int main() { // Processor Initialization SetupClock(); SwitchClocks(); SetupPorts(); sclockSetup(); LED_1 = 1; LED_2 = 1; LED_3 = 1; // Message Passing fun_queue = carrayCreate(FUN_Q_LEN); cmdSetup(); // Radio setup radioInit(RADIO_RXPQ_MAX_SIZE, RADIO_TXPQ_MAX_SIZE); radioSetChannel(RADIO_CHANNEL); radioSetSrcAddr(RADIO_SRC_ADDR); radioSetSrcPanID(RADIO_PAN_ID); uart_tx_packet = NULL; uart_tx_flag = 0; //uartInit(&cmdPushFunc); tactileInit(); // Need delay for encoders to be ready delay_ms(100); amsEncoderSetup(); mpuSetup(); tiHSetup(); dfmemSetup(); telemSetup(); adcSetup(); pidSetup(); LED_1 = 0; LED_3 = 1; while(1){ // Send outgoing radio packets radioProcess(); /* // Send outgoing uart packets if(uart_tx_flag) { uartSendPacket(uart_tx_packet); uart_tx_flag = 0; }*/ checkTactileBuffer(); // move received packets to function queue while (!radioRxQueueEmpty()) { // Check for unprocessed packet rx_packet = radioDequeueRxPacket(); if(rx_packet != NULL) { cmdPushFunc(rx_packet); } } // process commands from function queue while(!carrayIsEmpty(fun_queue)) { rx_packet = carrayPopHead(fun_queue); unsigned int rx_src_addr = rx_packet->src_addr.val; if(rx_packet != NULL) { rx_payload = macGetPayload(rx_packet); if(rx_payload != NULL) { rx_function = (test_function)(rx_payload->test); if(rx_function != NULL) { LED_2 = ~LED_2; (rx_function)(payGetType(rx_payload), payGetStatus(rx_payload), payGetDataLength(rx_payload), payGetData(rx_payload), rx_src_addr); } } ppoolReturnFullPacket(rx_packet); } } } return 0; }
int main(void) { wakeTime = 0; dcCounter = 0; WordVal src_addr_init = {RADIO_SRC_ADDR}; WordVal src_pan_id_init = {RADIO_SRC_PAN_ID}; WordVal dst_addr_init = {RADIO_DST_ADDR}; SetupClock(); SwitchClocks(); SetupPorts(); tiHSetup(); //swatchSetup(); radioInit(src_addr_init, src_pan_id_init, RADIO_RXPQ_MAX_SIZE, RADIO_TXPQ_MAX_SIZE); radioSetChannel(RADIO_CHANNEL); //Set to my channel macSetDestAddr(dst_addr_init); cmdSetup(); if(phyGetState() == 0x16) { LED_RED = 1; } while(1){ cmdHandleRadioRxBuffer(); } LED_GREEN = 0; LED_RED = 1; LED_YELLOW = 1; _LATG9 = 1; _LATC15 = 1; //testRadio(); /* LED_GREEN = 1; mpuSetup(); LED_GREEN = 0; LED_RED = 1; LED_YELLOW = 1; //batSetup(); //int old_ipl; //mSET_AND_SAVE_CPU_IP(old_ipl, 1) //LED_YELLOW = 1; //dfmemSetup(); //xlSetup(); //gyroSetup(); //tiHSetup(); //mcSetup(); //cmdSetup(); //adcSetup(); //telemSetup(); //Timer 5 //mcSetDutyCycle(1,70.0); //mcSetDutyCycle(2,70.0); //mcSetDutyCycle(3,70.0); //mcSetDutyCycle(4,70.0); #ifdef HALL_SENSORS //hallSetup(); // Timer 1, Timer 2 //hallSteeringSetup(); //doesn't exist yet #else //No hall sensors, standard BEMF control //legCtrlSetup(); // Timer 1 //steeringSetup(); //Timer 5 #endif //tailCtrlSetup(); //ovcamSetup(); /* //radioReadTrxId(id); LED_RED = 1; //Red is use an "alive" indicator LED_GREEN = 0; LED_YELLOW = 0; //tiHSetFloat(1,50.0); //tiHSetFloat(2,75.0); //tiHSetup(); //LED_GREEN = 1; //tiHSetFloat(1,.800); //LED_YELLOW = 1; //Radio startup verification //if(phyGetState() == 0x16) { LED_GREEN = 1; } //Sleeping