const Vector& ElastomericBearingBoucWen2d::getResistingForceIncInertia()
    // this already includes damping forces from materials
    theVector = this->getResistingForce();
    // subtract external load
    theVector.addVector(1.0, theLoad, -1.0);
    // add the damping forces from rayleigh damping
    if (addRayleigh == 1)  {
        if (alphaM != 0.0 || betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
            theVector.addVector(1.0, this->getRayleighDampingForces(), 1.0);
    // add inertia forces from element mass
    if (mass != 0.0)  {
        const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
        const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();
        double m = 0.5*mass;
        for (int i=0; i<2; i++)  {
            theVector(i)   += m * accel1(i);
            theVector(i+3) += m * accel2(i);
    return theVector;
const Vector &
  // Compute the current resisting force
  theVector = this->getResistingForce();

  // Check for a quick return
  if (rho != 0.0) {
    const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();
    double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
    double m = 0.5*rho*L;
    theVector(0) += m*accel1(0);
    theVector(1) += m*accel1(1);
    theVector(3) += m*accel2(0);
    theVector(4) += m*accel2(1);
    // add the damping forces if rayleigh damping
    if (alphaM != 0.0 || betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
      theVector += this->getRayleighDampingForces();

  } else {
    // add the damping forces if rayleigh damping
    if (betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
      theVector += this->getRayleighDampingForces();

  return theVector;
Exemple #3
int SingleFPSimple2d::getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInfo)
    double MpDelta1, MpDelta2;

	switch (responseID)  {
	case 1:  // global forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getResistingForce());
	case 2:  // local forces
        // determine resisting forces in local system
        theVector = Tlb^qb;
        // add P-Delta moments
        MpDelta1 = qb(0)*(ul(4)-ul(1));
        theVector(2) += MpDelta1;
        MpDelta2 = qb(0)*(1.0 - shearDistI)*L*ul(5);
        theVector(2) -= MpDelta2;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta2;
        return eleInfo.setVector(theVector);
	case 3:  // basic forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(qb);
	case 4:  // local displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ul);
	case 5:  // basic displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ub);
		return -1;
Exemple #4
const Vector& EEBeamColumn2d::getResistingForceIncInertia()
    // this already includes damping forces from specimen
    theVector = this->getResistingForce();

    // add the damping forces from rayleigh damping
    if (addRayleigh == 1)  {
        if (alphaM != 0.0 || betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
            theVector.addVector(1.0, this->getRayleighDampingForces(), 1.0);

    // add inertia forces from element mass
    if (L != 0.0 && rho != 0.0)  {
        const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
        const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();

        double m = 0.5*rho*L;
        theVector(0) += m * accel1(0);
        theVector(1) += m * accel1(1);
        theVector(3) += m * accel2(0);
        theVector(4) += m * accel2(1);

    return theVector;
Exemple #5
const Vector& SingleFPSimple2d::getResistingForceIncInertia()
    // this already includes damping forces from materials
	theVector = this->getResistingForce();
	// add the damping forces from rayleigh damping
    if (addRayleigh == 1)  {
        if (alphaM != 0.0 || betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
            theVector += this->getRayleighDampingForces();
	// add inertia forces from element mass
	if (mass != 0.0)  {
		const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
		const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();    
		double m = 0.5*mass;
		for (int i=0; i<2; i++)  {
			theVector(i)   += m * accel1(i);
			theVector(i+3) += m * accel2(i);
	return theVector;
Exemple #6
const Vector& EEBearing3d::getResistingForceIncInertia()
    // this already includes damping forces from specimen
    theVector = this->getResistingForce();
    // add the damping forces from rayleigh damping
    if (addRayleigh == 1)  {
        if (alphaM != 0.0 || betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
            theVector.addVector(1.0, this->getRayleighDampingForces(), 1.0);
    // add inertia forces from element mass
    if (mass != 0.0)  {
        const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
        const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();
        double m = 0.5*mass;
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)  {
            theVector(i)   += m * accel1(i);
            theVector(i+6) += m * accel2(i);
    return theVector;
Exemple #7
const Vector &
  for (int i=0; i<4 ; i++)
	  theVector(i) = trans(0,i)*Tforce;

  return theVector;
const Vector& YamamotoBiaxialHDR::getResistingForceIncInertia()
  theVector = this->getResistingForce();
  // add the damping forces if rayleigh damping
  if (alphaM != 0.0 || betaK != 0.0 || betaK0 != 0.0 || betaKc != 0.0)
    theVector += this->getRayleighDampingForces();
  // now include the mass portion
  if (mass != 0.0)  {
    const Vector &accel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialAccel();
    const Vector &accel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialAccel();    
    double m = 0.5*mass;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  {
      theVector(i)   += m * accel1(i);
      theVector(i+3) += m * accel2(i);
  return theVector;
Exemple #9
int EEBeamColumn2d::getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInfo)
    double L = theCoordTransf->getInitialLength();
    double alpha;
    static Vector qA(3);

    switch (responseID)  {
    case 1:  // global forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getResistingForce());

    case 2:  // local forces
        /* transform forces from basic sys B to basic sys A (linear)
        qA(0) = (*qDaq)[0];
        qA(1) = -L*(*qDaq)[1] - (*qDaq)[2];
        qA(2) = (*qDaq)[2];*/

