static void help( ctmbstr prog ) { printf( "%s [option...] [file...] [option...] [file...]\n", prog ); printf( "Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML\n"); printf( "See\n"); printf( "\n"); #ifdef PLATFORM_NAME printf( "Options for HTML Tidy for %s released on %s:\n", PLATFORM_NAME, tidyReleaseDate() ); #else printf( "Options for HTML Tidy released on %s:\n", tidyReleaseDate() ); #endif printf( "\n"); print_help_option(); printf( "Use --optionX valueX for any configuration option \"optionX\" with argument\n" "\"valueX\". For a list of the configuration options, use \"-help-config\" or refer\n" "to the man page.\n\n"); printf( "Input/Output default to stdin/stdout respectively.\n"); printf( "Single letter options apart from -f may be combined\n"); printf( "as in: tidy -f errs.txt -imu foo.html\n"); printf( "For further info on HTML see\n"); printf( "\n"); }
static void version( void ) { #ifdef PLATFORM_NAME printf( "HTML Tidy for %s released on %s\n", PLATFORM_NAME, tidyReleaseDate() ); #else printf( "HTML Tidy released on %s\n", tidyReleaseDate() ); #endif }
static void XMLoptionhelp( TidyDoc tdoc ) { printf( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" "<config version=\"%s\">\n", tidyReleaseDate()); ForEachOption( tdoc, printXMLOption ); printf( "</config>\n" ); }
static void xml_help( void ) { printf( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" "<cmdline version=\"%s\">\n", tidyReleaseDate()); print_xml_help_option(); printf( "</cmdline>\n" ); }
/* {{{ proto string tidy_get_release() Get release date (version) for Tidy library */ static PHP_FUNCTION(tidy_get_release) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_STRING((char *)tidyReleaseDate()); }
static PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(tidy) { php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_header(2, "Tidy support", "enabled"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "libTidy Release", (char *)tidyReleaseDate()); php_info_print_table_row(2, "Extension Version", PHP_TIDY_VERSION " ($Id: 7a4a7e7d6a3b11be5f7a6f87e82eda4723a0208f $)"); php_info_print_table_end(); DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES(); }
static PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(tidy) { php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_header(2, "Tidy support", "enabled"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "libTidy Release", (char *)tidyReleaseDate()); php_info_print_table_row(2, "Extension Version", PHP_TIDY_VERSION " ($Id: cdda540586e209c347c9a8c68fc07bbc615d8435 $)"); php_info_print_table_end(); DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES(); }
// Tidy changed TidyBodyOnly type from bool to int at 2007-05-24. // Returns true when a new version (int) is found bool isTidyWithIntBodyOnlyCheck() { QString releaseDateStr(tidyReleaseDate()); int yearPos = releaseDateStr.indexOf(QRegExp(" [0-9]{4}")); if (yearPos != -1) releaseDateStr = releaseDateStr.left(yearPos + 5); QDate releaseDate = QLocale::c().toDate(releaseDateStr, "d MMMM yyyy"); if (releaseDate.isNull()) releaseDate = QLocale::c().toDate(releaseDateStr, "yyyy/MM/dd"); QDate changeDate = QLocale::c().toDate("24 May 2007", "d MMMM yyyy"); bool isNewer = releaseDate > changeDate; #ifdef DEBUG_MARKUP qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] tidy release date:" << releaseDate.toString(Qt::ISODate); qDebug() << "\n[DEBUG] use API with new TidyBodyOnly as int :" << isNewer; #endif return isNewer; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { TidyIterator pos; TidyDoc tdoc; int count; count = 0; tdoc = tidyCreate(); pos = tidyGetOptionList( tdoc ); test (pos != 0, & count, "got a tdoc"); while (1) { TidyOption to; TidyOptionType tot; const char * name; const char * option_default; int option_default_int; Bool option_default_bool; to = tidyGetNextOption(tdoc, &pos); if (to == 0) { break; } name = tidyOptGetName(to); test(name != 0, &count, "name is not null"); tot = tidyOptGetType(to); if (name) { test(is_short_ascii_no_ws(name), &count, "name looks OK"); printf("# %s %d\n", name, tot); } switch (tot) { case TidyString: test(1, &count, "got a good opt type"); option_default = tidyOptGetDefault(to); //null seems to be allowed. //test (option_default != 0, & count, "string default is not null"); if (option_default) { test(is_short_ascii_no_ws(option_default), &count, "looks like a reasonable default string"); printf("# %s default value is '%s'.\n", name, option_default); } break; case TidyInteger: test(1, &count, "got a good opt type"); option_default_int = tidyOptGetDefaultInt(to); test(abs(option_default_int) < crazy_number, &count, "default number doesn't look strange"); printf("# Integer type default value %d\n", option_default_int); break; case TidyBoolean: test(1, &count, "got a good opt type"); option_default_bool = tidyOptGetDefaultInt(to); test(option_default_bool == 0 || option_default_bool == 1, &count, "boolean default is 0 or 1"); printf("# boolean = %d\n", option_default_bool); break; default: test(0, &count, "got a good opt type"); printf("# Unknown value for option type %d.\n", tot); } } // TAP plan printf ("1..%d\n", count); printf("\nTest used libtidy version %s, dated %s\n", tidyLibraryVersion(), tidyReleaseDate()); if (argc > 1) { printf("\n Note this `test-get-options` app v.%s, date %s, does not take any commands!\n", TT_VERSION, TT_DATE); show_help(); return 1; } return 0; }