Exemple #1
void PackUnix::unpack(OutputFile *fo)
    unsigned const szb_info = sizeof(b_info);

    unsigned c_adler = upx_adler32(NULL, 0);
    unsigned u_adler = upx_adler32(NULL, 0);

    // defaults for ph.version == 8
    unsigned orig_file_size = 0;
    blocksize = 512 * 1024;

    fi->seek(overlay_offset, SEEK_SET);
    if (ph.version > 8)
        p_info hbuf;
        fi->readx(&hbuf, sizeof(hbuf));
        orig_file_size = get_te32(&hbuf.p_filesize);
        blocksize = get_te32(&hbuf.p_blocksize);

        if (file_size > (off_t)orig_file_size || blocksize > orig_file_size)
            throwCantUnpack("file header corrupted");
        // skip 4 bytes (program id)
        fi->seek(4, SEEK_CUR);

    if ((int)(blocksize + OVERHEAD) < 0)
        throwCantUnpack("blocksize corrupted");
    ibuf.alloc(blocksize + OVERHEAD);

    // decompress blocks
    unsigned total_in = 0;
    unsigned total_out = 0;
    b_info bhdr; memset(&bhdr, 0, sizeof(bhdr));
    for (;;)
#define buf ibuf
        int i;
        unsigned sz_unc, sz_cpr;

        fi->readx(&bhdr, szb_info);
        ph.u_len = sz_unc = get_te32(&bhdr.sz_unc);
        ph.c_len = sz_cpr = get_te32(&bhdr.sz_cpr);

        if (sz_unc == 0)                   // uncompressed size 0 -> EOF
            // note: must reload sz_cpr as magic is always stored le32
            sz_cpr = get_le32(&bhdr.sz_cpr);
            if (sz_cpr != UPX_MAGIC_LE32)  // sz_cpr must be h->magic
        if (sz_unc <= 0 || sz_cpr <= 0)
        if (sz_cpr > sz_unc || sz_unc > blocksize)

        i = blocksize + OVERHEAD - sz_cpr;
        if (i < 0)
            throwCantUnpack("corrupt b_info");
        fi->readx(buf+i, sz_cpr);
        // update checksum of compressed data
        c_adler = upx_adler32(buf + i, sz_cpr, c_adler);
        // decompress
        if (sz_cpr < sz_unc) {
            decompress(buf+i, buf, false);
            if (0!=bhdr.b_ftid) {
                Filter ft(ph.level);
                ft.cto = bhdr.b_cto8;
                ft.unfilter(buf, sz_unc);
            i = 0;
        // update checksum of uncompressed data
        u_adler = upx_adler32(buf + i, sz_unc, u_adler);
        total_in  += sz_cpr;
        total_out += sz_unc;
        // write block
        if (fo)
            fo->write(buf + i, sz_unc);
#undef buf

    // update header with totals
    ph.c_len = total_in;
    ph.u_len = total_out;

    // all bytes must be written
    if (ph.version > 8 && total_out != orig_file_size)

    // finally test the checksums
    if (ph.c_adler != c_adler || ph.u_adler != u_adler)
Exemple #2
void PackLinuxElf32x86interp::unpack(OutputFile *fo)
#define MAX_INTERP_HDR 512
    union {
        unsigned char buf[MAX_INTERP_HDR];
        //struct { Elf32_Ehdr ehdr; Elf32_Phdr phdr; } e;
    } u;
    Elf32_Ehdr *const ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *) u.buf;
    Elf32_Phdr const *phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *) (u.buf + sizeof(*ehdr));

    unsigned szb_info = sizeof(b_info);
        fi->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
        fi->readx(u.buf, MAX_INTERP_HDR);
        unsigned const e_entry = get_te32(&ehdr->e_entry);
        if (e_entry < 0x401180) { /* old style, 8-byte b_info */
            szb_info = 2*sizeof(unsigned);

    fi->seek(overlay_offset, SEEK_SET);
    p_info hbuf;
    fi->readx(&hbuf, sizeof(hbuf));
    unsigned orig_file_size = get_te32(&hbuf.p_filesize);
    blocksize = get_te32(&hbuf.p_blocksize);
    if (file_size > (off_t)orig_file_size || blocksize > orig_file_size)
        throwCantUnpack("file header corrupted");

    ibuf.alloc(blocksize + OVERHEAD);
    b_info bhdr; memset(&bhdr, 0, sizeof(bhdr));
    fi->readx(&bhdr, szb_info);
    ph.u_len = get_te32(&bhdr.sz_unc);
    ph.c_len = get_te32(&bhdr.sz_cpr);
    ph.filter_cto = bhdr.b_cto8;

    // Uncompress Ehdr and Phdrs.
    fi->readx(ibuf, ph.c_len);
    decompress(ibuf, (upx_byte *)ehdr, false);

    unsigned total_in = 0;
    unsigned total_out = 0;
    unsigned c_adler = upx_adler32(NULL, 0);
    unsigned u_adler = upx_adler32(NULL, 0);
    off_t ptload0hi=0, ptload1lo=0, ptload1sz=0;

