Exemple #1
 * variable value change call back routine
int var_prt_vclchg(p_vc_record vcp)
 /* unsigned long long now, chgtim; */
 int otyp, ltime, htime;
 handle net;
 char s1[1024], s2[1024], s3[1024];

 /* current time */
 ltime = tf_getlongsimtime(&htime);
 /* -- 
 now = ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) htime)) << 32
  | ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) ltime));

 -* vc record time *- 
 chgtim = ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) vcp->vc_hightime)) << 32
  | ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) vcp->vc_lowtime));
 -- */

 /* net handle assigned to user data field */
 net = (handle) vcp->user_data; 
 otyp = acc_fetch_type(net);

 if (vcp->vc_reason != event_value_change)
   /* these do not have value, i.e. get va8ue return NULL with error */
   if (otyp == accPort || otyp == accPortBit || otyp == accTerminal)
     sprintf(s1, "obj=%s", acc_fetch_type_str(otyp));
   else strcpy(s1, acc_fetch_value(net, "%b", NULL));

 switch (vcp->vc_reason) {
  case logic_value_change:
   sprintf(s2, "scalar=%u(%s)", (unsigned) vcp->out_value.logic_value, s1); 
  case sregister_value_change:
   sprintf(s2, "sr-scalar=%u(%s)", (unsigned) vcp->out_value.logic_value, s1); 
  case real_value_change: case realtime_value_change:
   sprintf(s2, "**error**");
  case event_value_change:
   strcpy(s2, "**event**");
   sprintf(s2, "vector=%s", s1);

 /* --
 io_printf("--> now %uL (chg time %uL): %s=%s\n", now, chgtim,
 -- */

 if (otyp != accTerminal) strcpy(s3, acc_fetch_fullname(net));
 else strcpy(s3, "**terminal**");

 io_printf("--> now %d (chg time %d): %s=%s\n", ltime, vcp->vc_lowtime, s3,
Exemple #2
 * wire strength change value change call back routine
int wire_prt_vclchg(p_vc_record vcp)
 /* unsigned long long now, chgtim; */
 int typ, ltime, htime;
 handle net;
 char s1[1024], s2[1024], s3[1024];

 /* current time */
 ltime = tf_getlongsimtime(&htime);
 /* ---
 now = ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) htime)) << 32
  | ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) ltime));

 -* vc record time *- 
 chgtim = ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) vcp->vc_hightime)) << 32
  | ((unsigned long long) ((unsigned long) vcp->vc_lowtime));
 --- */

 /* net handle assigned to user data field */
 net = (handle) vcp->user_data; 

 /* build strength value string */
 sprintf(s1, "<%d, %d>=%d", (int) vcp->out_value.strengths_s.strength1, 
  (int) vcp->out_value.strengths_s.strength2,   
  (int) vcp->out_value.strengths_s.logic_value);
 /* also get value as internal strength %v string */
 strcpy(s2, acc_fetch_value(net, "%v", NULL));

 if (vcp->vc_reason != strength_value_change)
   io_printf("*** ERROR: wire change reason %d - strength change expected\n",
 /* ---
 io_printf("--> now %uL (chg time %uL): %s=%s(%s)\n", now, chgtim,
 -- */

 /* terminals do not have names */
 typ = acc_fetch_type(net);
 if (typ != accTerminal) strcpy(s3, acc_fetch_fullname(net));
 else strcpy(s3, "**terminal**");

 io_printf("--> now %d (chg time %d): %s=%s(%s)\n", ltime, vcp->vc_lowtime,
  s3, s2, s1); 
Exemple #3
static int
mytest(int ud, int reason)
    PLI_INT32 ht, lt;
    PLI_BYTE8 *cp;
    PLI_BYTE8 *inst = tf_getinstance();
    PLI_BYTE8 *name = tf_spname();

    (void)ud;  /* Parameter is not used. */
    (void)reason;  /* Parameter is not used. */

    io_printf("Module %s\n", name);

    lt = tf_gettime();
    io_printf("\ttf_gettime()\t\t\t-> %d\n", (int)lt);

    cp = tf_strgettime();
    io_printf("\ttf_strgettime()\t\t\t-> %s\n", cp);

    lt = tf_getlongtime(&ht);
    io_printf("\ttf_getlongtime()\t\t-> %d/%d\n", (int)ht, (int)lt);

    lt = tf_igetlongtime(&ht, inst);
    io_printf("\ttf_igetlongtime(inst)\t\t-> %d/%d\n", (int)ht, (int)lt);

    lt = tf_getlongsimtime(&ht);
    io_printf("\ttf_getlongsimtime()\t\t-> %d/%d\n", (int)ht, (int)lt);

    lt = tf_gettimeprecision();
    io_printf("\ttf_gettimeprecision()\t\t-> %d\n", (int)lt);

    lt = tf_igettimeprecision(inst);
    io_printf("\ttf_igettimeprecision(inst)\t-> %d\n", (int)lt);

    lt = tf_gettimeunit();
    io_printf("\ttf_gettimeunit()\t\t-> %d\n", (int)lt);

    lt = tf_igettimeunit(inst);
    io_printf("\ttf_gettimeunit(inst)\t\t-> %d\n", (int)lt);

    lt = tf_igettimeunit(0);
    io_printf("\ttf_gettimeunit(0)\t\t-> %d\n", (int)lt);

    return 0;