(); if (!added_tu_diff) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to add diff report to merged report\n"; ::exit(1); } abi_diff::CompatibilityStatus new_status = diff_tu.compatibility_status(); added_tu_diff->set_lib_name(diff_tu.lib_name()); added_tu_diff->set_arch(diff_tu.arch()); added_tu_diff->set_diff_report_path(i); added_tu_diff->set_compatibility_status(new_status); // Only, if the status is downgraded, change it. if (IsStatusDowngraded(status, new_status)) { status = new_status; } } if (!google::protobuf::TextFormat::Print(merged_tu_diff, &text_os)) { llvm::errs() << "Serialization to ostream failed\n"; ::exit(1); } return status; }
void MyApp::DoStreamDemo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextCtrl& textCtrl = * GetTextCtrl(); textCtrl.Clear(); textCtrl << _T("\nTest fstream vs. wxFileStream:\n\n"); textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing to ofstream and wxFileOutputStream:\n") ); wxSTD ofstream std_file_output( "test_std.dat" ); wxFileOutputStream file_output( file_name ); wxBufferedOutputStream buf_output( file_output ); wxTextOutputStream text_output( buf_output ); wxString tmp; signed int si = 0xFFFFFFFF; tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_output << si << _T("\n"); std_file_output << si << "\n"; unsigned int ui = 0xFFFFFFFF; tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_output << ui << _T("\n"); std_file_output << ui << "\n"; double d = 2.01234567890123456789; tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_output << d << _T("\n"); std_file_output << d << "\n"; float f = (float)0.00001; tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_output << f << _T("\n"); std_file_output << f << "\n"; wxString str( _T("Hello!") ); tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_output << str << _T("\n"); std_file_output << str.ToAscii() << "\n"; textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nReading from ifstream:\n") ); wxSTD ifstream std_file_input( "test_std.dat" ); std_file_input >> si; tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); std_file_input >> ui; tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); std_file_input >> d; tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); std_file_input >> f; tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); char std_buf[200]; std_file_input >> std_buf; str = wxString::FromAscii(std_buf); tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nReading from wxFileInputStream:\n") ); buf_output.Sync(); wxFileInputStream file_input( file_name ); wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( file_input ); wxTextInputStream text_input( file_input ); text_input >> si; tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int: %d\n"), si ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_input >> ui; tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int: %u\n"), ui ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_input >> d; tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_input >> f; tmp.Printf( _T("Float: %f\n"), f ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); text_input >> str; tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); textCtrl << _T("\nTest for wxDataStream:\n\n"); textCtrl.WriteText( _T("Writing to wxDataOutputStream:\n") ); file_output.SeekO( 0 ); wxDataOutputStream data_output( buf_output ); wxInt16 i16 = (unsigned short)0xFFFF; tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int16: %d\n"), (int)i16 ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); data_output.Write16( i16 ); wxUint16 ui16 = 0xFFFF; tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int16: %u\n"), (unsigned int) ui16 ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); data_output.Write16( ui16 ); d = 2.01234567890123456789; tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); data_output.WriteDouble( d ); str = _T("Hello!"); tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); data_output.WriteString( str ); buf_output.Sync(); textCtrl.WriteText( _T("\nReading from wxDataInputStream:\n") ); file_input.SeekI( 0 ); wxDataInputStream data_input( buf_input ); i16 = data_input.Read16(); tmp.Printf( _T("Signed int16: %d\n"), (int)i16 ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); ui16 = data_input.Read16(); tmp.Printf( _T("Unsigned int16: %u\n"), (unsigned int) ui16 ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); d = data_input.ReadDouble(); tmp.Printf( _T("Double: %f\n"), d ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); str = data_input.ReadString(); tmp.Printf( _T("String: %s\n"), str.c_str() ); textCtrl.WriteText( tmp ); }
