Exemple #1
QString Path::thumbnail(const QString& image, qreal pixelratio)
	QString pixel;
	if (pixelratio > 1.0) {
		pixel = QString("@%1x").arg(pixelratio);
	return thumbnails() + image + pixel + ".png";
Exemple #2
void Interface::thumbnail(const KUrl& url, int size)
    thumbnails(KUrl::List() << url, size);
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "cstester", 0, KLocalizedString(), 0, KLocalizedString());

    KCmdLineOptions options;
    options.add("create", ki18n("create verification data for file"));
    options.add("indir <dir>", ki18n("directory to read the data from"));
    options.add("outdir <dir>", ki18n("directory to save the data to"));
    options.add("roundtrip", ki18n("load/save/load and check the document is the same after load and save/load"));
    options.add("verbose", ki18n("be verbose"));
    options.add("!verify", ki18n("verify the file"));
    options.add( "+file", ki18n("file to use"));

    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
    bool create = false;
    bool roundtrip = false;
    bool verify = false;
    int optionCount = 0;

    if (args->isSet("create")) {
        create = true;
    if (args->isSet("roundtrip")) {
        roundtrip = true;
    if (args->isSet("verify")) {
        verify = true;

    if (optionCount > 1) {
        kError() << "create, roundtrip and verify cannot be used the same time";
    else if (optionCount < 1) {
        kError() << "one of the options create, roundtrip or verify needs to be specified";

    QString outDir;
    if (args->isSet("outdir")) {
        // check if it is a directory
        QDir dir(args->getOption("outdir"));
        if (!dir.exists()) {
            kError() << "outdir" << args->getOption("outdir") << "does not exist";
        outDir = dir.path();

    QString inDir;
    if (args->isSet("indir")) {
        // check if it is a directory
        QDir dir(args->getOption("indir"));
        if (!dir.exists()) {
            kError() << "indir" << args->getOption("indir") << "does not exist";
        inDir = dir.path();

    bool verbose = args->isSet("verbose");

    int exitValue = 0;

    int successful = 0;
    int failed = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < args->count(); ++i) {
        QString filename(args->arg(i));
        QFileInfo file(filename);
        QString checkDir;
        if (!args->isSet("indir")) {
            checkDir = filename + ".check";
        else {
            checkDir = inDir + '/' + file.fileName() + ".check";

        // this is wrong for multiple files in different dirs
        if (!args->isSet("outdir")) {
            outDir = file.path();

        qDebug() << "filename" << filename << "path" << file.path() << file.completeBaseName() << checkDir << file.absoluteFilePath();
        qDebug() << "inDir" << inDir << "outDir" << outDir << "checkDir" << checkDir;

        // filename must be a absolute path
        KoDocument* document = openFile(file.absoluteFilePath());
        if (!document) {

        QList<QImage> thumbnails(createThumbnails(document, QSize(800,800)));

        qDebug() << "created" << thumbnails.size() << "thumbnails";
        if (create) {
            saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir);
        else if (verify) {
            if (args->isSet("outdir")) {
                saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir);
            if (checkThumbnails(thumbnails, checkDir, verbose)) {
            else {
                exitValue = 2;
        else if (roundtrip) {
            QString rFilename = saveFile(document, filename, "cstester-roundtrip");
            delete document;
            QFileInfo rFile(rFilename);
            qDebug() << roundtrip << "rFilename" << rFilename << rFile.absoluteFilePath();
            document = openFile(rFile.absoluteFilePath());
            QList<QImage> others(createThumbnails(document, QSize(800,800)));
            if (args->isSet("outdir")) {
                saveThumbnails(file, others, outDir);
                saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir + "/before");
            if (checkThumbnails(thumbnails, others, verbose)) {
            else {
                exitValue = 2;
        delete document;

    if (verify || roundtrip) {
        qDebug() << "Totals:" << successful << "passed" << failed << "failed";

    QTimer::singleShot(1, &app, SLOT(quit()));
    return exitValue;