        // transform forces from basic sys B to basic sys A (nonlinear)
        alpha = atan2((*db)[1],L+(*db)[0]);
        qA(0) = cos(alpha)*(*qDaq)[0] + sin(alpha)*(*qDaq)[1];
        qA(1) = (*db)[1]*(*qDaq)[0] - (L+(*db)[0])*(*qDaq)[1] - (*qDaq)[2];
        qA(2) = (*qDaq)[2];

        // Axial
        theVector(0) = -qA(0) + pA0[0];
        theVector(3) =  qA(0);
        // Shear
        theVector(1) =  (qA(1)+qA(2))/L + pA0[1];
        theVector(4) = -(qA(1)+qA(2))/L + pA0[2];
        // Moment
        theVector(2) =  qA(1);
        theVector(5) =  qA(2);

        return eleInfo.setVector(theVector);

    case 3:  // forces in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(*qDaq);

    case 4:  // ctrl displacements in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(dbCtrl);

    case 5:  // ctrl velocities in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(vbCtrl);

    case 6:  // ctrl accelerations in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(abCtrl);

    case 7:  // daq displacements in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getBasicDisp());

    case 8:  // daq velocities in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getBasicVel());

    case 9:  // daq accelerations in basic system B
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getBasicAccel());

        return -1;
int ElastomericBearingBoucWen2d::getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInfo)
    double kGeo1, MpDelta1, MpDelta2, MpDelta3;
    switch (responseID)  {
    case 1:  // global forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getResistingForce());
    case 2:  // local forces
        // determine resisting forces in local system
        theVector.addMatrixTransposeVector(0.0, Tlb, qb, 1.0);
        // add P-Delta moments
        kGeo1 = 0.5*qb(0);
        MpDelta1 = kGeo1*(ul(4)-ul(1));
        theVector(2) += MpDelta1;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta1;
        MpDelta2 = kGeo1*shearDistI*L*ul(2);
        theVector(2) += MpDelta2;
        theVector(5) -= MpDelta2;
        MpDelta3 = kGeo1*(1.0 - shearDistI)*L*ul(5);
        theVector(2) -= MpDelta3;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta3;
        return eleInfo.setVector(theVector);
    case 3:  // basic forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(qb);
    case 4:  // local displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ul);
    case 5:  // basic displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ub);
    case 6:  // hysteretic evolution parameter
        return eleInfo.setDouble(z);
    case 7:  // dzdu
        return eleInfo.setDouble(dzdu);
    case 8:  // basic stiffness
        return eleInfo.setDouble(kb(1,1));
        return -1;
Exemple #11
vector3df Camera::ProjectToSphere(vector2df ndc)
	vector3df theVector(ndc.x, ndc.y, 0.0f);
    float theLength = ndc.length();

    // If the mouse coordinate lies outside the sphere
    // choose the closest point on the sphere by 
    // setting z to zero and renomalizing
    if (theLength >= 1.0f)
        theVector.x /= (float)sqrt(theLength);
        theVector.y /= (float)sqrt(theLength);
        theVector.z = 1.0f - theLength;
	//D3DXVec3Normalize(&theVector, &theVector);
    return theVector;
int ElastomericBearing2d::getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInfo)
    double kGeo1, MpDelta1, MpDelta2, MpDelta3;
    switch (responseID)  {
    case 1:  // global forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getResistingForce());
    case 2:  // local forces
        // determine resisting forces in local system
        theVector = Tlb^qb;
        // add P-Delta moments
        kGeo1 = 0.5*qb(0);
        MpDelta1 = kGeo1*(ul(4)-ul(1));
        theVector(2) += MpDelta1;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta1;
        MpDelta2 = kGeo1*shearDistI*L*ul(2);
        theVector(2) += MpDelta2;
        theVector(5) -= MpDelta2;
        MpDelta3 = kGeo1*(1.0 - shearDistI)*L*ul(5);
        theVector(2) -= MpDelta3;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta3;
        return eleInfo.setVector(theVector);
    case 3:  // basic forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(qb);
    case 4:  // local displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ul);
    case 5:  // basic displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ub);
        return -1;
ElasticForceBeamColumn2d::Print(OPS_Stream &s, int flag)
  static Vector Se(NEBD);
  static Vector vp(NEBD);
  static Matrix fe(NEBD,NEBD);

  if (flag == 2) {

    s << "#ElasticForceBeamColumn2D\n";

    const Vector &node1Crd = theNodes[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &node2Crd = theNodes[1]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &node1Disp = theNodes[0]->getDisp();
    const Vector &node2Disp = theNodes[1]->getDisp();    
    s << "#NODE " << node1Crd(0) << " " << node1Crd(1) 
      << " " << node1Disp(0) << " " << node1Disp(1) << " " << node1Disp(2) << endln;
    s << "#NODE " << node2Crd(0) << " " << node2Crd(1) 
      << " " << node2Disp(0) << " " << node2Disp(1) << " " << node2Disp(2) << endln;

    double P  = Se(0);
    double M1 = Se(1);
    double M2 = Se(2);
    double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
    double V = (M1+M2)/L;
    double p0[3]; p0[0] = 0.0; p0[1] = 0.0; p0[2] = 0.0;
    if (numEleLoads > 0)

    s << "#END_FORCES " << -P+p0[0] << " " << V+p0[1] << " " << M1 << endln;
    s << "#END_FORCES " << P << " " << -V+p0[2] << " " << M2 << endln;