and low power options //_VREGS = 1; //gyroSleep(); //tiHSetFloat(1,98.0); //tiHSetFloat(2,30.0); //tiHSetFloat(3,99.0); //tiHSetFloat(4,99.0); LED_GREEN = 0; LED_RED = 0; LED_YELLOW = 1; int i = 0; while (1) { delay_ms(2000); int i = i+1; LED_GREEN = i%2; // cmdHandleRadioRxBuffer(); #ifndef __DEBUG //Idle will not work with debug //Simple idle: if (radioIsRxQueueEmpty()) { Idle(); //_T1IE = 0; } #endif //delay_ms(1000); //cmdEcho(0, 1 , (unsigned char*)(&i) ); //i++; //if(radioIsRxQueueEmpty() && (t1_ticks >= wakeTime + 5000) ){ //Idle(); //LED_RED = 0; //gyroSleep(); //Sleep(); //} } /* if(g_radio_duty_cycle){ if(dcCounter == 0){ //LED_GREEN = 1; atSetRXAACKON(); }else{ //LED_GREEN = 0; atSetTRXOFF(); } } else{ //LED_GREEN = 1; } dcCounter = (dcCounter + 1) % 8; if(radioIsRxQueueEmpty() && !inMotion){ //gyroSleep(); LED_RED = 0; _SWDTEN = 1; //restart wdt Sleep(); //Idle(); } //should be asleep here, waiting for WTD wakeup ClrWdt(); //clear wdt _SWDTEN = 0; //software disable wdt LED_RED = 1; //spin up clock if(_COSC != 0b010){ while(OSCCONbits.LOCK!=1); } //gyroWake(); } } void testRadio(void) { //designed to be used with //test should produce many echoes that cycle through the ASCII characters //comment out all code in main and use test Radio to test the radio only. //This code does not initialize non-radio-nessisary components. wakeTime = 0; dcCounter = 0; WordVal src_addr_init = {RADIO_SRC_ADDR}; WordVal src_pan_id_init = {RADIO_SRC_PAN_ID}; WordVal dst_addr_init = {RADIO_DST_ADDR}; SetupClock(); SwitchClocks(); SetupPorts(); int old_ipl; mSET_AND_SAVE_CPU_IP(old_ipl, 1) swatchSetup(); radioInit(src_addr_init, src_pan_id_init, RADIO_RXPQ_MAX_SIZE, RADIO_TXPQ_MAX_SIZE); radioSetChannel(RADIO_CHANNEL); //Set to my channel macSetDestAddr(dst_addr_init); cmdSetup(); LED_GREEN = ON; int i = 0; while (1) { i++; cmdHandleRadioRxBuffer(); } LED_RED = OFF; }*/ }
int main(void) { //wakeTime = 0; //dcCounter = 0; // Processor Initialization SetupClock(); SwitchClocks(); SetupPorts(); sclockSetup(); LED_1 = 0; LED_2 = 0; LED_3 = 0; cmdSetup(); radioInit(RADIO_TXPQ_MAX_SIZE, RADIO_RXPQ_MAX_SIZE); radioSetChannel(RADIO_CHANNEL); radioSetSrcPanID(RADIO_PAN_ID); radioSetSrcAddr(RADIO_SRC_ADDR); dfmemSetup(); uint64_t id = dfmemGetUnqiueID(); telemSetup(); //Timer 5, HW priority 4 mpuSetup(); imuSetup(); //Timer 4, HW priority 3 tiHSetup(); adcSetup(); //AMS Encoders //encSetup(); //"Open Loop" vibration & jitter generator, AP 2014 //olVibeSetup(); legCtrlSetup(); //Timer 1, HW priority 5 steeringSetup(); //Timer 5, HW priority 4 //Tail control is a special case //tailCtrlSetup(); //Camera is untested with current code base, AP 12/6/2012 //ovcamSetup(); LED_RED = 1; //Red is use an "alive" indicator LED_GREEN = 0; LED_YELLOW = 0; //Radio startup verification //if (phyGetState() == 0x16) { // LED_GREEN = 1; //} //Sleeping and low power options //_VREGS = 1; //gyroSleep(); /////FUNCTION TEST, NOT FOR PRODUCTION //olVibeStart(); //////////////////// while (1) { cmdHandleRadioRxBuffer(); radioProcess(); } }