void text_backend(paragraph *sourceform, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, void *unused) { paragraph *p; textconfig conf; word *prefix, *body, *wp; word spaceword; textfile tf; wchar_t *prefixextra; int nesting, nestbase, nestindent; int indentb, indenta; IGNORE(unused); IGNORE(keywords); /* we don't happen to need this */ IGNORE(idx); /* or this */ conf = text_configure(sourceform); /* * Open the output file. */ if (!strcmp(conf.filename, "-")) tf.fp = stdout; else tf.fp = fopen(conf.filename, "w"); if (!tf.fp) { err_cantopenw(conf.filename); return; } tf.charset = conf.charset; tf.state = charset_init_state; /* Do the title */ for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) if (p->type == para_Title) text_heading(&tf, NULL, NULL, p->words, conf.atitle, conf.indent, conf.width, &conf); nestindent = conf.listindentbefore + conf.listindentafter; nestbase = (conf.indent_preambles ? 0 : -conf.indent); nesting = nestbase; /* Do the main document */ for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) switch (p->type) { case para_QuotePush: nesting += 2; break; case para_QuotePop: nesting -= 2; assert(nesting >= 0); break; case para_LcontPush: nesting += nestindent; break; case para_LcontPop: nesting -= nestindent; assert(nesting >= nestbase); break; /* * Things we ignore because we've already processed them or * aren't going to touch them in this pass. */ case para_IM: case para_BR: case para_Biblio: /* only touch BiblioCited */ case para_VersionID: case para_NoCite: case para_Title: break; /* * Chapter titles. */ case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_UnnumberedChapter: text_heading(&tf, p->kwtext, p->kwtext2, p->words, conf.achapter, conf.indent, conf.width, &conf); nesting = 0; break; case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: text_heading(&tf, p->kwtext, p->kwtext2, p->words, conf.asect[p->aux>=conf.nasect ? conf.nasect-1 : p->aux], conf.indent, conf.width, &conf); break; case para_Rule: text_rule(&tf, conf.indent + nesting, conf.width - nesting, &conf); break; case para_Normal: case para_Copyright: case para_DescribedThing: case para_Description: case para_BiblioCited: case para_Bullet: case para_NumberedList: if (p->type == para_Bullet) { prefix = &conf.bullet; prefixextra = NULL; indentb = conf.listindentbefore; indenta = conf.listindentafter; } else if (p->type == para_NumberedList) { prefix = p->kwtext; prefixextra = conf.listsuffix; indentb = conf.listindentbefore; indenta = conf.listindentafter; } else if (p->type == para_Description) { prefix = NULL; prefixextra = NULL; indentb = conf.listindentbefore; indenta = conf.listindentafter; } else { prefix = NULL; prefixextra = NULL; indentb = indenta = 0; } if (p->type == para_BiblioCited) { body = dup_word_list(p->kwtext); for (wp = body; wp->next; wp = wp->next); wp->next = &spaceword; = p->words; spaceword.alt = NULL; spaceword.type = word_WhiteSpace; spaceword.text = NULL; } else { wp = NULL; body = p->words; } text_para(&tf, prefix, prefixextra, body, conf.indent + nesting + indentb, indenta, conf.width - nesting - indentb - indenta, &conf); if (wp) { wp->next = NULL; free_word_list(body); } break; case para_Code: text_codepara(&tf, p->words, conf.indent + nesting + conf.indent_code, conf.width - nesting - 2 * conf.indent_code); break; } /* Do the version ID */ if (conf.include_version_id) { for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) if (p->type == para_VersionID) text_versionid(&tf, p->words, &conf); } /* * Tidy up */ text_output(&tf, NULL); /* end charset conversion */ if (tf.fp != stdout) fclose(tf.fp); sfree(conf.asect); sfree(conf.filename); }
// // This program is a driver to test the first assignment functions. // The first 4 are tested. // int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool ans; int armstrong_test = 8; // true char brackets[5] = "[[]]"; // true int perfect_test = 28; // true int rotate_test = 1234; int r = 1; int rotate_test_solution = 4123; int rotate_test_ans = 0; char pattern_test[] = "ana"; char text_test[] = "ana ate the banana"; int str_search_solution = 3; int str_search_ans =0; int collatz_count_ans = 0; int collatz_count_solution = 7; int collatz_test = 20; int f_array_test = 15; char string_1[6] = "HELLO"; char string_2[3] = "hi"; char string_result[10]; char string_ans[10] = "hiHELLOhi"; int num1=14, num2=13, num3=12; int ascending [3] = {0}; int ascending_ans[3] = {12,13,14}; int cube_sum_this_num = 54; printf("Testing functions:\n"); //1 ans = f_armstrong(armstrong_test); text_output(1, ans==true); //2 ans = f_brackets(brackets); text_output(2, ans==true); //3 ans = f_perfect(perfect_test); text_output(3, ans==true); //4 rotate_test_ans = f_rotate(rotate_test,r); if(rotate_test_ans == rotate_test_solution) { ans = true; } else { ans = false; } text_output(4,ans); //5 str_search_ans = f_str_search(&pattern_test, &text_test); if(str_search_ans == str_search_solution) { ans = true; } else { ans = false; } text_output(5,ans); //6 collatz_count_ans = f_collatz_count(collatz_test); if(collatz_count_ans == collatz_count_solution) { ans = true; } else { ans = false; } text_output(6,ans); //7 text_output(7, ans); f_array(f_array_test); //8 f_strings(&string_1, &string_2, &string_result); printf("The input strings were '%s' and '%s'.\n", string_1, string_2); printf("The answer should be '%s'\nYour answer is '%s'\n\n", string_ans, string_result); //9 f_sort(num1, num2, num3, &ascending); if (ascending[0]==ascending_ans[0] && ascending[1]==ascending_ans[1] && ascending[2]==ascending_ans[2]) { ans = true; } else { ans = false; } text_output(9,ans); //10 if ((f_cubes_sum(cube_sum_this_num)[0] + f_cubes_sum(cube_sum_this_num)[1]) == cube_sum_this_num) { ans=true; } else { ans=false; } text_output(10,ans); }