    // plastic hinge rotation
    vp = crdTransf->getBasicTrialDisp();
    vp.addMatrixVector(1.0, fe, Se, -1.0);
    s << "#PLASTIC_HINGE_ROTATION " << vp[1] << " " << vp[2] << " " << 0.1*L << " " << 0.1*L << endln;
    // allocate array of vectors to store section coordinates and displacements
    static int maxNumSections = 0;
    static Vector *coords = 0;
    static Vector *displs = 0;
    if (maxNumSections < numSections) {
      if (coords != 0) 
	delete [] coords;
      if (displs != 0)
	delete [] displs;
      coords = new Vector [numSections];
      displs = new Vector [numSections];
      if (!coords) {
	opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::Print() -- failed to allocate coords array";   
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
	coords[i] = Vector(NDM);
      if (!displs) {
	opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::Print() -- failed to allocate coords array";   
      for (i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
	displs[i] = Vector(NDM);
      maxNumSections = numSections;
    // compute section location & displacements
    this->compSectionDisplacements(coords, displs);
    // spit out the section location & invoke print on the scetion
    for (int i=0; i<numSections; i++) {
      s << "#SECTION " << (coords[i])(0) << " " << (coords[i])(1);       
      s << " " << (displs[i])(0) << " " << (displs[i])(1) << endln;
      sections[i]->Print(s, flag); 
  } else {

    s << "\nElement: " << this->getTag() << " Type: ElasticForceBeamColumn2d ";
    s << "\tConnected Nodes: " << connectedExternalNodes ;
    s << "\tNumber of Sections: " << numSections;
    s << "\tMass density: " << rho << endln;
    beamIntegr->Print(s, flag);
    crdTransf->Print(s, flag);

    double P  = Se(0);
    double M1 = Se(1);
    double M2 = Se(2);
    double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
    double V = (M1+M2)/L;
    theVector(1) = V;
    theVector(4) = -V;
    double p0[3]; p0[0] = 0.0; p0[1] = 0.0; p0[2] = 0.0;
    if (numEleLoads > 0)

    s << "\tEnd 1 Forces (P V M): " << -P+p0[0] << " " << V+p0[1] << " " << M1 << endln;
    s << "\tEnd 2 Forces (P V M): " << P << " " << -V+p0[2] << " " << M2 << endln;
    if (flag == 1) { 
      for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
	s << "\numSections "<<i<<" :" << *sections[i];
ElasticForceBeamColumn2d::getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInfo)
  static Vector Se(NEBD);
  static Vector vp(NEBD);
  static Matrix fe(NEBD,NEBD);

  if (responseID == 1)
    return eleInfo.setVector(this->getResistingForce());
  else if (responseID == 2) {
    double p0[3]; p0[0] = 0.0; p0[1] = 0.0; p0[2] = 0.0;
    if (numEleLoads > 0)
    theVector(3) =  Se(0);
    theVector(0) = -Se(0)+p0[0];
    theVector(2) = Se(1);
    theVector(5) = Se(2);
    double V = (Se(1)+Se(2))/crdTransf->getInitialLength();
    theVector(1) =  V+p0[1];
    theVector(4) = -V+p0[2];
    return eleInfo.setVector(theVector);

  // Chord rotation
  else if (responseID == 7) {
    return eleInfo.setVector(Se);
  // Chord rotation
  else if (responseID == 3) {
    vp = crdTransf->getBasicTrialDisp();
    return eleInfo.setVector(vp);

  // Plastic rotation
  else if (responseID == 4) {
    vp = crdTransf->getBasicTrialDisp();
    vp.addMatrixVector(1.0, fe, Se, -1.0);
    return eleInfo.setVector(vp);

  // Point of inflection
  else if (responseID == 5) {
    double LI = 0.0;
    if (fabs(Se(1)+Se(2)) > DBL_EPSILON) {
      double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
      LI = Se(1)/(Se(1)+Se(2))*L;

    return eleInfo.setDouble(LI);

  else if (responseID == 7) {
    return eleInfo.setVector(Se);
  else if (responseID == 10) {
    double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
    double pts[maxNumSections];
    beamIntegr->getSectionLocations(numSections, L, pts);
    Vector locs(numSections);
    for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
      locs(i) = pts[i]*L;
    return eleInfo.setVector(locs);

  else if (responseID == 11) {
    double L = crdTransf->getInitialLength();
    double wts[maxNumSections];
    beamIntegr->getSectionWeights(numSections, L, wts);
    Vector weights(numSections);
    for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
      weights(i) = wts[i]*L;
    return eleInfo.setVector(weights);

    return -1;