    // decompress PT_LOAD
    bool first_PF_X = true;
    fi->seek(- (off_t) (szb_info + ph.c_len), SEEK_CUR);
    for (unsigned j=0; j < ehdr->e_phnum; ++phdr, ++j) {
        if (PT_LOAD==phdr->p_type) {
            if (0==ptload0hi) {
                ptload0hi = phdr->p_filesz + phdr->p_offset;
            else if (0==ptload1lo) {
                ptload1lo = phdr->p_offset;
                ptload1sz = phdr->p_filesz;
            if (fo)
                fo->seek(phdr->p_offset, SEEK_SET);
            if (Elf32_Phdr::PF_X & phdr->p_flags) {
                unpackExtent(phdr->p_filesz, fo, total_in, total_out,
                    c_adler, u_adler, first_PF_X, szb_info);
                first_PF_X = false;
            else {
                unpackExtent(phdr->p_filesz, fo, total_in, total_out,
                    c_adler, u_adler, false, szb_info);

    if (0!=ptload1sz && ptload0hi < ptload1lo) {  // alignment hole?
        if (fo)
            fo->seek(ptload0hi, SEEK_SET);
        unpackExtent(ptload1lo - ptload0hi, fo, total_in, total_out,
            c_adler, u_adler, false, szb_info);
    if (total_out != orig_file_size) {  // non-PT_LOAD stuff
        if (fo)
            fo->seek(0, SEEK_END);
        unpackExtent(orig_file_size - total_out, fo, total_in, total_out,
            c_adler, u_adler, false, szb_info);

    // check for end-of-file
    fi->readx(&bhdr, szb_info);
    unsigned const sz_unc = ph.u_len = get_te32(&bhdr.sz_unc);

    if (sz_unc == 0) { // uncompressed size 0 -> EOF
        // note: magic is always stored le32
        unsigned const sz_cpr = get_le32(&bhdr.sz_cpr);
        if (sz_cpr != UPX_MAGIC_LE32)  // sz_cpr must be h->magic
    else { // extra bytes after end?

    // update header with totals
    ph.c_len = total_in;
    ph.u_len = total_out;

    // all bytes must be written
    if (total_out != orig_file_size)

    // finally test the checksums
    if (ph.c_adler != c_adler || ph.u_adler != u_adler)
Exemple #3
int PackUnix::pack2(OutputFile *fo, Filter &ft)
    // compress blocks
    unsigned total_in = 0;
    unsigned total_out = 0;

// FIXME: ui_total_passes is not correct with multiple blocks...
//    ui_total_passes = (file_size + blocksize - 1) / blocksize;
//    if (ui_total_passes == 1)
//        ui_total_passes = 0;

    unsigned remaining = file_size;
    unsigned n_block = 0;
    while (remaining > 0)
        // FIXME: disable filters if we have more than one block.
        // FIXME: There is only 1 un-filter in the stub [as of 2002-11-10].
        // So the next block really has no choice!
        // This merely prevents an assert() in compressWithFilters(),
        // which assumes it has free choice on each call [block].
        // And if the choices aren't the same on each block,
        // then un-filtering will give incorrect results.
        int filter_strategy = getStrategy(ft);
        if (file_size > (off_t)blocksize)
            filter_strategy = -3;      // no filters

        int l = fi->readx(ibuf, UPX_MIN(blocksize, remaining));
        remaining -= l;

        // Note: compression for a block can fail if the
        //       file is e.g. blocksize + 1 bytes long

        // compress
        ph.overlap_overhead = 0;
        ph.c_len = ph.u_len = l;
        ft.buf_len = l;

        // compressWithFilters() updates u_adler _inside_ compress();
        // that is, AFTER filtering.  We want BEFORE filtering,
        // so that decompression checks the end-to-end checksum.
        unsigned const end_u_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.u_adler);
        compressWithFilters(&ft, OVERHEAD, NULL_cconf, filter_strategy,
            !!n_block++);  // check compression ratio only on first block

        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            const upx_bytep tbuf = NULL;
            if (ft.id == 0) tbuf = ibuf;
            ph.overlap_overhead = OVERHEAD;
            if (!testOverlappingDecompression(obuf, tbuf, ph.overlap_overhead)) {
                // not in-place compressible
                ph.c_len = ph.u_len;
        if (ph.c_len >= ph.u_len) {
            // block is not compressible
            ph.c_len = ph.u_len;
            // must manually update checksum of compressed data
            ph.c_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.saved_c_adler);

        // write block header
        b_info blk_info;
        memset(&blk_info, 0, sizeof(blk_info));
        set_te32(&blk_info.sz_unc, ph.u_len);
        set_te32(&blk_info.sz_cpr, ph.c_len);
        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            blk_info.b_method = (unsigned char) ph.method;
            blk_info.b_ftid = (unsigned char) ph.filter;
            blk_info.b_cto8 = (unsigned char) ph.filter_cto;
        fo->write(&blk_info, sizeof(blk_info));
        b_len += sizeof(b_info);

        // write compressed data
        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            fo->write(obuf, ph.c_len);
            verifyOverlappingDecompression();  // uses ph.u_adler
        else {
            fo->write(ibuf, ph.u_len);
        ph.u_adler = end_u_adler;

        total_in += ph.u_len;
        total_out += ph.c_len;

    // update header with totals
    ph.u_len = total_in;
    ph.c_len = total_out;

    if ((off_t)total_in != file_size) {

    return 1;  // default: write end-of-compression bhdr next